Hidden Love by MINK



Idrop my head forward to stare down at Fenton. My heart is screaming at me to throw myself into his arms and let him catch me, but I know better. He may want me. He could even really love me one day, but the bottom line is he wants my family's territory.

It would work perfectly for Grant and him. The two of them aren’t related by blood, but they might as well be. They’d die for each other. I wonder what it would be like to have that kind of loyalty. Is it messed up that I crave that? Not that I want someone to die for me, but it would be nice to know someone would be willing to do it to save me.

“Okay.” I’m not sure why the lie rolls off my lips easily—could be because I wish I could really marry Fenton or because I’m my father's daughter.

He leans forward and presses a kiss to my stomach. Butterflies erupt inside of me at the feel of his lips on my skin. My mind drifts to thoughts of me being pregnant with his child. I wonder if he’s thinking the same.

He rises from his knees to kiss me next. “You won’t regret this,” he vows to me. His hand slips down between my thighs to cup my sex. “You’re mine. All of you. No one will ever know you this way.”

“And you?” I find myself asking. It’s pointless. I know I’m not staying. I’m not going to marry him.

“I’m not a virgin, Sole. Haven’t been for a long time. I—”

I reach up and put my hand over his mouth. “Don’t make a joke.” I shake my head. “Just forget it.” I drop my hand and try to pull away to get out of the shower, but he doesn’t let me.

“The rules are different for men in our world.” Before I know what I’m doing, I bring my hand back to his face. This time it’s to smack him. He catches my hand by the wrist before I can land the blow. If anyone knows the rules are different, it’s me.

“Don’t,” I hiss.

“If you haven't noticed, Grant and I don’t follow those rules. It’s been a long time since I’ve been with a woman, Sole. It’s why you knocked me so hard on my ass. Sure, I’ve seen beautiful women, but I haven't wanted one. Haven't really craved anything in a long fucking time.” His hand around my wrist tightens. “The rush of need I felt when I saw you was unlike anything I've ever felt before. You’re different.”

My heart pounds so loud I’m surprised he can’t hear it. I felt that rush of need that day too. I understand what he means. My father is always surrounded by powerful men, and a lot of them are handsome. Yet never had any of them appealed to me. Until Fenton.

“Good.” I reach down and wrap my hand around his cock. He groans when I start to stroke him. “I’m finding I’m rather jealous when it comes to you. If I find out that you have a kept woman—”

“I’ve never kept a woman, Sole. Ever.”

“But you want to keep me?”

“I want to do more than keep you. I’m going to own you.” He yanks me to him, claiming my mouth. I’ve never wanted to be owned by anyone, but Fenton makes it so damn tempting.

I kiss him back, knowing this might be our last time together. That thought of becoming pregnant again creeps back into my mind. I’d have to come back to him then. I couldn’t run. I’d never keep him from a child that was his just because I didn’t think he could love me the way I dreamt of being loved.

Fenton lifts me off my feet, pinning me to the shower wall. I wrap my legs around him as he presses his cock against me. He begins sliding it up and down the seam of my sex, jacking himself off.

“Fenton. Please,” I start to beg. I stare into his eyes, watching his control start to falter. A thrill runs through my body as I realize I’m the only one that can do that to him. I need him one more time. “I swear I’m not that sore. Maybe you can push it inside of me a little to see.” I slip my hand down between us.

“You think I don’t know what you’re doing?” he says, but he doesn't stop me as I wrap my hand around his cock and place it against my entrance. The head of his cock slips inside of me. Fenton’s fingers grip me tighter.

“What?” I drop my hips back down, taking another inch of him into me. There is a small burn but nothing compared to the ache to be filled by him. “I’m only trying to make you feel good.”

Sole,” he warns. I love when he calls me that.

“Please,” I huff. His cock jerks inside of me. He’s getting off on me pouting. “Put your smell back on me.”

He thrusts all the way inside of me. I gasp, my nails digging into him. “I’m going to spank your ass again for that.”

“Yes.” I moan. “I want it all.”

“Then that’s what you’ll have,” he says as he starts to move in and out of me, all that control of his shattering away as he gives me what I asked for.

My moans fill the shower as he puts his mark on me once again. When he finally pulls me out of the shower and back into the bed, he gives me that spanking. Fenton doesn't stop until I beg him to. And I only beg because I’m not sure my body could handle another orgasm.

Even when I do find sleep, he’s there in my dreams, claiming me again. Fenton wasn’t joking when he said he wanted to own me. I think he already does.

When I come to, no light comes from the windows. The lamp on the nightstand is on with a note from Fenton saying he’ll be back shortly. That he had to check on things. I know that doesn't leave me much time.

I have to get out of here. It’s now or never.