Married To The Enemy by Rachel Burns

Chapter 8 ~ Sofie Von Tirol

The next morning, I was forced to share a chamber pot with the Lion because I couldn’t hold it in any longer. He felt no shame peeing in the pot after I had, but he laughed as I relieved myself.

I wasn’t given water to wash, but the Lion was. He enjoyed his water very much, probably because he knew how much I wanted to wash. I needed a bath, and a chance to wash my hair and clean my clothing.

He dressed in a fine outfit with his squire and two manservants helping him into a light blue tunic with mustard-colored beads, forming a lion.

We went down to break our fast, and again I was seated next to the Lion, and I was given food to eat. The same food that the Lion ate.

He wanted me to drink out of the same cup as he did, but I couldn’t touch it, knowing that it had been made with silver from my rich country. It had been my father’s cup. I saw several things that had been stolen from my father’s castle in the dining hall. He had them brought here to enjoy. Things that had been gifts from people passing through our country were now his. In my mind, that made him a thieving pirate.

Come along. I have something that I want you to see. I want to show you exactly what greed will get you,” he told me, standing up.

Greed?” I asked him, puzzled by his choice of words. He was the one who had stolen from us. The proof was spread around on the tables. My favorite glass with the silver lining on the rim was in a lady’s hand a few seats away from me.

You never say my lord when you talk to me. Why not?” he asked. I could see that he was curious.

You don’t deserve my respect. You attacked us and killed innocent people. Their blood is on your hands.” I explained, truthfully.

He gave me a mock smile. “Even in defeat you grasp to your lies. Don’t worry. I know how I can save your soul. By the day you die, you’ll be an honest woman. I ensure you.”

I am an honest woman, and you’re not my lord. You’re only the man who killed the people I loved.” I had to look away from him. I knew that I was risking his rage, but I couldn’t lie about what had happened to my family. I owed it to them to be loyal.

I want to show you something.” He grabbed onto my arm and lifted me to my feet. I hated that he was always pulling my body up against his.

He stormed out of the hall, still holding onto my arm. I had to run to keep up with him. He dragged me up to the wall. We walked along it until we came to the middle, to the area above the front gate, which we had entered through yesterday.

I saw my father’s, my brother’s, and my sweet husband’s heads rotting on spikes. Tears spilled from my eyes as I quietly sob unable to breathe. I fell to my knees.

Why had Frederick been so eager to go to war? I had known that this would happen. I felt it in my heart. I should have warned him, told him not to go. He had been so young.

The three men who should have protected me were gone, and I was with their murderer.

This is what will happen to you if you do not agree to marry me. Our marriage will stop further bloodshed. Your people and those of your dead husband will lay down their weapons and return to their homes. They’ll live on. It’s the only way to stop bloodshed. Will you do it? Will you put the lives of your people ahead of yourself, or will you be the selfish bitch I know you to be?” He stared me down.

I shook my head as I thought about the possibilities. Marrying the Lion was exactly what my father wanted to avoid. “I think I’d rather die than marry you.” I said before I could think. The idea was just so appalling.

He pursed his lips as he stared me down. “Bring the boy here,” he said through gritted teeth.

His men brought a struggling man forward. He had dried blood on the side of his face.

Marcus, you’re alive,” I declared when I saw him closer.

Yes, my lady. I am.” Marcus looked terrible. They hadn’t been treating him well.

Tell him. Tell him that you can save his family, his countrymen, and yours, but that you are refusing. Should I kill him? Should he be the first one to die, while you watch?” the Lion taunted me.

No, he’s only a child.” I shook my head and dropped to my knees in front of the Lion. “I’ll marry you. I’ll do it to save my people. My life for theirs.”

I do believe that’s the first time in your life that an unselfish word has passed your lips.” He turned away from me. “We’ll wed in the morning. Lock her in the dungeon until the wedding.”

Men grabbed onto me by my arms and brought me down to the dungeons. I was tossed into a cell, and the doors locked behind me.

I huddled in the corner and cried. I prayed to God for the strength that I would need to get through my life.

I would ensure that it was a short one. I would have to take my own life because surely the hell fires couldn’t be worse than living with the Lion as his wife.