Ignite by Tana Stone

Chapter Six


“I’ve been crushed!” Serge gasped from underneath me as we both lay on the stone walkway of the promenade.

The steel beam from above had hurtled down, barely missing us as I knocked Serge off his high-heeled, platform boots and out of the way. I hadn’t had time to do anything but tackle him, pushing him as far and fast as I could and landing squarely on top of him. The Gatazoid lay on his back, his already wide eyes bugged out as he sucked in uneven breaths.

“Actually, you weren’t crushed.” Nina hurried over and helped me stand, then gave Serge a hand up, pulling him off the ground so forcefully his feet caught air before touching down, the orange boots clomping on the paving stones.

Reina rushed over, giving Serge a quick once-over and brushing some smudges off his jacket. “But you would have been, if Zoey hadn’t pushed you out of the way.” She glanced over at the long beam that had landed a few feet from us, the steel shiny, if a bit dented.

Serge followed her gaze, and his skin took on a greenish hue. “That almost hit me?”

“I can’t believe you didn’t hear all the yelling from above,” Nina said, looking up.

“Or from us,” I added.

The voices above were still bellowing, although now there were workers running along walkways and down scaffolding to reach us. An accident like this was not something that could be brushed off, especially one that had almost killed two people. Explanations would need to be made and safety measures redoubled. We couldn’t afford mistakes this late in the game.

Serge scanned the ground, spotting his device and taking shaky steps to retrieve it. “I was distracted by Mandy’s call. She insisted she had some juicy gossip for me about one of the tribute brides back on the Boat.”

I tapped my own energy helmet and the field around my head hummed. “We may have these, but even they won’t protect you from a falling beam. You have to be alert in a construction zone. The promenade may look complete, but this whole station is still under construction.”

Serge nodded, his eyes finding mine. “You saved my life.”

I patted his shoulder. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

The inclinator doors at the far end of the walkway opened and several burly workers emerged, their faces creased with worry as they ran forward. I recognized the general foreman, William, as he reached us and heaved in a breath. He was one of the many humans who’d been brought to the station to assist with the project, and so far, his work had been impressive.

“Is everyone okay?” He scratched his brown beard nervously, as he looked at each of us.

“We’re fine,” I said. Despite my own fury that such a sloppy and dangerous accident had happened so close to the end of the project—or at all—I wasn’t going to yell at him in front of everyone. I’d meet with him later and in private to figure out exactly what the hell had happened, and which heads needed to roll.

“I don’t know how that happened.” He scratched more furiously at his beard. “The cable holding the beam snapped.”

I peered up, squinting to see a dangling metal cable that had previously held the steel beam. “That’s our thickest cable.”

William nodded, cutting his eyes to the beam lying on the ground that his other men were inspecting. “It shouldn’t have had any problem with a beam that size.”

I tipped my head back again, searching for frayed ends on the cable, but saw none. “Let’s break for today. I’m sure everyone’s nerves are shot after that, and I’d like you to pull aside the cable for inspection.”

“If we’re shutting down, I can inspect all the cables,” William said. “Make sure it’s not a problem that might repeat itself.”

“Good idea.” I let out a weary sigh. “We’re both going to need to meet with Captain Kalex about this. He’ll want a full report.”

William’s mouth compressed into a thin line. “He won’t be happy if this means more delays.”

No, he wouldn’t. But it was one thing to protest delays because of design changes. It was another to have an issue with them because of safety. I refused to put my name behind a project that wasn’t completely safe. If the cables were snapping now, what would happen after they’d been in use in the station for years? I’d witnessed horrific disasters back on earth that could have been prevented during the initial design and construction—if people had been willing to take the time and spend the money to make it right. That was not going to happen on my watch. I didn’t care how much the captain complained.

“Let me handle the captain,” I told William, who looked both grateful and wary.

The workers lifted the beam and carried it off, with William giving me a final nod and following them. Serge shuddered and looked away from the retreating beam.

“I could have been under that,” he said in a trembling voice. “Nothing but a stain on the walkway.”

Reina stifled a cry, putting her bony fingers to her lips. “Don’t talk like that.”

“Well, it’s true.” Serge’s voice sharpened, regaining more of its imperious quality. “I owe a debt of gratitude to Zoey.”

“Really,” I said. “It’s fine. I don’t consider you in my debt. Anyone would have done the same.”

Serge shook his head vigorously. “Not true. You risked yourself to save me. I’m forever in your debt.”

“How about you cut me some slack on the fantasy suite changes and we call it even?”

Nina sidled up to me. “You’re sure that’s all you want? Now’s your chance to secure promises that he’ll never make another outrageous demand.”

Serge pursed his lips at her. “Very funny. As if I’d make a request that wasn’t completely necessary.”

Reina let out a tiny squeak.

“An automated garment conveyer belt for your personal closet?” Nina asked, tilting her head at him.

“A necessity,” Serge said. “With my wardrobe, it’s impossible to see all my options without exhausting myself walking from one end to the next. If you ask me, every closet should have one.”

I waved my hands to stop the debate. “Like I said, I’m fine. No repayment needed. All I want to do is find out how this accident happened, and ensure it doesn’t happen again, and that the station is safe to open.”

“You work too much, hon.” Reina took one of my hands in hers. “There has to be more to life than work.”

“Not at the moment, there isn’t.”

Serge rocked forward on the toes of his boots. “Because you don’t have time, right?”

I narrowed my eyes at him, not sure I liked where this was going. “Right.”

He bounced up and down. “Then your worries are over, sweetie.”

“I don’t have any worries,” I said. “At least not about changing my life.”

Serge took the hand that Reina wasn’t holding and patted it. “Of course, you do, but not to worry. Serge is on the case.”

“What case?” I asked, trying to keep my tone from sounding snippy.

“Yeah.” Nina peered at Serge over the top of her glasses. “What case, exactly?”

Serge drew in a significant breath, puffing out his chest. “Finding our astro architect here a mate, of course.”

“A mate for Zoey?” Reina’s eyes sparkled as she joined Serge in bouncing up and down on her toes. “What a wonderful idea.”

“No, it’s not a wonderful idea,” I said, pulling my hands back from both of them. “It’s a horrible idea. Who says I want a…mate?”

“Why would you not?” Serge fluttered a hand in my direction. “You’re attractive, youngish—”


Serge gave me a cursory glance and a sugary smile. “Let’s face it, darling. You aren’t one of my usual twenty-five-year-olds.”

“I’m only twenty-eight,” I spluttered. “That’s hardly old. Wait, why am I trying to sell myself to you?”

“Why are you?” Nina was looking at me with barely concealed amusement.

“Which is why I said youngish.” Serge released an impatient breath. “But don’t worry. Not all the Drexians are as particular about age. And you’re quite striking, even if you refuse to wear alluring clothes. Yes, yes. This shouldn’t be too difficult. I should be able to come up with a match for you.”

I inhaled deeply to calm myself and prevent me from screeching like a howler monkey. “I don’t want a match. I have no intention of getting married. Not to a Drexian. Not to anyone.”

Serge laughed as if I’d just said something both absurd and amusing. “You can’t mean that. Everyone wants to find their perfect person. Besides, happy couples are my specialty.” Without waiting for my response, he turned to Reina. “Come on, we’ve got work to do.”

And with a swish of his hips and a clippity-clop of his platform boots, he bustled off to the inclinator with Reina close behind him.

“What the hell just happened?” I said, rubbing my temples.

“I’m not completely sure.” Nina put an arm around my shoulder. “But I think you’re the newest tribute bride.”