Feels Like Love by Jenna Hartley

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Six Months Later

“Happy birthday to you,” I sang as I carried Bennett’s dessert out to the back patio.

Everyone joined in, a chorus of voices. As I glanced around our deck, the faces of our friends and family smiled back at me. My parents, Liam, Asher, Tristan, and the kids. Harper and her family. A few other childhood friends. The past six months, I’d never been happier.

Bennett smiled, his eyes darting between mine and the magic flan cake I was carrying. We’d seen it on the show Nadiya Bakes, and I knew he’d been dying to try it. It really was magic, and I couldn’t wait to dive into the chocolate, flan, and caramel deliciousness. But his eyes were focused on me, devouring me as if I was the decadent treat he wanted most.

With the help of my mom, River and I had spent all day getting ready for the party—decorating the house, preparing the food, making everything perfect to celebrate the man we loved.

Toodles ran around my ankles, jumping about me as I walked, eager to join in the fun. Bennett picked him up and tucked him into his side, giving me a sweet kiss as I set the cake on the table. We finished singing, and Bennett leaned forward and blew out the candles.

“Thank you all for coming tonight.” He handed Toodles to River. “I would’ve made a wish, but I have everything I ever could’ve hoped for. A beautiful home. A son I adore.” He hugged River to his side. “Amazing friends. And the most wonderful woman at my side.”

I smiled, tilting my lips up for a kiss. Everyone oohed and aahed.

“That said,” Bennett continued, and I frowned. “There is one thing I want more than anything.” He turned to me and knelt on the deck.

My eyes widened as the realization sank in that he was going to propose. And when he pulled out a small velvet box and gestured for River to join him, I gasped.

“Wren.” He took my hand in his. “You’re my past, my present, and my forever. I love you and River—”

“And Toodles!” River said, to which we all laughed.

“Yes. And Toodles.” Bennett smiled down at River and our fur baby with so much affection before returning his gaze to me. “Say you’ll marry me.”

My smile was so wide it nearly split my face. “Of course I’ll marry you.”

Bennett slid the ring onto my finger as everyone clapped and cheered. I stared down at the beautiful oval-shaped emerald set in a gold band. It was perfect. And then he kissed me—a kiss filled with hope and love and light. This beautiful, kind man wanted to be my forever. Sometimes, I still couldn’t believe this was my life.

While my mom and River started dishing up the cake, Bennett pulled me into his side.

“I thought this was supposed to be your birthday,” I teased, peering up at him.

“It is. You’re my present.” He gave me a squeeze.

“I don’t know.” I glanced down at my hand, where the emerald sparkled at me. “This ring is pretty fabulous.”

He smiled. “I’m glad you like it. I was honestly really nervous about it.”

“Oh my god, why? It’s gorgeous. I’ve never seen anything like it.” I held up my hand, admiring the unique ring.

“I had it custom designed. I chose the stone because emeralds represent patience and inspiration. As well as unity, compassion, and unconditional love. All the things that you are. All the things that I feel for you.”

I turned toward him and cupped his cheeks with my hands. “How did I get so lucky?”

“Mm. I think we’ll both be getting lucky later,” he murmured.

I laughed. “Oh, I’m definitely having sex with my fiancé tonight.”

He grinned. “Fiancé. Mm. I like the sound of that. Though…I’m looking forward to being your husband even more.”


We leaned in to kiss when someone cleared their throat, and I glanced up to see Liam watching us. “I suppose congratulations are in order.”

I tried to gauge his reaction. Considering how mad Liam had been about Bennett’s and my secret relationship, he’d accepted us pretty quickly. Perhaps it was because he realized how serious Bennett and I were. Or how much we loved each other. Or how happy we were together. Whatever the reason, I was glad for it. But getting engaged was a big step, one I hoped he could support.

He held out his hand for Bennett to shake. “Congratulations, man.” They hugged, patting each other on the back.

And then it was my turn. Liam pulled me into a hug, squeezing me tight. “Congratulations, little bird.”

Bennett was drawn into a conversation with someone else, giving Liam and me a minute alone.

“You’re really okay with this?” I asked.

He nodded. “When I look at the two of you, I see so much love. Bennett is a good man. You’re good for each other.”

I smiled. “Thanks, Liam. That means a lot. I love you.”

“Love you too.” He kissed my cheek before lifting his water and taking a sip. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and frowned.

“Everything okay?”

He rolled his eyes. “Yeah. It’s fine. I’ve gotta go. I have an early flight tomorrow, and one of my coworkers is being a pain in the ass.”

I laughed, thinking that Liam so rarely discussed his coworkers. I’d never met any of them, though that wasn’t all that surprising, considering they were scattered across the country. “Where are you off to this time?”


“Oh.” My face fell. “I’d hoped maybe you were going to see Penny again.”

Liam and Penny had connected a few weeks ago when Penny had come to Alondra for her honeymoon. Well, it should’ve been her honeymoon, but the groom had stood her up. As if being left at the altar wasn’t humiliating enough, Penny was a popular romance author, and she’d shared many of the details of her relationship on her social media.

I had yet to meet her, but I’d checked her out online. Penelope Glass. She was cute—petite with long brown hair and striking blue eyes. Big, pouty lips. She definitely looked like she could be the heroine in a romance novel. They’d talked a lot since, and I was positive they’d see each other again. They had to—I’d never seen my brother like this over a woman. He was completely smitten, even if he refused to admit it.

He shook his head, though there was a sparkle in his eye. “Not this time.”

“Be safe,” I said before he walked off.

Harper tapped me on the shoulder, and I spun to face her. “Congratulations! I’m so excited for you!”

“Thanks!” I grinned, feeling ready to burst from excitement.

“I know you just got engaged, but…I know a good wedding planner.”

I laughed. “Juliana? Do you think she’d be willing to do it?”

“Heck yeah! Are you kidding? She’d love to. And Harrison will take any excuse to come visit and get her away from work.”

About a month after Bennett moved in, we’d decided to list his old house. We didn’t even have to put it on the market because Juliana and her husband Harrison had immediately put in an offer. With all the renovations he’d had done, Bennett made a nice sum.

Since then, Juliana and Harrison had been visiting a lot more. I’d finally gotten to meet Olivia and Connor and their brood of children when they’d all come to celebrate Christmas. Olivia was obsessed with my mom’s shop, and they bonded over books and babies.

When Juliana and Harrison weren’t using the house, they rented it out as a vacation home or let their friends stay there. More celebrities had visited Alondra Valley in the last five months than the last five years combined. Crew Dixon, the owner of the Hollywood Heatwaves. Reginald “Reggie” Hawkins, another former Hollywood Heatwaves star, and his family had come to stay. As had celebrities Juliana knew from her wedding planning business. Even her assistant, Landon, whom I adored.

Even so, I knew Juliana came here to relax and unwind. Not…plan weddings. “Yeah, but…she’d be coming to work.”

“It’s not work for her. It’s fun. Trust me.”

I laughed. “Okay. Sure. Set it up.”

She leaned in and lowered her voice. “Did you give Bennett his birthday gift yet?”

Everyone seemed louder all of a sudden, or maybe I was just more withdrawn. I rolled my lip into my mouth and shook my head.

“Don’t chicken out now.” She smirked.

After the last of the guests had gone and River was tucked in bed with Toodles, Bennett and I finally made our way down the hall to our bedroom. All evening, I’d been glancing at my hand, still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I was engaged. Me! Wren Beaudin. Miss Unlucky in Love. For so long, I’d believed I was doomed to end up alone. But Bennett had shown me the meaning of trust and unconditional love. And I was excited for the future.

I brushed my teeth and changed then returned to the bedroom. Bennett was already in bed, sitting against the headboard, book in hand. With his carved chest and golden hair, he looked like an angel or a god. And he was all mine.

“Hey, baby,” he said, peering at me from above the pages. I could feel his eyes on me as I plugged in my phone.

“Did you have a good birthday?” I asked.

He closed the book and set it aside. “The best.” He crooked his finger, beckoning me to him. “Come ’ere.” His eyes were dark pools of mischief.

“In a minute.”

He frowned, and I nearly laughed at his expression. “I still have to give you your present.”

“You already gave me a present.”

“Yeah. That was the PG-family present,” I said, referring to the cookbook and baking supplies River and I had given him. “Now I want to give you your real present.”

He quirked an eyebrow. “Oh. I’m definitely intrigued.”

“Close your eyes.” Bennett was still watching me from where he reclined on the bed, and I narrowed my eyes at him. “Bennett, if you want your present, I suggest you close your eyes.”

“Okay. Okay,” he sighed. “I can follow instructions.”

“Good.” I headed toward the closet then returned with the box. My hands trembled slightly when I set it on his lap, nerves and excitement making me dizzy. “Now open.”

He glanced down at the box and untied the ribbon before tearing off the lid. He tossed the tissue paper aside and stilled when he came to the leather-bound book.

“What’s this?” He grinned, setting the box aside. “A scrapbook?”

“Not quite,” I said, though I’d have to put that on my list of ideas for Christmas. River would love to help with something like that.

Bennett opened the cover and stared down at the photo. He swallowed hard, Adam’s apple bobbing. He turned to the next page, eyes darkening. Then the next. But still, he didn’t say anything. Image after image of me dressed in lingerie. Whipped cream covering my nipples. Me pretending to lick some off my finger.

Finally, I couldn’t take it any longer. “Do you like it?”

He set the book aside. “Are you kidding?” He reached out and pulled me onto his lap, fusing his lips to mine. “I fucking love it. Those pictures of you are…incredible. You look so sexy and confident. And I’m so proud of you for doing it.”

I enjoyed the warmth of his skin and the heat of his gaze. “As you once told me, sometimes it takes someone else to show us who we really are. You helped me find that confidence.”

“I never would’ve anticipated it would turn into something like this.” He grinned. “What’s next?”

“A couples shoot,” I teased.

“Fuck yes.” He arched his hips, his erection grazing my center.

I ground against him, needing more friction. More of him. “I was talking about engagement photos, but if you want to do a couples boudoir shoot, I’m game.”

“Okay. But I’m totally going to be hard the entire time.”

I laughed, kissing his cheek. His neck. His chest. “That’s okay. We’ll make sure you’re covered with a sheet. Oh, and I sort of lined up a wedding planner and a venue.”

He chuckled. “Good. I don’t want to wait to get married.”

“Me either.”

“Any other surprises?” he asked.

“Well…” I toyed with the hair at the nape of his neck. “There is something I’d like to practice.”

“Practice?” He smirked, lifting his hands up my ribs, caressing my breasts with his thumbs. “I thought we were done with the coaching.”

“Oh. We are.” I leaned forward, rocking against him and teasing the shell of his ear with my teeth. Then I whispered, “I was hoping we could practice making a baby.”

He stilled, and when I pulled back, he gave me a watery smile. “Really?”

I nodded. “I stopped taking the pill.”

He’d asked me to think about it months ago, but at the time, I hadn’t been ready. I was still anxious after my last experience, but the more time that passed, the more excited I was about the prospect of having a baby with Bennett. Having him with me at appointments. Watching him take care of a newborn.

When he’d first broached the subject, adding pregnancy to the mix seemed like a lot. He’d just moved in. River had just gotten a puppy. Now that we were happy and settled in, I was ready. I’d already planned to tell him, even before he’d proposed. I didn’t need a ring to know that he wasn’t going anywhere.

“Fuck yes.” He pulled my shirt off. “Need you naked. Now.”

I stood and held on to the headboard as he removed my sleep shorts. And then he lifted my leg over his shoulder, spreading me so he could lick and suck and tease me until my legs were shaking. Until I didn’t remember my name, and I didn’t feel anything but him.

He gripped my hips as I slid down onto him, smashing his lips to mine. Our bodies moving in sync. Our hearts connected. Finally, my legs were so shaky that I had to stop.

“I can’t.” I laughed. “My thighs are burning.”

“Turn around and get on your knees.”

“Someone’s awfully bossy tonight.” I grinned, loving it. He smacked my ass, and I laughed.

I clutched the headboard, and he came up behind me, the mattress dipping as he eased into me, bringing our bodies flush. We sighed in unison, and he started rocking. This was when we were at our best—pure love. The ultimate connection.

One of his hands was covering mine, the other wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer with every thrust. “Fuck, baby. I love seeing my ring on your finger.”

I leaned my head back against his shoulder, turning to kiss his jaw. It was all so intense. The way he spoke to me, touched me, loved me. I cried out, muscles clenching as I tried my best to hold on.

He hissed behind me, and I knew he was close. Especially when he sped up, his movements jerky and uncoordinated.

“Come with me, baby.” He teased my clit with his finger. His breath on my ear. “Come.”

He pumped a few more times, and I closed my eyes to fight the onslaught of pleasure. Bliss. Blinding and endless. I cried out as he emptied himself in me. And then I shattered, spiraling out of control until we both fell onto the bed in a heap of sweaty limbs.

“Best birthday ever,” he said with a smile in his voice.

“Not sure what I’m going to have to do next year to top this,” I teased, my hand resting on his chest, his heart clamoring beneath his skin.

“It wasn’t because of what you did. Though I do appreciate the party and the gifts. It’s because I got to spend it with you.” He kissed me, slow and deep. A kiss full of love.

If it had taken all the awful dates with all the wrong guys to lead me to this man and this moment, then it had been worth it. Fairy tales did exist, and I had my own happily ever after with Bennett.