Cruel Enforcer by Maggie Cole



Kora knows about my scars.

She didn't just feel a few lines like Eloise did. She traced every part of them. Each star, the circle surrounding it, and the intricate little marks Zamir made, she caressed and kissed.

I should have flipped over and stopped her, but something kept me paralyzed. I couldn't move and pretended to be asleep. It was so different from when Eloise ran her nails over my skin, as if my scars were dirt she had to remove.

Kora did the exact opposite. Her fingertips were gentle. Her lips touched them as if they were something to be worthy of her kiss instead of disgusting scars. Besides the tattoo artist and my brothers, no one except Eloise has ever touched my back since Zamir branded me, and definitely not anyone's lips. Eloise only felt it the one time. I told her never to touch it again, and she obeyed.

I'm not sure why I didn't tell Kora to stop. Maybe it's because every time she touches me anywhere, I want more of her. Minutes pass without her fingers or lips on me. Her body heat still warms me. Every passing second increases my paranoia.

Is she disgusted? Maybe she's going to leave and go home.

Why didn't I flip over?

She rises off the mattress, and I squeeze my eyes shut. She's going to leave.

When she slides next to me, I take a deep, quiet breath to calm myself and reach for her. I need to feel her skin on mine.

"You're awake?" she whispers.

I can't answer her. Something about her feeling my back, kissing it, then still wanting to be near me chokes me up. I don't trust myself to speak. And my lapa will surely ask me questions.

I don't allow myself to fall back asleep until she's softly breathing next to me. When I wake up, she's facing me and tracing my jaw. Her beautiful face lights up, and a tiny smile appears. "Hey."

I reach up and stroke her hair. "Morning."

She laughs. "It's evening."

"What time?"

"Almost seven." Her stomach growls.

My lips twitch. "Want to go to dinner?"

She pecks me on the lips. "Yes, but can I take a raincheck? I have to try and make up for not going in to work today, or I'm going to have consequences tomorrow."

Disappointment she has to leave fills me, but I can't expect her to stay with me forever.

Not yet.

She already has her clothes on. Shit, she's leaving.

I sit up. "Did I create a work headache for you, keeping you here?"

"No. I'd rather stay in your bed, but if I don't leave soon, I'm going to have a big one tomorrow."

Guilt replaces my disappointment. She called off work because of me. "I'm sor—"

She puts her fingers over my lips. "Don't ever be sorry about our time together." She pins her hazel orbs on me.

I lick my lips. My mouth is dry. I need some water. "Can I do anything to help?"

That's a dumb question. She's an attorney. What could I possibly do?

A sweet expression appears. "No. Thank you for asking. Unfortunately, I need to go home and face the music."

I reach for my phone. "Let me text my driver."

"I'll take a cab."

I sternly shake my head and say, "No." I text Igor. "Let me throw on some clothes."

"But I prefer you naked," she teases.

"Then you should have stayed undressed." I wink and go into my bathroom. I swish with mouthwash, brush my teeth, then put a T-shirt and joggers on. I step out of the closet, but Kora isn't in the bedroom. I go out to the family room and find her.

She's on the phone, staring out the window. Her voice sounds worried and stressed. "Another twenty? Neicy, please tell me what's going on. I'm worried about you."

She holds the phone away from her ear and cringes. A shrieky voice comes through the phone.

"No. Of course I want you to get better. I'll get you the money, but please, tell me what's wrong."

More yelling from her sister and wincing from Kora.

"Okay. I'll bring it by as soon as possible. It's going to take me a few days. I need to cash some things out."

My red flags rise. I don't want to get between Kora and her family, but I don't like how she's giving her sister large sums of cash without knowing what is going on.

"Neicy, I already gave you all the cash I keep liquid. I'm not sure how long it will take, I've never cashed anything out."

I step toward her and put my arm around her waist.

Kora shuts her eyes and sinks into me. "As soon as I can get it, I'll bring it over. I promise. Bye." She hangs up and sighs.

"Is everything all right?" I ask but already know it's not.

She straightens and nods. "Yeah." She turns and forces a smile. "How long will it take for the driver? I really can take a cab."

"No, you won't," I firmly say. My phone buzzes, and I look at the screen. "Igor's out front."

She attempts to appear as if everything is okay again, but she's distracted. "" She scrunches her forehead. "I'll see you soon?"

I cock an eyebrow.

Her face flushes.

I pull her into me and kiss her deeply until her body relaxes and she's returning my hunger. "Thanks for coming over and staying."

Her lips twitch. "It was fun."

"Yeah, it was. We should do it again sometime. Maybe on the weekend so I don't mess up your work schedule."

Her blush deepens.

"Come on." I guide her to the door and into the elevator and push the button.

"You don't have to walk me downstairs."

I snort. "I'm not walking you downstairs."

"What would you call this?"

"I'm escorting you home."

"You don't have to go out of your way. Really."

I huff again then lead her through the lobby and into the car.

When the door shuts, I slide my arm around her shoulder. I lean close to her face. My pulse beats harder. "Guess what I have?"


"Tickets for next week's game."

She doesn't reply but nervously bites her lip.

"Do I get to redeem myself?"

She hesitates.

"Courtside not nosebleed seats," I tease, but I'm worried she might say no.

"Okay. What time?"

"I'll pick you up at six." I kiss her until the car stops outside her building. I get out and reach in for her then escort her to her unit.

"Thanks. I'll see you next week?" she asks.

It pulls at my heart. No matter how much time we just spent together, I know she's wondering if I'm going to show up.

"Yes." I tug her to me and palm her ass. "Maybe you should pack an overnight bag."

She tries to bite her smile. "Maybe I will."

I pat her ass and kiss her. "Go catch up on your work. I'll see you tomorrow night. Lock your door."

"Yes, sir."

I put my hand to my ear. "Say that again."

She laughs and pushes me away. "Get out of here."

I wink and leave. When I get in the car, I tell my driver to go to the gym.

A text message pops up.

Kora: I forgot to have you sign the contract.

I almost text her I'll come back but change my mind.

Me: I'll stop by your office tomorrow. Noon work?

A few moments pass.

Kora: Yes.

Me: Do you have more crotchless panties?

Kora: Yes.

Me: What color?

Kora: Black, brown, champagne, purple...should I keep going?

I groan.

Me: Champagne as in pinkish or yellowish?

Kora: Pale pink.

Me: Wear those. See you at noon.

I know what I'm eating for lunch tomorrow.

I get to the gym and step out of the car. "Leo," I say, and fist-bump him.

"Sergey. You just missed Boris, but Adrian and Obrecht just arrived. Aleksei's staying late if you want to jump in their session."

"I'm sure—"

Loud rap music blares. I turn, and a car comes barreling down the street, then stops in front of Kora's mom's building. Her sister kisses the man behind the wheel then stumbles out of the vehicle. "DeAndre! Terrell!" she screams while waving her hand in the air then begins laughing.

She doesn't look ill.

I refocus on the two drug dealers who hang out on the corner. They exchange words, and one walks toward Neicy as she continues to swagger down the sidewalk.

"That girl's trouble," Leo mutters.

I don't take my eyes off Neicy.

She pulls a wad of money out of her pocket and hands several bills to one of the men. He puts something in her pocket, and they talk for a while longer.

"Amazing how brave she's gotten lately," Leo says.

I turn to him. "What do you mean?"

He shrugs. "She used to hide buying. It only happened every so often, but she's grabbing stuff almost daily."

If it were only pot, I wouldn't be so judgmental. I understand the need for it. But DeAndre and Terrell don't sell weed. They sell crack.

Is that what Kora's money is buying?

The anger I feel bubbles and turns to boiling when Neicy struts across the street and goes into the carryout. She comes out with a fifth of whiskey and cigarettes.

She doesn't look sick, only drunk and high. Still, I don't want to assume something false. I pat Leo. "I'll see you later."

I walk into the gym. It's full of boxers training. I jump in on Adrian and Obrecht's workout. I try to concentrate, but I can't get rid of the bad feelings I have surrounding Neicy. It may be Kora's family, but I'm not going to let her get taken advantage of or stay in the dark any longer.

Aleksei unties my gloves, and I wait for Adrian and Obrecht.

Since Obrecht is in charge of monitoring the war between the Rossis and Petrovs, I address Adrian. "I need medical records and a tail."

Adrian raises his eyebrows. "For Jack Christian?"

I had forgotten all about Jack and the tail I put on him.

"No, but what did you find on him?"

"Still working on the dirt."

"Who's Jack?" Obrecht asks.

"A wife-beating piece of shit," I reply.

Obrecht's face hardens. "Who's his wife?"

If there's one thing an Ivanov can't stand, it's a man who hurts a woman. Obrecht and Adrian might hate it more due to what happened to Natalia.

"No one you know."

"If it's not Jack, then who do you need info on?"

"Neicy Kilborn."

Adrian's blue eyes turn icier. "Isn't Kora's last name Kilborn?"

"Yes, it is."

"What's the relation?"


Adrian crosses his arms. "You have an address?"

"Across the street."

Adrian's eyes widen. "Kora grew up in this neighborhood?"



"Yeah. But I need her current medical records ASAP."

"You want me to stay on her or Jack? I can put Bogden on the other."

My jaw begins to tic. Both issues need a tail, and both concern Kora.

Her safety is more important than money. Money can be replaced, she can't.

Adrian and Bogden are both competent, but Adrian's a bit more experienced than Bogden, and we're closer, so it probably makes me biased toward him. "You stay on Jack. Put Bogden on her sister. But I want information on both ASAP."


We shower and leave. I drive past Kora's old apartment, the dealers on the corner, and I'm once again amazed she escaped her environment.

I get a good night's rest, work out with my brothers in the morning, and keep myself busy all morning visiting our job sites on several new buildings we're in the middle of developing. I stop at the florist, pick up a dozen long-stemmed pink roses, and go to Kora's law firm.

Her assistant escorts me to Kora's office when I get there. She's at her desk, engrossed in work. A concentrated frown is on her face. Two deep lines run across her forehead.

"You said to bring Mr. Ivanov straight back when he arrived," her assistant announces.

She looks up. Her eyes brighten when she sees me. "Come in."

I step in and close then lock the door. I shut the blinds for the glass facing the hall then turn and set the flowers down on the desk.

"These are beau—"

I consume her lips, controlling her tongue, holding her head firmly to mine. I missed her. It hasn't been twenty-four hours, and I already feel rebalanced just being in her presence.

"You look stressed," I murmur then kiss her some more.

"Mmhmm. Little," she admits.

"Did you wear the panties?"

Her face turns crimson. She nods.

She obeys me so well.

My dick twitches. I reach for her zipper and lower it. Her pencil skirt falls to the ground. I swallow hard at her pale-pink crotchless panties.

"Go sit on the edge of your desk, facing the window."

Golden flames ignite in her eyes. Her hips sway as she walks to her desk. I stare at her lush ass, wishing I could take it but knowing this isn't the environment for that kind of activity. She stacks her work in a pile then sets it aside. After she puts her laptop over the files, she props up on the desk, then crosses her legs.

I sit in her chair then adjust the level so it lowers as close to the ground as possible.


She smirks.

My pants become uncomfortably tight from her sassy little look and half-naked body in front of me. "Did I tell you to cross your legs?"

She says nothing. Her lips twitch, and she slowly uncrosses them, pinning her gaze on mine. She puts a leg on either side of my thighs. The heels from her stilettos rest on the seat of the chair.

Naughty, sexy girl.

Pink is definitely my new favorite color.

"Your assistant said you had a 12:30?" I ask, kissing her inner thigh and rolling the chair as close to the desk as possible.

"Mmhmm." Her hands slide into my hair.

I kiss her leg as close to her pussy as possible, sniff hard, and look up at her. "Good thing I know how to eat fast."