Her Dirty Archeologists by Mika Lane



“Hey. Hey!”

I turned over in my sleeping bag. Christ, what a strange dream I’d been having. Someone in the distance was screaming for help.

“Get out of here! Get the fuck out of here.”


This was no dream.

I held perfectly still to see if maybe I were still half-asleep, or if there really were a woman hollering in the distance.

When I heard it again, I bolted out of my sleeping bag and stuffed my feet into my hiking boots. I dashed out of my tent in my boxer shorts, trying to determine what direction the screams had come from.

“Help!” a weak voice was now calling.

Holy hell. It was Fleur.

“Yo, Drake, Jonas, get up!” I hollered as I ran in the direction of Fleur’s cries.

I ran past her tent, which was wide open but empty, and then in the direction of the latrine. When I found nothing, I ran over to the excavation site.

“Over here. Please help me,” she croaked.

In the dim light, I saw her sprawling on the ground in her nightgown, barefoot and filthy.

She extended a hand toward me. “I think I…”

“What the hell is going on?” Drake hollered as Jonas joined us.

I put my hand under Fleur’s head, and slowly lifted her to a sitting position.

“Fleur, what the hell happened? What are you doing out here?” I demanded.

The other guys crouched around her, too.

She put her hand over her eyes and took a deep breath. “Oh my god. I… I heard some noise. I thought it might just be the people from the next camp over, so I got up to investigate,” she said in a trembling voice.

“Goddammit, Fleur, you should know better than to do something like that—” Drake growled.

She held her hand up, cutting him off. “I’m not in any shape for a lecture. Thank you,” she snapped.

I took her trembling hand. “Then what happened?”

“It was dark and I couldn’t see that well, but as I got closer I could see the outline of two men. They were speaking very quietly. I still thought they were from the next camp, just being nosy or something.”

People don’t snoop around someone else’s archeological dig in the middle of the night just because they are curious.

“They were poking around, so I thought I’d ask them what they were up to. When I reached them, they saw me and started to run. But they had something in their hands so I yelled after them. They didn’t stop so I started running, too.”

She confronted the looters? Jesus Christ.

“Fleur, you need to have your head examined,” Drake started to say.

Now it was my turn to hold up my hand. “Let her finish.”

“They’d grabbed the piece of that stone tool we were digging out. I tried to take it back from the man. They pushed me and took off. I heard them get in a truck and head that way,” she said, pointing.

“Fuckers,” Jonas said, shaking his head. “But you’re okay, right?”

She started to get up, and then fell right back down, where I caught her. “I thought so, but my ankle. Damn. Guess I twisted it when I fell.”

I put her arm around my shoulder and hoisted her up. Jonas took the other side and we helped her back to camp, hobbling to avoid putting weight on the bad side.

“Let’s just take her directly to her tent,” I said.

While Drake surveyed the site to see if anything else had been damaged or stolen, we set Fleur down on her sleeping bag and propped her ankle up on my lap.

“Shit, Fleur, we don’t have ice. This will swell, and it won’t feel good. I’ll go get some ibuprofen and an Ace bandage from the first aid kit,” Jonas said.

When he was gone, I looked at Fleur, her face smudged with dusty sand, her curls sticking up all over the place.

She was beautiful by any measure but something about looking a little worse for the wear was just about killing me. It was one of the biggest freaking turn-ons I’d ever been hit with.

And at the same time, I was overflowing with relief she wasn’t hurt worse.

To be honest, my level of relief shocked me. Yeah, I was attracted to her, and had even already been intimate with her, but I didn’t expect to be as worked up as I was.

My urge to protect her was overwhelming. Like, when I thought about the looters potentially hurting her worse than they did, the pure rage I felt toward them made me shake. I’d tear the bastards limb from limb, given the chance.

Never mind that their thievery may have seriously fucked up our dig. That was one thing.

But Fleur’s being safe was paramount. I didn’t care about anything else.

Jonas returned with his first aid supplies and handed them to me. “Here you go, Penn. If you have everything under control, I’m gonna do a lap with Drake, and then try to get some sleep.”

Fleur extended her hand. “Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it.

“You’re welcome. Next time you hear something suspicious, come get one of us. No freelancing.”

He left to join Drake.

Fleur laughed. “I don’t know what came over me. At first, I just thought it was one of you guys, but then I thought I’d check. And by the time I realized it was someone who didn’t belong there, I just lost my mind and went after them. After having my purse stolen, I guess I was just riled up.”

My little badass.

Oh shit. Did I really just say that?

She wasn’t ‘my’ anything.

“As crazy as it sounds, Fleur, I’m kind of impressed. I know a lot of dudes who never would have done that.”

She shook her head. “Not sure I set out to confront thieves, but that’s how it turned out. Hey, ow!” she cried.

Shit. I knew wrapping her ankle was not exactly going to be pleasant. But I had to say that having her lie back on her makeshift bed with her foot in my lap was kind of hot. Especially since I could see right up her nightgown…

Down boy.

“Sorry, Fleur. But you’re good to go now. This will help with some of the swelling, which may help a little in the absence of ice.”

Our gazes met, and for a moment, I couldn’t look away.

Shit. I was in trouble.

“Hey, do you have any baby wipes? We can get your face cleaned off at least,” I said, looking around her tent.

Her hand flew to her face. “Oh shit? I’m dirty? Yeah, they’re over there,” she said, pointing.

She reached to take the package from me, but I stopped her. “Wait. Let me,” I said.

I pulled out a few wipes and leaned close enough to run one, and then another, down her cheek, removing the light-colored dust covering her lovely skin. She turned her face this way and that to make it easier, and when I was done and pulling my hand away, she caught my wrist.

“I think you missed a spot,” she said with a naughty smile, turning away from me. She lifted her hair from the back of her neck and bent her head down.

Needless to say, her neck, covered in little tendrils of red hair, was not dirty. I ditched the wipes and leaned closer to run my lips over her warm skin.

When I made contact, she sighed, her body relaxing into mine.

I scrunched her hair into one of my hands. Her neck was nice, but I wanted her lips and I wanted them now. Since the first time we’d kissed, it was nearly all I’d been able to think about. Fuck, half the time I’d been on the dig, I’d been wandering around with a semi-hard on. And it only got worse when I’d finally gotten her naked.

All I wanted to do was hang out in our tents and ravish her all day long. Like I was about to do, just then.

I knew from the way Drake had looked at me in recent days, that he knew something was up between Fleur and me. Whatever. We were all consenting adults and shit, she neither worked for me, nor was she my student.

I suspected that half of Drake’s objection had to do with the fact that he was as smitten with her as I was.

Couldn’t blame the man.

And I’d not missed the way my brother Jonas had looked at her, either.

Luckily, I was not a jealous guy.

Taking care not to knock her bad ankle, I lifted up her nightgown to find the perfect pussy I’d explored just a couple nights earlier. She relaxed back onto her makeshift pillow, where she lay smiling, watching me part her legs. Our gazes were locked as I opened her soft folds and ran my tongue through them.

With a sexy moan, she dug her fingers into my hair and gripping my head, pushed me harder into her pussy.

I was so fucking hard I was in pain.

“Oh my god, Penn, yeah, like that,” she murmured.

I rested a finger at her opening and slowly prodded until I was inside to my knuckle. I made a ‘come here’ motion against her walls, and she writhed under me, grinding against my hand until she squeezed and cried out.

I held her as she came down from her orgasm. “Kiss me. I want you to taste yourself,” I told her.

She raised her lips to mine. “Yeah, Penn. Let me have some,” she said, kissing me greedily.

“I think I’m gonna have to fuck you now, baby,” I whispered.

“Yes, Penn. Please,” she murmured weakly.

So. Fucking. Hot.

“Hey, guys, I think I know who—”

Startled shitless, Fleur and I looked toward her tent opening to see Drake standing there. With a flashlight in his hand. Looking right at us.


“Ugh, sorry,” he mumbled, and started backing out of the tent.

Who the hell left Fleur’s tent door unzipped?

“Wait, Drake,” Fleur called after him.

Whoa. She was calling him back? She had more balls than I’d given her credit for.

After a long moment, he stuck his head back in the tent, this time looking anywhere but at us. “What?” His voice was flat.

Fleur pushed herself up on her elbows, her gorgeous breasts topped by very hard nipples. “Drake. Come join us.”


Turned out Drake was just as confused as me.

He turned toward her, taking his time enjoying her nudity and fashioning his response. “Sorry. I didn’t catch that.”

Good. Very good. Stalling for time.

Smart man.

I needed a second to recover from her bold invitation as well.

And just to make things clear, she extended her hand. “Come here, Drake,” she said softly.

Well, if that wasn’t hot as fucking shit, I didn’t know what was.

My girl wanted to have a threesome.

Actually, I guess I should say ‘our girl.’

Drake stepped into the tent, looking again between Fleur and me. Then he took another step, until he was standing at the edge of the bed, peering right down on Fleur.

I was slightly bummed that I’d been cockblocked by Drake, ready to go as I was. But I also wanted to see how Fleur handled this.

Was she a ménage pro? Or a newbie?

She rolled to her side, and I moved so that I lay behind her, reaching around to play with her tits. While I did that, Drake dropped to his knees and began to kiss her.

She took his face in her hands. Shit, who knew, maybe they had been together before.

I didn’t care. I was only interested in right now.

And right now, my situation had gone from hot to fucking scorching.

* * *