Honey, Honey by Rebel Carter

Chapter Fourteen


The fruit had been delicious even if I’d stained my jeans by way of an errant pomegranate seed that had fallen between me and the chaise lounge cushion I’d been laying on. It had stained the damn pristine cushion as well. Fuck.

I’d flipped the cushion and made a hasty exit from the balcony, content to pretend that I hadn’t been the culprit even though the suite and every single thing in it was perfectly kept. There really wouldn’t be any hiding that I’d been the one to make a mess, but I figured a pomegranate stain was small potatoes to Connie and Zeus.

“She has to be Zeus,” I whispered even though there was no one else in the room. Until I saw the both of them together, Connie and Zeus, I wasn’t going to think any differently on the matter. It would make sense that Connie was Zeus—she’d been the one to personally tell Christian to fuck off, after all. She wouldn’t like knowing her order had been defied. But her concern went deeper than that, or at least I thought so.

Connie was formidable but I’d seen how she treated club members she had no invested interest in. Impersonal. Detached. Polite? Of course. Civil and professional? Always. But with no more personality than if they were getting checked in for a dentist appointment.

I set the platter down in the sink, rinsing it and drying it, my thoughts wandering. I remembered the heat of Connie’s skin against my hand. The low sound of her chuckle, the way she’d practically had me begging her to touch me.

Connie liked me.

I wouldn’t be in this room if she didn’t.

The almost...the almost, I frowned, walking from the kitchen and into the bedroom. What the fuck had that even been in the hall? The almost seduction? The unspoken offer from Connie to be the one I chose tonight.

I flushed and licked my lips. I hadn’t thought she’d noticed me like that, but now that I knew I couldn't shake the knowledge. It was a heady thing to be wanted by a person like Connie. She was a switch, but her tastes leaned far more towards Dominant. I’d seen her with her ex-lover, an idiot model that had somehow charmed her. But the relationship had been fleeting, coming and going as quickly as an early morning frost. Connie was highly selective in her partners. To be chosen by her was a mark of pride among the submissives and I only knew one or two that had enjoyed the privilege of it. There was no mistaking the fondness in their eyes when the woman entered the room, face impassive until it landed on one of them and she smiled. When Connie smiled it had the power to warm the entire room, the focus of her expression transforming into the personification of joy and desire.

On the nights that Connie smiled at a submissive was the night they became the most sought after partner in the club. Everyone wanted to know what it was that had pulled Connie towards them, everyone wanted a taste of it, even if it was second hand. I was flattered she’d shown interest in me, even if it made me nervous. Even if I knew better than to play around with a woman like that.

Christian is here tonight.

I sucked in a deep breath and held it tight. I counted to ten and then slowly let it out before doing it again. I’d picked up breathing exercises to keep myself calm after Christian had stalked me. The anxiety of those months had grown until nothing it seemed could bring me back down. Nothing really had, not until Connie had interfered and Christian had disappeared altogether.

And now he was here and I was fucking doing breathing exercises like I was practicing for Lamaze.

I let out my last breath and balled my hands into fists by my sides. “I’m not going to let him ruin this for me. You’ll be protected,” I reminded myself. “Connie said so,” I added, hoping it would give me the confidence I needed. The truth was I was shaking like a leaf, even if I had the protection of the club to make sure I was safe tonight. I held out my hand and grimaced, seeing my fingers trembling. It was going to take me seeing Christian for this to wear off. Otherwise I would be jittery and anxious in the lead up to it.

“Find him first thing,” I ordered myself, crossing the room to the closet where I had stored my things. “Rip the bandaid off as fast as you can. And when you see he’s nothing to be scared of, you’ll relax.”

Maybe it was all in my head. Maybe I had made Christian out to be worse than he was, I tried to reason with myself while I got ready, shaking out the curls I had made earlier and brushing them into something softer. Maybe Christian wouldn’t even take notice of me if he was there with someone else. I couldn’t imagine he would set foot in the club otherwise. He wouldn't risk the embarrassment after the last time. I dressed in the gown I had packed and smiled, feeling it’s silky fabric swishing around my legs as I walked into the bathroom to apply my makeup.

I would go with drama. Tons of drama. Smoky eyes, false eyelashes, thick eyeliner, contouring to accentuate my already high cheekbones. A bold red lip that would say ‘fuck you’ to any and all that glanced my way. Not that I needed to say it to many people, just one in particular. Just one asshole I wished had never been a part of my life.

Maybe tonight will be good. Maybe, maybe, maybe...

I rolled my eyes at my reflection and focused on my makeup. I knew all the maybe’s in the world were really just wishful thinking.

Your boundaries will be enforced.

Christian was here. It was going to be a weird night. Even if he wasn’t allowed to harass me, or touch me.

“Connie said,” I told my reflection moving on to my eyelashes. The words had power in the Cairn, but here in the emptiness of my suite, where I stood alone, barefoot in a dress far too fine for me, and painting my lips crimson for armor, the words sounded painfully weak and paper thin.

What would it really do if Christian set his mind to something? He was obsessive. I knew that. It was one of the reasons I had fallen for him. The drama and intensity of his desire had been intoxicating, and I had grown up with mommy issues. I craved that sense of belonging and care from another person even if I did my hardest to ignore it. Christian had fed those needs until I was his and then he’d changed.

Everything had changed.

I shook my head. “We are not going there. Not now. Not tonight.” I put down my mascara wand with a snap of my hand and snatched up my perfume bottle, spritzing myself and then turned heel and left the bathroom with a slap of my fingers on the light switch. I pulled out the strappy gold heels I’d brought and went about putting them on, forcing my brain to focus on the straps of it, delicately and securely tying them up. When I was done, I gave myself a final once over in the gilded mirror propped up on the wall beside the bed.

The heels added just enough height to me that I became statuesque in the best of ways, the dress’s color accentuated the tan of my skin, my makeup the right blend of drama and simplicity that insisted I belonged anywhere I chose to go, my long dark hair fell in soft waves, spilling over my shoulders and back, a lovely contrast against my dress.

The woman staring back at me was beautiful. She was perfect and serene, or you’d think so, if not for her eyes. If you didn't look at her eyes you’d think she was a goddess returning home. I swallowed hard and looked at myself, looked right into my eyes and saw the fear in them.

Christian is here tonight.

I closed my eyes and took in a shuddering breath. The man still had a hold on me that sent a blast of fear straight through me, nearly rendering me immobile. I hated feeling like this. Hated knowing that a person was responsible for it. I opened my eyes and looked back into my reflection. Yes, I looked perfect and confident, except for my eyes.


Was it too late to tell Connie I needed to leave? Could I make a hasty exit, or maybe just not leave my room and-

There was a sharp rap at the door and I let out a yelp, jumping slightly at the noise. I stared at the door in silence, eyes wide and the only thought that came to me was ‘what if it’s him.’

“He doesn't know you’re here,” I insisted, and forced myself to start moving. “He can’t.” I said the words out loud because a long time ago I’d had a therapist teach me that anytime my thoughts got too loud, made me start to panic, that I needed to look at where the fear was really coming from. Was it being told to me by the outside world, or was it coming from me? From my own thoughts? If it was the latter, I had to remind myself the only fear I was responding to was from inside my head. If the only threat were the words I was repeating then the threat wasn’t truly there, was it?

Talking out loud was a way to break the loop of anxiety that had a tendency to spin out of control when I was stressed.

“He doesn't know you’re here,” I said again, forcing myself to say it louder. “It’s not him.” I moved then, crossing the room and making for the door. “He isn’t there. It’s not him,” I said, heart racing. I reached for the door and opened it quickly before I lost my nerve. A cart greeted me, not a person in sight. A nervous giggle escaped my lips. I’d been worried and there wasn’t even a staff member to be seen.

There was nothing on the cart save for a note with Connie’s familiar handwriting on it but I wheeled it into my room all the same. I shut the door and stared down at the letter with big scrawling black lines that simply said Honey.

I reached out and picked up the crisply folded paper. It felt creamy and luxurious beneath my fingers, because of course it was just like everything else in this place—-the very best. I unfolded it and bit my lip, eyes scanning the paper.

Honey, it began, and seeing my name in Connie’s writing helped me relax slightly. She’d taken the time to do this herself.

I know you’re nervous but you have no reason to be. I’ve arranged company for you to enjoy yourself. Tonight will be utterly beautiful. Trust me.



I re-read those last two words. Trust me. She knew I was nervous and she was assuring me that I had no reason to be because she had taken care of it. I wiggled my bottom lip between my teeth, not caring that I was probably ruining the lipstick I had just carefully applied. What did she mean by company, exactly?

PS- There’s champagne in the fridge. I insist you enjoy a glass before tonight.

I smiled seeing the postscript and dropped the letter onto the cart. I walked to the fridge and opened it taking a clearer inventory of what was in it. Earlier I’d grabbed the fruit platter and not paid much attention beside that. But now I saw that there was not just a single bottle of champagne, but there were several, alongside other food that I might want to try. “Is that a chocolate cake?” I whispered, leaning in to see that it was, indeed, a chocolate cake. I was going to eat at least half before I left. No doubt about it. I pulled a bottle of champagne from the fridge and took my time pulling the wrapping free and popping the cork. It made a satisfying popping sound and I dropped the cork onto the counter, snagging a champagne flute from the cabinet. Once I had poured my drink, I took a dainty sip and sighed. It was cool and sweet, bubbly in just the right way that woke up my senses and broke through the panic I’d been spiraling in.

I took another sip and then drained the glass, which I promptly refilled with more bubbly. I didn’t normally drink at all when I came to play, but this was different. My nerves were jangling so loud I could practically feel them trying to burst through my skin. Liquid courage was essential if I was going to make an appearance at all outside of this room.

I wandered back over to the cart, heels clicking lightly on the hardwood and stopped beside it. The paper was laying where I had dropped it and I touched it again, smoothing it out with two fingers.

Yours, Connie

I didn’t miss the yours she had included. Connie had never been overly sentimental with me and this was new. What if it was her that would be keeping me company tonight?

I flushed hot, skin going prickly with all the energy of a live wire. If it was her then tonight was going to be something all right. I took another hasty sip from my drink before I set it down and made a beeline back to the bathroom.

I needed to double check my makeup and get the hell out of my room before I drank the entire bottle and refused to come out. Or worse, actually, I could drink the bottle and show up ready to lay into Christian. I shook my head and carefully fixed my lipstick. I wanted neither of those to happen tonight.

For the second time that night I turned the light off and walked towards the suite’s door. The gold key Connie had given me was hanging on a hook beside the door and I took it, looping the leather string it hung on around my wrist for safekeeping. I stared at the polished gold of it, my reflection dully visible in the smooth surface. I could see my outline, the shape of a woman that was, at this angle, unafraid and standing with her shoulders back and head high.

I could be that woman, even if it was a lie.

I lifted my head and reached for the door. I could pull this off and enjoy myself.

“No, you will enjoy yourself,” I corrected myself aloud. I reached for the door and opened it. The hallway was empty when I left and locked my door, which was both a blessing and a curse. I had never spent much time in this wing and I was unsure of which way to go, but I more or less remembered the direction Connie had brought me from and turned left, setting out that way.

I only had to walk for a minute or two before I heard the familiar din of laughter and voices echoing from up ahead. Adrenaline flooded my veins but I kept my gait slow and smooth. I would not panic. I would not fucking do it and give Christian the satisfaction of knowing he still had a hold on me. I exited the hallway and turned to the right, grateful to see that I was now standing in the Great Room which served as the heart of the club. Here there was a wide open space, the room dark like the rest of it.

High above us was a massive chandelier that bathed the room in a wash of golden light. It softened the hard edges of the room and gave it a romantic touch that instantly enticed you into wanting to explore. I stepped up out of the hallway I was in and into the room and walked slowly around the perimeter of it, glancing towards the bar at the left side of the room. There was a series of hallways from the other guest suites and all of them emptied into a longer passageway that circled the Great Room that rose above it. I could see people milling about in the lower corridor, their curious eyes on who had already claimed space within the Great Room. All around the room there were groups of couches and seats for people and couples to enjoy, and at the center of the room was a small raised platform which told me there would be an exhibition of some kind tonight.

That would be fun. It would also be perfect for blending in with the rest of the crowd. No one would be looking my way if they were all focused on the stage. I tried to be discreet in my search for Christian, but when I saw that I had caught more than one person’s eyes in my quest, I stopped and took a seat on a plush pouffe looking thing at once.

I would stay here and regroup, then make for the bar and order myself a drink. Something to hold and an opportunity to do another scan of the room. I was sure Connie would find me soon, but I wanted to get my bearings as quickly as possible. Best to not be surprised if I could help it. I took in a deep calming breath and lifted my head, taking care to meet the eyes of anyone that looked my way. I gave them a slight smile and turned away again, hoping it came across as pleasant. I did want to meet people tonight, but given the circumstances…

It was going to be rough.

After a minute more, I rose from my seat and made my way towards the bar. When I got there it was busy and I stepped to the side preparing to wait my turn for a drink when Connie’s voice was suddenly in my ear.

“Why do you look nervous?”

I jumped with a jerk. “I’m not nervous.”

She snorted and gave me an assessing look. “Then why did you jump just then?”

My hands went to my hips and I tossed my hair over my shoulder. “Because that’s what any reasonable person does when someone is suddenly talking in their ear. You surprised me is all.”

She grinned. “Good. I meant to.”

It took everything in me not to roll my eyes at her. “Gee, thanks.”

“Why are you waiting in line?” She asked, brushing past me and towards the bar. “I gave clear instructions that you were not to wait tonight.”

“Well, I mean, I don’t know. I just sort of-” I began, but Connie was already at the bar with people stepping quickly to the side and a bartender hurrying towards her. She bent close to them, a finger motioning in my direction. The bartender’s eyes flicked towards me and they gave a slight nod at whatever order she was giving. Then Connie looked back at me and hit me with a dazzling smile, gesturing for me to step forward.

“Honey, come here, won’t you?”

A hush fell around us as other club members noticed me. I came forward, feeling the weight of every person’s eyes on me as I did so. Shit, shit, shit. My plans to stay out of view and not attract attention were out the goddamn window now. Not with Connie’s smile on me like that. It was like a spotlight, and now, now she had me at the bar and was introducing me to the bartender as if we were long lost friends.

“This is Stephan, you’ll take care of my lovely Honey, won’t you?” She asked.

“Of course, anything.” He met my eyes and winked at me. “Anything,” he said again, and there was a heat in his eyes that hit me square between my thighs.

“Ohhh, I don’t think he just means drinks,” Connie purred, leaning towards me. I flushed but said nothing and nodded my hello to Stephan with a quick ‘thank you.’

“What will you have?” He asked.

“He definitely doesn’t mean to drink,” Connie informed me, but for all her commentary she was leaning against the bar looking bored as anything. That is until she was looking at me. Then it was the full strength of her smile and attention. Jesus, this woman could knock you off your feet and you would thank her for it.

“A Cosmo, please,” I ordered quickly, because it was the only thing that I could think of with Connie staring at me like she was.

“Coming right up,” Stephan said, and he looked away then, making the drink for me. I was grateful he did, because I wasn't entirely sure how I was supposed to manage both his and Connie’s attention at once and remain upright.

“Did you get my letter?” Connie asked.

I nodded. “I did. Thank you.”

“And did you have champagne?” She wanted to know.

“I did.”

“Well done, lovely girl.”

I flushed under the praise, even if it was for something so minor as having a glass of champagne. “I didn’t do anything, though…”

“You followed directions,” she said, with a shrug. “It doesn’t matter the task. You know that, Honey.”

She was right. I did.

“What was it about company for tonight?” I asked, choosing to follow that thread.

“Ah, yes, that.” She pushed up from the bar and stood taller, turning her head to scan the crowds.

“Yes, that, what do you mean by that?”

“It’s not a that, but a him,” she told me and then tutted, clicking her tongue against her teeth. “He hasn’t arrived yet, I’m afraid, so you’ll have to make do with little old me until then.”

A him. What the fuck did she mean by that?

“Sorry?” I asked, leaning towards her. I was dimly aware that Stephan had returned and placed my drink in front of me with probably a drop dead gorgeous smile on his handsome face, but I wasn’t here for that. I wanted answers and Connie had them. “What do you mean a him?”

“For your company tonight, Honey,” she said, glancing towards the bar and reaching past me to slide the Cosmo my way. “Thank you, Stephan. This looks lovely.” She inclined her head in a way that was very clear. Move on. A second later Stephan glided away, but I still didn’t turn my head to look, nor did I take stock of the cocktail Connie was placing in front of me.

I shook my head still not understanding. “But when you sent the letter I thought-”

She moved so that her front was to the bar and her side was to me. “What? That it was me that would keep you company tonight?” She asked, turning her head to the side, tilting it just enough to give me a little smile.

I blushed hot and snapped my mouth shut. “I-I, it’s just that…” I was stammering. I sounded foolish, I knew this, but it was hard not to when Connie was expectantly looking at me for an answer to such a loaded question.

“It’s alright if you did. I would be honored,” she said, when I only managed the semblance of a sentence that sort of came out as a breathy ‘no, no, not that. Sorry.’

I dropped my eyes to the bar at her answer. I was still looking down at the bar when she slid the drink next to my hand. “Drink up, darling.”

“I don’t know if I should…”

“You’ll have eyes on you and a chaperone, so to speak. There’s no worries about what might or might not happen.”

I lifted my head and stared at her. “What do you mean a chaperone? I thought you said it was company.”

She raised her hands in a placating gesture. “It is, it is.”

I felt a finger of apprehension slide down my spine and I picked up the cocktail, eyeballing the contents warily. “Why do I feel like something is going on and you’re trying to keep me out of the know?”

“I would do no such thing,” Connie replied, lifting one hand to her chest and giving me what I supposed she thought was a look of honesty. It wasn’t. She wasn’t fooling anyone. The woman was far too steeped in the foundation of the Cairn to play innocent. I was right, but what the hell was going on? I had thought it was her, but now that I knew it wasn’t my earlier anxiety began to flood in around me.

“And speaking of your esteemed company for the night, I see him now.”

I whirled, the cocktail in my hand, the contents spilling over the side as I did so, splashing my toes when it hit the ground. I winced at the messy gesture. I lowered my eyes when I saw the club members milling about us had also seen it. Fuck. A man leaned in to whisper to his partner about it, eyes on my feet. A woman dressed head to toe in leather pursed her lips at the wasted liquor and turned, walking away with her partner who gave me a reproachful glance.

They thought I was drunk.

I wasn’t drunk, I wanted to scream. I was nervous. I was a ball of anxiety and barely holding it together because I knew that somewhere out there my stalker ex boyfriend and Dom was waiting for me. But not only that, I was nervous as hell because Connie had a plan sprung and I was the idiot that had walked right into it. I had to admit that my plan to pay the price for a night of luxury had made a lot more sense when it was just me and a balcony eating fruit like a hedonist.

But now that I was smack dab in the Great Room and Connie was talking about a him and there didn’t seem to be a pair of eyes that hadn’t moved my way and lingered at some point in the handful of minutes I’d been here, I wasn’t so sure. It no longer felt like I was being gifted a beautiful evening, but that I was a pawn in someone else’s game.

I didn’t like it one bit. Not even a little half of a bit.

“Connie look, I can handle myself tonight. I promise you won’t need to-” I began while scanning the room again, the sticky cold feel of the spilled Cosmo coating my fingers when I took a hasty sip, because I had no other idea what to do with the damn thing now that I was holding it.

“Ah, about time you joined us, Lawson.”

I nearly spit the half sip of Cosmo that I’d just taken when Connie interrupted me. Lawson. There was only one Lawson that I knew, only one that I wanted it to be, but there was no way it was him. There couldn’t be.

“Honey.” It was one word, gruff and disapproving, and I knew that voice, would know that voice from anywhere. It didn’t matter if days or years had passed between the last time I had heard it and now. I wouldn’t mistake it for anyone but the man I had been left wrecked by within the last 24 hours. He stepped out of the crowd as if by magic and was there in front of us, in another impeccable suit, this one dark blue. A perfect shade that matched his eyes.

Eyes that were on me. Eyes that were angry.

Why was he so angry?

“What the fuck is going on?” He asked, looking at Connie and immediately. I missed his stare. Even if he was angry, I wanted Law’s eyes on me. I didn’t care what his eyes were saying so long as they were on me.

Connie gave a breezy shrug. “Exactly what I told you in your letter, Law. This is our VIP guest that we need you to keep company tonight.” She gestured towards me with a flick of one red tipped nail and then inclined her head to look at him. “Or is there a problem?”

“The problem is I didn’t come here to play babysitter,” he bit out.

I jerked back as if he had slapped me, because that was exactly what it felt like. “What?” I whispered, fingers squeezing the Cosmo glass stem.

Law’s eyes were back on me and I realized that maybe I had been wrong. Maybe I didn’t want this man looking at me when he was looking at me with contempt. What had happened to make him look at me like this? Hadn’t he eaten my pussy like a dying man? He’d had all the lights in my building changed because he’d thought they were dangerous, for fuck’s sake!

You were lovely.

He had told me that, so why was he looking at me like this?

“You’re drunk,” he said as if that explained everything.

“No, I’m not.”

“The drink you practically spilled all over yourself says otherwise,” he told me, pointing down at the floor with one of his stupidly well formed thick fingers. I licked my lips looking at that finger. I knew what that finger felt like pumping inside of me. What it could do when he used it against my clit. I squirmed, pressing my thighs together and forced myself to match his gaze even though I half felt like throwing my drink in his face.

“I’m not, so save your concern for someone else, Law.”

“Ohhh, I see you two know each other?”

I gave a shake of my head. “We don’t.”

Law’s jaw squared and he stepped in closer to me, boxing Connie out. “We do.”

“I don’t know this man,” I said, turning my head and ignoring him. I raised my glass to take a sip but Law’s hand shot up and he snatched it from me, placing it on the counter behind me with a jerk of his arm.

“You’ve had enough, little girl.”

My mouth parted and I sucked in a sharp breath. Little girl. I looked up at him, which was hard with how close we were, I had to crane my head back to do it. “You don’t tell me what to do,” I told him, even though my body was waking up at his behavior. My brain was screaming that Law was into what I liked, that what I had wished and hoped for last night was true. Why else would he be here?

“What the hell is she doing here? You did this, didn’t you?” He asked Connie, as if I hadn’t spoken.

She held up her hands. “I did no such thing. Honey made her reservation of her own volition. Same as you, Law. Same as anyone in attendance. And I can see that you two know each other, so what’s with the conflicting stories, hmm?”

“I’m sorry, I know Lawson Sokolov. Not this man.”

“Honey, I swear to god…”

I moved away and tried to get past him, but he moved in front of me barring the way. “Get out of my way, Law.”

“That’s not happening, Honey.”

“Honey, darling,” Connie said, breaking in between us with one arm that forced Law back a step, “this is your company for the night. Your chaperone, as I told you.”

“I don’t want him. He can keep his company.”

“Oh, believe me, I’d love nothing more than that.”

Tears stung my eyes at the acid I heard in Law’s voice, but I refused to let him see how he affected me. “You’re a real asshole, you know that?” I said instead, and was proud my voice only slightly wavered.

“And you have no self control when it comes to making sure you’re safe. If you think I’m going to let you walk around here sauced and looking like you do, you’re out of your mind.”

“I’m not drunk,” I hissed at him.

“The fuck you aren’t. I can see a pattern here, Honey. You‘re irresponsible and you drag other people in to clean up your shit. That’s what I’m doing tonight, isn’t it? I’m the fucker on clean up duty courtesy of Zeus. What did you do? Figure out I came here and cash in a favor to make this happen? You knew who I was last night, didn’t you?”

I gasped, a hand raising to cover my mouth and I looked at Connie. “I have to step away. I can’t listen to this anymore.”

Connie gave me a nod. “Move it, Law.”

His blue eyes went to her and I could tell he didn’t like being told to move not once, but twice. He clenched his jaw, but said nothing and remained exactly where he was standing, which was right in front of me.

Connie’s eyes narrowed. “Now.”

There was a tense moment where I didn’t think the big man would move, but then he was, even if he looked like he hated every second of it. When he was far enough back I darted forward, hurrying through the crowd and looking for somewhere quiet to put myself back together. How could he have said that to me? I wasn't irresponsible. I was highly independent to the point of veering on isolation. I had never brought another person down with my shit, as Law called it. Even if I had known who he was and where to find him I would have never resorted to forcing him to spend time with me. I wasn’t drunk now, I was nervous and god, who wouldn’t be? And last night?

Last night I had needed to blow off some steam, and I hadn’t been alone. Tiffany and I had been having a great time until, until...until I’d gotten lost on the way to the bathroom and this whole stupid thing had started.

I hurried through the crowd and it parted in front of me. Connie’s sway was useful in a moment like this, but it also meant they had seen the whole thing. I blinked back against the tears that had once again welled up in my eyes. I wouldn’t cry. I wouldn’t do it just because an idiot who had given me an orgasm mouthed off to me. I had done a lot of stupid things in my life, but crying over Lawson Sokolov twice in 24 hours was not going to be one of them.

Down the steps I went, down into the corridor that ran along the perimeter of the Great Room and it was only there, when I had ducked into an empty alcove beside a potted plant, that I sagged against the wall with a gasp that told me I was wrong.

I was totally crying because of Lawson Sokolov, and there was just no helping it.

“Fuck,” I swore, dabbing at my eyes with the backs of my hands. My make up had taken time and effort and I was ruining the whole damn effect because Law had what? Told me shit I already knew he thought about me? There was no way what he’d said hadn’t crossed my mind while I lay in bed staring at the rapidly brightening sky. I’d known it then as surely as I knew it now. He’d told me exactly what he thought of being with me the minute he walked out of my apartment with no intention of coming back.

I just didn’t expect it to hurt this much hearing it come out of his beautiful mouth.

“Fuck,” I whispered again, sniffling. I put one hand on the cool marble of the pillar beside me and forced myself to stand up. I wasn’t going to cry in the corner tonight. I was going to get it the fuck together and keep my head high. I was going to enjoy some of the clout Connie’s attention had gotten me in the club and I was going to---

“Well, well, well...what do we have here?” A voice drawled, and my eyes went wide. “I didn’t think I’d see you tonight, but here you are and looking pretty as a picture.”

For the second time that night I was hearing words from a man that I could have just fucking done without.

I took in a shaky breath and pushed away from the wall, turning to face the man that had sent me into the anxiety spiral I was currently slipping away in. Law’s bullshit had been the icing on the cake, but this man? This man was the cake, and that cake was made of shit.

“Christian,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

The man that I had once thought I loved, or maybe even did but had learned not to, was standing nonchalantly in front of me. Not even five feet away, he was so close I could see every bit of him in hi-def. He looked good. His blond hair combed neat, gray eyes cool and indifferent, though they weren’t looking anywhere but at me. He was attired like he usually was when we had been together. Tailored slacks, designer dress shoes, impeccably pressed dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, this I knew he did to show off the expensive timepiece he normally wore.

It was a well put together outfit that showed his wealth without implying he was trying too terribly much. Christian was always a fan of making sure everyone knew just how unimpressed he was to be in their presence. He would never go all out for the Cairn. I watched him consider me, eyes moving slowly over me from the top of my head down to my gold heeled feet and he let out a low whistle.

“You’re looking delicious.”

I shivered and tossed my hair over my shoulder. “What do you want?”

He raised an eyebrow. “You know what I want, but I’m not sure you’re game to give it to me.’

I felt my blood turn cold. “What the hell are you going on about, Christian?” I dared to look to the side hoping I would see some of the protection Connie had spoken of, but there was no one in sight. There was a commotion in the Great Room and I knew whoever was having their debut tonight was taking the stage. All eyes would be on them. No one would think to look down here in the shadows for me.

Perfect timing for whatever this was, but I wasn’t surprised. Christian had planned it this way. Of course he had. He’d thought of this and made his move at the perfect moment. The man with the plan. He always had one.

Why hadn’t I thought of it? How could I have been this careless?

Because you were fucking crying like an idiot over Law, and maybe you are a tiny bit drunk, my brain informed me and I scowled, hating the taste of the truth.

“You shouldn’t frown,” Christian told me, taking a step closer to me. “You’ll get wrinkles. You know that.”

I took a step back mirroring his movement, and collided with the potted plant beside me. I took a wobbly step away from it. Christian had been forever trying to get me to get Botox as a ‘preventative measure’ because he liked how ‘youthful’ I looked. I’d almost done it before I remembered the way my mother had chased after her youth. She would have taken up an offer of free Botox at the drop of a hat. I refused to do it. The very next day Christian had begun policing my expressions.

God we had been so fucked up together, hadn’t we?

“Christian, back off. I mean it.” I held out a hand to him, palm facing him and shook my head when he came closer. “Now. Stop.”

“Honey, you missed me. I’m sure of it.”

“I can tell you she didn’t miss your sorry ass for one minute,” another voice said, and I almost tripped over my own feet in surprise.

“Who the fuck are you?” Christian asked, glaring at the person behind me that had spoken. I didn’t need to turn my head to see who it was. I knew exactly who it was.

“I’m her man,” Law said, coming to stand beside me. He crossed his arms and considered Christian. “From what I heard, you’re not supposed to be this close to her.”

Christian’s eyebrows drew together and he opened his mouth to say something stupid. I knew it was stupid by the way he was drawing himself up as if he was going to have the backbone to actually threaten Law and do something about it. Thankfully, the arrival of a giggling dark haired woman broke the growing tension between the two men. She was oblivious and all smiles to the show down and threw her arms around Christian’s waist.

“I was looking for you! You said you were going to get me a drink!” She exclaimed, giving him a hug and what could only be described as puppy dog eyes.

Christian’s mouth pressed into a thin line. “I got caught up with old friends. Sorry about that, Love.”

I wrinkled my nose at the nickname. What the hell? God, I hoped it was her nickname and not her real name. Honey? Love? What was he doing, going around collecting us for his twisted menagerie?

“Oh, that’s all right. I just missed you so much and-” she turned and looked at Law and I with a puzzled expression. “Hi, are you some of Christian’s friends?” She asked.

I cleared my throat, searching for an answer to her question that wouldn’t sound totally suspicious. “Well…” I began, but that was as far as I got because Law was grabbing my hand and shaking his head.

“No,” Law told her.

Her mouth dropped open. “Oh.”

Law ignored her and looked at Christian. “Come near her again and I’ll break your neck. Not gonna repeat it.” He turned, pulling me behind him, and we left the couple standing in stunned silence. I struggled to keep up with him but after we had cleared the corridor and made our way back up into the Great Room, I yanked on his hand.

“Stop dragging me around like a fucking caveman.”

He looked over his shoulder at me, eyes still narrowed in a glare. “Then walk.”

“I am, but some of us are wearing heels. I can’t keep up with these shoes on.” I gestured down at my feet and returned his glare with one of my own.

“Wear better shoes next time.”

“I wasn't exactly planning on needing to run when I picked these out,” I muttered, yanking on my hand, but he held fast.

“Wasn’t planning on baby sitting either, but here we are.”

I gave my hand another yank and this time managed to free myself from his hold. “If you think for one hot second that I want to be here with you, you’re horribly mistaken.”

He rubbed a hand across his jaw and chuckled. “Oh, is that so, princess?”

“Fuck yeah, it is.”

“Wasn’t the story last night when I left your place.”

My breath left my body as surely as if Law had punched me in the gut. “Fuck you,” I whispered, because he was right. I hadn’t wanted him to leave. I hadn’t said it, but he knew. He’d known and he’d still gone. He’d known and he’d still talked to me the way he had tonight. “You’re an asshole.”

He nodded, hand still at his jaw. “I know.”

“Why are you even here?” I asked, taking a step back from him. But it was no use because Law came right with me.

“I came here because I’m a member of the club, princess.”

“Don’t call me that,” I snapped. “If you’re a member of the club, then why haven’t I ever seen you here before?”

“Works a bitch, can’t get away as much as I’d like. Which means when I do make time I want to enjoy that time how I want, not how Connie or Zeus fucking thinks I need to,” he told me, with a bite to his voice that I was quickly growing accustomed to. His meaning was clear. He had wanted to come to relax and I was here messing up his plans.

“I didn’t know she was going to ask you, or ask anyone to watch me. I swear,” I told him, holding up my hands and shaking my head. “She just-I mean, I thought it was going to be her tonight that was with me, not someone else.” I sat down on a couch, this one covered in a pink satiny material and I frowned when my ass slid to the side, the slip of my dress not doing much to keep me in place. I glared at Law when he chuckled and placed my hands on either side of me, holding myself in place. I gazed out at the floor where the couple debuting tonight had taken the stage and were making their introductions to the crowd. “I thought it was going to be Connie,” I said again, “It never crossed my mind it would be you, of all people.”

Law hummed and moved close, standing in front of me and blocking my view of the Dominant that had just picked up a flogger. I glared at him. “You’re blocking my view.”

“You telling me you wanted Connie?”

I blanched and shook my head. “No, of course not. She’s scary.”

He crossed his arms and I noticed he looked annoyed. “And I’m not.”

I snorted, crossing my own arms in response and immediately regretted it when I slid to the side. Fucking stupid satin ass couches. Who the hell made these? Why was it here if you couldn’t even sit on it without fighting to defy gravity? I planted my feet firmly, widening my stance to do so and met his eyes.

“You’re not scary. Not one fucking bit, Law. But I’ll tell you what you are.”

“What is that?”

“A pain in my ass.”