Her Dirty Archeologists by Mika Lane



“I heard you guys the other night.”

My brother, Penn, looked up from where he was stirring a pot of boiling pasta for dinner.

He was so busted.

And I had plans to give him plenty of shit.

He rolled his eyes. “If you hadn’t heard the three of us, I’d think you had hearing problems,” he said with his usual shit-eating grin.

My brother and I might be a couple of the most identical twins anyone had ever seen, but when it came down to it, we were pretty damn different from each other. And yet, we had each other’s back with no limitations.

But that doesn’t mean I always liked what he did. Or said.

“How’d you enjoy the show, Jonas?” he asked, taunting me. “Or should I say, audio?”

But he wasn’t getting under my skin.

I shook my head in disbelief. “It was pretty fucking hot, bro. Her moans and sighs? Some of the sweetest music I’d ever heard.”

He nodded. “I know right. I think I’ve been walking around with a hard on ever since.”

We were silent for a moment.

“So, you like her too, huh?” Penn asked.

Fuck if he didn’t know me better than I knew himself.

And I couldn’t deny it. I had the hots for Fleur, just like any red-blooded man would. She was smart, sexy, beautiful. And one of the things I liked best was her purely guileless view towards life. You almost never came across that in a university setting. People were cynical as hell, clawing their way to the top by stepping on one another.

Fleur didn’t operate that way. At least not yet, she didn’t. Who knew what sort of toll time would take on her.

And yet I was pretty sure she wasn’t the type to change. She just didn’t have the shitiness in her that I saw in some of the people around me.

“Of course I like her, asshole. What do you think?” I snapped.

I poured a jar of pasta sauce over the meat I’d browned. Some of the food at these digs was nasty, but you couldn’t really go wrong with spaghetti and meat sauce. Except we ate it so often, I figured I’d eventually come to loathe it.

Penn gave me the thumbs up. “I think you should go for it, then. Test the waters. See if she’s interested right back.”

“Well shit, if she liked Drake and you, her standards can’t be too high,” I said, laughing.

Penn rolled his eyes. “Right back at ya, bro.”

“Seriously though. I’d noticed her coming and going in the department at school. I mean, how could I not? She’s been studying there for a number of years, starting with undergrad. She works hard, gets along with everyone. I just thought it best to stay away from her.”

Penn scoffed. “Plus, you were too busy fucking wide-eyed undergrads, anyway.”

Well, he got that half right.

“I have had my share of that business. But after the last one, I’m throwing in the towel. Too much trouble, and too much at stake.”

Penn knew the story of one of the recent girls I’d made the mistake of getting involved with. Turned out her father was a big donor, and when I started cooling things off with her, she held that right over my head.

I didn’t bend to her pressures, which made life a little uncomfortable for a while. The university administration was not happy with me, part of the reason I decided to make myself scarce for a while and join Drake’s dig.

Even though he clearly didn’t want me. Or my brother.

But I think by this point, Penn and I had proved our worth. The back-breaking work we’d done would take twice as many people and twice as long had Drake brought his usual team.

So it was all good. We’d earned our keep, as well as Drake’s respect.

“Hey. How’s everybody?”

We turned to find Brad, with a just-opened beer in his hand.

“Hey, Brad. Where’s our beer?” I asked.

He opened his mouth for a toothy laugh. “Come on over to the camp. Get yourselves some.”

I would actually kill for a beer. But alcohol actually wasn’t permitted in the region where we were, and while it wasn’t hard to smuggle it into one’s camp, we’d decided not to risk having our permits revoked over it.

Just wasn’t worth it.

But that didn’t mean I wasn’t dying for one.

“Hey, guys,” Brad said, lowering his voice. As he got closer, it became apparent this wasn’t his first beer of the day.

Or second or third, actually.

“That girl, Fleur—fucking hot. I mean, is she single? I’d really like to get down her pants. See if the carpet matches the drapes, if you know what I mean.”

Did he really just say that?

Penn and I looked at each other, and I instantly knew the question bouncing between the two of us.

What to do with this dirt bag…

I was tempted to tell him to watch his fucking mouth, but I could tell from the way my brother was flexing his fists, he wanted to send an even, one might say, clearer message.

While we were contemplating our response, Brad was digging himself in even deeper.

He peeked around the corner of the kitchen area to make sure Fleur wasn’t nearby.

I almost hoped she was so she could take care of this dirt bag. I had no doubt she could.

“And the tits on her—” he started to say.

Penn had had enough.

He whipped around and grabbed Brad by the front of his shirt. “She’s our colleague, asshole. And she’s got more going on in her little finger than you do in your whole sorry being. So why don’t you hit the road and don’t come back until you learn some respect for women.”

Holy shit. Penn could be a hothead but I’d never heard him like that before.

But then, I didn’t think he’d ever been pushed to anger like that, either.

Brad’s eyes were wide with horror. “I… I… sorry, man. You don’t have to be so sensitive. Jesus.”

Penn let go of his shirt and with a little shove, sent Brad stumbling back a few steps.

When he recovered from his initial shock, anger replaced the humiliation on his face and he puffed himself up to his full height, scowling.

“You guys need to fucking relax a little. Can’t you take a joke?” he asked with a weak laugh.

“Brad, I think this is a good time for you to get back to your own camp. We’ll see ya later,” I said before Penn pummeled him.

He nodded, smiling like nothing had ever happened. “Sure man. And don’t forget to come by for that beer.”

He waved over his shoulder while he hightailed it out of there.

Penn slammed a pot on our camp stove. “What a dick.”

“Who’s a dick?” Drake asked, joining us.

“Oh, that Brad dude from the next camp. He was talking shit about Fleur. I almost broke his neck,” Penn said. “Told him to get the hell out.”

Drake chuckled. “Well. Look at Penn, our badass enforcer.”

“You should have seen him,” I said. “I thought I might have to intervene.”

“Well, hopefully he’ll stay away now that you kicked him out,” Drake said. “But, hey, I wanted to talk about the looters.”

Penn and I both stopped what we were doing. Drake was right, we needed to get ahead of this bullshit.

“I was wondering the same,” I said. “They’re gonna come back. It’s just a matter of time.”

“And to be honest, I’m most worried about Fleur. Now that they know we have a young woman in our camp, that’s an added attraction for some of these guys. You never know what they’ll do,” Penn said.

Cripes, he really was smitten.

And he wasn’t alone.

Drake peered around the side of the mess tent. “I didn’t want to talk about this at any length in front of Fleur, but guys, we have one gun here in the camp. That’s it.”

Shit. In most cases, that would have been more than enough.

“It’s not only my brother who’s smitten with our lovely colleague,” I said.

Drake shrugged. “Dude, tell me you’re not interested either, and I’ll know you’re a liar,” he said.

I threw my hands up. “You got me.”

Drake put his hands on his hips. “Let’s agree on this, guys. What happens at the dig, stays at the dig.”

I was all for that, especially given the hot water I’d been in as of late with the university. I did not need any more problems. Or drama.

“Speaking of Fleur, let me go get her for dinner,” I said.

“Everything will be ready in five minutes,” Penn called after me.

“Knock, knock,” I said outside Fleur’s tent.

I heard some rustling. “What? What time is it?” she said in a sleepy voice.

I unzipped her tent door and popped my head in. “Looks like somebody dozed off?”

She looked around in a slight daze. “I guess so. Geez. What time is it?”

I walked into her tent without waiting for an invitation. If she booted me out, fine, but if not, I was happy to finally have some one-on-one time with her.

“It’s almost dinner time. I was coming to get you.”

She thought for a moment. “Oh, thank you. And you know, I’m not even really hungry. But I’ll join everyone. Hey, can you grab my shorts over there?”

I reached into a pile of clothes and tossed them to her.

She slipped them on under her sleeping bag and started pushing herself to standing.

“Oh… oh, shit…” she said, beginning to lose her balance.

Perfect opportunity for me to play hero.

I grabbed her hand as she tried to balance on her one good foot.

And I moved closer, of course.

When she looked up at me with her gorgeous eyes and smiled, I took my chance and lowered my lips to hers.

But she pulled her head back abruptly.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

She looked me up and down. “I just realized I don’t know whether you’re Penn or Jonas. No one wore a bandana today.”

Holy shit. That hadn’t even occurred to me.

But she must know the difference.

“You’ve kissed us both now. Yet you can’t tell?”

She blushed. “I’m not sure—”

“Oh, hey.”

We whipped around to see Penn standing in the tent doorway. “I was just coming to get you guys for dinner.”

Dinner could wait.

I planned to have some fun.

“Bro, she doesn’t know which of us is which.”

Penn’s eyes widened. “Holy shit. Really?”

She looked between the two of us as if she might figure it out.

But it wasn’t likely she would. Even our own mother had trouble telling us apart unless she could see our torsos.

I had a scar from falling when I was a kid. Penn did not.

“I’ll tell ya what,” he said. “Kiss me then kiss my brother. Then see if you can tell.”

A smile spread across her face. “Okay. I will.”

She threw her arms around Penn’s neck and pressed her lips to his, while he ran his hands down her hips and clutched her delicious ass.

Then she stepped back. “Okay. Now, you,” she said, turning to me.

This time I took her, my hands cupping her beautiful face. I kissed her deeply, our tongues exploring as she got bolder.

“Okay, okay, you guys. Don’t get carried away here,” Penn said.

Fleur and I stepped apart, laughing.

“Well?” I said.

She looked between the two of us again. But I could tell from the look on her face, she was no closer to figuring out who was who than she had been two minutes ago.

My brother and I had played this game before. When you’re twins like we were, you get a lot of female attention, and that included propositions. And while most of the time we said no thanks, there were times we indulged ourselves, and fully enjoyed confusing people.

Our first had been with the girl we’d grown up right next door to. She was older, beautiful, and we’d both had crushes on her since we were old enough to play with our dicks.

She couldn’t tell us apart, either.

“I say we try something else to test Fleur,” my brother said, looking at me.

We both turned to her. “Any ideas, darlin’?” I asked.

She thought for a moment. “Okay. Yeah, I have an idea.”

Damn, the twinkle in her eye was a naughty one. I was already getting hard.

And without any hesitation, she turned to me and began to unbuckle my belt.

Holy shit. This woman was a badass.

She reached inside my trousers and pulled out my now-raging hard on. Running her hands along my shaft, she ran a finger over my cockhead and dragged a little taste of precum to her mouth.

“Mmmm. Tastes good,” she whispered.

She turned to my brother and did the same, checking out his cock then lowering herself to her knees and running her tongue across his head.

“So?” I asked, trying to control my impatience.

If she was going to leave me hard like this, I was going to have a field day jacking myself.

But I needn’t have worried.

“Gosh,” she crooned flirtatiously, “you both taste so good. Different, but both very delicious. I think I might need some more.”

Music to my ears.

And dinner be damned.

* * *