All-In by Sierra Cartwright

Chapter Four

During the afternoon, Zara’s cell phone rang, and the display showed the name of her friend Makenna. Even though she was in the middle of composing her social media posts for the rest of the week, Zara answered the call.

Makenna skipped her normal greeting and dived straight in. “Is everything okay?”

She blinked. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

“I just saw breaking news on Scandalicious.”

Breath rushed out of Zara’s lungs, and her heart raced. The respected paparazzi site was known for reporting the juiciest gossip before any other outlet. Before she could ask what her friend was talking about, Makenna supplied the missing information.

“It was about Maverick. He looks like he went a few rounds in a cage match.”

She struggled to find her voice.

“You went out with him last night, right?”


“You didn’t know?” Makenna exhaled. “So you weren’t together when he got in the fight? I was worried.”

“I…” It was too complicated to explain in a quick phone call. “We went our separate ways early.”

“You’ll give me all the details later?”

Since she already had a date scheduled with Makenna and Avery that afternoon at the Royal Sterling teahouse, she made the promise—not that she’d ever be able to escape Makenna’s interrogation. “Swear.”

“I’m glad you’re okay.”

So was she—more than anyone realized.

After she put down her phone, Zara opened the Scandalicious site and scrolled to the article with a click-baity title. BAD HEIR DAY.

A large grainy picture showed Maverick entering his car. A second shot zoomed in on his face. She gasped at the black eye he sported. His jaw was swollen, and there was an open cut on his upper lip.

The breath she was holding burned her lungs.

She hadn’t known how Lorenzo would deal with the predator, but she shouldn’t have been surprised. He was complicated in many ways. She’d seen firsthand the way he’d dealt with Jeffrey. Yet with her, he’d shown extraordinary tenderness. More than once, he could have taken advantage of her, but he never had.

His complexities confounded her. Any relationship with him would not be easy…or ordinary.

The next few hours passed in a blur. She was preoccupied with thoughts of Lorenzo and everything they’d shared, and she never finished editing her posts.

Her assistant knocked on her office door, then entered without waiting for an invitation. “Your plans are confirmed for tonight.”

“Thank you.” At least one of them was thinking straight.

“Anything else you need?”

She shook her head. Elise was a godsend, and today she was doubly on top of things. “I’ll be in late tomorrow. And I’m leaving soon.”

“Tea with Makenna and Avery.” Elise looked at her watch. “In less than twenty minutes.”

“Seriously?” Zara blinked and glanced at the clock on the wall.

“Head down to the lobby, I’ll call Bryan and have him meet you out front.”

Bryan was her semiprivate driver. At times, Vegas lines for cabs or rideshares was ridiculous. No way could she afford a private chauffeur, so this arrangement worked out well. He kept his client list manageable, and he stayed in the immediate area. “I couldn’t do this without you.”

“I’ll remind you of this at my annual review.”

“I’m sure you will.”

They both grinned.

Bryan pulled up within a few minutes. Zara arrived at the Royal Sterling to find her friends were already there. They immediately stood to hug her; then Makenna swept a careful gaze over Zara. “I know you said you were okay, but I had to see for myself.”

Grateful for the support, she smiled.

“I hope you don’t mind, I brought Avery up to speed.”

“Thank you.”

After they were seated, their server approached, highlighting the day’s features, and Zara opted for a pot of Earl Grey. After all, it would be hours until dinner, and it promised to be a long night.

“Okay,” Makenna began when they were alone. “Tell us what happened last night with Maverick.”

Though there were no tables nearby, she leaned forward. A few months ago, Makenna had had a terrible experience with the paparazzi. And since Maverick had been photographed by what was presumably a long-range lens, Zara wanted to be certain they weren’t overheard.

She gave a brief recap, starting with their arrival at Excess and then Maverick spiking her drink while she was distracted. “It was…” She gave herself a mental shake. “I was lucky. Lorenzo saw it happen on video and intervened.”

“Lorenzo?” Makenna echoed.

Their group knew him, and he’d attended Avery’s recent wedding.

“The owner himself came to deal with it?”

“Yeah. I’m sure it wouldn’t have been good for the Rose’s reputation.”

Even though the casino and resort had only been open for a matter of months, it had already earned the nickname the Rose among the area’s locals.

“What happened then?” Avery asked.

“He, uhm… His security team escorted Maverick out.”

“Escorted?” Makenna raised a skeptical eyebrow.

“According to Cole, Lorenzo is definitely not the type to put up with that crap.” Cole was Avery’s husband, a security expert who’d worked directly with the Bella Rosa’s staff.

“So, that’s why Mav looks like he’s in training to be an MMA fighter?”

Zara shrugged. “I’m sure Lorenzo would deny anything happened.”

“Well, I think Maverick deserved much worse.” Avery’s face scrunched in a ferocious scowl.

“From what I’ve seen on the gossip sites, his reputation is wrecked.” Makenna smiled. “I hate what he tried to do to you, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it has happened before. His daddy has enough money to make legal charges vanish, and records can be sealed. But this? He won’t forget it. And maybe he’ll think twice in the future. I’m sure he’s banned from the Bella Rosa and probably some other places in town.”

Lorenzo’s uncle’s resort, for certain.

“So where were you during this whole thing?”

Makenna’s question made Zara squirm. “Lorenzo’s suite.”

Avery’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”

“Okay.” Makenna leaned back. “You have to tell us more.”

She shook her head. “There’s not much to say.”

“I was blown away the first time I saw Zachary’s place.”

Makenna’s husband owned a penthouse at the resort, and the couple were living there temporarily. Makenna wanted a house with a yard, while he preferred something that had very little maintenance.

“So I can’t imagine what Lorenzo’s place is like. I have heard rumors, though. Does he really have a pool of his own?”

“And a retractable roof.”

“You’d never be able to get me to leave.” Avery fanned herself.

If Zara gave in to temptation, she’d be back there in a matter of hours.

The server returned with pots of tea and lots of delectable treats.

Once she’d settled again, Zara changed the subject. Though she basked in the spotlight, she didn’t make a habit of sharing the most intimate details of her life. “Enough about me. How is married life treating you both?”

Avery grinned as she set down her cup of chamomile tea. “I have news.”

“Oh?” Zara asked.

“Tell us!” Makenna demanded with a grin.

“I’m expecting.”

Full of excitement, they both stood to hug their friend.

“Details,” Makenna prompted a few minutes later.

“I’m tired. And…”

“And?” Zara prompted.

“We just found out we’re having twins.”

“Twins?” Zara demanded.

“Twins?” Makenna echoed.

“My husband doesn’t do anything by half measures.” With a sigh, Avery grinned. “Or waste any time.”

A few minutes later, Makenna, in her customary planning mode, got down to business. “Since twins sometimes come early, we’ll need to set a date, sooner rather than later, for your shower.”

“I haven’t been able to think about much other than how to work from home most of the time. My energy level is zapped.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll handle the details. With Zara’s help.”

She held up a hand in protest. “Babies aren’t my expertise.”

“But venues are. Somewhere kind of intimate. With excellent food.” Makenna grabbed her phone and opened an app. Stylus in hand, she looked at Avery. “How many people? And are you wanting something co-ed?”

At the suggestion, Avery’s eyes lit up. “Cole hates to be left out of anything. And I definitely want to watch him try to win a doll-diapering competition.”

Though Zara grinned at the idea, her heart ground to a halt. Of course she would attend the event, but not having a date might be a little uncomfortable.

Unbidden, thoughts of Lorenzo plundered her mind, and she wondered if he’d ever thought of having children. What kind of father would he make?


Realizing Makenna had asked her something, she shook her head. “Sorry.”

“What do you think? A private room at a restaurant as a venue?”

“Unless we want to do it at someone’s home.”

“Great suggestion. What do you think, Avery? I’d offer to host, but I’m not sure if we’ll move before then.”

“Let’s have it at a restaurant.” Avery nodded, decision made. “Maybe here at the Sterling. That way it’s easy for Aunt Scarlett.”

“Perfect.” Makenna nodded. “I’ll get on it tomorrow.”

“Now it’s your turn,” Avery told Makenna. “How’s married life treating you?”

She grinned. “I had no idea how demanding Zachary could be. I’ve never been more exhausted… Or happier.”

“Good.” Genuinely happy for her friends, Zara smiled.

For the next half hour, they discussed business, bouncing ideas off each other.

The server returned to ask if they needed anything.

Avery shook her head. “As much as I’d like to stay, I want to see Aunt Scarlett before she goes onstage.”

At eighty-something, the woman was a Las Vegas phenomenon. She still choreographed and danced in her own burlesque show almost every night of the week. At last report, she was juggling no less than three boyfriends, one of whom was an A-list actor a third of her age.

Zara nodded her agreement. “I have to work tonight, so I need to get ready.”

“In that case, just the check, please.” Makenna pulled out her credit card. “I’ll take it.”

“I think it’s my turn,” Zara protested.

“Are you kidding? Since we’re baby shower planning, it’s a business expense.”

Twenty minutes later, Zara was back at her office, changing for the evening’s event with an up-and-coming singer, and his entourage—libations at a grand opening of a newly renovated club on the Strip. A lot of press would be in attendance, and no doubt the outing would be covered by Scandalicious.

As she was slipping into an outrageously tall pair of sandals, she sighed. Generally she loved her job and gained energy from socializing. Tonight, however, she’d have preferred to have accepted Lorenzo’s invitation so they could discuss what had happened to Maverick.

Still, she had obligations, and she’d be the perfect socialite, ensuring everyone had a good time, and no one would guess she had any turmoil.

Finally ready, she headed out and texted the club’s owner that she was on her way. The place had a back entrance, but she opted to meet him out front, where he escorted her to the front of the line. As expected, tons of pictures were snapped, and she posed with a couple of women for a selfie—ensuring the club’s name was captured in the shot.

Once they were inside the thumping, strobe-filled room, the owner shook her hand. “Thanks for coming out.”

“Bobby is looking forward to the chance to get onstage later.”

“We’ll make it happen.”

The manager joined them, introduced himself, and showed her to the section he’d reserved for her group. “Marlene will be your server. Let me know if there’s anything else you need.”

Instead of shouting to be heard, she nodded and smiled.

By the time Bobby Keyes and his entourage arrived, she had bottles of champagne, whiskey, and vodka waiting, along with all the appropriate mixers. Of course, the club boasted excellent cocktails, if anyone wanted them.

Keyes—real name unknown—was younger than expected, and easier to work with than most. He was tall and lanky, and thin to the point of gaunt. To complete his rock-star image, he’d poured himself into skintight leather pants, then only bothered to fasten the bottom two buttons on his shirt.

The group filmed tons of videos, and when he took to the stage, numerous people went live on various social media platforms. His voice was remarkably good, and the original tune captivating. He hadn’t settled for performing a cover. He’d gone straight for the gold. She admired his style.

He signed autographs on anything imaginable—receipts, cocktail napkins, clothing people were still wearing, even the top of a woman’s ass when she tugged up her skirt.

After the band had finished their set and announced a break, Keyes shook her hand and leaned forward to be heard over the din of the piped-in electronic music. “Marvie job. I mean it.”

“I’m going to head out. I’ll get some more posts up in the coming hours and days to keep the excitement humming. When you hit number one, come back to Vegas.”

With that, he grinned.

A woman sidled up next to him, and he draped an arm around her shoulder. The man was easygoing and charismatic. And he worked the publicity machine nonstop, leaving her with little doubt he would achieve his goals.

She made her exit, this time through the back door, where her driver was waiting.

“Where to?”

Home would be smart.The past twenty-four hours had taken an emotional toll, and yet she hungered for Lorenzo. “The Bella Rosa. And I won’t need you anymore this evening.”

He met her gaze in the rearview mirror. “I can hang around for a couple of hours.”

She was fortunate to have Bryan. He took his job seriously and always looked out for her. “Thank you. I’ll be okay.”

“If you need me, just call.”

Even though it was after midnight, Bryan still had to take his turn behind a long line of limousines and expensive cars. Finally, he pulled beneath the brightly lit pink brick porte cochere.

A hotel employee opened her car door.

As she walked toward the entrance, she pulled her shoulders back and pushed through the heavy revolving door.

Now what?

She hadn’t thought this through. Lorenzo hadn’t given her his contact information, and she’d never confirmed that she would be here this evening. If what he said was true, however, he would soon know she was in the house.

Because the Rose’s Martini Bar was her favorite hotspot, she decided to grab a drink there. The drinks were arguably the best in Vegas, and at this time of the night—or more technically, the morning—it shouldn’t be so crowded that she couldn’t get a table or a seat at the bar.

If he didn’t seek her out by the time she was finished, she’d ask her server or the bartender for help in locating him.

Zara hadn’t taken more than two dozen steps inside the air-conditioned resort when Mario appeared in front of her.

Startled, she stopped and clutched her pocketbook.

“Ms. Davis.” He nodded.

She gave him a half smile. “Mario.”

“If you’ll follow me, please.”

“I was going to grab a martini.”

“The boss wishes you to join him.”

When she remained where she was, scowling, he relented.

“I’ll have one sent to you.”

She sighed. Lorenzo’s world was so completely different from hers.

“What’s your preference?”

Though their chocolate martinis were amazing, she generally stuck with their signature drink: the Rose, complete with a petal floating on the top, from the resort’s flower gardens.

After telling him what she wanted, he repeated the order into his microphone, then extended his hand, pointed in front of him, silently indicating she should walk with him. As if she had a choice?

This time, she wasn’t surprised when they entered the private elevator.

Instead of pushing the button for Lorenzo’s apartment, Mario selected one that was marked T. As she expected, they were whisked upward, and the car drew to a disorienting stop in mere seconds.

They exited into a foyer and moved toward a frosted glass door that was opened for them.

Mario didn’t follow her inside, and from the back of the space, Lorenzo walked forward to greet her.

The moment she saw him, every upset, every hesitation disappeared as if they’d never existed. He stopped a couple of feet away and swept his gaze over her as if she were the most important woman in the world. By slow measures, he smiled, transforming his features.

“Principessa.” He took her hand and raised it to his lips.

Her pulse fluttered, and her thoughts splintered into disarray. The appealing scent of him wrapped around her.

The last time she’d seen him, he’d been dressed to pump iron. Now he was back in a tailored suit, with an eye-catching red tie. Even if she hadn’t known who he was, she would have instinctively recognized his power and authority. And been attracted to it.

“The gods have indeed bestowed a blessing on me this evening. I wasn’t sure you’d come.”

“Where am I?”

“A members-only retreat.”

The lobby-type area had comfortable seating and a bar. Along one wall were numerous other rooms, with seating for no more than four people. They had doors for privacy, and a few were closed. “This would be fabulous for private discussions or business meetings.”

He nodded his agreement. “Food and beverage service is available.”

“I didn’t know it existed. I’d love to do a shoot here.”

“We prefer to keep it secret.”

“If you change your mind…”

“Then you’ll be the first person I notify.”

“Knowing the owner has its perks.”

He leaned toward her.

The atmosphere heated, matching the burst of awareness that flooded her. “And its obligations.”

Like what?She was too scared to ask the question.

Then he spoke, and the moment was over. “Join me?”

She followed him all the way to the back of the space; then he indicated she should precede him through a doorway.

This room was larger than the others. Breath rushed from her lungs at the spectacular skyscape. “This… It’s stunning. How high are we?”

“Fifty-third floor.”

Top of the world. Lord and master of all he surveyed…as he’d told her before “Your uncle’s property is on the north side, right?”

“It is.”

He pulled back a chair and then scooted it in when she sat.

After she was situated, he took his place across from her, steepling his hands together. The jewels in his ring caught the light, refracting off the wall.

“What do you use this place for?”

“Conversation. Reflection.” He grinned, quick and seductive. “Planning. Of all sorts.”

A shudder ghosted up her spine.

Moments later, someone knocked on the door.


The woman who’d been tending bar entered, carrying Zara’s rose martini. “Wow.” The beverage was picture-perfect, and she couldn’t resist grabbing her phone from her purse. “Thank you.”

“Of course.” Then she looked at Lorenzo. “Is that all, sir?”

He gave a tight nod.

When the woman left, Zara snapped a photo. “I can’t believe how fast this was.”

“I will meet all your needs, principessa.”

To cover the way his bold statement shook her, she took a sip of the beverage. “This is divine.”

He nodded. Of course he demanded perfection.

After a second taste, she placed the gorgeous Z-shaped glass back onto the black cocktail napkin bearing the resort’s gold logo.

She met his gaze. He was regarding her over his palms, his whiskey glass sitting to one side untouched.

“There was an article in Scandalicious about Maverick.”


Zara frowned. “Pictures as well. He looked as if he’d been beat up.”

“How unfortunate for him.”

“You had nothing to do with it?”

“Principessa.” He leaned forward. “I take care of what’s mine.”


“Deny it.”

How could she? She’d been his since he saw her at her father’s Christmas party. “Why?”

“You tell me.”

“You protected me.” And still do.

“It’s more than an obligation. I saw your innocence.”

But had never corrupted it.

“Admired your belief in your father.”

He hadn’t mentioned the overwhelming attraction that had singed her nerve endings. “And now?”

“And now, principessa? I’ve waited long enough.”

“What does that mean?”

“You’re mine. And I intend to have you.”

Her pulse careened out of control.

“You want it also.” He captured her shoulders and pulled her toward him, and she couldn’t deny him. “Are you brave enough to pay the price?”