The Liar Next Door by Nicola Marsh



I’m making Vi one of her favorite dinners, tomato soup and toast, when there’s a knock at the door.

“The soup’s nearly ready, sweetie, so hang tight, okay?”

Vi rolls her eyes and I get a glimpse of what she’ll be like as a teen. “I’m right here, Mom.” She waves the electronic tablet at me. “I’m hungry but I want to finish watching this.”

“Cheeky.” I tug on her ponytail and she swats me away, already engrossed in the princess show again.

I wipe my hands on a dishcloth as the knock sounds again. I’m not expecting anyone but with a little luck it’ll be Frankie wanting to arrange a play date with the girls so we can finalize the baby shower details.

I open the door, surprised to find Andre and Luna on the other side.

“Hey, you two.”

“Can Violette play, Celeste?” Luna brandishes a backpack that’s bulging. “I’ve brought loads of stuff because Daddy says I won’t get bored that way.”

I’m at a loss with what this means and Andre shrugs, sheepish. “I hate to do this to you, but could you watch Luna for a few hours? I’ve been called in to work on an urgent job and I can’t take her with me.”

“Sure, no problem.” I smile down at Luna, who’s craning her neck to look past me, already searching for her bestie. “Violette’s about to have dinner. Have you eaten?”

Luna claps her hands before pressing them together in a pleading gesture. “No, and I’m starving.”

I laugh and point at the kitchen. “Why don’t you go join her while I chat with your dad for a minute?”

“Yay! Thanks, Celeste.”

She runs past me, her backpack banging my leg but she doesn’t break stride. I love how close the girls are. It’s exactly what I’d wanted when we first moved next door.

“I don’t expect you to feed her,” Andre says. “I’ve packed fruit and crackers and juice in her backpack.”

“It’s no problem at all. I always make extra so I don’t have to cook every day.”

“Great. Thanks for this.” He flashes me a grateful smile. “I’m not sure what time I’ll be back but it shouldn’t take more than an hour or two.”

“Take your time. The girls love playing together and it keeps Vi out of my hair for a while.”

“I’m not sure when Frankie will be home but I doubt it’ll be before me. But I’ll let her know Luna’s here just in case.”

“Is she having some much needed mom time?”

“I wish.” He grimaces. “Apparently her ex-husband is missing and the police want to interview her at a beach house they had in New Haven.”

I hear what he says but I can’t compute as there’s a faint buzzing in my ears, like a million bees have been let loose.

Frankie can’t be at the cottage.

Because she might figure out the truth and it’s too soon.

“Celeste? You okay?”

“Yeah, just hungry, got a little woozy for a second.” I pat my stomach that’s churning so badly I fear I may vomit. “I get low blood sugar sometimes.”

“I better let you eat then. Thanks again. My number’s on my business card tucked it into the front pocket of Luna’s backpack so if you need me for anything, just call, okay?”

I manage to nod and smile, while clamping down on the scream building inside me. It clamors to get out, deafening and unrelenting if I let it.

As he heads down the front steps, I close the door and take the stairs two at a time.

There’s no time to lose.

I need to pack.

The girls and I have to leave. Now.