Hidden Love by MINK



“Be smart,” I tell myself as I step into the hardware store. “Not obvious. Totally casual.” An older man in paint-splattered clothes gives me a funny look.

I give him a big, friendly smile. Act normal, I think for the hundredth time. It doesn’t seem to work, because the man shifts farther away from me as he leaves the store.

Great. I’m failing already, and I’m barely inside. I guess if you don’t want people to notice you, then you should try not to talk to yourself.

I should have thought about my outfit, too. Why didn't I think of that? That man looked like he belonged in a hardware store. I look like I’ve never been inside one. I push my oversized sunglasses up into my hair.

I think about it, and that might actually be true. The pink tool kit under my kitchen sink that I got online when I moved into my place agrees with that assessment. Hardware store virgin right here. But there’s a first time for everything, and I’m on a mission. I might have failed at my last one, but that was because I wasn’t prepared. I didn’t have the tools I needed in order to complete it. Hence why I’m at the hardware store now.

I grab one of the bright orange carts and begin dropping random things into it. I try to pick up a variety of items. That way I don’t seem suspicious.

I look down to assess what I’ve collected so far. Bug spray. People can always use that. You never know when a spider might show up. There’s also a tape measure and a new toilet lid. I am playing this right. No one will ever suspect a thing.

I’m not a newbie here. I’ve watched enough crime shows to know that you don’t just walk into the hardware store and buy rope, plastic, bleach, a shovel, and an axe.

That’s suspicious as hell. I’m a pro. Not a pro at committing crimes but on how criminals get caught. Even though me being here is with the intent to commit a crime. But just a teensy one.

Don’t be suspicious, I remind myself and grab a roll of some sort of … what is this? Weedeater wire maybe? I toss it into the cart.

I have to get into Trevor’s place. The faster I find out what’s happening, the sooner I can protect the people around me. My mind wanders to Silas. I touch my lips. I can still feel his kiss there. He wanted me to stay last night. I’d wanted to stay. But I knew it was for the best that I’d left.

Not only because it could get him killed, but I might end up burning down his house, too. I feel as though I’m an extra mess when I’m around him. He might not be for me, but it might be nice if he still lives next door and I can see him from time to time. I keep thinking about him as I walk up and down the aisles.

What if he has a girl over one day? He hasn't before, but he also hasn’t been there long. I shut him down last night. What if he’s looking for love and any girl will do? That thought doesn’t sit right with me. I stop walking and stare up at the axes hanging on hooks along the wall. I had no idea there were so many options. I reach up and take one, appreciating its heft. Who knows when I might need one? This is not related at all to Silas having a girl over one day.

Just what if one day I need to kill someone? Self-defense or something. Who knows? These things seem to happen to people. It would be better to have an axe on hand. For protection, of course. I drop the axe into my cart.

I think back to the suggested items I would need when I did the search on the computer at the library for making a lockpick set. A few things I have at home, but some I don’t. This is turning out to be harder than I thought it was going to be.

In the hand tool section, I stare at all the different blades and grab a jigsaw and hacksaw. I really should have paid better attention to Trevor’s lock. I’m just going to have to bring a few things to strongarm my way in if the lockpick doesn’t work. I wander around and snatch up a few more odds and ends before I check out.

“Can I get your number?” The boy behind the counter asks. I turn to look behind me. “Ma’am?” Oh, he’s talking to me.

“I have a boyfriend,” I lie. “He’s really sweet. It’s new,” I add in, thinking about Silas. What will it hurt? Now I’m a girl with a boyfriend if this guy is ever asked about me. All things that aren't true. That tiny fact will throw people off my trail.

“I meant to get rewards points.”

“Oh.” My whole face burns. “I was, um ... kidding.” I add a high laugh that demonstrates that I was, in fact, not kidding at all. Dying inside.

“I’m paying cash.” I drop the money onto the counter. He grabs my bills as I put my stuff back into my cart.

I notice the woman behind me is trying not to laugh.

“Here you go.” He gives me my change back. “This is for you if you and the boyfriend break up.” He writes his number down on the receipt and hands it to me. “Call me.” He winks.

I take it and shove it into my pocket before getting the hell out of there.

It isn't until I’m back home and inside that I finally die of embarrassment. That guy wasn’t even all super hot like Silas. He was all… My mind blanks, and I’m suddenly one of those people who can’t tell the police shit about the suspect. “Yes, officer, he was uh … I mean, he had very specific skin. Yes. Skin. Covered his entire body. Suspicious, if you ask me.

I put some wet food out for a missing Toby before I get back to work putting my little lockpick kit in a small makeup bag. I check to make sure all the doors and windows are locked before I step out the back door.

“Do it.” I turn the lock on the handle and shut the door behind me, locking myself out of my own house. It’s the only way. Now I have no choice but to pick my lock, or I can’t get back in. I’m adding pressure. Seems like a good idea, right?

I’ve upped the ante, and getting this done is my only option if I want to get in my house. There’s no giving up. After all, Toby’s in there! Likely full now and sleeping, but still. He’s in there. Alone and needing pets. It’s up to me to deliver.

I drop to my knees and start to fiddle with the lock. I’m at it for one minute, and I’m already getting hot. I should have put sunscreen on. When did this back porch wood get so hard? My knees are not okay with this. I could get a splinter.

I drop the lockpick for the fourth time. This time it falls between the cracks of the wood planks.

“Oh no.” I peer through them. I have to crawl under there if I want to get it back. There’s no way. It’s dark. Probably giant spiders nesting. The bug spray is inside! I shiver.

I should have thought this whole thing through a little more. Now I’m going to have to call a locksmith. It’s my only option.

This might not actually be the worst thing though. I can watch a professional do this. Ask all the questions I want. Turns out, I’m a genius.

I pull out my phone to try and find someone. My eyes drift over next door to Silas’s place, and I wonder what he’s doing over there. After my third failed attempt to get a locksmith on the phone, I sit down in front of my door. The sun is now beating me up. I blow a curl out of my face. “Well, this is bullshit.”

I’m going to have to call my dad. He’s the only other person with a key. I’ll never hear the end of this. I look around to make sure no one’s watching before I pull my shirt up and over my head to wipe my face. I’m going to melt out here.

“Jamie?” I let out a small scream and jump to my feet. At least that’s what I was trying to do. I really just face plant into a solid wall of chest. I don’t have to look up to know whose hard chest it is. Even with a shirt on, it’s unforgettable. It’s so broad and tasty smelling. There is no way I could forget how it feels.

“Are you trying to get yourself killed?” I ask as he pulls me up to my feet right up against his body. Gosh, he smells so good.

“It’s too hot for you to be out here this long.”

“It hasn't been long,” I lie.

“Twenty-two minutes.”

“Really?” I bite the inside of my lip. That’s it? I was sure it was hours. “You got a date or something?” Crap. Where did that thought come from? I should return that axe. I reach into my pocket and feel the receipt.

“Date?” He gives me a half smile. Is that a How did you know? smile?

“Got me one, too.” I rush to say and pull out the paper as I step back. “Have the guy’s number right here.” Then I look down. What I don’t have is a shirt. Again.

I sigh. “Well, shit.”