Coaching His Babygirl by Rory Reynolds

Chapter Ten


Mel feelsgood against my body. I could hold her to me forever if she would let me. I run my hands up and down her curvy body, enjoying the feel of her. She might be wearing a loose dress, but it can’t hide her gorgeous body from me.

I slowly raise my hand to cup her cheek and kiss her reverently. She makes a happy noise in the back of her throat, and I deepen the kiss. Our tongues tangle together in this stolen moment.

Regrettably, I pull away. “Will you go out to dinner with me tonight?”

“Of course,” she says with a smile. “I’d love to.”

“Thank God. I don’t think I could have accepted no as an answer.”

She giggles. “As if I could say no to you.”

I pull her in for another kiss just before the bell rings, and students start coming into the classroom.

“See you after school,” I say with a teasing wink. Mel turns a pretty shade of pink.

The day seems to drag on. Knowing that I’m just a short distance from my babygirl and yet I’m unable to see her is driving me to madness. My last class of the day might’ve gotten the brunt of that frustration in the form of extra drills.

Finally, the last bell of the day tolls and it’s time for me to see my girl. I rush the boys out of the locker room so I can lock up and meet Mel at her classroom to walk her to her car.

She’s in with a student, so I patiently wait. I breathe a sigh of relief when her student thanks her for her help and leaves. I rush into the room, shutting the door behind me and turning the lock. I don’t hesitate to swoop in and grab her around the waist. My lips are hot and heavy on hers in seconds.

With a gasp, she opens her lips and kisses me back with just as much fervor.

“Missed you,” I mutter against her lips, kissing her again.

“Me too,” she says, pulling away to catch her breath, then she pushes her lips to mine again.

I completely lose myself in her, forgetting everything around us. Our tongues slick against each other, dancing and dueling together. I can’t get enough of her. She’s perfection and all mine. If I don’t stop now, I might never stop, and she definitely deserves more than a quick fuck in her classroom. Which is exactly what my cock wants right now.

With effort, I set her down and push her from my hold. Mel whimpers and tries to step back against me.

“We need to go, babygirl,” I groan.

“Yeah,” she nods.

My intention is to just give her a quick kiss, but that’s not what happens. One second my lips are lightly brushing hers, and the next, we are devouring each other. Mel has her arms wrapped around my neck, clinging to me. My cock is thick and hard behind my zipper, ready for her.

Somehow I’m able to get control of myself again and pull away. “Come on, if we don’t leave now, we’re going to go too far.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

She says the right thing, but I can tell the last thing she wants to do is stop right now. I help her collect her things, carrying her bag for her. We walk side by side to her car. I help her inside, and she smiles up at me.

“I’ll follow you home, then we’ll go to dinner in my truck.”

“Okay, daddy,” she whispers.

I lean in and kiss her. When I straighten up, she’s looking around as if she’s trying to see if anyone saw me kiss her. Is she just being shy, or does she want to keep our relationship a secret?

“What if someone sees?” she asks.

“Let them see. You’re mine, babygirl.”

Mel’s cheeks turn pink, and her eyes light up happily. “I like that.”

“Good, because it’s not changing. Drive safe,” I say, then shut her car door.

I jog to my truck so I can follow her home. It takes twenty minutes to get to Melinda’s house. I pull up to the curb and hop out of my truck. By the time I get to her car, she’s already exiting and pulling her bags out of the backseat.

“You should have waited for me,” I scold.

“Sorry, I didn’t even think.”

I take her bags from her hands. “When I’m around, I take care of you, babygirl.”

She smiles shyly. “Thank you.”

I growl playfully, swatting her bottom. “What did I say about thanking me?”

“Heaven forbid I have good manners,” she snarks back, though it has no fire behind it. She’s being playful and I love that this side that no one else sees is coming out.

I carry her bags into the house, then quickly tug her out of the house before I give in to the temptation of having a bed so close. I help her into the truck and shut her inside. I adjust my cock in my jeans as I walk around to my side. I can’t seem to get control of the bastard. Every minute I’m around her it just gets worse.

She slips her hand into mine on the drive to the restaurant, and I gladly hold her hand. It’s nice being close to her in this small way. It’s made even better by the small smiles she keeps sending my way.

I pull up to the restaurant and have a moment of worry that she won’t like Italian food. “Is Zia’s okay?”

She smiles wide. “It sounds amazing. I’m starving.”

“We better get you fed then.”

We’re quickly seated, and the waiter brings us our water and takes our order. The man blatantly flirts with Mel, and I’d be a jealous bastard over it if she even hinted at being aware of the flirtatious man. She doesn’t seem to notice his attention. My girl is so sweet and beguiling. I don’t understand how she’s gone through life without someone snapping her up. Though I’m damn happy for that because I want her for my own.

We spend a few minutes looking over our menus. A quick glance tells me that she’s having a hard time deciding. Her brow is furrowed, and her eyes keep flicking back and forth as if she’s debating.

“What are you going to get?” I ask.

She studies the menu for a moment longer then shrugs. “It all looks so good,” she says with a sigh. “I hate choosing. What if I choose wrong and it ends up not being what I want?”

“I can help with that.”

“You can?” she asks skeptically.

“Tell me the top three things that sound good.”

“Hmm… the chicken alfredo, the cheese ravioli, and the cheese lasagna.”

Her eyes light up when she makes her last choice, letting me know that’s what she really wants. She’s just hungry and distracted by the other options. Not an unusual problem to have, but definitely one I can easily solve.

The waiter comes and asks if we are ready to order, and without consulting her, I order for us both. “I’ll have the chicken parmesan, and she’ll have the cheese lasagna.”

Mel smiles at my choice and licks her lips as if she can already taste it.

“How’d you know?” she asks, curious as always.

“Daddy superpower,” I say with a teasing wink that brings out the giggle that I adore.

Our conversation flows smoothly, and we find out that we have a lot of things in common. Everything seems to be going well for our first official date… that is until I mention this afternoon and her answers become short and stilted.

“So tell me, why don’t you sing? You have a beautiful voice.”

She pushes her food around her plate, not meeting my eyes, officially closing herself off from me. “The same reason I don’t play in public.”

“What?” I ask, surprised. “You play for your students all the time. What about when you were in school?”

“I teach my students, not play for them. Huge difference. As for back in school, that was different. I was one of two hundred. I barely counted as a drop in the bucket.”

She’s still pushing her food around and refusing to look at me. I hate hearing her so down on herself. I hate seeing how she’s closed off on me even more.

“That’s not true, babygirl. You always make more than a drop. You’re the whole damn bucket.”

“I don’t like the attention. I play for myself.”

“Well, you should be playing and singing for everyone to hear.”

She lets out a bark of laughter like what I’ve said is the most ridiculous thing she’s ever heard. “Never going to happen, Coop. Just drop it, please.”

It baffles me that she’s locked away such talent, but I drop it. I know when an argument is lost, and this one is most certainly over… for now. It doesn’t mean I won’t encourage her later. I’m considering this a strategic exit.

The rest of dinner is filled with stories about students and other light topics. Mel is funny and witty. I could talk to her for hours and never get bored and if we didn’t have work in the morning, I would.

I drop a few bills on the table and escort her to my truck. I pull up in front of her house and walk her to the door.

“Want to come in?” she asks with a hopeful expression on her beautiful face.

I groan at the temptation. “I very much do.” Her eyes light up and she reaches in her bag for her keys. “But… not tonight.”

The light in her eyes dims, and she pushes her bottom lip out in a pout. “I’m ready if that’s what you’re worried about. It’s not like I was saving myself for marriage or anything like that. I just hadn’t ever… I don’t know… connected with anyone before you.”

I lean in and plant a kiss on her lips, then tug her against my chest in a hug. “I know you are, kitten. That’s not why I can’t come in. It’s late and we have an early morning. What I want to do to you is going to take time.”

Her eyes dilate and her breathing becomes labored. “I don’t see a problem with staying up all night. That’s what caffeine is for.”

“I’d be a poor excuse for daddy if I kept you up all night on a school night.”

Mel giggles. “You make me sound like a naughty schoolgirl.”

“Mm… Are you naughty?”

“My thoughts are far from pure,” she says, gripping me by the waistband of my jeans and tugging me against her lush body.

I tangle my fingers in her hair, tipping her head back. She meets my gaze with lust-filled eyes. I lean in oh so slowly and brush my lips across hers. She tries to press closer. I hold her tight, not letting her move.

“And that’s why I’m not coming inside.”

“Still don’t see a problem…”

“Soon, babygirl,” I say before kissing her senseless.

* * *

“Hey, Coop. How’s it going?”Colt asks as he comes into the weight room where I’m working out.

“Good, man,” I say, pushing the heavy bar up again. “How are you?”

“Great. Thought I’d get a workout in before school since I can’t seem to stay late these days.”

I know just what he means. Every day after school feels like a rush to spend time with Mel. It’s both torture and wonderful. Who knew abstaining would be so hard? I’ve managed to stick to my guns, though when it comes to sex. Mel sure hasn’t made it easy though. Every day it gets harder and harder to resist her.

Thank God today is Friday, and we have a date at the club where I’ve already reserved a private room. I think if we had to wait much longer, we’d both lose our minds.

I work out harder than normal trying to work off some of the pent-up sexual tension I’m feeling, but it’s not working. Nothing is going to get me under control except for slaking my lust in my babygirl.

“How’s everything with Darlene?” I ask, trying to find a new distraction.

“Good. Great, in fact. Since you asked about Darlene, does that mean I get to ask about Mel?” he teases.

“Things are going really good. Trying to take things slow. Ease her into our world.” Colt is a daddy, and Darlene is his babygirl so he understands the importance of taking things slow.

“Darlene said you’re going to the club tonight.”

“Yep.” I don’t elaborate, and he doesn’t ask for more information.

I mop up the sweat on my face and chest on my discarded shirt and move on to a treadmill. If lifting didn’t help, maybe running a few miles will assuage my lustful thoughts. Just one more school day to survive, then tonight Mel is mine in every sense of the word.

Thankfully the day speeds by, and before I know it, I’m picking Mel up at her house. She opens the door and I’m completely gobsmacked at what I see. Mel’s skirt barely hits her knees. Her top is sleeveless and tight, showing off her curves. I’ve never seen her show so much skin, yet she still looks conservative and completely herself.

After I take her in, I realize she’s looking at her feet quietly. It makes me wonder if she’s uncomfortable in her outfit, then I start to worry she’s changed how she dresses for me.

“You look lovely, babygirl.”

She looks up at me with a relieved expression and smiles. “Thanks,” she says shyly. “Is this okay?”

“Mel, look at me.” She meets my gaze with those wide blue-gray eyes, and my heart melts at the innocence I see reflected back at me. She so much wants to please me, and everyone around her that she doesn’t realize just being herself is more than enough. “There is no dress code at the club. You could show up buck naked, and no one would blink. I don’t care if you wear this outfit, one of your long dresses, jeans, or those skintight yoga pants that hug your curves like a second skin. You wear what makes you happy and comfortable. Do you feel good wearing this?”

“Yes. I feel… different.”

“Different?” I ask, not sure I like the sound of that.

“Different good,” she says.

I tug her against my chest and kiss the top of her head. “Good. I don’t want you to feel like you need to change. You’re perfect just how you are.”

She wraps her arms around my waist and hugs me tight. “Thank you for saying that. It means a lot to me.”

“How many times do I have to tell you that you never have to thank me?”

“At least a million,” she says brightly.

I shake my head laughing. “Ready to go, trouble?”

“Yes, daddy.” She smiles, letting herself slip into little space. Some people have trouble letting go, but Mel is a natural. She likes deferring to me. It’s a heady thing.

“Let’s go, babygirl.”

When we get to the club, it’s packed. Fridays are always busy. Mel sticks close to my side and seems nervous around so many people. My first instinct is to drag her off to the private room and away from the crowd, but I decide it’s better for her to get acclimated to how busy the club can sometimes be. I lead her to the bar, hoping that Tessa is working so that Mel has another friendly face to see.

Tessa is busy with a group of doms at the other end of the bar when we walk up. I get my girl settled on the only free stool and stand sentry beside her. I wrap my arm around her and hold her close. Every minute that passes, she seems to relax, the tension eking out of her.

“Hey, guys!” Tessa says, obviously excited to see us. “What are you up to tonight?”

Mel flushes bright pink because it’s no secret what people come to the club for. She knows that we are here for the private rooms.

“We’re here to let Mel experience more of the club.”

Tessa smiles wide, her bright white teeth flashing beyond her ruby red lipstick. “I’m due for a break in thirty minutes if you want to play, Melinda.” She sounds hopeful, almost lonely.

“Not tonight,” I say, feeling slightly guilty, but tonight is just for my girl and me. Mel squeezes my hand in silent thanks for my taking the lead. “We’ve got a different kind of play in mind.”

“Oh,” Tessa says, her smile falling for a brief moment before she forces it to brighten again. I almost ask what’s wrong because Tessa is never down, but she wipes away any trace of sadness like it never existed before I get the chance. “Well, maybe next time.”

Mel nods. “Yes. I’d like to take a turn on the playground. I still can’t believe it’s for grownups.”

Both girls laugh. Tessa has to serve other customers and I lean in close to Mel’s ear. “Ready to play, babygirl?”

“God, yes,” she says, sounding relieved. I have a feeling I could have taken her straight to the private room that I reserved, and she would’ve been happier than chatting with Tessa.

We quickly walk through the club, not stopping to take in any of the sights even though there are a lot of scenes happening in different areas. She gives me a questioning look when I open the door to the same private room as last time.

“I thought you might like something familiar.”

She nods appreciatively, but instantly she looks to the tips of her toes, shyness overcoming her. Not wanting to give her time to fall into her doubts, I take her in my arms and kiss her. The moment our lips touch, the pent-up lust from the week overflows and ignites in a burning inferno of desire.

My hands tug at her clothes, stripping her of her shirt and skirt in seconds. By the time I make quick work of the clasp on her bra, she’s only managed to pull off my shirt. I take a step back, admiring the soft curve of her breasts and all the beautiful pale skin I’ve uncovered.

She shifts on her feet as my gaze peruses her body. Her fingers twitch at her sides, and I get the feeling she wants to cover herself, but she’s resisting the urge—such a good girl. I run my hands over her shoulders and down to those twitching fingers. I thread my fingers through hers and look her in the eyes.

“You’re stunning, Melinda. Positively stunning.”

A blush grows on her chest and up her cheeks. I don’t give her the chance to say anything. Instead, I give her mouth something else to do—kiss. Our lips come together in a mating of mouths. Tongues twirl and swirl, slicking against each other. Lips tease and caress. Noses bump, and teeth clash. It’s passionate and speaks of things to come.

I kiss down her neck and to one berry pink nipple. I lick the tip causing her to shudder. She gasps as I take it in my mouth, swirling my tongue around the turgid peak.

“Cooper,” she moans my name, gripping my shoulders to hold herself steady.

I pull away from her breast and look up at her. She’s looking down with heavy-lidded eyes, her desire obvious. “In this room, I’m daddy,” I growl against her skin.

“Daddy,” she whispers shyly.

“Good girl.”

Mel’s head falls back on a moan at my praise. I take the opportunity to tease her other nipple. Licking, sucking, and nipping the tender flesh until she’s gasping and gripping my shoulders tight. I switch to the other nipple lavishing it with the same attention. Her knees go weak; before she can lose her balance, I lift her from her feet and carry her to the big bed.

I lay her out like a beautiful sacrifice. Naked save for her pale-yellow panties. I crawl up the bed, kissing every inch of her skin from the tips of her toes up until my lips are poised over hers once again.