Cruel Enforcer by Maggie Cole



"Sign here,"Larry instructs Jack.

My heart beats faster as he scowls, staring at the forms. This has been the most challenging divorce case I've ever had. When Larry called me yesterday, I was surprised. I wasn't expecting him to tell me Jack was ready to settle. When he sent over the proposal, and it was everything plus ten percent higher than what Selena was legally entitled to, I was happy but suspicious.

I told Selena it might mean Jack is hiding additional assets he expects to significantly increase and wants to protect himself from giving her portion to her down the road.

"I don't care about getting more. I just want out. This is more than I ever imagined I would get," Selena replied.

She signed the paperwork earlier this morning. I wasn't going to subject her to being in a room with Jack, nor do I feel it's safe. I've not disclosed her location. I believe it's in her best interest to continue to lay low for a while until he cools off. I also advised her to hire a bodyguard once she receives her funds.

Jack grinds his molars and shakes his head, re-reading what he verbally agreed to give Selena. He slowly takes the pen from Larry and signs. He tosses the pen on the conference room table and rises then looks at me. His mouth opens then shuts. With a final glare, he leaves the room.

It shocks me. I expected a barrage of nasty comments from him. It's what I've grown used to regarding his blatant attempts to threaten me. Since I filed a restraining order, I had to get a judge to sign off on this one meeting. It happened faster than I thought it would. The security officer from our building and the bodyguard named Viktor, who Sergey insisted upon, are in the room.

Larry rises and holds out his hand. He smiles. "Well, we did it."

I groan inside, shake his hand to stay professional, and can't help but think about how Larry is a weasel. "I'll take care of filing this with the court."

He snorts. "I expected as much."

I motion to the door so he takes the hint and leaves. As soon as they are gone, I sigh in relief. The security officer and Viktor step out and close the door. I pick up my cell and dial Selena.

"Hello," she says in a nervous voice.

"It's over. He signed."


"Yes. Congratulations. You're officially divorced."

"I-I..." Her breathing gets heavier, and I assume she's emotional.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm free of him?"

"Yes. But I think you should still keep the security precautions we discussed."

She sniffles. "Kora... I...thank you so much."

"You're welcome. I'm happy this is over for you."

More silence.

"Sorry, I'm a little overwhelmed right now."

"It's okay. Why don't I call you tomorrow, and we can discuss what we need to do to transfer the assets into your name?"

"Sure. Ummm... I really would like you to take whatever fee you normally would out of my settlement."

"Thank you for the offer, but no. I didn't do this for the money."

"I know you didn't, but—"

"Nope. No point discussing it," I cheerfully reply. "Seeing Jack's face at the signing was priceless."

She stifles a laugh. "I bet. Well, can I at least take you and Sergey to dinner once I have my funds?"

"Sure. We'd love that. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

"Yes. Thank you again."

"Take care." I hang up and sit back in my chair then swivel it to stare at the Chicago skyline. Spring is on the verge of turning into summer. Lake Michigan sparkles from the sun, and the lack of wind makes the water calm, which doesn't happen very often.

Maybe we can all have peace now.

Sergey told me about how his mom turned to the Petrovs after his father's death. He explained how Zamir turned his brothers and him into torturers and killers to save their mother to pay off her debt, which Zamir claimed was theirs. He shared how devastating it was for him when she wouldn't look at him after she returned home before killing herself.

Every time he revealed something about his past, I would tell him something about mine. Compared to his, mine feels like a cakewalk. He doesn't see it that way, but I do.

Since Zamir's death, a lot of Sergey's anxiety has disappeared. I'm also trying to find acceptance regarding my family issues. I debate about going to my mother's house and asking how she could accept what Neicy has done. I don't understand why she isn't enraged about Neicy's drug habit. I'm not sure how long Neicy's smoked crack, but my mother didn't even seem fazed by it.

Did she already know?

Does she not care?

My gut says if I try to confront my mother and Neicy again, it's going to be more of the same type of conversation we had when Sergey gave me the proof of what Neicy was doing with the money she hustled from me.

I wish I could turn off the craving I have for my mother and sister to show me some sort of love. I'm not sure why my mother can't. All I want is a small ounce of motherly affection from her.

I've never gotten it. Why am I still looking for it?

At least I found Sergey.

I rise and gather the folder of signed paperwork, shoving the thoughts out of my head. Today is a good day. I'm not going to let my family dim the light on today's progress.

I pack up for the night, and Viktor leads me to the car. I slide in and go to Sergey's. He doesn't know I was meeting with Jack and Larry today. I didn't want to tell him. Larry likes to play games with me. Until the paperwork got signed, I didn't want to say anything to Sergey.

When I get in the penthouse, I call out, "Sergey?"

"In the bedroom."

I step into the suite. Sergey's speaking aggressive Russian on the phone and standing with his back to the window. He runs his hand through his hair and winks at me.

I walk over to him, move his collar over, and kiss him on the neck, then bat my eyelashes.

Gold fire blazes in his eyes. He fists my hair, speaks Russian, holds the speaker part of the phone away from his mouth, then kisses me. He continues his conversation for several minutes between torturing my mouth until I'm confident my panties are soaked.

When he hangs up, he tosses his phone on the bed and palms my ass. He tugs me into his body. A cocky grin appears. "Lapa. You're home early."

"I am. Want to know why?"

He kisses my neck and mumbles on my skin, "Tell me."

"I settled Selena's divorce."

He freezes then lifts his head. "You did?"


"And is Selena happy?"

"She's thrilled."

He grins. "Good." His mouth takes control of mine, and he kneads my ass cheek. It's still deliciously tender from the paddling he gave me in the dungeon the night before. Tingles race all over my spine. He pulls back. "Congratulations. Let's celebrate tonight."

"Dungeon?" I ask.

His lips twitch. "I was thinking dinner." He leans into my ear. "Somewhere I can get you off in public then we'll move on to other activities."

I softly laugh, step back, then unbutton my jacket. "I think I'll take a shower."

His mouth curves. He unbuttons his shirt. "I think I'll join you."

I toss my blazer on the bed then pull my top over my head. I drop it on the floor.

Sergey steps toward me while unbuckling his belt. He reaches for my breast and sniffs hard. A low growl forms in his chest. "This is nice."

It's become a challenge to see how many different ways I can wear pink, since it seems to turn Sergey on so much. My bra and underwear are delicate black lace, with small, barely pink, lips on them.

I innocently say, "Oh. Did you want to see the panties?"

He cocks an eyebrow.

I reach behind my skirt to unzip it when his phone rings. I pause.

He picks it up off the bed, sends it to voicemail, and puts it back down. He circles his finger at my skirt. "Continue."

I move the zipper down, and his phone rings again, but this time, it's his text message tone.

"Let me turn it off." He grabs it, looks at the screen, and the blood drains from his face. He hits a button and puts it to his ear.

My gut flips, and I instinctively pull my zipper back up.

"Leo," Sergey barks. "Tell me it isn't them."

A chill fills every nerve I have.

Sergey closes his eyes. His chest rises faster. He swallows hard and pulls me to his body. "We'll be right there."

"What's wrong?" I ask.

His eyes fill with sorrow and sympathy. "There's been a shooting."

The hairs on my neck stand up. "Who got shot?"

"Your mother and Neicy are being taken to the hospital."

My body shudders. "What?" I put my hands over my mouth and stomach. Dizziness and nausea overpower me. "Are they dead?"

He strokes my cheek. "Leo said they were going to the hospital, not the morgue. Let's get your top on so we can go."

"Sergey..." I clutch his shirt, blinking hard.

This isn't happening.

Who shot them?

Everything I felt when my brother passed comes rushing back.

Sergey pulls me into him. In a calm voice, he says, "When we get to the hospital, we can find out the details. We need to go."

Things become fuzzy as the night proceeds. Sergey helps get my top on me and guides me into the emergency room. He speaks to the staff and holds me close to him.

I can't seem to put my thoughts together to form a coherent question.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Kilborn. Your sister lost too much blood. She passed in the ambulance."

The woman in front of me becomes a blurry sea of blonde hair. I open my mouth to speak, unable to get oxygen in my lungs, and lose the ability to stand. Sergey catches me and pulls me into him as I sob.

At some point, I pull it together enough. "What about my mother?"

"She's in surgery."

I don't hear the rest. Sergey sits and pulls me onto his lap. I can't stop shaking. Someone puts a blanket over me. When I come out of shock, Aspen, Skylar, and Hailee are there. All of Sergey's brothers, Adrian, Obrecht, Anna, and Nora, are as well.

Sergey's stroking my head. I pull away. "Is my mother..." I swallow the lump in my throat, but it's hard since my mouth is so dry.

"She's still in surgery."

"How long has it been?"

"Going on four hours."

I push the heel of my hand to my forehead. I close my eyes. "What happened? Who did it?"

"I told her not to flash that money you gave her around," a familiar voice says.

I turn.

DeAndre and Terrell stand in front of me.

"What?" I barely get out, and Sergey's body stiffens. He tightens his arms around me.

DeAndre shakes his head and scowls. "I told her and your mom they were asking for trouble, making you their ATM."

Pain shoots up my arm, and my heart races. "You knew Neicy was hustling me?"

DeAndre shrugs. "The entire block knew."

Terrell looks at the floor with his leg bobbing up and down. It's the same thing he did when my brother got shot.

Skylar puts her hand over mine. Sergey's thumb strokes the curve of my waist.

Fresh tears fall. "When did you get Neicy hooked on crack? Hmm?"

"Shh! Watch how loud you are," DeAndre scolds and looks behind him.

"It's a fair question," Sergey says in a deadpan voice.

Deep lines erupt on DeAndre's forehead. "Man, I don't know why you're here, but this is family business. And this ain't your family."

"You've always been such an asshole," Skylar blurts out.

Sergey leans forward. In a menacing tone, he replies, "Kora is my family. Everyone here is her family. Maybe if you knew what that meant, we wouldn't be here."

DeAndre jumps up in front of us. The Ivanovs circle him. He glances at the five men scowling at him, their hands balled at their sides in fists, and shakes his head. He snarls at me, "You never did belong. Let's go, Terrell."

"Don't listen to him," Hailee says.

I shouldn't, but his words are valid. I never have belonged. The truth stings worse than ever before. I wish it made me not love my sister or mother or care about the current situation. It only seems to make it worse.

Sergey pulls my head toward his chest. I bury my face in the curve of his neck. Cold flows through my veins, and I shiver. He pulls the blanket over me again.

"Who did it?" I mumble.

"Her boyfriend."

I tilt my head up. "Who?"

Sergey's expression is full of worry. "Leo said it was Neicy's boyfriend. He was high and wanted money. He stormed into their apartment. The police arrested him."

He wanted the money I gave her.

"God, what did I do?" I whisper.

Sergey holds my cheek. "You didn't do anything wrong, my lapa."

"I did. I... I..." My lip quivers, and I break down in a mess of tears.

"Shhh. This isn't on you."

"Ms. Kilborn," a man calls out.

I turn and look at the doctor.

"She's right here," Sergey says.

I go to rise, but the doctor says, "It's okay. Stay seated." His blue eyes scream sympathy.

A new chill consumes me. Don't tell me she's dead. Please. I grip on to Sergey's thigh.

"Ms. Kilborn, I'm very sorry to tell you this, but your mother's heart couldn't handle the surgery. She didn't make it."

"No," I barely get out.

The doctor says something else, but I don't hear it.

"No!" I scream.

Sergey pulls me into him, but I don't remember anything else until the middle of the night. I'm in his bed. He has his arms wrapped tightly around me. The fireplace is on, and I slowly look at him.

"Is my mom really dead?"

He nods. "I'm sorry, my lapa."

New tears fall, and everything feels empty. It's my fault. I gave Neicy sixty thousand dollars. I should have known better.

No matter how tight Sergey holds me and tells me how much he loves me, I can't seem to stop the pain. All I hear is DeAndre telling me it's my fault. My mother's cold eyes, full of disappointment, continue to stare at me.

Take your uppity ass out of here, and don't come back, you selfish snob, the last words my mother said to me spin through my mind, creating a deeper hole in my heart.

She hated me. I'm never going to be able to change how she felt. Those will forever be her last words to me.

It doesn't matter what I attempt to alleviate the pain. The images and words never seem to leave me.