Her Dirty Archeologists by Mika Lane



“Now, whose dick can I suck first?”

Holy shit. Did I really just say that?

I was a bona fide slut. Wait till I told Soleil.

Actually, screw that. I wasn’t a slut. I was a sexy woman asking for what I wanted. If a dude did that, he’d be a baller.

Why couldn’t I be a baller, too?

The two brothers looked at each other like they’d won the jackpot.

Damn right.

I sighed. “Okay, since I can’t decide, I will guess. Eenie meenie miney mo…” I paused.

My hand stopped on the cock of the twin on the right. “I’ll start with you. Whoever you are.”

I dropped to the floor of my tent, favoring my bad ankle, and wrapped my lips around the cockhead before me. Creating a great suction, I pulled back, and Penn or Jonas—who the hell knew?—dropped his head back with a huge groan.

“Fuck me,” he growled, digging his fingers into my hair to pull my head closer.

Now that I had his attention, I took his hard cock until he nearly hit the back of my throat, our gazes locked.

There was something about being watched so closely that was beyond intoxicating. And to know his brother was right there, slowly stroking himself, intensified that.

In fact, while the brother I was sucking rocked his hips into my face, I grabbed the other’s dick.

I was working them both and it was incredible. There I was, kneeling on the floor of my tent, pussy throbbing without anyone even touching me, and I was pleasuring twins, two identical slices of manly perfection who were focused on me and nothing else, their adoring gazes leaving me wanting to please them as best I could.

Seriously. At that point, they could have asked me to do just about anything and I would have.

But as it was, I was doing a great job bringing each close to his orgasm with one in my mouth and the other in my hand. Each brother rocked toward me, picking up speed, until there was a double explosion, both directed at my breasts, where I rubbed their cum into my skin as fast as it landed on me.


Watching each of them orgasm made me dizzy with the gratification that I’d pleased them so well, and that they were happy and satisfied. I wanted to do it again.

When they were done, they collapsed on my camp bed after wiping me down with a towel, each trying to catch his breath. I wriggled between the two and was soon wrapped in four arms and four legs, not knowing where one started and the other ended, still unsure which brother was which.

Penn and Jonas had eventually left my tent, hungry for the spaghetti dinner they’d cooked. But I was too woozy to do anything but lie in my bed, smiling and remembering the guys’ faces as they spurted their cum all over me.

The next morning, I was the last to get to breakfast, in part because, with my bad ankle, it took me longer to get ready and then make my way to the mess tent.

“Hey, it’s sleeping beauty,” Drake said, running a soft hand up my back.

And leaving a trail of goosebumps on my shivering body.

“You guys should have woken me. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting.”

I looked at the twins and instantly knew which was which.

Penn had gone back to his bandana.

Problem solved.

Now if only I could get them to wear those things when we were in bed.

Yeah, no.

“Morning, Penn. Morning, Jonas,” I said.

They each laughed. “Hey, she knows who we are today. Finally,” Jonas said.

“I know, man. I was getting a complex. Here I am trying to get to know a woman, and she can’t even tell me apart from my also-ran, much less sexually experienced brother,” Penn said.

Jonas flipped him off.

We took our seats and Drake served us simple scrambled eggs and sausage patties. I was starving from having missed dinner the night before.

Drake cleared his throat, and everyone looked his way. “Um, Fleur, there is something we all wanted to talk to you about.”

Oh. Shit.

I’d done it now.

I’d slept with all three guys, giving them the perfect reason to look down on me, and now they wanted me out.

I could hear it now.

They didn’t want a woman like me on their dig.

I was too much of a distraction.

I didn’t pull my own weight, anyway, especially with my sore ankle.

So they were sending me home. I’d have to pack up all my shit, someone would drive me to the bus, which I’d have to ride alone to the airport—that dreadful airport—and somehow juggle my numerous suitcases and other things just to get out of the country.

Well, at least this time I’d know not to wear a short skirt and platform shoes. Or the wedge boots I’d been so excited about and which I’d not worn once.

But I’d head home, tail between my legs. Everyone would want to know why I came back early, and if I were even going to bother finishing my PhD.

That about summed it up. I was fucked. Literally and figuratively.

“Fleur, are you listening?” Drake asked, tapping my arm.

I sighed. “Sorry. Got lost in thought. What were you saying?”

Like I needed them to repeat their lame excuses for kicking me to the curb.

But this time I listened.

“We were saying, Fleur, that we were all talking about how much we liked you.”


“Um, could you repeat that?” I stammered.

He laughed. “I said… we all like you and are hoping you feel the same.”

I looked at Jonas and Penn, who grinned back at me with their perfect smiles.

Was this a joke?

Because, if so, it was not funny.

“You… you like… me?” I asked, incredulous, looking at them each, one at a time, to assess whether they were bullshitting me.

Penn rolled his eyes. “Christ, Fleur, is that so hard to believe?”

“That we like you?” Jonas added.

Maybe I just needed a moment to absorb it all.

Why shouldn’t the guys like me? I was nice, attractive enough, smart, knew how to have a good time.

But these three guys, of all the men in the world, all liked me at the same time?

How the hell did that work?

“Well,” I said, clapping my hands, somewhat recovered, “I’m glad to know you guys like me. And I like you too!” I said cheerfully.

What else was I supposed to say?

I took a long draw on my coffee and started stuffing my face with eggs. Maybe the guys would realize I was hungry and that later might be a better time to chat.

“It’s okay, Fleur. I know it’s probably overwhelming to hear that three guys like you at the same time, and that we’re all cool with it. But take your time absorbing it, and think about what it means to you,” Jonas added.

Um. Okay.

“In fact, we were thinking of taking a trip to the closest town with a nice hotel. You know, for a little break from camping. We could get a suite, swim around in the pool, have a nice dinner. What do you think?” Drake asked.

Now they were singing my tune.

A hotel? With a pool? And a restaurant?

That also meant showers… and air conditioning… and no bugs.

Holy shit, when do we leave?

But I didn’t want to seem too eager, lest they think I wasn’t in love with camping in the desert without a shower or any other modern amenities.

And having nightmares about scorpions.

Not that living with three amazing men was so bad, when you got down to it.

In fact, that part made it worth the other discomforts.

“That sounds lovely, Drake. What a great idea. It would be fun to get away… and have a break,” I said, hoping to hide the fact that I wanted to jump up and down and scream and ask if we could leave immediately.

I pushed myself up from the table and grabbed my makeshift cane. “I just have to take care of a couple things in my tent. But leave the breakfast dishes for me. It’s my turn to wash.”

Jonas rose from the table as well. “Sounds good to me. We have a big day ahead, so I think I’ll get started now.”

I hobbled away from the guys as fast as I could, my head spinning with the news they’d laid on me.

What the fucking fuck?

Three guys liked me? And hoped I liked them back?

Were they fucking crazy?

Of courseI liked them. Jesus. I wasn’t an idiot.

But what did it all mean? Surely, this was all just a fling. It couldn’t go anywhere.

Could it?

* * *