His Twisted Heart by Ellie R Hunter

Chapter Thirty-Three


The dirt and grass beneath my feet is cooling. The heat is sticky and horrid today, and there’s only one place to be on a day like this—the creek.

You do you, I’ll do me.

What a joke. He’s been doing him since I can remember. And me doing me? Yeah, I’ll get right on that. In fact, it’s what I’ve been doing for months. Who the hell does he think he is? He really thinks he’s someone special.

Dumping my basket on the ground, I slip out of my dress, leaving it in a pool on the ground, and walk into the water. Chills race up and down my body, contradicting the heat with the cool water.

Submerging fully, I push out into the middle and break the surface for a lungful of air. Floating on my back, I watch the leaves swaying in the light breeze, the sun peeking through the gaps above me.

If I had my hearing, I’d hear the water rippling as I move my arms. I’d hear nature going about its business, with me as their only intruder. I may not be able to hear it, but I can feel it.

Closing my eyes, I let the water hold me up, and Luca invades my peace unbidden.

I’ve been pulled in by him one too many times, and this time is no different. As usual, it’s him who has the last word with his stupid text. Argh! I hate phones nearly as much as I hate him. I keep saying I have to move on, yet my mind always wanders back to him, finding myself in situations where he is.

What is it that I want? It’s a good question, and one I need to find an answer to. Perhaps if I’m focusing on myself, it won’t leave me any time to think about anyone else.

Swimming to the verge, I dry off with the towel I brought and lay it on the ground. Lying back, I don’t worry about anyone seeing me in my underwear. No one comes out this far.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling it slowly, I think about what I love in this world. Apart from my family, who are obviously what are most important to me. I smile, thinking of my plants and flowers, and how much I love this town. My home. As much as I love it, I’m not blind to the dreariness and lack of colour…

A perfect idea strikes. I could go to town hall and make myself a job by offering to tend to the public spaces, prettying them up with beautiful flowers and shrubs, and maintaining them throughout the year. They can’t say no to that. I wouldn’t even want much in return. Suddenly, I have a future, and I’m feeling better with a positive outlook on life again.

My phone pings with a new message, and my stomach drops. Reaching for it, I see it’s from Mason, checking up on me.

I know they’re worried, but I can’t keep living like this. In time, they’ll see I’m okay. It’s not like they believe me when I say I’m doing okay anyway.

Swinging my arm back, I throw the phone into the water. Life before I got a phone was much simpler. It’s a life wasted. If I’m not answering calls or texts, I’m checking to see if I’ve missed any calls or texts, but not anymore. I’ll catch hell for this, I’m sure, but I don’t care.

Basking in the rays of the sun, I close my eyes and let myself feel peace. By the time the sun is beginning to set, I’m completely there, and nearly float back to the house.

Checking in on my greenhouse, I spritz the wild red and orange lilies and open the window a crack, before heading into the house to see what I have for dinner.

My fresh start begins now.

Clutching my notebook to my chest, I can’t stop smiling. I was prepared to fight and beg to be taken seriously about prettying up the town, but I must’ve caught the council on a good day, or they just like the thought of me doing the work and it costing them practically nothing. I have a budget, and as long as I stick to it, I can do what I love.

A shadow falls over me as I step onto the sidewalk, and I look up to find the sheriff blocking my way.

Taking a large step back, he smirks, and I shudder from his coldness on such a hot day.

I point to my ear and waggle my finger, telling him I can’t hear him, and he reaches out for my notebook.

Moving back before he can make contact, I frown, showing him I’m clearly distressed.

Instead, he scribbles something down in his little black book and flips it round for me to read.

“Have a nice day.”

That’s it? For sure he’ll know who I am, that I’m connected to the club. He walks into town hall without looking back, and I shake it off and climb into my truck.

Driving out to the club, I roll down both windows and let the breeze whip through the cabin. I never imagined what it could be like to lose my hearing, but since I have, I constantly wonder what it would be like to lose my other senses. I struggle to cope without my hearing, but it would be indescribable to lose the sense of feeling. To not feel a thing ever again, I shudder at the thought.

When I walk into the bar, Emma gets my attention, and my smile grows. Nothing will ruin my good mood this morning, not even Luca, wherever he may be.

“Why are you so happy?” she signs.

“I got myself a job.”

Her face lights up as I settle myself on the couch next to her. It takes a hot minute to realise what’s missing.

“Where’s Penelope?”

“Your mom has her for the day. I’m just waiting for Myles to finish up with the club, and then we’re heading into the city for the day. What brings you here?”

“I came to tell Dad and Grandpa about the job.”

“Not to see if Luca was here?”

My happiness dims. “Luca has no relevance in my life anymore. I have my job now. I’m my own person.”

Angel walks through the door and my smile returns. I can have it all, and I will. Luca isn’t the only one who can move on.

“I’ll see you later.”

Weaving around the tables and chairs, I slide onto a stool beside him at the bar.

Waving, his eyes look me up and down before settling on my hands. Taking a deep breath, I jump into the unknown headfirst.

“Would you like to go out with me sometime?”

Formally asking him brings heat to my cheeks, and I’m grateful when he doesn’t keep me waiting long for an answer.

“I’d love to. But I’ll have to speak to your dad first.”

My dad won’t deny him, and the future becomes brighter, and I’m so looking forward to it.