His Twisted Heart by Ellie R Hunter

Chapter Forty-Seven


Everyone’s expecting me to be the hippy bride because of my usual style. My dress is anything but eccentric. The silk clings to my torso and thighs, and pools out around my shins and feet. The arms are intricately laced from the shoulders down to my wrists, and the back is backless, dipping to just above my ass. I’ve never felt like a girly girl. I’ve always been happy with myself and who I am, but trying on the dress made me a feel like a bride. And since I’m planning on marrying only once, I want to feel more beautiful than I do every other day.

I walk around the house, boxing some of Grandpa and Grandma’s things to make room for Luca moving his things in. Their stuff never bothered me. If anything, I felt more at home here around them. But Luca and I are getting married, and this will be our home we make together. I’ll have Mason and Myles come by and put the boxes in the attic to keep them safe.

Hauling a few of them into the hall, I note the place feels a little empty now. I don’t dwell on it for long and go out to my greenhouse. These are new times coming, and I’m embracing them with a passion.

I water the flowers and check on the seedlings, making sure they’re growing nicely. They are.

I’m making my own bouquet to walk down the aisle, and the roses should bloom fully in the next couple of days, just in time for Saturday.

My last chore of the day is to visit the Jacksons. Alannah’s cooking dinner and wants the family there at six.

I finish up with the roses and head back to the house to wash up.

I pull up to the Jackson’s house. There aren’t any motorcycles parked, and I come to a stop beside Emma’s car. I wasn’t expecting to see her here, and when I knock on the door, it’s she who answers.

“What are you doing here?” I blurt out, using my voice.

She signs, “Your future mother-in-law has hired me to teach her how to sign.”

My heart swells, and I realise I’m not just gaining Luca as family, but his family too. Alannah’s making a huge effort to be able to communicate with me, and in doing so, making me feel more than welcome, and a true part of her family.

Everyone has grown up with everyone, but we’ve all had our own little families that we backtrack to.

Walking into the kitchen, Alannah’s stirring sauce at the stove, and smiles when I come up beside her.

She signs, “I’m glad you’re here.” Turning to Emma, she asks, “Did I get that right?”

Reading her lips at the question, I laugh.

“Yes,” I sign.

Since I spoke when Luca asked me to marry him, conversations have been less exhausting and easier between people.

I take a seat at the table next to Penelope in a highchair. A highchair I wouldn’t have thought Alannah would have around.

The mood shifts in the house, and when I look to the door, I watch Leo and Holly walk inside with Rayna, and Luca strolling in behind them.

They’ve been working on Luca’s bike out at Leo’s cabin. He offered for me to tag along, but I had stuff to do.

Crossing the kitchen, Luca pulls me up, takes my seat, and yanks me down on his lap. I land with a yelp and giggle, but it’s lost to a kiss.

I get to have this for the rest of my life, and I’m not complaining one little bit. Pulling away, he plants one last peck on my lips.

“You good?” he mouths.

Nodding, I wind my arm around his shoulders and watch on as Leo and Holly talk between themselves by the back door.

I don’t normally busy myself in other people’s lives, but their closeness isn’t something I can look away from. Leo adored India. The pain he wore after her death was felt by everyone in his orbit. I’m not foolish to believe he’ll never meet anyone again. Life can be long, and spent alone is a different kind of pain. It can be torturous.

All I’ve heard about the girl is the horror she went through having her hands burned by one of the club’s enemies. Ever since she’s been staying out at the cabin and watching Rayna, everyone’s been wondering what’s going on between them.

Whatever it is, I’m sure time will tell, and events will unfold just like they did with Luca and me. I believe everything happens for a reason, sometimes testing us beyond what we think we can handle, but in the end, what should be will be.