Coaching His Babygirl by Rory Reynolds

Chapter Twelve


After spendingthe entire weekend with Mel having to go back to reality stinks. It especially sucks to not be able to spend much time together after school hours. Lunches in the teacher’s lounge just aren’t enough. Stolen kisses in the parking lot really aren’t working for me. I’m greedy for her time and attention.

I watch her with hungry eyes as she instructs the marching band at the other end of the field. She’s in her element barking orders and ensuring that everything is running smoothly for the big game tomorrow night against our rival team.

The Jaguars and the Eagles have a long-standing rivalry, and this year we are determined to take them down. After last year when they stole the win from us by practically disabling our quarterback, we are ready for revenge. This year the team is pumped and ready for tomorrow and their long-awaited payback.

My attention is once again drawn away from my team’s practice and to Mel. She’s in one of her typical long skirts, and yet she makes it look like the sexiest lingerie. Or maybe that’s just my obsession with her talking.

Practice finally wraps up, and the guys head into the locker room to hit the showers. I saunter over to where the band is still practicing. Mel is like a tiny drill sergeant making sure her band is spot on for every movement of their bodies and every note from their instruments.

I watch her, hungry for her kisses.

She turns, spotting me watching. Her lips tip up on a smile and her cheeks turn pink with the prettiest blush. Finally happy with the band’s performance, she dismisses them, thanking them for their hard work. She might be hard on them, but she also makes them feel valued.

The band scatters and Mel walks towards me, meeting me halfway. I can see the same need reflected in her eyes, but she somehow manages to keep distance between us until we get to the bleachers, where we are hidden from view. As soon as we are out of sight of the students, she jumps on me. Her arms go around my neck, and her pouty lips crush to mine. The kiss is instantly wild and untamed. Like always, when we touch, we catch fire. My hands find her ass and I squeeze. If she weren’t wearing such a long skirt, I’d have her legs wrapped around me and her cunt pressed against my hard cock.

I don’t care that anyone could walk up at any time; it’s been too long since I’ve had her. I pull back slightly. “Taking you home, babygirl. Need you so bad.”

“Yes, daddy.”

We grab our belongings as quick as possible and are in my truck heading to her place. It’s the longest twenty-minute drive of my life.

We barely make it inside before we are on each other. Greedy hands strip off our clothes as our lips crash together. The second her lush curves are revealed, I fall on her. My lips find the hard peaks of her nipples and her head drops back on a moan. I suck and lick at her sensitive tips, nipping them with my teeth.

Her hands are buried in my hair, tugging at the strands. She whimpers and begs me for more. “Please, daddy.”

I kneel in front of her and lift one of her long legs over my shoulder and dive right into her hot pussy. I lick her clit and fuck her with my tongue. I hold her steady as her knees go weak. She buries her hands in my hair, holding me to her pussy.

“Oh, God! I’m gonna come!” she cries out her pleasure.

I redouble my efforts wanting to taste her sweet release. She comes a moment later. Her pussy spasms around my tongue as she falls over the edge. She leans heavily against the wall as she catches her breath. I stand and lift her into my arms and enter her in one quick thrust.

She claws at my shoulders and I love the slight pain that proves she’s lost in the moment. That I’m pleasing her so much that she can’t control herself.

“Fuck, kitten. You feel so damn good.”

“So do you, daddy. So hot and hard inside me. More,” she begs.

I thrust into her harder, one hand on the wall behind us, the other on her tight ass holding her to me as we lose ourselves. Mel’s pussy clenches down on me as she gets closer and closer to her release.

“You gonna come on my cock?” I growl, knowing how much she likes dirty talk.

“Yesss…” she hisses, digging her nails into me harder.

My balls draw up and my spine tingles as my release nears. I reach between us and rub her clit. She lets out a little scream as she comes, her pussy locking down on me and pulling me over the edge with her. I bury myself deep. My come emptying inside her.

I lean heavily against the wall, pinning her against it as I catch my breath.

“Needed that,” she whispers. “I’ve missed being close to you.”

“Me too, babygirl.”

I kiss her sweet and slow. Our tongues dance together, none of the previous urgency in our kiss, but it’s no less passionate. I carry her to the couch and relax with her in my arms. I hold her close, loving the feel of her against me.

After several long minutes of cuddling, I ask her if she’d like to go get dinner.

“I can cook,” she says shyly.

We cook chicken alfredo together. The moment one of domestic bliss. I can see this being my life. Our future. Coming home with Mel and spending the evenings making love and doing simple domestic things together. It would be perfection.

We eat dinner in the living room and watch a movie. We clean up the kitchen together, another moment of domestic bliss as she washes the dishes and I dry. Time seems to fly by, and before long, it’s late and time for me to go home.

“Do you have to go?”

“Yes. You need to get your rest, and if I stay, there will be very little resting.”

She pouts. “I’m not seeing the problem with that. What if I promise to behave?”

I give her a suspicious look.

“I will be a good girl,” she promises.

I do have spare clothes in my truck for the days I work out. Staying would make me happier than anything. Falling asleep with her in my arms sounds like the best idea ever.

“Let me grab my gym bag from my truck.”

“Yay!” she says with a squeal and a little bounce.

Mel looks so happy that I’m pleased with my decision. I always want her to look at me with that happy smile. I fall asleep with her in my arms and it feels perfect.

* * *

I wakeup with Mel in my arms. Definitely the best way to wake up. I slip from the bed and quickly shower and dress. I lean over her on the bed and kiss her awake.

“Time to wake up, beautiful girl.”

She stretches and smiles. “I could get used to waking up this way.”

“I could get used to waking you up this way,” I growl, giving her another kiss.

“I’ve got to go. We’ve got one final strategizing meeting this morning before the big game tonight.”

She nods. “Okay, daddy. Good luck.”

“Thanks, babygirl. I’ll see you at school.”

Unfortunately, the day ends up being too busy to sneak away to spend time with Mel. Before I know it, we are on the field and my team is cleaning up the field with the Jaguars. The band is set up in the bleachers on the sidelines, waiting for their chance on the field. Mel must feel my eyes on her because she glances up at me with a shy smile before looking back at the students awaiting their performance.

The first half of the game goes well. The Jaguars haven’t scored, and we’ve got two touchdowns. At halftime the team heads into the locker rooms with the assistant coaches hot on their heels. I stick around to watch the band start their performance.

Mel’s band is spot on and shows the town once again why they win every competition they enter. I’m so proud of my girl and what she’s accomplished in the last three years. Our band went from a rag-tag group of kids who couldn’t march for shit to the number one marching band in the state.

I drag myself away from the performance and head towards the locker rooms where my team is waiting for me to give them a pep talk and congratulate them on a fantastic first half. It’s my job to encourage them to keep it up for the second half.

“Cooper Crane, as I live and breathe,” a nasally voice that I’d recognize anywhere as Janice Lin, a woman I dated a few years back. She’s a member of The Playground. How could I forget that she’s the cheer coach for the Jaguars?


“What are you up to these days?” she asks, trying to sound sultry but failing.

I take in her willowy frame and can’t see what I ever saw in her. It might’ve only been a few dates at the club, but that was enough to know she’s trouble and was never right for me. Now with Mel in my life, I have zero desire to even talk with this woman.

“I haven’t seen you at the club lately,” she purrs, coming in close to me. I take a step back, not wanting her to touch me. “I’ve missed you, daddy,” she says, trying to sound seductive and needy.

“I’m not your daddy,” I growl, my voice low and dark with my building frustration.

The passage gets more and more crowded as people head to the concessions stand and restrooms. A particularly rowdy group of kids bumps into Janice sending her straight into my arms and exactly where she wanted to be from the start.

Her hands run up and down my chest with a little purr in the back of her throat. “You sure haven’t changed.”

I grip her wrists in one of my hands, holding her away from touching me. Janice lets out a little gasp and pushes even closer to me. She’s jostled again by the crowd, and I grunt in disapproval. Just before I can shout at the rowdy teens, Janice stands on her tiptoes and presses her lips to mine. I’m seconds away from pushing her away, not giving a shit if she lands square on her ass when I hear a gasp.

Somehow through the din of voices, I hear it and know without looking that my sweet girl just saw Janice’s lips on mine. My eyes zero in on her and my heart breaks at the look on her face. She looks crushed, tears swimming in her eyes as she takes in the scene in front of her obviously misconstruing it.

Of course she would. The evidence of Janice practically wrapped in my arms, her lips on mine is damning. Mel turns from me and rushes through the crowd. Not even a second passes before I have Janice shoved to the side and I’m chasing after my babygirl.

Mel’s short stature works against me as she disappears in the crowd of people. I’m only a few steps behind her, but I still lose sight of her. I spend long minutes searching everywhere for her, but I can’t find her. She’s gone, and I can’t chase after her because the game is resuming, and I can’t let my team down. Not during the biggest game of the season. Not when the stands are filled with recruiters and the boys’ futures hang in the balance.

I kick a discarded bottle of water, cursing. I run my hands through my hair, tugging at the strands, hating that my girl is out there somewhere hurting, and I can’t help ease that pain right now. I’m letting her down, something I swore I would never do. The team is on the field, but my mind is a million miles away.

I pull out my phone and send a text to Mel, the only thing I can do right now even though it’s a poor excuse of contact.

It’s not what it looked like. I swear to you, babygirl. Please come back and talk to me.

I stare at my phone, hoping that I’ll see the bouncing dots that tell me she’s read my message and is responding, but my phone is silent. I check my damn phone at least a million times during the second half of the game, cursing Janice every time when I see there’s no response from Mel.

Finally the game ends with a win. Despite my distraction, the guys pulled off a total shutout. I’m so damn proud of them but can’t feel the excitement knowing that somewhere out there, my Melinda is thinking the worst of me.

I congratulate the team but don’t stick around to celebrate. How could I when I’ve got a woman to find and a relationship to fix. There is no way I’m letting Janice Lin get in the way of my relationship with Melinda. I would rather die than lose her, as dramatic as that sounds. I rush out of the stadium and to my truck. I peel out of the parking lot, driving like a madman to Melinda’s house.

My heart sinks when I pull up outside and realize her car isn’t in the driveway and the house is completely dark. She didn’t come home. Where did she go? My worry grows as I sit outside her house waiting for her to show up. I pull out my phone and call her. It rings off to voicemail after several unanswered rings.

“You’ve reached Melinda Young; leave a message at the beep.” I smile at the formality in her message. It’s just like my Mel and it makes my heart clench in my chest. The line beeps and I’m tongue-tied for a moment.

“Mel, baby, please listen to me… what you saw isn’t what it looked like. I swear to you. Please come home. I’m waiting for you. I-” The words ‘I love you’ are on the tip of my tongue, but I bite them back. Now isn’t the time to declare my love. Not when I’ve just broken her heart. I won’t manipulate her like that. She deserves to hear the words in a sweet moment, not when I’m begging for my life. “Call me… please.”

I sit outside her house for over an hour like a fucking stalker, not giving a shit when the neighbors give me suspicious glances. I refuse to leave until I’ve talked to Melinda. Nothing will get me out of this truck until she’s home.

I finally give in and dial Colt. Maybe Darlene has heard from Mel, and they can tell me where she went. The phone only rings twice before Colt answers. I don’t wait for niceties before I dive in with my questions.

“Have you or Darlene heard from Mel?”

“I haven’t… Let me ask Darlene.” He speaks quietly away from the phone for a moment then he’s back. “Darlene hasn’t heard from her. Why what’s wrong?”

I let out a frustrated sigh and run my hand through my hair again, tugging at the ends. “Fucking Janice showed up at the game tonight. I mean, of course she did; she’s the Jaguar’s cheer coach. She caught me off guard. Man, she fucking kissed me, and Mel saw it.”

“Oh fuck, brother,” Colt says with sympathy.

“I know. I tried to chase after her, but she took off before I could get to her. I should’ve left the game… I just couldn’t disappoint the guys.” I swipe a hand down my face, feeling tired and so, so filled with regret.

“I’ll let you know if I hear from her…” He pauses for a moment, and I can hear Darlene’s soft voice in the background. “I might only be able to tell you she’s okay… Darlene won’t let me betray her friendship if Mel doesn’t want to be found.”

I let out a frustrated sound, but I understand. I wouldn’t want Darlene to betray her… not when she already thinks that one person she cares for has betrayed her.

“Thanks, man.”

“You’re welcome. Hang in there.”

I sit outside Mel’s house long into the night. Finally, around three, I give up and head home. She’s obviously staying elsewhere and being here isn’t helping anything.