Cruel Enforcer by Maggie Cole



Six Weeks Later

Koraand I spend every night together. Mostly, it's at my penthouse, but sometimes we go to her place. She's moved beyond an obsession. She's the lifeblood of my existence. Every moment I spend with her, I enjoy. She brings me happiness I didn't know could exist. And she loves me unconditionally.

Since the wedding, I've slowly been telling her everything, like how Zamir came to own us, my mother's suicide and the guilt I felt around it, and all the other toxic memories I've held inside for so long.

In return, she tells me about her childhood. One thing we have in common is we both grew up in poverty, but it ends there. My parents encouraged education and loved my brothers and me. Until my father died, there was laughter in our home. While I blocked a lot out about my past, I did have a loving family as my foundation. Kora's childhood wasn't ever rosy. She was made fun of for studying, had to deal with an environment of drugs, alcohol, and sometimes domestic abuse. Her brother died on the corner from a drive-by shooting while dealing crack with her cousins.

Kora hasn't spoken to her mother or sister since she confronted Neicy. One night, I get her to finally tell me everything they said.

"Is it wrong to cut them off?" she asks.

I stroke her cheek and refrain from telling her my exact thoughts. The truth is, I don't want her near them. But I also know it's her family, and it makes it complicated. Instead, I choose my words carefully. "Wrong, no."

"But I shouldn't, right?"

I hate the guilt she carries regarding her family. They've only used her, but I don't want to be the reason she stays away from them. Ultimately, it needs to be her choice and one she can live with forever. "You don't owe them anything. You've been beyond generous and deserve love and respect. It's up to you if you choose to have them in your life."

She closes her eyes, and I can feel her grappling with the pain. I pull her closer and kiss her head, not knowing how to help her and telling myself to keep my thoughts about her family to myself.

The more we tell each other, the closer we get. Now that Zamir is dead, something inside me has unraveled. While I haven't told Kora every detail of what I've done, nor will I ever, she knows my major scars.

"Go to sleep, my lapa. It's late." I turn her on her side and spoon her until we both fall asleep. The next morning, I meet my brothers at the gym for our daily workout.

Liam and Killian show up almost as soon as we step inside.

"There was another attack on the Rossis," Liam informs us.

Somehow, the Petrovs continue to reign. My brothers and I can't figure out who is pulling the strings, but the recruiting and destruction hasn't stopped.

"Did Darragh find out who's in charge yet?" I ask.

"No. We were hoping Obrecht found out," Liam states.

"Dead ends," I admit.

Killian stretches his shoulder. "We need to take out some Zielinskis."

My chest tightens. It isn't as bad as before when Zamir was alive, but I hate being involved in any of this, especially now that I have Kora.

"Bruno is gaining too much power," Liam states.

"We took care of Zamir. Tell Darragh we're good with the O'Malleys handling this one," Maksim orders.

Liam cracks his knuckles and looks behind his shoulder. No one is in the gym, except us. My brothers and I don't allow it this time of the morning so we can always speak freely when we work out. But I imagine when you spend years in prison, you get used to looking over your shoulder. He steps closer. "The hit on his sons is set up for tonight."

"Will it be traced to Rossi as we discussed?" Maksim asks.

Liam's eyes grow darker. "Yes. Our boys inside won't fail."

"So much for their alliance," Dmitri mutters.

"We must be prepared to take out more Petrovs. When the Italians and Poles start going at it, this war is going to escalate quickly. My father said to make sure you are ready," Liam warns.

"We are always ready."

"He's afraid you'll get lax now that Zamir is dead."

"Tell your father if he's got any worries or misgivings about the Ivanovs, then he can get his ass in here and tell me to my face," Maksim growls.

Killian chuckles. "Told you you'd irritate Maksim."

Liam throws daggers at him with his eyes. "Noted. Now, how many of you can bench more than me?"

"Let's see what you got," Boris says and racks the weights.

Liam removes his jacket. What appears to be a new tattoo is inked on his forearm. It's Celtic with two hearts. One is upside down and one right side up. The middle has a Celtic H. It's shiny.

"You just get that?"


I peer closer. "Looks good. Our guy do it?"


"He did a great job."

He nods and picks up a weight.

"How's the house coming?" Dmitri asks before I can ask him what the H represents.

"Great. The new floor got installed yesterday. Anna's amazing, by the way."

Dmitri beams. "Yep, my kotik knows her stuff."

"Well, she's been a real sweetheart to stop me from making crazy mistakes. I think staring at concrete for fifteen years took away my ability to put anything together. I get a bit giddy around color."

Dmitri adds some weights to the squat machine across from the bench press station. "She's happy to do it."

We all take Liam on, but no one can outlift him. The six of us mix cardio and weights and are all sweating by the time we finish. After our workout, we shower and part ways. I get in the car, and a text comes in.

Adrian: Meet me at my house after your workout. I got it.

Me: On my way.

About time.

Kora is still trying to settle Selena's divorce. Jack is getting more aggressive. Kora admitted to me he's been calling her office almost daily now. She made me promise I wouldn't find him and do anything to jeopardize her case before she would tell me. It took every ounce of restraint I had, but I didn't want Kora to not trust me with these types of things in the future. She agreed to file a restraining order and let me provide her with one of our bodyguards.

Selena is on lockdown. She only goes on the roof, and all her groceries are delivered. Court dates keep getting pushed back, and Kora's maneuvering legal hoops daily.

I've been after Adrian to get me anything on Jack. I want to destroy him so Selena can settle her divorce and Kora doesn't have to deal with him anymore. Nothing has turned up until now.

What did Adrian find?

I send Kora a text.

Me: Something came up. I need to go to Adrian's. I won't be back by the time you leave for work.

She sends me back a selfie of her pouting.

Me: I can think of things you can do with those lips tonight.

She sends me a seductive pose with her finger on her lips.

It's all it takes to make my dick hard.

Me: You're getting cuffed to the iron wall tonight.

She sends me prayer-hand emojis.

I laugh and send her back a gif of a woman's ass being paddled.

Heart-eye emojis.

That's my naughty, sexy girl.

The car stops outside Adrian's.

Me: Love you.

My phone rings.

"Lapa. You okay?"

"Love you, too. What time should I expect the fun and games to begin?" she purrs.

"That depends."


"What's your lunch schedule like?"

I can almost hear her smiling. "Thirty-minute opening at noon."

"Then you better wear your crotchless panties. Try those sparkly pink ones I just got you."

"Yes, sir."

I groan. "Don't get me harder when I have to wait over three hours to taste your pretty little pussy."

She laughs in her naughty tone. "Gotta go. Love you."

"Love you, too." I hang up, smiling, and go into Adrian's building.

When I get the door between the elevator and his penthouse, I hear Skylar's voice.

"You've kept me waiting here all night, and now you have perfume on you."

"It's not what you think!" he growls.

"You must take me for a fool, Adrian!"

"How many times do I have to tell you I'm not seeing anyone else and I don't want to?"

"Then tell me where you were."

"I told you I was working."

"Where? Doing what?"


"Goddamnit, Adrian!"


"No! Let me go!"

"Don't leave like this."

"Then don't tell me to wait in your bed all night and arrive smelling like a whorehouse!"


"No. Don't try to kiss me, smelling like whoever you just fucked all night."

"I did not fuck anyone."

"Goodbye, Adrian."

"Skylar, don't—"

The door opens, and Skylar wipes her face.

"Morning?" I wince.

She pushes past me and leaves.


She gets in the elevator.

Adrian slams his hand against the wall. "Shit."

"I'd ask how you're doing, but..."

Adrian stomps inside, shaking his head. Perfume trails behind him.

In Russian, I say, "She's right. You reek."

"Thanks to your little assignment." He tosses an envelope at me.

"What do you mean?"

His face hardens. "I had to spend the night in an underground strip club slash whorehouse, telling multiple women to stop grinding on my cock, to get that." He points to the package.

"Why don't you just tell Skylar?"

"That I was at an underground club getting lap dances all night all in the name of Ivanov business? Yeah, that would go over real well."

"It might be better than her thinking you were screwing around on her."

He sighs. "I need a shower. I'm going to burn these pants. Your evidence is self-explanatory. Give me something better next time. Let me break someone's neck or some other assignment that doesn't involve pussy juice on my new slacks." He walks down the hall.

"You should tell her," I yell after him. "I'll tell her you aren't lying."

He slams the bathroom door, and I leave. I get in my car and open the envelope.

Oh, Jackie boy, you are going to get fried.

Jack's snorting coke off multiple strippers' bodies. In another photo, he's getting a blow job. In another, he's pounding into a woman while another woman stands behind him and gives it to him with a strap on.

Not the sort of things that are going to be forgiving when you're trying to take your company public.

I glance at my watch and tell Igor to go to Jack's house. My guess is if Adrian just got in, he's trying to pull his shit together before going into the office.

As expected, he's home. I wait until right before eleven thirty. He finally exits his building. I get out of the car and meet him near his vehicle.

"Remember me?"

His eyes widen, but he takes a step back.

I hold the envelope out. "Ah. I come in peace."


I shake the package. "Take it. You don't want this getting in others' hands."

His eyes turn to slits. "What is it?" He takes it.

"It's self-explanatory. By the way, if you come near Kora or Selena, you're going to have more significant issues than this. By five o'clock, your attorney is to call Kora's office and tell her you're ready to settle. I'll text you around three with what you'll be giving Selena."

"I'm not sure who the fuck you think you are, but I'm not giving my wife anything. There will be no divorce, and she will come back to me as soon as I find her."

I'll deal with his threats after Selena gets her assets.

I step so close to him, I taste his stale, hungover breath. His eyes are still bloodshot. "When you open the package, I'm sure you'll find her terms agreeable." I pat his shoulder, and he flinches. "Five o'clock is the deadline, or I blow up your deal to go public."

I spend lunch under Kora's desk and then go to Selena's. When I get there, she doesn't answer, so I go up to the roof.

When I step out, I run into Obrecht. "What are you doing here?"

His T-shirt drips with sweat. "Working out. The turf you installed is awesome."

I forgot he bought the penthouse.

"Why are you here?" he asks.

"I need to talk to Selena."

"Who is Selena?" he raises his eyebrows.

I glance around. Where is she?

"There she is." I point to the corner to several concrete loungers. Selena is reading on her laptop and has headphones in. She's wearing shorts, a long sweater, and sunglasses. Her flip-flops are next to the lounger.

Obrecht whistles. "Nice legs. How do you know her?"

"Long story, but she knows Kora, and we're friends. I need to talk to her about something."

Obrecht tears his eyes away from her and glances at his watch. "I need to get ready. See you later." He glances back at Selena then disappears.

I stroll across the roof, and when I get closer, I can hear Selena humming. I tap her shoulder, and she jumps.

I hold my hands in the air. "Sorry! It's me."

She sits up. "Oh, hey! What are you doing here?"

I sit on the lounger next to her. "I need to know something."

"What's that?"

"What do you want to get from your divorce?"

A line forms above her glasses. "What do you mean?"

"I need a list of what assets you want."

I can faintly see her eyes squinting through her glasses. "Kora has it."

"Right. But Kora isn't going to tell me your confidential information, is she?" I flash her a smile.

Her voice drops, and she glances around. "Sergey, why do you need to know this?"

"Can this stay between us?"

"I can't tell Kora?"

"I would prefer you didn't."

I don't like keeping secrets from Kora, but my gut says she won't like what I'm doing. Men like Jack need to be dealt with a different way. And I'm not oblivious to the fact that once Selena gets her assets, he might not move on. There is a time and place for everything. Kora worries my way of dealing with things will harm Selena's case. So in my eyes, there's only one way to approach this. Get her divorce settled then I can deal with him if he chooses to keep bothering her.

She hesitates then slowly nods. "Okay. I promise."

Calmness replaces the anxiety in my chest. "Thank you. Jack's attorney will call Kora before five today. He will assure her Jack is ready to settle, and whatever you want, you will get. Please tell me what you would be happy to walk away with."

"I don't want to be homeless. I don't need a lot, but I don't want to be on the street."

"Do you want your marital home?"

She shakes her head. "No. I don't want any reminders of that prison. Honestly, I would rent or buy this place off you if it's available. I like it here. I-I feel safe. I looked at what the other units similar to mine went for, and I should be able to swing it, assuming I get what Kora said I'm entitled to based on the law."

I smile. "If you want it, then it's yours. But what did Kora say you should get?"

She nods to the computer. "I have it in an email if you want to see it?"


She types quickly then hands me the laptop. "Kora said this should be the minimum, but honestly, I don't need everything on there. I'm not sure what I would even do with all that money. The most important thing is for me never to see him again and not be on the street."

I glance at the email Kora sent. There are millions of dollars of assets and enough to last Selena a lifetime if she's smart with it. "Can I forward this to my email?"


I send it to my account and shut the laptop. "Is there anything else not on this list you want? Possibly something you left at the house with sentimental value?"

Her expression darkens. "No. There's nothing I want from that prison."

I pat her hand. "Okay, Selena. Can you try to act a bit surprised when Kora calls? I'm not trying to dupe her, but she won't like me interfering. She's dealing with laws, and my methods are..."

Selena's lips twitch. "Not abiding by the law?"

"Yeah," I admit.

"If you can get me out of Jack's grasp sooner rather than later, I will be nothing except grateful to you. This will stay our secret."

"Thank you." I rise and leave. As soon as I get in my car, I text the list of items to Jack from a burner cell so it isn't traceable to me. I'm not worried about Jack telling anyone, but I always cover my tracks.

Now I'll need to worry about phase two.

I pick up my phone.

Me: Can you do me a favor?

Obrecht: What's that?

Me: The woman on the roof...can you keep your eye on her?

Obrecht: Want to tell me why?

Me: She's about to settle a divorce, and her ex isn't going to be happy.

Obrecht: This guy knows where she's at?

Me: No. I'll send you his picture. If you see him hanging around, let me know.

Obrecht: Done.

I send a picture of Jack from his company website.

Obrecht: Looks like a prick.

Me: Yep.

Obrecht: What did he do to her?

Me: I don't know all the details, but he hurt her.

Obrecht: Then I kind of hope he tries to come near her on my watch.

Me: Thanks. Message me if you see him.

Obrecht: Will do.

I sit back in the seat, tapping my fingers on my thigh. Now I just have to patiently wait for Kora to wrap this divorce up.

One thing Zamir instilled in me was patience. But I'm about out of it with Jack. No one is going to threaten my woman.