Hidden Love by MINK



She reaches up to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

“What are you doing out here?”

“I’m just … Well, I was …” She huffs. “What are you doing out here, eh? That’s the question!” She slides her shirt on, though it’s inside out.

I don’t mention it. “I heard your door slam earlier, so I peeked out.”

“Twenty-two minutes.”

“Right. Twenty-two minutes ago.” I’d been watching her the entire time with growing amusement, but when she took her top off, burning need took over. Not to mention that I need to get her inside. I can’t let her get a sunburn. Not on my watch. “So what’s up?”

She peers up at me, her lips slightly parted. I want to shove her against the locked door and get a taste, but I remain still. She has to tell me what she wants. And when she wants me? I’m going to give her all I’ve got.

I think she’s going to stonewall again, but then her shoulders droop and she says, “I was testing my lockpick skills, and it didn’t work, and then I dropped the pick--” She points to the deck. “Into a giant spider’s nest where there are fangs and a million hungry spiderlings looking for blood so I can’t go get it, and I didn’t think to bring the key out here in case of such calamity, so now I’m stuck.” Her eyes water on the last few words. If her chin trembles, I’m a goner. Oh fuck, there it goes.

I pull her into my arms and hold her tight. “It’s okay. I don’t think lockpicking is truly a necessary life skill, all right?” I stroke her back.

She sniffles. “I don’t know why I’m crying. It’s just a stupid lock. But all these bad things keep happening, and I have zero control over any of it, and I want to be able to figure this out, you know? I don’t want anyone else to get hurt. Especially you.”

“Stop worrying about me, dreamgirl. I’ll be fine.”

“Dreamgirl?” She pulls back.

Shit, I didn’t mean to let that spill out, but there it is. I shrug.

“I’m a dreamgirl?” Her eyes open wide.

I lean closer, the temptation of her lips almost overwhelming me. How can she be such a temptress? But she is. Always calling to me. In her inside-out David Bowie T-shirt and leggings, she is every bit as tempting as she was when I first saw her. Raw, real, and undeniably adorable. I’ve killed for her. I’ll do it again, too. Happily. She’s my guiding star, and I will never let her down.

I graze my lips across hers, her eyes dropping closed as I cup her cheek. Then I kiss her more fully, my tongue delving into her soft mouth as she clutches my sides. I angle my head, tasting her fully as she makes a high-pitched noise in her throat, her fingers fisting my shirt. Tangling my fingers in her hair, I pull just a little, and when she moans, I move her backwards until she hits the door.

I pin her there, feeling her body against mine. The need to claim her rises inside me like a primal tide. The thought of her mouth around my shaft, my hands in her curls as she licks and sucks, is only second to the idea of being fully inside her hot cunt. A heaven I don’t deserve, but one I’m fully intent on taking for myself.

We kiss until her lips are bruised and the back of my neck is tingling from the unrelenting sun. Pulling away, I give her room to breathe as I kiss along her jaw and down to her neck. I suck the skin below her ear, running my tongue along her flesh as she shudders, her breaths coming quickly.

“Silas.” She runs her fingers through my hair.

I nip her throat and kiss to her collarbone as I cup one of her breasts. Running my thumb over her nipple, I enjoy the breathy moan she makes. Her hard bud is begging for my teeth, just like her soaked pussy needs my cock. I push my knee between her thighs to test my theory and find her wet.

But I can’t keep going. No matter how badly I want to. She’s in danger, and someone could be watching us right now. I’m distracted, scattered, because all I can see is my dreamgirl.

I wish I could tell her everything. Every single bit of how much I love her and care for her. But I can’t. Not now. Not when the cops are still sniffing around about Trevor. And not when there’s someone after her. I have to keep my head on straight so I can protect her.

Though it takes every bit of willpower I possess, I pull back. “Of course you’re a dreamgirl.” I keep my tone light. “Every girl is someone’s dream, right?”

“Oh.” She blinks, the gorgeous lust-filled haze leaving her eyes. “Oh, I thought you meant …”

I do mean it, I think at her. She’s the only one for me. She’s a fantasy come to life.

She puts a hand to my chest and pushes gently. “I guess I should get back to it. Thanks for coming to check on me.” Her tone is dull and soft.

I obey her touch and move back. Agony shoots through me. I hate that she’s looking down, that she’s doubting herself this very second because of me. Shit. I have to fix this.

“Hey, I have an idea.”

“Oh?” She doesn’t look up.

“Come over to my place, and you can practice on my door--in the shade--while I get a locksmith out here to fix yours. Okay?”

“You don’t have to--”

“I want to.” I take her hand. “That--just now? That was real, okay? You’re special to me. Never doubt that. I’m just going through some stuff right now. That’s all.”

She doesn’t pull away. Just the touch of her hand is like a cooling balm on my soul. I want her so badly that I’m quaking on the inside, but I have to put her needs first.

I’m desperate to see her light again. “Come on, I’ll even rescue your pick from the spiders’ lair.”

“You’d do that for me?” She finally rewards me with a view of her beautiful eyes.

“I’d do anything for you, Jamie.” I mean every word. I always will.

Her lips curve, a smile returning. “Okay. I think that’s a good plan. Maybe it’ll be better for me to work on a strange lock anyway. More of a challenge, right?”

“Right.” I squeeze her fingers, then lead her to my back yard.

As we step up onto my porch, I hear a car engine start in the alleyway behind our houses. “Hang on.” I dart down the stairs and out to the white fence where the wild roses bloom by the lane.

A black car disappears at the end of the street, and I can’t make out a license plate.

I was right. Someone was watching. And my gut tells me that someone wants to hurt Jamie. My hands fist.

“Silas?” she calls. “What is it?”

“Nothing.” I return to her with a promise in my heart. No one will hurt my dreamgirl. I’ll spill a river of blood if necessary, and the person in the black car? They’ve already signed their death warrant. I’ll be coming for them. Soon.