Honey, Honey by Rebel Carter

Chapter Ten


“You’re getting wet. You have to come closer.” I pulled at Lawson’s sleeve but the big man didn’t budge.

“I’m good. Come on,” he said pointing at his shoulder. “I’m carrying you.”

I knew I was buzzed but I could not have heard this man correctly. He was what? “Sorry?” I asked. The rain hadn’t let up for a second since I’d gone into the restaurant and I could feel it splashing up against my rain boots. I glanced down worriedly because I knew for a fact he was not wearing the right footwear for this. Rain boots didn’t exactly fit the tall, dark and broody, in a bespoke suit look Lawson was currently sporting.

“I’m carrying you. You’re stumbling all over, Honey.”

“No, I’m not, that was just a little bump in the sidewalk, I swear,” I said, gesturing towards the pavement. “I’m okay, really. I’m fine. I swear, I’m fine to walk.”

“You know when people have been out having a good time and they swear they’re good, they never are,” he said, tilting his head to the side to look at me. The gesture got him a splash of rainwater on his face, which should not have made him look hotter, but it did. God, I’d kill to be a water droplet on Lawson’s cheek.

“Lawson, look-”

He shook his head. “Law. Call me, Law. Now, come here.”

“Just when I didn’t think you could get any hotter,” I muttered. “You go and ask me to call you Law.”

“I don’t like Lawson, that’s my legal name.” He said with a face that made it sound like legal names were...well, bad.

“What’s wrong with a legal name? Mine’s Honey and you don’t hear me bitching.”

He laughed, and I finally got why there was that stupid internet poem that said something about storms being named after people or some melodramatic shit. I loved melodramatic shit, so obviously I had saved the poem on an internet board or five. At the time I’d liked the imagery, but now I got it. Law’s laugh affected me more than any rolling clap of thunder ever had, there wasn’t a sound the storm had made that could touch the laugh the man had just let out.

He was intimidating, though I was drawn to him. But his laugh? His laugh was like the powdered sugar they put on beignets in the French Quarter. It was light, fluffy and sweet as any dessert I’d ever had on my tongue.

But at the same time it was strong. Just like Law. I could feel it in my bones. When he laughed it meant something. I could tell it was rare, but god, when he laughed, it was real, free, and precious. I counted myself lucky to have heard it.

I was still thinking about that, struck blind by this man’s laugh and savoring the sounds when he bent and pushed his shoulder into my waist, folding me over at the hip and tossing me over his shoulder like I was a sack of potatoes.

“What the hell, Law?” I screeched, clutching at the umbrella. I couldn’t lose it on the first day Juana had given it to me. I struggled to hold on and stay upright, which meant my hand went to his ass. “Shit! I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

“It’s fine. Relax, Honey.”

“How the fuck am I supposed to relax hanging over your shoulder like a sack of root vegetables?!”

He laughed again and I had to press a hand to my mouth to stop the moan that almost slipped out of me as I felt the rumble of his deep laugh right against my thighs. I was only a woman, after all. Powerless against the savage type of beauty Law wore as easily as the suit he donned.

“You’re a funny girl, Honey,” he said, adjusting me higher on his shoulder as we passed a couple. They looked surprised but then shrugged, because this was New York, and it wasn’t like a man carrying a woman in the rain was that big of a deal. Especially when I waved a hand at them to know I was all right.

“You know what’s not funny? Being carted around like this,” I told him, even though I was lying through my teeth. I was loving every second. I didn’t understand why he was doing what he was doing or how it seemed that everything the man did seemed to have a direct line to my fantasies, but here we were. Who was I to turn a blessing away?

“Sure, sure.”

I was quiet for a second before I said, “You’re going to take a left at the next light. My building is the third one on the right, it’s a blue metal door.”

“Got it. Blue metal door.” He pressed his hand to the back of my thigh and I bit my lip to keep quiet at the intimate touch. I knew he was doing it to keep me steady as he crossed the street, but damn if it didn’t feel so good to have him touch me like that. Now wasn’t the moment to indulge in that, not when I had an apology to make.

I sucked in a deep breath. “I’m sorry, I lied to Tiffany about us being engaged. I know why you did it in the shop, but I didn’t have to keep it going.”

For a minute Law didn’t answer me. He just kept walking, his stride even and smooth. I wasn’t sure if he heard me or not but just when I was about to repeat myself, he spoke.

“We’ll talk about it once you’re home.” He said in a way that left no room for arguing and I gave a quick nod before I realized he couldn’t see that.


We walked the rest of the way in silence and all too soon I was sliding down the front of him and onto my feet. It was when I was on my feet that I realized my predicament.

I was pressed up against Lawson Sokolov’s front for the second time that night, my back to the door. I stood too close to him for just a second too long before I took a deep breath and whirled to face my door, my hands fumbling with the keys that were in my sweater pocket. I tried a key and swore when it wasn’t the right one.

“Sorry, I’m just a little-”

“Drunk? I know.” He didn’t sound happy about that and I bit the inside of my cheek, holding back the retort that might have slipped out. I was a grown woman, a regular big girl, and I didn’t need him brooding about me having one too many drinks that night. He’d even poured me two, a beer and a shot, so I didn’t think he had much room to complain. I slid the right key home and threw open the door.

“Right, thank you for getting me home, Law. I can make it up on my own,” I told him, pointing over my shoulder with my keys.

He leaned past me and looked up the dimly lit stairwell that showed the two flights of stairs leading to my apartment. They were normally no big deal but tonight seemed darker, steeper and generally far sketchier than I remembered them ever being. Law seemed to be of the same opinion because he shook his head at me.

“I’ll walk you up. No trouble.”


“You wanna get carried up the stairs too?” He asked me, and I knew he would do it if I pressed the issue.

“Fine, fine,” I sighed, standing back and letting him into the building. It wasn’t like I was opposed to him carrying me, but I knew it would cause quite a stir if my neighbors caught sight of it. Jesus, if Juana saw? I’d never hear the end of it with her. I could already hear her tutting and saying, “I thought it was just a friend, mija? That don’t look like no friend to me.”

That being said, it was far easier to have Law follow me up the stairs than the scene we might attract if he carried me up them. When we arrived at my door I glanced back at him to see he was peering up at the lights and rubbing his chin. He didn’t look like he liked what he was seeing in the slightest.

“What?” I asked, making sure to keep my voice down. I didn’t want to alert Juana that I had gotten home.

“Need brighter lights,” he said, but didn’t go on and instead nodded at my door. “Let’s get you inside, you’re soaked.”

“Not as bad as you,” I countered, but I did as he asked and opened the door.

“Not worried about me. I can handle it.”

I rolled my eyes at him and watched as Lawson’s eyes narrowed at the gesture, but he didn’t say anything, just followed me inside of my place. I swallowed hard and closed the door gently behind us. I was safe with Law, wasn’t I? He’d been nothing but good to me, saving my ass not once but twice in the week we’d met.

I was definitely safe with a man that carried me home in the rain. I had to be safe with one that laughed so big the sound of it lit up the sky for me.

“You’re not.”

His words, not mine, floated back to me through my foggy memory and I fidgeted as I shook out my umbrella and deposited my keys on the kitchen counter. Why had he said that? I glanced his way to see he was looking around my apartment with an assessing sweep. It wasn’t curious, but cataloguing, and I knew he was making a mental note of what he saw. Not because he was nosey but because he might need to use that knowledge later.

What the hell? I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself, suddenly feeling unsure of what to do around him.

“Thanks for walking me home.”

He nodded, hands going to his hips. “Go get changed into something warmer. I’ll wait here and then we can talk.” He took a seat at my kitchen counter and I blinked in surprise at his order, because that’s what it was. I wasn’t used to hearing anyone speak that directly to me outside of the Cairn. He was all business right now, the laughter I’d earned from him on our way back from the restaurant, the way he’d held me in that night, all of it seemed to be evaporating like steam in the sunlight. There was a wall going up around Law. I could see the bricks of it forming, one-by-one, as they fell into place. The lines of his body were growing hard, shoulders hunched, hands flat on his thighs as he sat looking like an immovable object. The only thing that hadn’t changed was the way he was looking at me. The intensity was there. The focus made me nervous but also had me drinking it up as fast as I could. When Law looked at me like this it made me feel like I had power.

Power was something that had come and gone, slipping through my fingers like grains of sand or rushing water so often that I had become conditioned to its absence. I lived my life in flux, knowing that however much power I had at the moment there would be moments when I had none at all. Lately had been a season of scarcity but all of that came to a screeching halt when Law was looking at me like this.

The man’s stare was like an overflowing floodgate let loose in the desert, and like a fool I reveled in every drop of it.

“You’re not.”

Even with as little as I knew about Law, I could tell one thing. The man didn’t lie, or use his words carelessly. He was unlike the other business men I’d waited on as a barista. The kind that came in throwing their money around and flashing their expensive watches at me when they collected their orders. The sort of man that was eager to share about their latest success when they asked for my number. No, those men were a dime a dozen in this city, actually they were probably a dime for two dozen. All of them eager to make a name and claim whatever part of the city they had managed to sink their teeth into.

I was used to those men. I could handle that sort with a practiced hand, but Law? This man was different and I wasn’t so sure I knew how different. This man’s attention came at a price. What that price was? No clue. Which meant I should not be as happy as I was to be on the receiving end. Writing checks my ass couldn’t cash. But I couldn’t help myself.

We stared at one another for a minute before I nodded. “Sure. Be right back.”

My answer had him relaxing, it was just a slight softening of his body but I would take it. Listening was a way to get him to gentle, if even just a bit. I made a note to listen to what he said, but also not to go too far. He was a man in my apartment who had told me I wasn’t safe with him, and it was in the middle of the night and I was still buzzed from dinner. I needed to be cautious, even if I wanted to throw myself at him and see what happened.

I closed my bedroom door and shook my head. “Not smart, not smart at all,” I whispered to myself. Leaping without looking was not the way to spend time with Law, especially when the talk we were about to have was about me lying to my friend about our relationship. I blushed hot, a wave of embarrassment sweeping over me that not even the drinks I’d had could beat back. I went to my closet and snatched a dry hoodie and sweatpants to change into. It wasn’t the sexiest, but it was probably my safest bet if I was going to remember to keep my distance from the man in the next room. I stripped, dressed quickly, and darted over to my mirror to dare a look at myself.

“Oh, fuck,” I whispered at my reflection. Yes, I was trying to keep my libido in check, but that didn’t mean I wanted to look like this. My hair was damp from the storm, the natural curl released in a way that was wild, not styled like I normally preferred. I tried to smooth it down but it was no use, a quick ponytail was going to have to work for now. The light makeup I’d applied had completely worn off and my mascara had run slightly, smudging sooty circles beneath my eyes and making me wince. Law in all his collected perfection had seen me like this.

No wonder he’d asked how much I’d had to drink and who I was at the restaurant with. He was probably worried that I was going to do something reckless. But then again, he’d pinned me against the wall and touched me like he hadn’t wanted to stop.

“If you were, and you chose to get this drunk, you wouldn’t be able to sit down for a week.”

Damn that server. Why had she chosen that moment to come into the room? We’d just been getting to the good part. Although...I glanced towards the door and folded my arms over my chest. He was in my apartment now waiting for me, and that had to count for something right?

Yes, he wants to talk to you about the lies you told, my tipsy brain yelled at me. Not spank you, or have sex.

“Right, right,” I whispered, giving my head a gentle rap. How had I already forgotten about that? All it had taken was half a memory of Law touching me and my body was ready to go. I blew out a deep breath and approached the door. I hesitantly put my hand on the knob and took another deep inhale. I could do this. I could talk to a man that I was lusting after, a man that had fueled more than one of my solo fantasies, and keep it together. I would not make a fool of myself and jump him. I would be friendly and courteous and the talk we’d have would be good. Maybe I’d end up with a new friend on top of it.

I plastered a smile on my face and opened the door. It took half a second and one foot outside the room for me to remember one very important fucking thing.

“You’re not.”

He’d said those words. The one that I had to watch was the man sitting at my kitchen counter and watching me like I was his prey. He’d told me I wasn’t safe with him.

“Hey,” I greeted softly and padded slowly into the room. I cleared my throat and gestured at the sofa beside me. “Do you wanna sit here?”

He gave a quick shake of his head. “I’m good here.” His body was back to being rigid again and his eyes were slowly sweeping over my body from head-to-toe, like he was assessing me for damage. Cataloguing everything meticulously in his memory like he had when he’d entered my apartment. I couldn’t think of why he would need that information for later.

“Yeah, okay.” I sat down on the couch and turned my body so that I was facing him. “So, about the lie…” I began, my voice trailing off when I saw that he was frowning. He frowned a lot.

I wish he didn’t.

“Yes, about that,” he said, voice husky. He cleared his throat and leaned forward on the stool slightly, body pitched forward enough that his elbows were resting on his thighs as he spoke. “What does your friend think?”

I blinked at him. “What? My friend?”

“Yes, your friend from dinner. Tiffany? What does she think is going on between us?”

I nodded, licking my lips and feeling stupid because of course, Tiffany. We had just seen her all of twenty minutes ago. How had I forgotten about her already?

“She thinks we’re engaged.”

“And why does she think that?”

“Because I-” I broke off, face going hot because I hated what I was about to admit to this man who was still such a mystery, even if my body screamed that it knew him in all the ways that mattered, “because I told her that.”

“Why did you do that?” He asked. His voice was low, interest unmistakable. Curious.

“I liked it when you said it,” I told him honestly. I bit my lip and looked away because it was embarrassing. But the alcohol I’d drank that night was still buzzing in my blood and I was nothing if not forthcoming when I was drinking.

“In the coffee shop?”

“Yes, I liked it then.” I dipped my chin and looked away from him. “I didn’t want to tell her the truth when she asked me about it.”

“How does she not know you aren’t engaged to me? You work together.” I knew he really meant How could she not know you had a fiancée? How could she believe it was him?

I lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “I’m a private person,” I told him. “Plus, I move around a lot for work.”

His brow furrowed. “For making coffee? You don’t work at A Different Brew?”

I shook my head. “No, I just sort of moonlight, I guess. I have an app on my phone I use to get shifts. It’s like, you know one of those dating apps, but for work.”

He sucked on his teeth and I could see he was thinking about something, but I couldn’t tell what. The wall he’d built around himself was too damn high for me to get a clear look over. Watching Law was like trying to get a glimpse of a big tree over a privacy fence, you could see the tops of the strong and beautiful tree, but all of the limbs, the foliage and any fruit it might bear was lost to you. Hidden away from view on purpose.

Why did he feel like he had to hide from me? And what was he hiding?

“Do you like the work?” He asked once it seemed like he had settled on something.

“Yes, I like moving around. Been doing it all my life,” I told him. Outside a lightning strike flashed and the room was illuminated which was helpful given the faint light in my apartment was at Law’s back and his face was almost all shadows. If it were any other man I’d be afraid, but I wasn’t with him. Stupid really, given that he had told me I probably should be.

“So you’ve moved a lot then? Not from New York?” He asked.

I gave a quick shake of my head, wet ponytail sticking to my neck in a way that had me sighing and undoing it to pull it into a high bun. So what if I looked raggedy right now? It was late and I hated wet hair sticking to me. If I was going to be trying to figure this man out I wanted to be comfortable while I did it.

“I’m from South Texas,” I told him, “but I moved out here about a decade ago and I love it. You can go every single day without seeing the same person twice, if you really wanted.”

“And yet we’ve seen each other twice in a week,” he said, clasping his hands in front of him. “Funny isn’t it?”

“Yeah, I guess it is,” I said, hesitantly, because I didn’t know what else to say. Did he think this was happening on purpose? I hoped not. What if that was what he was thinking right now? That I was some crazy stalker that got in at a shop he frequented and was running around lying about being his fiancée to anyone that would listen. Fuck, I hoped he didn’t think that.

“I’m sorry about lying,” I blurted out. “I just, it got away from me when she asked and I didn’t really know how to tell her it wasn’t true. I forgot about it, and then we had dinner tonight and she just...she ran with it.”

He held up a hand and I stopped talking. “I just have a question,” he said.


“When you lied about us being engaged, did you just tell your friend or have you been telling everyone?” His voice was almost emotionless, monotone, each word succinctly spoken so there would be no misunderstanding his meaning.

“I haven’t told anyone but her,” I said. “And technically, I didn't tell her, you did.”

He nodded. “That’s true,” he paused and then continued on, “did you let her think that because you liked the power?”

I blinked in surprise, my resolve to make it through Law’s interrogation broken before I’d really gotten started. “The power?” I asked, unsure if I’d heard right. “I don’t understand what you mean…”

“The power that would come with someone looking at you and knowing you belonged to me.”

A tendril of warmth bloomed in my belly at his words, but it had nothing to do with talk of power, and everything to do with Law saying I belonged to him. My body had liked that a whole fucking lot.

I shook my head. “No, I—power, or clout isn’t why I let her think I was-,” the warmth grew in my body until I felt it tingle in my fingers and toes, “why I let her think I was yours.”

Law’s body gave a slight jerk and he stood from the stool. “Then why did you do it, Honey?” He had his hands in his pockets now and was standing beside my kitchen table, body angled towards the windows and I sucked in a breath when a lightning flash illuminated his features. He was just as beautiful as ever.

“Because I liked that someone thought I was yours,” I said, standing and walking towards him. My feet sounded soft on the hardwood, imperceptible in the almost deafening sound of the rainstorm. It sounded like it was coming down harder now, the dull roar of it blessedly filling the silence that had descended between Law and I. I walked towards him, acutely aware that Law was backing away even as I closed the space between us.

“I wanted it to be true, even if it was just for a little while.”

“You shouldn’t want something like that. I’m not a good man.”

“I’ve got no use for a good man.”

Law’s jaw clenched, his eyes were moving over my face, then down to the sweater and sweats I’d put on. I was suddenly wishing I’d chosen something, anything else, than the zero sex appeal outfit I’d gone for. Why the hell hadn’t I wanted him to touch me? I didn’t care if I wasn’t safe with him-- because I didn’t want to be safe from Law. He moved then, a hand reaching towards me, and I took it without even thinking.

“Get on the table.”

I stumbled at his order. “What?”

He jerked his chin towards my dining table. “Ass on the table.”

“But-what are you-”

“If you want this, you’ll do it now, Honey.” That was all I needed to hear. I hustled towards the table and like Law asked, got my ass on the table in record time. We stared at each other for a beat before Law sighed and came to stand in front of me. “If I was smarter, I’d stay away from you.”

“Me too,” I said quickly, “I mean probably, right?’

He cracked a smile, just a lifting of the corner of his lips, but he nodded. “You really would. You’re better off staying away from me, Honey. You know that, right?”

“But I don’t want to stay away from you,” I said with a pout.

He reached out a finger and trailed it up my arm. “I don’t want you to stay away from me either. That’s why this is all fucked, Honey. We can’t do this ever again.”

“Do what?”

He sank to his knees in front of me. “This.” He reached out and went to put his hands on my thighs, but he stopped and looked up at me. “Can I touch you?”

“Fuck yes. Please touch me.”

His heavy hands landed on my thighs the second I said the words and I moaned, scooting closer to the edge of the table, but Law’s fingers flexed on me. “Don’t move. You get more when I give you more. Do you understand?”

I swallowed hard, the steel in his voice striking the right chord in me and reminding me once again that Law had a direct fucking line to my libido, and my clit. “Yes, sir,” I whispered, the title coming out of me as naturally as breathing. Law’s eyes darkened, nostrils flaring as he bent his head close to me and inhaled. I gasped when I felt his lips graze my thigh. The touch was slight through the material of my sweats but it felt fantastic. My fingers flexed on the edge of the table but I did as I was told and didn’t move a muscle. I was used to following orders when it came to sex, but what I had never anticipated was doing the same with Law. I’d do what he said and maybe, just maybe, he’d drop all this talk about us never doing this again. I could already tell that I wanted to do it again and again, even if he’d barely touched me.

“That’s a good girl,” he murmured, turning his head to brush his lips against my thigh. His lips were warm through the cotton of my sweats that were suddenly too hot. I needed to get them off, but I already knew that was going to have to wait until Law decided they came off. I swallowed hard, watching him as he reached up and loosened his tie.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

He looked up at me with an arched eyebrow, tattooed hands yanking his tie off. “Give me your hands.”

Automatically, I held out my hands to the man and watched in stunned silence as he wound the silk material of his tie around my wrists. Being tied up wasn’t new, but I hadn’t expected this from Law. Holy shit this night was an unexpected surprise in the very best of ways. It had been months since I’d had an encounter with anyone, there were no lovers to speak of, and I had been so focused on work and the everyday rhythm of life that sex and orgasms that didn’t come from a battery operated toy hadn’t really registered. It’s why I’d been so excited about going to the Cairn this weekend, of blowing off some steam and getting under someone in the delicious trappings that submission offered me.

But now here was Law on his knees in front of me with my hands bound in his damn tie. This seemed like a dream come true, a regular fantasy that had been served up special to me by the universe.

“Please touch me,” I rasped out, because I was seriously getting dizzy from need. I was horny and the man I wanted was within reach. God, I needed his hands on me.

“Patience,” he murmured, but he was already dropping my hands into my lap and hooking his fingers into the waistband of my sweats. “Hips up, these are coming off.”

“Thank god,” I whispered, moving to help him pull my sweats off.

A low chuckle from Law. “You’re eager, aren’t you?” He asked, but I didn’t feel embarrassment at the question because fuck yes, I was.

“Of course, I am. Have you seen you?” I asked, because my whole no filter problem was still rampant and in the driver’s seat.

“I could ask you the same thing.” Law drew my sweats down my thighs with agonizing slowness, fingers brushing against my skin as he went. He dropped my sweats on the floor beneath the table and surprised me when he reached forward, putting his hand on my thighs and pushing my legs apart. I adjusted on the table when his shoulders nudged against the inside of my knees but Law said nothing about the movement. Good, so I could do that.

He put a hand on my chest, palm warm and pleasant on me. “Lie back.”

I did what he asked, with my bound hands in front of me. “What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to eat your pussy.” The bluntness of his words made me squirm and I might have moved closer to him if I wasn’t trying to follow orders. I had to prove to him he wanted to do this with me again. “And you’re going to lie there and enjoy yourself.”

“But I can’t touch you?” I asked, lifting my hands above me. I craned my neck to see him shake his head at me, eyes on my face.


“Why not?”

“If you touch me I won’t be able to stop, Honey. That’s for your own good.”

I bit my lip, unconvinced by Law’s words, but I wasn’t going to push it. “Okay. I’m good with that.”

“With what part?” He wasn’t looking at me anymore, he was focused on my thighs, lips brushing against my skin as he began to explore the area. I gasped when he turned his head, nose dragging across the top of my pussy. My clit throbbed and I held my breath waiting for him to touch me where I really needed it, but the man was bent on torturing me in the most delicious way and showed no signs of speeding up.

“All of it. I want it. I want this with you,” I said, making sure to tell him exactly what it was that I craved. “Please touch me.”

Law didn’t say a word, just did as I asked. I gasped at the first stroke of his finger. It was just a light pressure, thumb against the thin fabric of my underwear, pale pink brushed cotton that rode high. I looked good in them, which made me glad I’d gone with something sweet, even if it was understated. The last thing I wanted him to think was that I had planned this. But I was just as shocked to be where I was as he was at finding me stumbling into his private room at the restaurant. He pressed his palm against my core, the heavy feel of him against my flesh made me moan and this time I did move slightly, just a clenching of my knees against him.

“Ah, ah, ah,” he chastised, pulling his hand away, and I swore at my movement.

“I’m sorry,” I said quickly.

“Sorry, what?” he asked, breathing warm on my inner thigh.

“I’m sorry, sir.”

Law rewarded me by pressing his mouth against my clit, his tongue warm and hot against it. The little bud of flesh was getting harder, pushing up against its hood as he began to touch me, pet me more like. There was no other word for how his fingers were gently stroking me as he tongued me.

“These are not coming off,” he told me, sliding a finger into the crotch of my underwear and giving it a tug. “Do you understand?”

A thrill went through me at the gruff tone in Law’s voice. This man knew what he was doing to me. “Yes, sir,” I whispered, my eyes closing. But they shot open when Law gave my pussy a light slap. “Oh!” I cried out, my back arching off the table, but a hand on my stomach from Law forced me back down.

“Hands above your head. Keep them on the table.” I did as I was told, but stayed silent, the breath stolen right of my lungs from the slap he’d given me. He bent his head close to me, I could tell he was close from the warm breath against my skin and underwear.

“You’re wet already, Honey,” he said, grinding the palm of his hand against my core. “Soaked through these little cotton panties of yours already, aren’t you?”

“Yes, sir.” My voice was shaky and breathy, and a light sheen of sweat had broken out on my forehead from the effort it was taking not to throw a leg over his shoulder and pull him to me. He was teasing me, warm breath, a trail of his fingers or press of his lips against my sensitive flesh before he was gone again. “Sir, please, I-I need it.”

“What do you need?”

“Your mouth on me.”

“And what do you want me to do with my mouth for you, baby girl?”

“Eat my pussy.”

He practically purred at my answer. “That’s my girl.” His voice was hoarse, the only indication that our little play time was taking it out on him as much as it was me. When he slid my panties to the side and licked a slow stripe up my lips I almost sobbed from relief. “That’s what you need isn’t it?” he asked, splaying a hand over me, fingers over my mons pubis, holding my underwear to the side with his big hand. My underwear was going to be destroyed, stretched out beyond repair after this, but it was worth it.

“Yes, sir,” I moaned, head turning to the side. I opened my eyes to look out the window at the storm that was still raging, the one that was suddenly matching how I was feeling. I concentrated on following the paths the raindrops took on their journey down the glass of my window. It helped hold off the orgasm I knew was poised to sweep me under. An orgasm from Law was going to be divine, but I did not want to prematurely arrive there. Every second I spent under this man’s attention was too perfect and I wanted to stretch it out as long as I could. If I had the willpower I’d stay spun up in my current state all night. This man could keep me here until the sun came up and I would still beg for more. He turned his head, the scrape of his stubble against my skin making me gasp. A second later his tongue soothed the area, making me sigh with pleasure.

Light struck again, the rumble of the storm shaking the window panes in my apartment but it didn’t phase me. All of my attention was centered on the man between my shaking thighs. My lust and pleasure kicked up with the same fervor as the thunderstorm. Law’s tongue touched my swollen lips once more before it dipped inside in an almost lazy thrust.

Jesus Christ that was amazing. He did it again and I bit my lip, forcing myself to stay focused on the damn rain. I’d almost come just from that one thrust. I pushed my hands into the table, a move that I knew would showcase my breasts in a fantastic way, if he was watching me. Law struck me as a man that liked to watch while he got a woman off.

“Mmm, you’re sweet, but I should have known that.” His voice was rumbling against my pussy, and I felt myself get wetter. “Shouldn’t I?” He asked, and I whispered in response. Law pressed his lips back to my opening and thrust his tongue into me, this time with more force, the sound of my arousal and his tongue filled my ears even with the deafening rain pounding overhead. Law's finger circled my clit, pulling back my hood, and then he was blessedly putting his mouth exactly where I wanted him to. He drew methodical circles around my clit, each time getting closer with increasing pressure until I was practically sobbing from frustration.

“Please,” I begged. “Please, I need you.” His lips tightened on my clit and his tongue pressed flat against my over sensitized nerves. “Law!”

My thighs shook when he slid his fingers, two from the stretch of it, inside of me. “Oh god,” I gasped when he began to pump his thick fingers in and out of me. The added feeling of fullness from his fingers made me dizzy and it wasn’t long before I felt my orgasm starting to get away from me. I’d held it off as long as I could, there was no getting away from this. He crooked his fingers and hit the spot that always made my knees weak.

My eyes squeezed shut. “Oh, Law…”

Again he thrust, and again his fingers massaged my g-spot. It only took another minute before I was coming on his fingers with a sob.

“Law, Law, Law…” The last utterance was pulled from me with all the reverence of a prayer because this man did not quit. He continued to work me until my orgasm was done, my body relaxing and when I went limp against the table, he stopped.

“Good girl.” His hand was warm on my stomach. He touched me lightly as if I were made of glass and then he was leaning over me and undoing his tie from around my wrists with the same light touch. The tie came free in a whisper of silk and I opened my eyes to look at Law.

I grinned up at him. “That was good. Really good.”

He put a hand down beside my head, holding himself over me. His other hand moved and my smile broadened when he touched my bottom lip. He swiped his thumb along my mouth, pressing lightly at the center of my lip.

“You deserve better than this,” he said. His voice was hoarse, but there was a sternness to it that told me a truth I didn’t want. He was saying goodbye. It had been good, really good, just like I’d said. But it wasn’t stopping Law from leaving.

I could also tell by the way he was touching me that there wouldn’t be a next time. The afterglow of my orgasm was fading as fast as it had come into being, and I pushed myself up onto my elbows. Law moved back, his hand falling away from my lips when I opened my mouth to speak, and I hated that the ghost of his touch lingered. My tongue darted out to the spot he’d touched me and Law’s eyes narrowed before he turned away and began to do up his tie.

“You’re leaving,” I said quietly. It wasn't a question. Just an observation. I heard the distinct sound of a phone buzzing and I knew it was his driver calling.

He glanced back at me over his shoulder and gave me one nod. “Yes.” He set off towards the door and I hated how I was now shivering without him. My body wasn’t done with him. I wasn't done with him. I needed him, needed more of this, and I could feel the ache of losing Law replacing the pleasure he’d given me.

I wrapped my arms around myself and nodded back at him. “Thanks for bringing me home.” Law was already at the door and he stopped there. His tie was back on, suit set to rights, and his hands were back down by his sides as if none of this had ever happened. As if he hadn’t just had me screaming his name with his damn tie wrapped around my wrists while he ate me out like I was his last meal.

I shivered again watching him. He turned and I saw that I was right, he was completely and utterly back to his normal sophisticated, if a little brooding, appearance. A cool breeze ghosted over the tops of my thighs and I squirmed, acutely aware that my panties were hanging off one of my ankles and my sweats were in a pile on the floor. I didn’t even want to think about how I looked naked from the waist down and sitting in my own cum on my kitchen table.

Law’s eyes moved over me, I could see it even at this distance and with the poor lighting. Another lightning flash punctuated by the incessant buzzing of his phone. His driver must be getting impatient.

“You were lovely, Honey,” he told me, voice husky and low, but with the same commanding note of finality to it that I was quickly coming to hate. I opened my mouth to reply but Law was already turning and opening my front door. Just like that, the man I had been obsessed with, the man that I wished I belonged to, the one I had stolen a moment’s passion with tonight was gone.

The door slammed behind him and Lawson Sokolov walked out on me.