His Twisted Heart by Ellie R Hunter

Chapter Thirty-Five


The last box of flowers nearly slips from my grasp as I load it onto the back of the truck with everything else I need for today. The town council wants me to brighten up the verges around the town hall.

Slamming the back door shut, I dig my keys out of my pocket, then getting distracted by someone riding up my drive.

I don’t recognise the rider. I can tell my brothers and my dad from a mile away, but this is a motorcycle I’ve not come across, and it’s not until they get closer that I see it’s Angel.

Of all the times he could stop by, it’d have to be when I’m heading out. Still, I stand frozen in place, mesmerised as he swings his leg over his bike and whips his sunglasses onto the top of his head.

His smile takes me back to all the times I wished Luca would smile at me, and I’m reminded yet again why Luca is all kinds of wrong for me, and that he’s never going to love me or be happy to see me.

Waving, Angel’s smile grows, and I find myself smiling in return. Anyone can see he’s hot as hell. His shaved head isn’t something I usually find attractive, but on him, I can see the appeal. His eyes are gold today, and I can’t stop looking at them. Although, the bruising around his eye and the split lip aren’t attractive at all.

“This is me stopping by. I hope you don’t mind?” he signs.

“Of course not, but I was just on my way out. I have a new job starting today.”

The shiner under his eye is even uglier up close.

“I won’t take much of your time. I wanted to see if you’d like to go out with me now that I have your family’s blessing?”

I’m not necessarily a dating kind of girl. All I got from Luca were texts to hook up, but the idea of a date sounds exciting.

“Sure. I’d like that.”

His teeth bite into his bottom lip, and I nearly melt. He’s definitely a hot distraction, and one I can see myself enjoying immensely.

“Are you busy tomorrow night?”

Even if I was, I’d clear my schedule real quick.

“I’ll pick you up around eight. Is that okay?”

I nod, seeming to have lost the ability to sign. Forcing my hands to move, I tell him, “I’ll be ready.” Before I forget to ask, I add, “What happened?” pointing to his eye.

For a minute, I forget I’m not talking to my dad or brothers. I’m so used to asking questions and getting answer. I forget not all brothers in the club are so willing to share.

“This? It’s nothing, just something at the club.”

For a second, I picture him and Luca fighting, then I almost laugh. Luca would never fight over me or for me.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”

Up until Angel arrived in Willow’s Peak, the thought of going on a date with anyone would’ve been nothing but a fantasy. Well, it wouldn’t have even been a fantasy at all. Luca was all I could think of, dream of, live for. But driving into town, there’s no guilt about moving on. There’s no hesitation to text Angel and cancel. There’s not even any resentment or jealousy to do this because Sara is back and at his side.

This is for me, and between tarting up the town and moving on, the future is sunshine and fucking rainbows.

I’m so tired, but I feel so fulfilled and happy. It took a little longer than I had planned, but the beds around the town hall building are now full of colour and beauty. Red Geraniums and white and purple Salvia Seascapes were a perfect choice to brighten up the building.

I long to put the radio on and blast the music, but it still doesn’t dampen my joy at my hard work today. A little regret hit me before I packed everything away, as I wanted to take a picture and send it to my mom, but I remembered I threw my phone in the creek. Tomorrow I’ll dig out one of Grandma’s old cameras.

The vibrations on the steering wheel grow stronger. Please don’t let anything be wrong with my truck. Glancing over in my side mirror, I see it’s my idiot brothers charging up fast, each of them riding up either side of me. I slow down as they speed up in front of me. Crisscrossing each other, and generally pissing about. Such idiots. They’re going to get themselves killed one of these days. They think and hope they’ll go out in a blaze of glory for the club, but I’d put money on them dying from their own stupidity. I honk my horn, but it doesn’t deter them. It only makes Myles speed up.

Mason drops back until he’s riding at my speed beside me, and motions for me to pull over. I may as well, knowing they won’t leave me alone until I do. I wouldn’t put it past them to follow me the entire way home if I don’t.

Myles makes a U-turn and circles back as I swerve and park on the verge. Jumping out the truck, I slam my door and hold my hands on my hips.

“We’ve been calling you for hours. What gives?” Mason signs, his ass still on his bike.

“I got rid of it.”

“What do you mean you got rid of it?” Myles questions.

“It was an annoyance, a bit like you two.”

Myles frowns and looks to Mason. I see him mouth “Annoyance,” and Myles then scowls, mock laughing at me.

I love my brothers, but it doesn’t change the fact that they’re more annoying than not.

“Well? What do you want?”

“Emma’s cooking dinner. Come over and eat with us.”

I am hungry, and it would save me having to cook for one. Plus, it’ll be easier to accept than refuse.

“Okay. I’ll follow you over.”

They ride sensibly to Myles’ place, and I park up in front of the house. Penelope toddles over, a huge smile on her adorable little face when I walk through the door. Scooping her into my arms, I plant kisses all over her chubby cheeks, making her giggle.

Aspen walks out of the kitchen and straight into Mason’s arms. Myles walks into the kitchen and straight over to Emma at the stove. Everyone has someone, and just as the depression sets in, I remember my date tomorrow night. I don’t want what my brothers have, but it’ll be nice to have some attention for a while.

Myles holds out his hands for Penelope and I pass her over, only for him to toss her into the air. The first time he did it, Emma and I nearly died with shock, but she loved it.

Sitting at the table, I watch my family, realising as crazy as they are, I love them to pieces. Not so much Aspen, but I don’t dislike her. Out of her and Emma, I’m definitely closer to Emma. Aspen’s nice enough, but she isn’t as open and easy to talk to as Emma. She’s guarded, and… I don’t know. Maybe it’s why she’s perfect for Mason.

Emma dishes up dinner, and the smell of tacos drives my stomach into a frenzy. I’m hungrier than I thought.

It doesn’t happen often nowadays, but every now and then, I struggle to keep up with the conversation, especially when my family forgets I can’t fucking hear them. As we all tuck in, I see everyone’s mouths moving, but I can’t keep up with what they’re saying.

“What are you talking about?” I sign with a little too much anger.

Emma grins mischievously. “Yesterday, Angel fought your brothers for their blessing to date you.”

My brows nearly raise to my hairline. “Repeat that?”

Looking over my brothers again, I notice Myles’ black eye, and Mason’s bruised cheekbone. The two of them covered in bruises isn’t anything new, and I don’t even notice anymore, hence why the eye and cheekbone didn’t register.

“Your grandpa said if Angel wanted their blessing to date you, they had to get past these two,” she signs, pointing to them. “I was impressed. Not many people get the better of them, but it took Angel less than five minutes to make it past them.”

Angel did that just for a date with me?

“Has he asked you out yet?” Mason inquires.

Nodding, I sign, “He came by this morning. We’re going out tomorrow night.”

Emma grins, clapping her hands excitedly, and Aspen smiles. I think she’s only nice to me because she has to be if she wants an easy life with my brother.

“Do you guys like him?”

Mason and Myles share a look, and my stomach drops. Then Myles shrugs, and Mason signs, “He’s all right.”

“He’s not for you,” Myles surmises. I have no trouble reading the words from his lips.

“I’m not looking for anything serious, not for a long time, but I do have needs. And I’m deaf, not blind. He’s hot as fuck, and I bet he could make me smile, if you know what I mean?”

Mason cringes, but Myles looks lost. He turns to Emma for help, and I watch her lips move around her laughter. He lurches back into his chair, horror covering his face.

It’s rare when I can stump my brother, but it’s amazing when it does happen.

“You’re only going out with him for a fuck?”

“Why else would I agree?”

Shaking his head, he stands. I can’t see what he’s saying to Mase, but from the reddening of his cheeks, it can’t be him wishing me well in my venture for hot sex.

Looking to Emma, she signs for me while watching Myles continue to lose his shit.

“He’s saying they should stop this now. He’s saying it isn’t right, that Angel isn’t a good guy. You’ll only end up getting hurt…”

Jumping up and out of my chair, I lean over the table and jab Myles on the arm to get his attention.

“Why isn’t Angel a good guy? What do you know about him?”

His mouth opens and closes, and I relax when nothing comes out. He’s just venting. He doesn’t know anything about Angel.

“I’m going home. I have a date to prepare for.”

I can’t take my eyes off the little black dress hanging on the back of my bedroom door. Aspen dropped it off this morning, telling me I’d look stunning in it. It’s short and skimpy. I’ve never worn anything like it. The shortness doesn’t bother me, but as a rule, I don’t tend to wear black, unless it’s for a funeral.

Looking to my wardrobe, my skirts catch my eye, and then I turn back to the black dress. It’s settled. Tonight is me doing something different. What’s the harm in changing my style for a few hours?

I take my time curling my hair and applying my make-up. Using the mirror, I go to pin my flowers in place, but stop. Instead, I reach for my flat iron and straighten my curls, going for a completely different look. It was a Christmas gift from Aspen and Mason last year, and I’ve yet to use it. Running it through my curls, I can’t believe the outcome. I rock straight hair.

Sweeping it all over one shoulder, I spray my favourite perfume on my wrists and neck, and slip into the damn black dress. It clings to me like a second skin, and barely covers my ass. Maybe Aspen does really hate me and wants my brothers to kill me. Oh, what the hell? I look sensational, and I feel great. However, she didn’t bring over any heels, and I don’t own a single pair. Slipping into my boots, I go from over the top to sexy-casual. Perfect.

The clock nears eight o’clock. I grab my clutch purse and go to wait out on the porch. It’s not like I’ll hear him knock.

The evening air is warm, but I dart back inside and grab my leather jacket for later.

He comes up the drive in a car moments later, and I’m thankful we’re not going on his bike. This dress is way too short to be on the back of a motorcycle.

He’s made an effort. His jeans aren’t ripped, and his black shirt fits nice and snug around his large biceps. The bruising around his eye still stands out like a sore thumb, but he pulls it off in a rugged kind of way.

It’s his reaction to me is what causes the butterflies in my stomach to explode.

“Wow,” he signs. “You look… Wow.”

My cheeks heat, and I mouth, “Thank you.”

He opens the passenger door and I slip in, making sure my dress doesn’t hitch too far up my ass. Anxiety sets in when I realise, he won’t be able to sign while driving, making small talk impossible.

It turns out, there’s no need for anxiety. The drive into town gives me time to watch him closely. Watching his hands grip the wheel, it reminds me of Luca, and I shoot that thought right out of my head. It’s not a Luca thing, it’s a man thing.

Josie’s bar is where most of the brothers drink if they’re not drinking at the club, so it doesn’t surprise me when he parks in the lot.

“Sorry, there aren’t many places to go in this town,” he signs.

“I don’t mind. But you do know I’m not twenty-one.” His eyes widen, and I quickly add, “I don’t turn twenty for a couple more months.”

The relief hits him hard. Silently laughing, I ask, “How old did you think I was?”

“Twenty-three, twenty-four.”

I don’t know if I’m offended or pleased.

“Is there anywhere else you want to go?”

“This is fine. I don’t drink alcohol, but if you do, it doesn’t bother me.”

He opens the door, and the smell of beer and cigarettes hits me when I step inside. Placing his hand on the small of my back, he nudges me toward the empty table and offers to get our drinks.

“I’ll have a bottle of water, please.”

Nabbing the last table before someone takes it, I slide into the booth. It’s busy tonight, and I see JJ and Harper over by the pool table. I also see too many guys staring at me, and I shuffle uncomfortably in my seat.

Thank god, Angel’s walking over with our drinks.

“It’s pretty busy tonight,” he signs after sitting down.

“At least we won’t have to yell over the noise. First time my loss of hearing has been a perk.”

He sort of frowns and laughs at the same time, and I begin to fully relax.

Twisting the bottle cap off, I take a long pull and quickly wipe the corners of my mouth.

“You really do look amazing tonight,” he signs, quickly adding, “I mean, you look amazing every day, but tonight…” He trails off, shaking the compliment from his head.

“Thank you.”

For once, my smile is filled with coyness. A compliment from Luca made me hot. They didn’t come easily or regularly. But a compliment from Angel has me wanting to giggle like a child.

“So, what made you want to transfer chapters?”

“Apart from the harsh winters?” I nod, keeping my focus on his hands. “It hasn’t felt right since your visit. There’s not much trust between the brothers, and personal reasons you don’t want to hear about.”

“Hear? I can’t hear about anything,” I sign, and his face falls when he realises what he just said. It’s also easy to wind him up. But where Luca loses his shit, Angel genuinely looks guilty.

“I didn’t mean… Shit, I’m sorry…”

“It’s fine. I’m messing with you. It’s just a figure of speech.” My smile grows as he starts to laugh. “If you don’t want to talk about some things, I understand. We can talk about something else.”

And that something else was everything from telling him about my new job, my greenhouse, and my love for botany. He not only sat and listened, but he asked questions too.

The night is going so well, I dare to admit I’m enjoying myself. Angel’s kind and funny, and talking to him is so easy.

My gaze falls to his hands as he picks at the label on his empty beer bottle. His fingers are covered in tattoos, and I can’t help but imagine how they’ll feel running up and down my body.

Remembering I need to read his lips to know what he’s saying, I focus on his mouth, and see Luca in my peripheral vision. What the hell is he doing here? And with her? Of course he is. He never comes into town, especially to drink at the bars.

He joins JJ and Harper, and I can’t look away. He says something to Harper, and she gets up without opening her mouth and walks out. Strange. Luca frowns, watching her leave, and turns to JJ. He mumbles something I can’t read, and then runs after his wife.

It’s when Luca looks back to Sara that he spots me, and still, I can’t look away. His jaw sets tight, and his eyes narrow into slits. I’ve seen this look numerous times when he’s pissed with someone about something.

Angel blocks my view and signs, “Is there going to be a problem?”

My brows knit together. “No. Why would there be?”

“Because when I first got to town, he warned me to stay away from you, and now he’s looking like he wants to kill me.”

For a moment, I think I’ve read him wrong. “He warned you off me?”

Nodding, he looks over his shoulder again to find Luca still glaring. I tap him on the arm to get his attention, needing to keep shit from kicking off between them.

“We had something that really was nothing. If you’re sticking around, you’ll quickly learn that his glare is permanent, and he looks at everyone like that.”

He laughs, and I crave to hear what he sounds like.

“In that case, do you want to dance?”

“I can’t hear the music.”

“You don’t need to. Come on.”

I take his hand and follow him onto the dance floor. It’s hard not to meet Luca’s narrowed eyes as we pass him at the bar. I’m the first to look away. He’s not ruining my night.

I’m spun in Angel’s arms, enjoying how perfectly I fit against him, because I can literally feel Luca’s stare shooting me in the back.

Swaying in Angel’s arms, I can’t relax. He must sense it because he pulls back, keeping his arms around me and mouths, “Do you want to get out of here?”

My first instinct is to nod, but I stop myself. I promised Luca wouldn’t spoil the rest of my life, and if we leave, he’ll be doing just that. Pulling away so I can sign. I say, “No, I’m good. In fact, I’m real good…” Leaning up, I close my eyes and press my lips to his.

He’s warm and soft, and holds me tight against him. He’s bigger than Luca, and I brace my hands on his chest as his tongue sweeps over mine. Kissing him is like freefalling over a cliff, and never crashing at the bottom. Such a contrast to how Luca kisses, like it’s the last kiss you’ll ever share.

Breaking away, I smile up at him. Twirling me away from him and then back, I can’t help but notice his moves are so fluid. I want to ask him if he’s ever taken lessons before.

Suddenly, his smile disappears, and he slowly looks over his shoulder. Peering around him, Luca tips his beer at us, and I just roll my eyes.

I tug on Angel’s shirt until his attention is back on me. “Maybe we should leave?”

Nodding, he grabs my hand and leads us through the bar until we’re outside. Dropping my hand, he signs, “Don’t get me wrong, I liked kissing you, but did you kiss me because you wanted to or because Luca was there?”

His directiveness blows me back for a second, and I cross my arms over my chest, forgetting I need my hands to answer him.

“It had nothing to do with him.”

“Please don’t lie to me. The only thing I need is honesty. Whatever you two had is clearly not finished.”

I go to tell him he’s got it wrong, but I can’t. Instead, I say, “What Luca and I had was dark and twisted. It got real messed up, and it was wrong. I promise you it’s over. I wouldn’t have asked you out if it weren’t, and I’m not that kind of girl. I don’t like hurting people for needless reasons. I kissed you because I wanted to.”

He reaches out to pull me against him, but I step back, adding, “You’re the first person who’s made me smile in a very long time. I won’t lie, it’s not in my nature to rush into anything, but I want to see how this goes.” I swing my thumb between us, making it clear I’m talking about us.

“Me too.”