Married To The Enemy by Rachel Burns

Chapter 6 ~ Lukas Von Bayern


When she lifted up her head, I saw the demon’s face, but it was disguised as the face of an angel. I was struck speechless as I looked at my nemesis. She even had the hair of an angel, a silver blonde that was lighter than any color I had seen before. She had dark blue eyes like mountain water pools. Her body was young and still firm. Nevertheless, she had plump breasts that were heaving as she stared back at me. Her body would fill out after a child or two. Her breasts would get bigger with each child a man put in her too.

My men wanted her. I was certain that any man would lust for her.

I also felt something else. I was certain that no other man should be allowed to have her to take their revenge for their fallen comrades on the field. My revenge was more important. I would get it, or I would keep her alive for a very long time until I was satisfied.

Already the Triolers were crying for Sofie Von Werdenfels safety. They didn’t want her ruined. But there was a way that I could ruin her and keep the lesser lords happy.

The pieces were falling into place.

I rode quickly, spurring my horse to speed my way home. I also hoped that the lady was having considerable discomfort. It was her own fault for refusing my offer of marriage the first time it was extended.

Now she wouldn’t have a choice. Marrying me was no longer a gift. It would be her punishment. Revenge given for wanting to rule my lands without me.