Cruel Enforcer by Maggie Cole



I'ma man of many faults. I don't pretend they don't exist. One of them is my tendency to obsess over the woman I'm dating. It's what makes the arrangement I tolerated with Eloise ironic.

I'm possessive. I don't want any other man's hands on my woman. I don't like to date multiple people at once, which is why I rarely did, except when I was trying to get past Eloise. Some guys have no problem managing multiple women, but all it does is stress me out. Each time I tried, the exact opposite of what I was trying to achieve occurred. My addiction to Eloise grew deeper. Then I'd convince myself if I stayed in her life long enough, she would eventually commit to me. If I just gave her what she needed, showed her how much she meant to me, and displayed patience, she would finally see I was worth it.

Foolish is the only word to describe me. I wasted years of my life loving Eloise while she destroyed my heart piece by piece. Repeating my mistake is something I'm trying to avoid, but I feel my obsession with Kora growing.

If I take her to my place, I'll keep her with me all weekend. When I wake up each morning and see her next to me, I'll get more attached. It's a mistake I made with Eloise when I met her. Since my feelings for Kora feel more intense than when I first got together with Eloise, every warning bell is going off in my head to not give in to my obsession too soon.

Kora already told me she has work to do over the weekend. I want to take her to the game. Eloise would never go with me. I'm excited Kora's a fan. It gives me an excuse to take her out again and something to look forward to once I drop her off at her house, but I'm not ready to end our date.

I have to have her.

The club. If I take her there, I can drop her off after, then have a day to distance myself.

She might not be into it.

There's only one way to find out.

I might as well use it before my membership runs out. I paid enough for it.

It's safer for our relationship if there are other people around to keep me in check.

I don't want to hurt her again.

Kora agrees to go to the club with me. I tell my driver the address. It's not far, and when the car stops in front of the building the underground club is in, I hold Kora's face in my hands. I don't think she has what I would consider prudish notions, but I don't want to make assumptions. I'm confident she hasn't done anything like what could possibly happen in the club. "Don't read into whatever we do tonight."

She nervously asks, "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know yet." It's true.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't have a set plan. Let's go in and see where the night leads us."

She glances out the window then back at me. "Okay. I'm game."

"Promise me, when I drop you off, you won't feel cheap again. Otherwise, we aren't going in."

"Are you going to leave me in a dark room to fend for myself and find my way home?"

"No. I'm not letting you out of my sight."

"Then why would I feel cheap? I told you why I felt that way."

I give her one last chance to back out. "When I said this makes the Cat's Meow look tame, I wasn't exaggerating. I don't know all your beliefs."

"If it makes you feel better, I'm the one who suggested we go to the Cat's Meow. Not a lot shocks me."

"This might."

She smiles. "Well, shock me, then."

I kiss her then mumble, "Tell me again what I listen to."


"Good girl." I get out and reach in for her. Kora steps out, and I guide her into the building. In some ways, it's strange coming here with Kora. Eloise introduced me to the club. It was the first night we did anything together, and she brought me here, thinking she was going to dominate me. At first, I played her game. When I switched roles on her, I took her by surprise. Afterward, I took her to my house. For days we stayed together until she had to fly out for work.

Eloise wanted me to become a member, so I did, but we hadn't been here in a long time. I've never come by myself. My membership runs out in a month. I don't plan to renew it, but it seems like the perfect way to spend more time with Kora without fully embracing my obsession with her.

When we leave, I'm dropping her off at her front door. I need to do things differently than with Eloise.

I bypass security, enter the elevator code, and when it reaches the top level, we step out into the room. Seductive music plays but not too loud. I tug Kora closer to me as we walk through the bright-red, foggy air and step into the bar.

Plush seating areas, along with small tables, fill the open space. Like the Cat's Meow, there are male and female strippers. The difference is everything is extremely high-end. Membership dues are one hundred thousand dollars a year. Women, as well as men, are vetted before they are approved. Strippers wear real jewels around their nipples or other body parts. Each piece of lingerie is handmade and more expensive than most people's rent. Unlike the Cat's Meow, they aren't there to give lap dances or pick up bills off the floor. They are on salary and there to add to the atmosphere.

Guests can be touched if granted permission. Strippers cannot. It's a very clear rule. No tips of any form are allowed to any employee. The madame, and her husband, enforce all policies.

It's early, so the bar isn't full, yet several members are already engaged in sexual activities. I study Kora as she glances around the room. Her cheeks heat, and I lean into her ear. I stroke the curve of her waist with my thumb. "There are more rooms, and this is tame compared to those. Should we stay, or should I take you home?"

For a split second, I think she's going to tell me to take her home. But she pins her hazel eyes on me and straightens her shoulders. "Let's stay."

I peck her lips, relieved I don't have to drop her off yet. I'm not ready to let her go, but I'm not going back on my word to myself not to take her to my house. "Let's get a drink."

We go to the bar. "What do you want, my lapa?"

She hesitates then says, "Tequila and a water."

"A shot?"


"Shot of tequila, a water, and a double Beluga," I tell the bartender.

He replies, "Go sit, and I'll have Shelly drop them off."

"Four fifty-eight. Ivanov," I say. Everything runs to your account, complete with thirty percent tips. There is no signing or cash.

He nods, and I guide Kora to a dark corner, away from anyone else. I sit in the oversized chair and pull her onto my lap.

"Do you come here a lot?" she asks.

"No. I haven't been here in close to a year."

"Why not?"

"I don't come by myself."

"Who do you normally come with?"

My chest tightens. "A woman I used to see."

"But you don't anymore?"


The waitress comes over with our drinks and sets them on the table. I nod to her, and she smiles and leaves.

Kora glances around, and her cheeks heat again. I slide my finger over one side. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Does it embarrass you?"

She leans an inch from my lips. Her eyes drill into mine with a confidence few women have. "Being in a room where others are having sex?"


"No." She slowly licks her wrist, picks up the salt shaker, and adds the white grains to her skin. She reaches over and grabs her shot and tosses it back then sucks on the lime.

My heart rate increases. She’s so damn sexy and doesn't know it. Her ability to attempt to make me believe she isn't nervous is making me harder. My dick twitches against her ass, and she cockily arches an eyebrow. I spin her so she's straddling me. Her breasts are inches from my face. They rise and fall faster, and she stares at me in surprise.

I fist her hair and move her face closer to mine. "Do you want another drink?"

"No," she breathes.

"Do you know why I like pink all of a sudden?"


"Because all I think about is your pussy and how much I want it in my mouth again."

She swallows hard.

I lean into her ear. "And that pink tongue and mouth of yours, you're going to beg me to fuck." I drag my finger down her neck, and she shudders.

She turns her head, and I slide my tongue past her lips. The taste of tequila and limes circle my mouth. The scent of her floral perfume flares in my nostrils. Her fingertips are electric jolts to my skin.

I deepen our kiss, slip my hand up her shirt and under her bra, then roll her nipple between my fingers. It puckers and hardens, and I want my mouth on it. I lift her shirt, pop her breast out of the cup, and suck it.

Kora moans softly, grinding herself against my cock, and rubbing her thumbs on my ears.

Her breasts become my smorgasbord. I tighten my arms around her, licking and sucking her until she trembles.

I find her mouth again. She kisses me, and I place my palm between her legs. It's hot and damp, and the aching between my legs grows.

"If this doesn't faze you out here, then let's go back," I suggest then kiss her some more.

"Mmhmm." She lightly drags her nails down the back of my neck. Zings rush down my spine. "You aren't going to get me naked out here?"

I hold her face in front of mine. "No. I'm taking you to a more intimate space."

She nods and breathes, "Okay."

I move her off me, rise, and help her up. I guide her through the door. We enter a hallway. Instead of walls, it's floor-to-ceiling glass. I bypass it all, not interested in the people taking part in different acts in each themed room. I'm only interested in one place.

The members call it the dungeon. It's darker than the other rooms. Almost everything is black, whether it be leather or metal. A few silver items dot the room but not many. It's the only area in the club where members can control the music, heat, and lights.

I don't call it a dungeon. To me, that's not what it is. I am a master of torture, and this room is another chamber. It's a playground for me to utilize pain to give pleasure instead of my normal blood and death.

Before Eloise, I only knew how to use punishment to get what I wanted before I would kill a man. She stirred something in me. It's like I knew exactly how to take the skills I had acquired from Zamir and focus them on her. It only took one time and she was hooked. She craved the pain that led to the pleasure. And I was at a point in my life I needed an outlet to do something with my skills besides create bloody outcomes.

At first, Eloise couldn't understand why I didn't want to spend all our time at the club. She didn't know my secrets and assumed I wouldn't be able to give her the same attention outside of the dungeon. She would never have fathomed she was sleeping with a cold-blooded killer.

I can kill anywhere, just like I can break a woman anywhere. And maybe that's the difference between the men who come here and me. I understand the art of torture. Patience is something Zamir taught me. Too many men to count have begged me for their last breath. Numerous women have begged me to do things they never dreamed they would want or would be so desperate to need.

I joined the club for Eloise. It was a waste of money. I did the same things to her at my house I've done here. And the more I fed her addiction, the more she begged me to hurt her. Sometimes it got to the point I had to stop. We would fight when that happened. But I had my limit and wasn't going to pass it.

But now, I wonder if it's better I break Kora here instead of at my house. Here, women seem to understand something they never experienced before will happen. Maybe it's better and easier to have an open mind that one can't have if you aren't in this environment. Then, when you crave what you don't understand afterward, and you're so desperate you're willing to do it anywhere, you don't have to deal with any confusion about what will happen—although you will still have mixed feelings about why you want it.

I lead Kora into the dungeon. When I step in, I feel a calm wash over me. It's the same peace I feel before I torture a man.

"What is that?" Kora asks.

I don't need to see what she's looking at. It's an iron wall, with over one hundred places to restrain a person. No matter your preference, cuffs, rope, wire, silk, it's all here, ready to be utilized at your discretion. There are intricate places for body parts to fit through—hands, feet, heads, elbows, knees, cocks, it doesn't matter. Flat metal mixes with round metal. To the average person, it would look like a beautiful metal piece of abstract art, with a black wall behind it. A sadist like me sees it as my playground of opportunity.

There's enough room for several people to be restrained at once and at some point in the night, others typically come in. Tonight, they won't. Eloise always required the show and sounds of others experiencing what she was going through. I never cared for the voyeurs or to watch the others receive similar punishments as Eloise. I want Kora to myself. Unless she tells me she needs it, I'm not letting anyone in and already hit the button so it's clear to anyone who comes near the door.

I caress her jaw with my thumb and study her nervous eyes. "It's what I'm going to tether you to for hours unless you say stop."

Her breath hitches.

I unbutton her jeans and slide my hand in her pants. "You're getting wetter at the thought, aren't you?"

She nods.

I slide two fingers in her and fist all of her hair. I tilt her head so she can't move, and murmur in her ear, "If you say stop, at any time, I'll stop. It'll be over and I'll take you home. We won't do anything like this again. So think about what you want before you speak."

She furrows her eyebrows then tries to hide the fear in her eyes, but anyone who is a master at torture wouldn't miss it.

I keep playing with her, utilizing my thumb to circle her clit, and kiss her taut neck. "Do you want me to stop, or should we keep going?"

She shuts her eyes. Her breath becomes shallow. Heat rises into her face. "Don't stop. Oh God...oh...oh..."

I pull my hand out of her pants.

Her eyes fly open. Confusion appears in her hazel orbs.

"Orgasms are earned, my lapa. And from here on out, you don't come unless I permit you. Every time you don't surrender to me and give me whatever I want, there will be consequences."

"Like what?" Her voice comes out raspy.

"It depends on what I choose to do." I palm her ass, tug her as close to me as possible, and shove her hand in my pants. I refrain from groaning. Her warm fingers coil around my cock, and she rubs the tip with her thumb.

I give her one last out. "As you can see, I'm ready to get started. Are you, or do you want to stop?"

She takes a deep breath, straightens her shoulders, and looks me in the eye. In her confident voice, she proclaims, "I'm ready."

I assess her one final time, kiss her until she's breathless, then step back.


She obeys.

I light up my bowl and take a hit. I hold it out to her, she takes it, inhales a deep breath of smoke, holds it in her lungs, then tilts her head to the ceiling, and slowly releases it.

I hand her a glass of water. "Drink."

She takes several sips then stares at me.

"Finish it."


Because you need fluids for how much sweat is going to flow out of your body.

I step closer to her, reach around her, and slap her ass hard.

She jumps into my chest.

I rub her cheek and fist her hair so her head tilts back. She inhales sharply. "Don't question me. Ever."

Her forehead creases.

"Are you sure you want me, or do you want me to stop?" I arch an eyebrow and drag my fingers up her spine.

"I want you," she whispers.

I lean down, and she moves to kiss me, but I avoid her lips. I murmur in her ear, "Good girls get rewarded. Bad girls get punished. Decide who you want to be. In my experience, there's only room for one of us to be bad. It's not you." I pause for a moment, letting her absorb my statement. "Now be a good girl and get on your knees."