Cruel Enforcer by Maggie Cole



"Neicy,please tell me what you need this for," I beg, handing her the envelope. I spent the morning at the bank, arguing with the manager who told me I needed to wait a week for that much cash. After threatening to pull all my accounts, he finally gave me the money.

It's one of the rare occasions my mother isn't home. She went to my aunt's house, who also lives in her apartment building.

Neicy tucks the large envelope in her oversized purse. "Don't worry about it."

"Neicy! Tell me!"

She huffs and lights up a cigarette. After she inhales and blows it out, she annoyingly glares at me. "My health is my business."

"Are you at least going to be okay?"

"Yes. Once I get the operation, I'll be fine."

Her lack of disclosure only worries me further. "Let me go with you."

"No. Darnell is going to take me."

"Who's Darnell?"

"The guy I'm seeing. He has a car."

"Are you sure—"

"I don't want to discuss this any further." She exhales another long breath of smoke.

"Will you at least tell me when you're having the surgery so I can come help you?"

"I'm going to stay with Darnell. I don't want to be a burden to Mom."

"So Mom knows what is going on?" I ask, hurt she told her but not me.

Neicy shakes her head and points to me. "No, and you aren't going to tell her, either. I don't want her fussing over me or worrying. I'm going to tell her Darnell is taking me away for a vacation."

I try one more time. "Will you please tell me what's going on? I won't tell Mom."

She butts her cigarette out in the ashtray. "No. Darnell is picking me up soon. I need to get ready."

I take my cue to leave and rise. I try to hug my sister, but she doesn't return my embrace. "I hope you're okay. Would you have Darnell let me know when you're out of surgery? And tell him I'm here to help, too."

"He won't need it," she snaps.

I hold my hands in the air. "Okay. Will you at least have him text me when you're out of surgery?"

"Sure. Fine. I'll see you later." Neicy leaves the room with her purse.

My first thought is she's going into her bedroom to count it and make sure I didn't give her a dollar less than her request.

I'm such a bitch. She's sick, and I'm nasty.

What is wrong with her?

I feel lost about how to find out her medical situation. My stomach is a nervous wreck over whatever is happening with her.

I leave and get in my taxi. For the hundredth time, I consider texting Sergey to see if he's okay but talk myself out of it.

After he dropped me off, I barely slept. Learning he dated Eloise Boucher for years and she was the woman he used to take to the club was hard enough. Seeing her perfect body, practically naked, and how Sergey went right into texting when we got in the car didn't do anything for my self-esteem.

Was he texting her?

Eloise isn't just a runway model with a killer body—she’s a gorgeous Black woman with a sexy French accent. Lately, you can't go into a store without seeing her face on a magazine or tabloid cover.

He did the things he did with me, with her, in the same room.

How many times did she get restrained against the iron wall?

I didn't have an issue knowing Sergey used to go to the club with other women. We both have pasts, but I didn't have a face to put with his. Now I have a visual, and one as gorgeous as Eloise's in my mind somehow makes me a bit crazy.

She's a supermodel.

Witnessing Sergey's reaction when he saw her and how he ran from me after he dropped me off doesn't help my insecurities. Now I'm questioning if he even enjoyed what we did. For all I know, he might be regretting bringing me to the club and taking me into the dungeon instead of her.

I shouldn't have asked him to stay. He blamed his distraction on Wes Petrov. I know he hates Wes. I didn't like him from the Cat's Meow and understand all he represents. I have a deeper repulsion for him after what he did to Aspen.

I wish I could get the voice in my head to shut up about Eloise and stop imagining Sergey doing everything he did to me to her. The nastiness in her eyes directed at me tells me she wants him back. She may have been on Wes's lap, but you don't look at another woman with hatred unless you still want her man.

What am I saying? He's not my man. He may have texted Eloise and gone straight to her last night.

He said not to hold it against him. He was going after Wes.

I decide not to text Sergey. I tell the cab driver to go to Serenity Plaza so I can check on Selena and give her my extra laptop. I'm also looking forward to getting my mind off Sergey, even if it's only for a little while.

I text her burner phone I'm coming up, get through security, and knock on her door. She lets me in, and we sit down in the family room.

"Thank you for the clothes. You're so generous to me," she says.

"Did they all fit?"

"Yes. And the groceries came, too." She smiles appreciatively.

"Great. Here's my laptop so you aren't cut off from the world. Don't go on any of your social media accounts."

"I won't."

I hand her the laptop and a piece of paper. "That's the account I set up for you for groceries."

"Thank you. I really can't tell you how touched I am."

"You're welcome." I glance around the apartment, still shocked Sergey is letting her stay here. Everything is high-end and new. "And you're comfortable here?"

She snorts. "Is that a question?"

I hesitate then gently say, "You didn't want to file the restraining order because of your housing situation. After what happened Friday, I think it's time."

She takes a deep breath. "Is there any way he can find me?"

"I'm not going to lie to you. There's always going to be a chance of him discovering where you are, and you should always be cautious. I hope once some time passes, he moves on, but some men don't."

Fear fills her face.

"Let's not jump the gun. The important thing is you're safe right now. One step at a time, remember?"

She bravely nods. "Right." She glances around. "Kora, how long can I realistically stay here? Sergey said as long as I need, but it seems..."

"Once again, I won't lie to you. I don't know him very well, but he and his brothers all seem like men of their word."

Unless he tells you he's going to stay the night with you. I push the thought to the back of my head.

"Can you talk to him for me? I don't want to overstay my welcome and have any surprises. You understand timelines better than I do regarding my type of divorce. If I don't get a spot in the shelter, and he needs me to move out, I need to figure something else out."

"Sure. I'll be very clear what your situation is and how long you may need housing."

"Thank you."

"What are you going to do to stay busy?"

She shrugs. "I'm not sure. It looks sunny out. I was planning on checking the roof out today."

"That's good. After we see what happens in court this week, it might be okay for you to venture out a bit. Do you have any friends you want me to contact so they can visit you?"

Red fills her cheeks. She twists her fingers in her lap and focuses on them. "I umm..." She looks up. "Jack didn't make it easy for me to build any relationships. The only reason Sister Amaltheia knew me was from before he stopped me from going to church. I don't think he liked me associating with other Greeks."

"Men like Jack are known for cutting off all their wife's ties to others. Don't be embarrassed."

She bites on her lip.

"Tell you what, my friends and I normally go to yoga and then brunch after on Sundays. I would like you not to leave the apartment this weekend since things are heated, but why don't I bring them here? I think you'd like them, and I know they would love to meet you."


"Yes. The only reason I might not be able to bring them here is if my friend Aspen is up for company. She got bitten by a snake and is recovering, but I know she's going to be sleeping a lot from her pain medication." Maksim sent everyone a group text message last night.

"Is she okay?"

"She got lucky, and the doctor thinks she won't have any long-term issues, but only time will tell."

"I hope she recovers quickly."

"Thanks. Let me talk to the girls and see what we're doing tomorrow. I'll text you."

Selena's face brightens. "I could cook a traditional Greek brunch for you if you want. I would need to order some more groceries today, but they deliver fast."

"Sounds delicious. If it's not a hassle for you."

Selena laughs. "It would give me something to do."

I rise. "I'll find out what the plans are and let you know right away."

"Perfect." She walks me to the door and hugs me. "Thank you again...for everything."

"You're welcome." I leave and go home. When I get inside, I call Maksim.

His Russian accent is more pronounced than Sergey's, and I have to listen more closely. "Kora."

"Hey, how's Aspen?"

"Still sleeping. The doctor said it's normal and it's good for her recovery."

"Do you think she'll be up for visitors tomorrow?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure, but I wouldn't plan on it."

"Okay. I'll touch base tomorrow."

"Thanks, Kora."

"Sure. Let me know if you need anything."

"I will."

"Bye." I hang up and text Hailee and Skylar.

Me: Maksim doesn't think Aspen is up for visitors tomorrow. I have a friend who wants to cook us an authentic meal. Are you okay if we change plans?

Hailee: Maksim told me the same thing earlier. I'm in.

Skylar: Sure!

Me: Hailee and I want deets tomorrow, Skylar.

Hailee: Yeah, time to fess up.

Skylar: About what?

Hailee: Your disappearing act would be a good start.

Me: I'm more interested in Skylar's O town experience with Mr. Bend Me Over.

Skylar hasn't told me anything has happened between her and Adrian, but it's obvious something has by the way she took off and our brief call when I told her about Aspen.

I asked her when we were at the hospital, "Are you going to tell me what happened last night?"

"Not here," she replied. Then she proceeded to get flustered and disappear when she saw him.

Dots appear next to Skylar's name, then disappear, then reappear again. It goes on for several minutes.

Hailee: What about you and Mr. Glue Sniffer?

Me: At least he didn't eat it.

Skylar: Who ate what? Were any body parts included in this?

Hailee: Eww.

Skylar: Seriously. Who are we talking about?

Hailee: Kora's Mr. Bad Boy in a Suit, Russian cubby.

Skylar: When did he get that nickname? And did you make that up, Hailee?

Hailee: Yes. It seems appropriate.

Skylar: Well done.

Me: Can we get back to your Mr. Bend Me Over?

Skylar: I'll tell you tomorrow. But I want full deets on your Russian cubby.

Me: See you tomorrow at yoga.

I have no idea what I should tell my friends about last night with Sergey. I'm confused about how I feel about everything that occurred. Before Eloise entered the picture, I didn't think twice about anything. Now I'm not sure what to make of all the things I allowed Sergey to do to me or how much I liked it.

Hailee: Are we all still going to the art exhibit tonight?

Skylar: I'm in.

I groan. I forgot about it. I've wanted to see the exhibit for months, and we finally snagged tickets. It immediately sold out. If I'm going to brunch, then the basketball game, I have to spend the rest of the night working on Selena's court case.

Me: I'm so sorry, but I have to get caught up on work.

Hailee: For reals?

Skylar: You wanted the tickets more than we did.

Me: I know, but I can't get around this. I'm sorry.

Hailee: Guess it's you and me, Skylar. Lots of time to give me the lowdown first about you and Mr. Bend Me Over.

Me: Not fair!

Skylar: We'll miss you but see you tomorrow.

Hailee: Don't work too hard.

Me: Have fun. See you tomorrow.

I spend the rest of the night working and trying not to read into what happened the previous night. I remind myself there's bad blood between Sergey and Wes. By the time I go to bed, I've convinced myself he was shaken up over seeing Wes and maybe his ex as well, but it's understandable. I really like him and haven't ever wanted anyone as much as I want him.

The next day, I go to yoga, then brunch with my friends at Selena's. I try to focus on the girls and not the exciting flutters I have about seeing Sergey again. I don't tell them about the club or what we did. I focus on the restaurant he took me to and admit I like him. Then I tell them about our date tonight. I get home, spend an hour getting ready for the game, and wait.

Four o'clock comes and goes. Around four thirty, I text him.

Me: Hey, did I get the time wrong? Did you say four?

I wait, but there's no response. Hours pass. He never arrives, or calls, or texts. Anger and hurt engulf me.

He stood me up. In all the years of dating, no man has ever done this to me before. It's cruel.

Any insecurities I have about what we did flood me. All I can see is him and Eloise in the dungeon. I wonder if he got back together with her. Did she go to the game with him?

A part of me wonders if something happened between him and Wes.

He can't be stupid enough to go after the son of the head of the mafia.

He has to be with her.

When I wake up Monday, I try to cover up my swollen eyes. Court gets canceled. The judge claims he's sick, but I know it's another tactic Jack arranged.

All day and night, I keep looking at my phone, checking to see if he's responded or I somehow missed something from him.

There's nothing.

When I wake up on Tuesday, I decide I can't keep doing this. I'm not a desperate schoolgirl. I refuse to become one, waiting for a man to give me attention.

I block his number so he can't contact me, but it's really to make sure I don't spend any more time staring at his name and looking for messages that will never arrive.

No matter what I do, I can't escape the memories of my night with him. If only there were a block button for my mind.