Cruel Enforcer by Maggie Cole



It's not fair.Sergey looks just as delicious as usual. His brown doe eyes pierce mine, tugging at my heartstrings, making me want to forget about everything he did and pretend it never happened.

I wish I could.

I can't.


"Selena is in a dire situation. She can't risk to be told one thing and have anything else happen. We would appreciate it if we can clarify things about her living arrangement."

Keep it professional. Selena can't afford to be homeless.

I wish I could trust Sergey and his promise, but I can't.

"What is there confusion over?" Sergey asks.

I motion to the couches. "Please. Let's all sit, and we can discuss it."

Selena perches on the end of the couch, nervously twisting her fingers.

I take the armchair and cross my legs.

Sergey's eyes dart to them then back to my face.

You're never getting between them again. As I tell myself this, a needy throb begins between my legs, and I curse myself.

He cautiously sits on the other end of the couch. He twists to face Selena. "What are you concerned about, Selena?"

"She needs to know how long you and your brothers will allow her to live here."

"As long as she needs to. I already told both of you this. Nothing has changed, and I won't go back on my promise to you."

"Yes, well, verbal agreements and reality are two different things, aren't they?"

Sergey's eyes turn to slits. "My word is good. However, if it makes you sleep better at night, I'm more than happy to put this in writing."

Selena blurts out, "You don't have—"

"Yes, we would feel better if you did. These types of divorces can sometimes go on for years. As you are aware, there are security issues Selena has to deal with involving her husband."

"Did he do something else?" Sergey growls.

"No!" Selena assures him.

"How long are you willing to allow her to stay?" I ask again.

"I just told you, as long as she needs to," Sergey firmly states.

"Great. So if I put an agreement together stating Selena can stay until her divorce is final and the court awards her assets, you and your brothers will have no issues signing?"

"I am capable of signing any agreement regarding this apartment. You don't need my brothers to sign off," he states, as if I insulted him.

I shift in my seat and uncross my legs then recross them.

His eyes trail my body. He licks his lips and takes a deep breath.

I continue, "The LLC owns the property."

"You researched my property?" Sergey asks.

I can't tell if he's upset or impressed. "Yes. As I stated, I can't have my client homeless."

"She isn't going to be," Sergey reiterates.

"Great. You and your brothers won't mind signing an agreement then, so Selena and I have peace of mind?" I force a smile.

Sergey leans forward. "As I just told you, the only signature you need is mine. Any of my brothers, including myself, can sign at any time to sell or rent the apartment. I don't need permission."

"What would you base that on?"

Now I'm just being bitchy.

This isn't going to help Selena. Keep your personal stabs out of it.

Sergey shakes his head and scowls. "Can I speak with you alone, please?"

"Anything you need to say, my client is privy to. This is her life after all."

Sergey turns to Selena. "Would you please give Kora and me a few minutes?"

Her eyes widen. "Sure."

"That isn't necessary," I firmly state.

Sergey rises then pulls me up off the chair.

"Stop. What are you doing!"

He grips my elbow and says in my ear, "We're going into the bedroom to talk. Stop causing a scene."

"I'm not—"

"Kora, you should go," Selena blurts out.

Surprised, I turn my head toward her.

She nervously gazes between us. "I'm fine out here. Go talk."

What the heck am I doing? She's my client, and this is so unprofessional.

I shouldn't have dug at him.

Sergey's hand slides over my waist. He guides me down the hall.

I should push away from him, but I sink into his body. I hate myself for still wanting and responding to him.

The moment I step into the bedroom, Sergey shuts the door and spins me against it. His body presses into mine, and my heart beats faster. His sandalwood, lemon, and weed scent consumes my senses. He puts his elbows on the door next to my head. "You blocked me."

"That's all you have to say?"

"No. I have a lot to say, but I don't think you're ready to hear it."

Anger rears up inside me. "You have a lot of—"

His lips roughly press into mine, and he slides his tongue in my mouth, flicking so urgently, I can't help it and kiss him back.

What am I doing?

He stood me up.

I push his chest to get away from him, but he steps even closer and doesn't let me move.

"Stop fighting me, Kora," he demands in the same voice he used in the dungeon.

I freeze. I shouldn't. I'm not sure why I do. But I suddenly can't seem to move.

He puts his hands on my cheeks. His voice softens. "Do you honestly believe I would stand you up?"

"What would you call it?"

"Something happened. I'm sorry I caused you to question my feelings for you, but I didn't have a choice. I wasn't even aware of how much time passed."

My stomach lurches. I blink hard. "You were with her, weren't you?"

His head jerks back, and his eyes widen. "You think I was with Eloise?"

I say nothing, willing myself not to shed a tear.

"I told you I don't have any feelings left for her."

I focus on the ceiling, my insides shaking.

"Goddamnit. Look at me," he barks.

I meet his gaze.

"I will only say this once, so listen closely. I do not now, nor will I in the future, ever want any part of Eloise. Since I met you, I've not wanted her. You're the one I obsess about, not her. The only interaction I had with her since I dropped you off at your house was at the club when I was with you. Something came up Saturday night. I couldn't avoid it. I wasn't thinking about anything besides what I needed to do. I just got home about an hour ago. I didn't even know what day it was until I saw the tickets on my counter and turned on my phone."

My lips tremble. I want to believe him, but I don't want to be a stupid woman. "If you weren't with her, where were you? What was so important you couldn't text or call me?"

His jaw spasms. "I can't tell you, Kora. You have to trust me."



I try to stop my tears again and look away.


I shut my eyes. I'm not someone who handles being in the dark. My sister's situation is killing me enough. I don't need it with my man. I whisper, "I can't."

He turns my chin. "I was not with her, my lapa."

Hearing him call me his lapa only tears me up inside. I want to be his, but how can I?

In a firm voice, he orders, "Tell me you believe me."

"If you weren't with her, who were you with?"

He sniffs hard. His jaw tics faster. "You're the most intelligent woman I've ever come across. I won't pretend you don't see what I'm capable of doing to other men. So stop making this about her. Think about what happened and who I would need to take care of. Take her out of the equation. For the last time, she doesn't have anything to do with this, my lapa."

What is he...

My chest tightens.

His voice from Friday night fills my head. "It's because of him. I thought you would understand this after he almost killed Aspen."

I've been so stupid. He told me he was going after him, but I've been so jealous and insecure, I convinced myself it was about Eloise.

A new fear fills me. Not that Sergey would hurt me but what he may have done. My blood runs cold.

"Ah. I see you understand now." His warm-brown eyes are dark, swirling with evil but also pain.

It strikes me, and I reach for his face, putting my hand over his twitching skin. I swallow hard. "Did you..."

"Don't ask, Kora."

I stare at him, not sure what to do or say, unable to get the right amount of oxygen in my lungs.

He puts his head on my forehead. His voice is gravelly. "Don't run from me."

His jaw spasms more, and I stroke my thumb over it. He closes his eyes, as if in pain.

It hits me how much I don't know about Sergey. "I need to know who you are."

"You know who I am...with you."

"Who are you when you aren't with me? I can't be with someone if I don't know who they are. It's not something I can bend on. I don't operate that way."

He freezes then takes a deep breath. Something passes in his eyes, and I don't know what to make of it. He kisses me and steps back. "I'm the devil. And I don't want you to know him."


"Draw up a contract that says Selena can stay for as long as she wants rent-free, and I'll sign it."


"It's okay, Kora. I should have known better. I'm sorry about Sunday. I really am. I never meant to hurt you, and you're right. No matter how much I try not to be him, he's in me. And I don't want you subjected to any part of him." He walks out, leaving me more confused than before, wondering how we got here.

I woke up wanting to hate Sergey for the assumptions I made about him and Eloise. His unspoken words told me he's a murderer. No part of me should want him. But the loss I feel at him walking away tears me up.

As the day progresses, the need for him grows and spirals. All my red flags are up, telling me to stay away from him, but I can't get his eyes out of my mind. They swirled with hurt, and not something surface level but something deep and scarring. By the time darkness sets in, I'm obsessing over him. I want to fix all the broken pieces within him.

He murdered Wes. I need to stay away.

Wes was a horrible man. He hurt a lot of people.

I'm an attorney. I can't be with a killer.

I unblock his number and text him.

Me: I'm sorry I blocked you and for assuming you were with her.

Sergey: You're forgiven. I'm sorry again about Sunday.

Me: I have the contract. Can you give me your address, and I can stop by and have you sign it?

Sergey: Tonight?

Me: Yes. If you aren't doing anything.

He sends me his address. My heart races.

Me: I'll be there in an hour or so, if you're flexible on the time?

Sergey: No problem.

I shower, spend the next hour fixing myself up, and debate about what to put on. I decide on a pink set of lingerie. The mesh bra is delicate and showcases my nipples. The panties are crotchless, and I add a garter belt and stockings, then put a sweater dress over them. I lie and tell myself I'm just going to have him sign the agreement and then I'll leave.

My drive to go after what I want got me where I am in life. It's usually a good thing. Sometimes, it gets me in trouble.

Tonight, I've passed the point of playing with fire. I know enough about Sergey to stay away, but my desire for him won't let me.

Even the devil has a temptress. I just never thought it would be me.