Forbidden Hunger by R.L. Kenderson


Siya woketo an almost-pitch-black room and tried to piece together where she was. She must have been sleeping hard because it took a minute to remember Emery and Monica, Ram bringing her to the cat-shifters, and Demi letting her lie down in her bed.

With a sigh, she rolled onto her back and ran into something hard. It wasn’t the wall though because it was warm, and Siya froze.

Her first thought was that somehow, Demi hadn’t been able to warn Saxon, and he had accidentally crawled into bed with her. But she quickly dismissed it. Saxon would have smelled her, and unless something tragic had occurred with Demi, she would never let that happen.

Which meant she was probably no longer in Demi’s bed. She had to be in Ram’s.

Going off her memory, Siya carefully felt around for the nightstand next to the bed. She found it and felt a phone on top. She wasn’t sure if it was hers, but all she needed was some light. She hit the power button and quickly directed it around the room and then over to the hard warmth she’d run into minutes before.

She was definitely in Ram’s room, and it was Ram sleeping beside her. It was also her phone she was holding.

Someone must have carried her and her stuff from Demi’s room instead of waking her up to ask her to move. So much for sleeping on the floor.

Just before the light went out, Ram’s eyelids twitched, and a set of yellow eyes stared at her. She swore she could still see them in the dark.

“Sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

Ram didn’t say anything. He didn’t even let out a grunt or any other kind of noise.

Warily, she reached out her hand until she touched his chest. “Ram?”

He growled and yanked her toward him. He licked her wrist, and without any warning, he bit down.

Siya squeaked out a noise, but it was more from surprise than pain. Ram had drunk from her wrist—and only her wrist—once before when Demi was in trouble, but he had let her know it was going to happen. This had come out of nowhere.

But while that might have been different, her reaction to him wasn’t. She was just as turned on now as she had been all those months ago.

Ram growled again so loudly that it vibrated against her wrist.

Can he smell my desire?

She wasn’t sure, but after he closed up her wound with his tongue, he placed her hand on his very hard, very large dick.

She gasped as he formed her hand into a fist around him, and as he pumped his hips toward her, he used his free hand to grasp the back of her neck and bring her mouth to his.

She didn’t know if she should, but she opened her mouth for him and squeezed his thick shaft as she grew wet between her legs. She didn’t like to admit it, but she’d been fantasizing about having sex with Ram for months. Sometimes to the point that she thought about him when she pleasured herself.

Being so close to the real thing was like setting herself on fire, and for the first time in her life, it occurred to her that she might orgasm without a single touch to her clit or her vagina.

So, why was she denying herself?

She swung her leg over Ram’s hip and pushed his length against her center.

Her mouth broke from his when she made a sound that was a half-gasp, half-sigh.

Apparently, Ram didn’t like it. Or maybe he liked it too much because he growled again and went for her clothes.

Her pants and underwear were off in one fell swoop, and her shirt was gone with one pull. Her bra disappeared somewhere in there, too.

He kissed her again and rolled her onto her back. Rubbing his dick over her clit, he said, “Wet,” in a low voice.

“Of course I am,” Siya whispered. “You’re naked and between my legs.”

Her eyes had adjusted more to the darkness, and she caught his eyes flaring before he struck.

Both his cock and his teeth pierced her body, and it felt almost like she’d been hit by lightning.

As a kid, she’d been afraid of vampires—or rather, what Hollywood portrayed vampires as—but now, in the present, having Ram’s fangs in her neck was probably the hottest thing that had ever happened to her.

Even though he was inside her body, he held himself still. His body was rigid, to the point that he was almost shaking.

She ran one hand down his back and cupped his ass while she dragged the other up to grasp the back of his head. “It’s okay, Ram. Take me. Take me the way you want to.”

And just like that, she unleashed a monster. The sexiest, perfect kind of monster.

His hips thrust forward as he pounded into her. His mouth sucked on her skin, taking her blood. She felt raw and open and like every nerve ending was on fire.

Her neck was going to be bruised tomorrow, but she didn’t care. She wanted everything he was giving her.

When he pulled his fangs from her skin, she almost felt sad, but when he lifted his upper body over hers, she was mesmerized by how beautiful he looked.

Staring down at her, he gazed into her eyes as he fucked her. If she’d thought she felt raw before, it was nothing like now. It was like her soul was exposed, and she didn’t know what to do, so she turned away.

Ram grabbed her chin and jerked it back in place. He shook his head, and she knew he meant for her not to turn away again.

He leaned closer until their noses almost touched but not so close that they couldn’t focus.

“It’s time,” he said.

She didn’t understand. But suddenly, her body stiffened as her orgasm hit her from almost out of nowhere.

Ram slammed his mouth down on hers, and he continued to drive into her over and over again. She tasted the copper of her own blood, she tasted Ram, and then she tasted a hint of sweetness that she couldn’t pinpoint.

But she forgot about it as Ram tensed above her when he also came.

Her heart was still racing, but it didn’t stop her from realizing that she’d just had unprotected sex with him. She had no idea if it was something she needed to worry about. She didn’t even know if vampires and humans could have babies.

Ram lifted himself over her and slowly withdrew from her body.

She didn’t like it. She felt…naked. Which was weird because she’d been naked the whole time they had sex. She figured it was because now that his body was no longer close, she felt more exposed.

She also felt empty. He was so big; her body needed to adjust to not having him there anymore.

She was about to ask him about pregnancy when he tilted his head to the side, as if he suddenly didn’t know who she was. The way he looked made her want to cover up.

Ram fell to the bed by her side, and she quickly yanked the covers up to her chin.

Why had he looked at her like that? Was he regretting sleeping with her?

What have I done?Letting herself get possibly hurt by him again.

She rolled away from Ram but didn’t get far. His arm wrapped around her waist, and he yanked her back toward him.

Well, now, she didn’t know what to think. Except there was no way she was going back to sleep, next to him.

She slipped out from under Ram’s arm after he fell back asleep, found some clothes—her other clothes Ram had taken off her were who knew where—and opened the door.

Right outside was a sleeping bag, a pillow, and a blanket.

Lot of good it did her now. But it was better late than never.

She brought the stuff in the bedroom and made up a sleeping area for herself. Then, she went to the bathroom to clean herself up.

Thankfully, no one was around. Everyone must be either out or sleeping, so at least she didn’t have to talk to anyone.

Her wrist looked fine under the light, and her neck wasn’t bad either. Both had tiny pinpricks, but that was it so far. Siya pushed on her neck in different spots to test for pain, but it was only a little sore. Nothing that felt like she’d be bruised tomorrow.

She knew there were healing properties in vampire saliva, but this was truly amazing. To think of all the patients she could help at work with a little magic spit. It sounded gross when she put it that way, but with everything else she’d learned about vampires and shifters, there probably weren’t any germs in it.

Feeling inferior, she finished up, went back to Ram’s room, and lay down on the floor. As she stared at the ceiling, she could only hope that tomorrow would be less adventurous.