The Liar Next Door by Nicola Marsh



Lloyd is buzzing with excitement. I know because he’s humming a song from our wedding, one he loves. Despite my religious upbringing I’ve never been a fan of hymns but this one reminds me of the day I pledged to love this man and put my past behind me. A past that’s turned up here when I thought I’d bid it farewell forever.

As we stand hand in hand beside the giant helium balloon I’m unaware I’m squeezing Lloyd’s hand too tight until he gives a little jiggle and I relax my grip. Everyone’s looking at us and I smile, pretending to share my joy with my new friends.

But I’m only interested in one person’s reaction.

“Why are you so excited? You already know the sex,” I murmur under my breath as he continues to hum that song about eternal love and devotion.

“Because everyone’s been so welcoming and I like that we get to share this with our new neighbors.”

He’s right. I’m impressed by how many of our neighbors have turned up today. It shows good community spirit. I want to be a part of it but I’m scared. If they find out the real reason I’m here, I’ll be ostracized. I have a thick skin, but it’s my unborn child I worry about. I don’t want any stigma attached to him. He’s innocent in all this. I’m the idiot who created this mess.

“Just tell us already,” some wise guy I haven’t met yet in a funky tie-dyed T-shirt yells out and the rest of the crowd whistle and clap.

Lloyd’s eyes glow with pride as he raises our joined hands clasping a giant BBQ fork. “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

I’m not just referring to the gender reveal and as we stab at the big balloon together and it makes a resounding pop, showering us with sparkly blue confetti, I know what I’m doing is risky. Hell, it’s the riskiest thing I’ve ever done but if I can pull this off, my son and my family will be protected and that’s all that matters.

People cheer and rush forward, crowding around us, gushing over the fact we’re having a boy. I accept their congratulations for what feels like the hundredth time today, suddenly wishing this was all over. It’s draining having to pretend all the time. I love Lloyd, but if he learns the truth, he’ll disown me. His Christian values are one of the things that drew me to him, but they’ll also be my downfall. He’ll judge me. Everyone will. I know I’m a bad person; I don’t need it pointed out.

I’ve been tempted to tell him the truth so many times over the last few months. The church is all about forgiveness so surely he’d absolve his wife of sin?

But I chicken out, terrified to take a risk and unravel the life I’ve built for my son. I’m here to ensure my secret never gets out; for the sake of my baby, my marriage and my entire pious family, whose reputations will be ruined if what I’ve done is revealed.

I’m tired, and sensing my distress, Lloyd hands me a glass of sparkling water. “Here. Looks like you could use this.”

“Thanks.” I gulp it down gratefully but it does little to ease the tightness in my throat.

Ruston is looking at me again and I feel the intensity of his gaze like a physical caress.

As if my situation isn’t complicated enough, what is he doing here?

He’s not with a woman, I’ve checked, and he doesn’t seem to be particularly close to anyone here, so that means he’s not the partner of someone or visiting a friend… hell, does he live here?

I should approach him, act casual, pretend like my pulse isn’t racing at the sight of him. It shouldn’t. I should be immune. I steeled my heart against him before I married Lloyd. He’s my husband’s opposite in every way.

For years, Ruston reeled me in, only to cast me away in favor of “keeping things casual”. I knew at the time any self-respecting woman wouldn’t put up with that kind of relationship, but I did because he was like a drug for me. I craved the high.

First loves are intense like that. I kept going back for more, despite my parents warning me against him and doing everything they could to steer me in the right direction. Ironic, that when I’d finally given in and opened my heart to the possibility of having something solid with Lloyd, I’d let Ruston get under my skin again and here I am.

Lying to everyone, including my dedicated husband.

As Ruston continues to stare at me, a hint of a smirk playing around his mouth, like he knows how much he still affects me, I know one thing. I can’t allow him to distract me from my goal.

I moved to Hambridge Heights for one reason only.

I’ll do anything to make sure everything goes to plan.