Cruel Enforcer by Maggie Cole



"Ten days? That's ridiculous,"I state. I should have come yesterday to the bank, but it was closed by the time I got out of work. The entire day I tried to catch up from taking an unplanned day off, and the only break I had was when Sergey came to sign paperwork.

I shouldn't have let him come to the office and distract me.

My face heats, thinking about his lunchtime visit. Sergey's tongue is an Olympian next to an amateur in a race if I compare him to any of my previous lovers.

Who am I kidding? Everything about him is gold-medal worthy.

I squirm in my seat and refocus. "This isn't acceptable."

The bank manager pushes his hand over his bald head. It's turning redder the longer I argue with him. I'm assuming he isn't used to and doesn't like confrontation. "Ms. Kilborn, the shares have to be sold. It takes trade plus three business days for it to settle. Monday is a bank holiday. The mutual funds sell after the market closes. Friday, the funds will be available to transfer into your checking account. Once that happens, we have to request the cash be available to disperse."

"You're a bank."

"Yes, but large sums of money need to be requested. This is the policy—"

"Do I need to move my accounts?" I threaten.

He sighs. "Ms. Kilborn, we value your business and want to keep it. However, I cannot make any exceptions as I did last time. My boss just verified we cannot do anything to give you funds sooner."

"What if I put my portfolio on margin? You said it was an option versus cashing them out." I'm not a financial guru, and I don't want to put them on margin, but Neicy sent me a text yesterday asking when I would have the funds. She still won't tell me what's wrong, and it kept me up all night. The manager made it clear if the market goes down, I could have a margin call and end up having to add more money into the account. Besides my student loans for my law degree and my condo, I've worked hard to not go into debt. This sounds like a similar risk or gambling with my investments. I paid off my loans before I bought my condo. I only kept ten thousand in my checking for emergencies, another ten thousand in my money market, and all my other funds I invested in stocks, mutual funds, and retirement accounts. I didn't replenish the emergency fund yet. I planned on getting it back to ten thousand over the next few months with my earnings and didn't expect Neicy to need more.

"There is an approval process for the margin account. You're looking at the same time frame, maybe a few days sooner."

I sigh in frustration.

"Ms. Kilborn, this is the second time this month you've needed a large amount of cash. If this is something you think you might need more of in the future, the margin would be a good idea so you can access the funds quicker. It will only take several business days to convert the money into cash if you have the margin account set up."

My heart beats harder. Will Neicy need more?

It would help if I knew what was wrong.

Why won't she tell me? I know we aren't close, but I am her sister.

I blink hard, trying to control the emotions squeezing my chest. I rise. "Please submit the paperwork to sell my investments and call me as soon as the cash is ready."

Relief fills his face, and he stands and holds out his hand. "Very well, Ms. Kilborn. Thank you again for your business."

I begrudgingly shake his hand, attempting to not come across as a total bitch. It isn't his fault, but it's irritating I've done what all the financial gurus tell you to do, yet I can't access my money at a moment's notice.

It's not normal to need this amount of cash in today's age.

It's not the first time the thought has plagued me. I text Neicy.

Me: The bank can't get me the cash for ten days.

Neicy: What?

Me: If you can take a cashier's check, I can get it to you sooner.

Neicy: I need cash. You know I don't have a bank account. Don't throw your upper-class shit on me.

Me: Can't I have one made out to your doctor's office or the hospital? I don't understand why they need cash.

Neicy: Forget it, Kora. I'll suffer in silence or die and then you can keep your money. I'm sure that will make you happy.

Me: Die? Neicy, PLEASE tell me what is wrong. I'm so worried about you. This is tearing me apart.

Neicy: You just want me to beg. You're enjoying my bad luck.

Me: Of course I'm not. I can't sleep. I'm so worried about you.

Neicy: Don't make this about you, Kora!

I take several deep breaths.

Neicy: Are you giving me the money or not?

Me: Yes. As soon as I get it, I'll bring it over.

Neicy: Fine.

Me: Please take care of yourself.

There's no answer. I walk several blocks to my office. I need to find out what is going on with Neicy, but I'm not sure how. My mother may or may not tell me if she knows, but Neicy insisted she hasn't told her. So I can't ask.

I'm deep in thought, not paying attention to anyone around me. The walkway light turns green. I cross to the other side of the street. When I turn, I run straight into a man's chest.

"Just who I was coming to see," a deep voice seethes.

I look up. Jack Christian is scowling at me. I take a step back.

He reaches for my arm so I can't move.

"Let me go," I firmly say, but fear twists in my gut.

He leans close to my face. In a slow, menacing tone, he enunciates, "Where. Is. My. Wife?"

I've had many crazy things happen while representing clients, but no one has caused the cold shiver to run as deep into my spine as Jack.

We're in public. He can't hurt me.

Would he?

His eyes look crazy.

"Let go of me," I repeat, but I don't sound as confident as usual.

He grasps my arm tighter, and I wince.

"You're hurting me." I shove my hand into his chest, but he grabs my wrist.

"Tell me where she is, now."

I'm not sure what to do. My insides shake, and I try to push away but can't.

"Kora, is this man bothering you?" a familiar voice with a Russian accent says.

Jack tears his eyes from mine and looks to the left of us. "Mind your own fucking business."

Adrian grabs his neck, pushes his chin to the sky, and squeezes so hard, he releases me.

The sidewalk clears, and there are a few loud gasps. Jack continues to flail, attempting to fight Adrian off.

"When a woman says to let her go, you let her go," Adrian growls, moving him against the brick wall.

Jack turns purple.

"Adrian!" I call out. As scared as I was, we're in public. Adrian could get arrested.

Adrian says something in his ear I can't hear and finally lets him go.

Jack crouches down, trying to catch his breath.

Adrian puts his hand on my back in a protective manner. Too shocked, I allow him to guide me down the street. He leads me into my building. "Kora, are you okay?"

I should thank him for saving me from whatever the situation could have evolved into, but I blurt out, "How do you know where I work?"

His face hardens. It takes him a moment too long to reply. "You're Kora Kilborn. Famous divorce attorney."

He's lying.

"Are you following me?"

"You should put a restraining order on him."

"Answer my questions, Adrian."

He says nothing.

I grab his arm and lead him closer to the corner, out of the way of traffic. "Adrian, why are you following me?"

More silence, except for his hard sniff and lick of his lips as he doesn't flinch.

"What did he want from you, Kora?"

"Goddamnit, Adrian, answer my question!"

"I'm not following you, Kora."

"No? Then how do you know where I work?"

"I told you—"

"You're lying!"

Blood pounds between my ears. The longer Adrian is silent, the angrier I get. Then it hits me. "Did Sergey have you follow me?"

"I'm not following you, Kora."

Disgusted he's lying to me, I dig into my purse and find my phone. I dial Sergey.

"Lapa. You stressed and need me to swing by your office?" Sergey answers in his cocky voice.

My rage grows while my lower body annoyingly throbs. "Why is Adrian following me?"

The line turns silent and then, "Did something happen?"

"Tell me why Adrian is following me," I repeat in an angrier tone.

"He's not."

"Stop lying," I say, louder than I should.

Sergey exhales slowly. In a controlled voice, he replies, "I'm a block from your office. I'm not lying nor discussing this over the phone." The line goes dead.

I glare at Adrian.

He crosses his arms and arrogantly says, "You could thank me for saving you from that douchebag instead of looking at me like you want to kill me."

"I wish we weren't in public right now."


"I'd slap you," I admit.

He grunts. "Wouldn't be the first woman."

"I bet."

Adrian's smirk grows. From the corner of my eye, I see Sergey walking in. I spin and redirect my glare on him. I try to ignore the butterflies competing with the anger stewing in my belly.

Why does he always look so good?

"What do you think you're doing, having Adrian follow me?"

Adrian groans. "You don't listen."

"You need to stop talking," I instruct then focus on Sergey.

"He's not following you, Kora. We're not lying."

"Then how does he know where I work? Why was he on the street?"

"Calm down. You're drawing attention to us."

"Don't tell me to calm down," I seethe but lower my voice.

Sergey puts his arm where Jack did, and I wince.

He holds his hands in the air. "Whoa. What's wrong with your arm?"

"Jack had her pinned on the sidewalk," Adrian replies.

"Pinned?" Sergey's face turns red, and his eyes flare with rage.

"I'm fine."

"Let me see your arm."

"No. Tell me why Adrian is following me," I repeat for what feels like the hundredth time.

"Still not listening," Adrian mutters.

"He's following Jack. Now let me see your arm," Sergey orders.

I should have put two and two together.

I need to calm down so I can think.

I exhale. "Why is Adrian following Jack?"

Sergey's face hardens just like Adrian's did, but his jaw twitches.

"You aren't going to tell me?"

"You don't need to know."

I step closer to Sergey. "Are you kidding me? It's my client's husband."

"He's not a good man, Kora."

"No kidding! Do you think I'm stupid?"

His eyes turn warmer. "No. You're the smartest woman I know."

My heart skips a beat, but I ignore it. "Then tell me wh—" A cold feeling moves through me. I swallow the thick lump forming in my throat. "Are you going to..." I gaze between Adrian and Sergey, who both have the same expression on their faces.

"I'm going to make sure you're protected, my lapa."

The beating of my heart increases so fast, I feel sick. "You can't do whatever it is you're planning on doing."

"I'm not planning on doing anything," Sergey replies.

"Call it off. Stop following him."


My stomach twists. Jack's an asshole, but has he done something to warrant Sergey killing him?

Not yet.

What am I saying?

Would he kill him for no reason?


"It's not up for discussion." He shakes his head, and the darkness reappears in his eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

This is why two alphas should never be together.

"This is my client's—"

"It's for your protection," he barks.



Jack's scum, but it's too close to home. Any harm to him could cause issues for Selena. My job is to protect her. I don't need anything ruining her case.

"Can I talk to you alone?" I ask.

Adrian snorts. "I'll see you outside. And you're welcome."

"Adrian," Sergey warns.

He shakes his head and leaves.

I walk closer to the corner and spin. "I need you to call off whatever this is with Jack. Selena's case could be harmed."

"You could be harmed. And let me see your arm. Take your jacket off."

"This isn't about me, Sergey. I have a duty to make sure nothing jeopardizes Selena's divorce."

He steps closer so my back is against the wall and puts his hand on my cheek. "I don't know the details of what happened on a public street, but if Adrian had to intervene, I don't need to know anything more. Jack Christian is bad news. I won't lie to you. I'm not calling off anything. Your safety is at risk. Selena's, too."

My quivering insides are conflicted. Sergey's trying to protect me, but I can't have him tailing my clients' exes who make threats. "This isn't anything I can't handle or haven't before."

Anger fills his face. "Really? Your clients' exes have assaulted you on the street before?"

"I wasn't assaulted."

"Your arm is sore from him grabbing you. Adrian had to pull him off you!"

I stay quiet.

"I'm not going to stand by and let you be a sitting duck, Kora."

"This is my career. It doesn't concern you. And I know how to take care of myself. Stay out of my work issues."

"Not negotiable," he states.

My insides shake in anger. He doesn't have a right to get involved and have Adrian follow Jack. "You're overstepping."

"I know you've seen a lot, Kora, but my instincts are rarely wrong about these kinds of things."

"This is my business, not yours."

His jaw spasms faster. "Making sure you're protected is my business."

"No, it's not. Call it off," I demand again.

"Not happening."

I've never had anyone I dated interfere with my work before. Something tells me there is nothing I can say to stop Sergey from whatever it is he's trying to achieve by following Jack. "What are your intentions with this nonsense?"

"It's not nonsense."

"Don't avoid the question."

"Don't ask questions you know I won't answer. And we've already agreed you wouldn't ask questions. Now let me see your arm."

I move my head back an inch, and it touches the wall. Is this what he thinks?

"I never agreed to allow you to do anything like this and not ask questions. This involves my client."

His face hardens. He quietly says, "Kora, let me see your arm. This isn't worth fighting about."

The truth is ugly. It hurts, and I can barely get oxygen in my lungs. No matter what I say, he isn't going to listen to me. He thinks my agreement not to ask him questions about what he did to Wes allows him to do whatever he wants and keep me in the dark.

"If you don't tell me, I can't do this."

His eyes turn to slits. "I told you not to toy with me the other night. I've been clear about where I stand. You said you didn't want to play games."

"I'm not. You didn't tell me you were going to require my ignorance on things involving my cases."

"It's one case. One bastard who's already done something to physically harm you," Sergey insists.

"It doesn't make it right."

He takes a step back. "What are you saying, Kora?"

"Call it off or tell me what your intentions are."

"I won't do anything to put you at risk, and it's not in your best interest to know anything."

I shut my eyes and concentrate on breathing.

He can't do this. It's not professional. Selena could be put in a bad situation. My entire career could be destroyed.

"Then I can't be with you."

The expression on Sergey's face is painful. His eyes fill with betrayal and sadness. It mirrors my feelings, but I can't look the other way when my business is concerned.

He shakes his head. "I thought you were different." It's a bullet to my heart. "Have a nice life, Kora."

I want to run after him, tell him I don't mean it and I'm sorry. Instead, I stay plastered to the wall, watching him disappear through the door.

I blink hard, turn toward the wall, and swipe at the tears leaking onto my cheeks. I manage to get to the bathroom without running into anyone I know and pull myself together. The rest of the day, I attempt to concentrate on work, but Sergey's hurt face is all I see. I keep hearing him say, "I thought you were different." Eventually, I shut my door and close the blinds, then break down.

I thought he was different, too.