Hidden Love by MINK



Ilisten for the door to close behind Fenton before I release the breath I was holding. I’d panicked a bit when I heard someone come down the stairs into the basement.

I grabbed the first door handle I could find and slipped into the small utility room, closing the door behind me. I’m well aware that if someone catches me, I won’t be able to accomplish what I set out to do. And I can’t have that. I refuse to allow my father to have any more control over my life.

I’m not sure what to think of Fenton’s words to my father. Most times I can’t tell if he’s joking or being serious. Was he teasing when he said he’d do anything I asked of him?

Grant and Amelia are that way. It’s sweet. He loves her for her. Not because it would work out good for them both. In fact, he almost had to go to war to keep her. They’re together because of the strong love they have for one another. I shake those thoughts off. I can’t compare what Fenton and I have between us to Amelia and Grant’s relationship. None of it matters anyway, because I’ll be gone after I take care of my father.

I slowly push the door open and step out. I flip the light back on, revealing my father. His head lifts, his eyes blinking trying to adjust to the light. For once he doesn’t seem scary to me. Maybe it’s because I know he can’t put his hands on me right now. They’re chained to the chair.

He’s helpless. I have to admit that it’s nice that he has to experience it. There’s nothing worse than the feeling of being helpless. I should know, I’ve had it for most of my life.

“Mariana?” He blinks. “Is that you, baby girl?”

My stomach cramps. I haven’t been his baby girl in a long time. Not that it means much. When I was little I would go from being his little girl to a brat within seconds. And apparently now, in his opinion, I’m a whore.

“It’s me.” I come to stand in front of him. His face is pale. It’s not only the blood loss but the drugs are starting to catch up to him. He’s old. He’s not so scary without any of his men by his side. If anything, he’s pathetic looking. Worn down and old.

“Don’t stand there. Get these off me.” He pulls at the chains.

I watch him struggle. He stops when he realizes I’m not moving to help him. He opens his mouth but quickly closes it to rethink whatever insult he was about to hurl at me.

“We have to get out of here, sweetheart. I understand why you helped them. You had to. You—”

“I didn’t have to do anything.” It’s the truth. They didn’t even ask me to do it. I gave Grant and Fenton a way into my father’s stronghold so they could save Amelia when my father kidnapped her. Why wouldn’t I? Amelia and Grant have been good to me. “In fact, I rushed to help them. How do you think they got in so easily?”

“You’re a fucking whore traitor just like your mother!” he yells. “Think you’re so much better than all of us.” He starts to ramble on as he always does when he brings my mom up. I barely remember her, but my memories are all good. She wouldn’t have left me behind. That meant only one thing. He took her from me.

His anger grows more when I give him no reaction. “You let him touch you, didn’t you? You let Fenton fuck you.”

“I fucked him right back. Then I begged him to fuck me again.” Damn, that feels good to say. I chose Fenton. It was my choice. No one else’s.

He starts going off. Throwing anything at me to get a reaction. “He’s using you. You know that, right?” A triumphant smile forms on his face when he finds the weak spot he’s looking for. “You thought he really wanted you? Fenton has always been bloodthirsty, wanting to take over a territory. You’ll be nothing more than his trophy whore he’ll need to breed himself a few heirs so he’ll feel legitimate. He’s a bastard and always will be.” I hate how much that stings.

“Like you?” Now it’s my turn to taunt.

If I understand right from the things I’ve heard whispered over the years, he'd been a bastard child. His father had knocked up a maid or some crap. Then he went and got my mom somehow.

“Maybe he’ll at least be able to get a son. You never could pull that one off.”

If he could pale any more, he would. The fight suddenly leaves him at my comment. I’m surprised he doesn’t have more children with all the women that come and go in his life. There has only ever been me. I’m sure that drives him insane. Most of these men won’t stop until they get a son.

“Wasn’t for lack of trying, I’m guessing.” I lift a teasing brow. I’ve been hanging out with Fenton too much if I’m cracking jokes at terrible times.

“Shut the fuck up.”

I’d made a stab in the dark, but my words had hit his weak spot. If I didn’t have the exact same eyes as him, I might doubt that I was even his daughter. But our eyes are unique in their brown color with a gold ring around the outside.

“No.” I pull the blade out from my back pocket. I snagged it from the kitchen the first day I’d come to stay here.

“You wouldn’t,” he challenges. He’s gotten really far in life for being so damn dumb. Thankfully, I only got his eyes.

“Funny, isn’t it? The only child you could have is ultimately going to be your end.”

“Mariana. We’re blood,” he tries to remind me, finally catching on that I might actually take his life. I’ve seen Grant and Fenton together. Blood doesn’t always mean as much as it should.

“We are.” I clear the space between us. The blade sinks in so much easier than I thought it would. I don’t miss my mark. I don’t actually believe Fenton did either. My father’s eyes go wide as he opens his mouth, but no words come. “And I’m freeing myself from you.”

I pull the knife back out, tossing it onto the floor before I turn to leave. The Alderone name is dead.

If Fenton wants it, he can have it. No one’s left to stand in his way.