His Twisted Heart by Ellie R Hunter

Chapter Six


“What do you think is going on now?”

The brothers were called into the back room a while ago. While I know I’ll never be privy to what is said behind those dark wooden doors, it doesn’t mean I’m not curious.

Being that Myles is more interested in checking out Zara than listening to me, it’s Mason who tells me, “They’re probably talking over Harper’s attack and what to do next.”

“Do you wish you were in there with them?”

“I wouldn’t be wearing the prospect patch if I didn’t, would I?”

He makes a good point. Sometimes I think the sons of brothers are automatically raised to join. My brothers, they actually want to join.

“Neither of you strike me as interested in club politics, though.”

Myles snorts. “Because we’re not. With the club comes many perks—that’s what we’re interested in.”

“Perks? Such as?”

Besides the women and doing what you like, when you like, my curiosity branches out into their minds, which is a brave thing for me to delve into.

My eyes dart between the two of them, and I sigh when I see them doing their freaky twin thing. It’s like they’re silently conversing, and they know exactly what the other is saying. Because I know my brothers, I have a pretty good idea that they’re discussing how much they want to share with me.

“Being a part of the club gives us paths we know we can walk without being touched. The patch will mean we can do what we want for the rest of our lives.”

“You can’t guarantee a lifetime of being untouchable. Grow up.”

Myles sits forward, resting his forearms on his thighs as he leans toward me.

“You don’t give us enough credit, little sister.”

His smirk matches Mason’s. Oh hell, I give up. They get more than enough credit, and it causes their egos to grow substantially.

I blame Grandpa. He’s always telling them they can have anything they want, no matter how they get it. I mean, he tells me the same thing, but I have limits, whereas my brothers don’t. There’s no line they won’t cross. Hell, they cross the line just for something to do, and to see what shit they can get themselves into on any particular day.

Luca strolls in, quickly looks around, and takes a seat in the corner by the bar. I quickly look away before he catches me staring… again. He’s been avoiding me like the plague the last couple of days. Not that I planned on going out of my way to approach him. I can’t say it hasn’t hurt, and I’ve been trying to work out why I’m starting to feel like shit over this boy. I made the offer to help with my boredom, not his.

The door to the back room opens and the twins are called in. They share another look, talking to each other in their weird way, and their smirks spread into full-blown grins.

Even I can guess this means they’re potentially about to get their patches, and I can’t help but smile with them.

My brothers are a handful, and the patch will go straight to their heads, but I’m happy for them. This is what they’ve wanted since they were old enough to understand Grandpa’s stories about the club, promising they’d have their own patches one day.

They were raised on the notion of loyalty and the club, and this is their moment. So I decide to stick around and celebrate with them if that’s the case.

My gaze roams from the now closed back room doors to Luca. He’s got his earbuds in, and his eyes are closed. I know he likes to listen to Guns N’ Roses and Metallica.

As if he can feel me watching him, his eyes open and land directly on me. I refuse to be the first to look away like some stupid girl getting caught for sneaking looks at her crush. He doesn’t look away either, and I find myself desperately wanting to know what goes through his head. He’s never been an open book, but I remember times before Sara left town, I’d see them around school, and he’d talk nonstop with her.

A bout of jealously ripples through me, and I try to push it away. She hasn’t been around in ages, yet I can’t forget him telling me he still thinks of her every day. Does he think about her when he’s with me? Or worse, does he compare us? I’m usually a pretty confident person, and there isn’t a soul in the world I would show weakness in front of—my grandpa taught me that. But it doesn’t mean I don’t feel everything on the inside, where my thoughts are private, safe, and run away with themselves.

The back doors opening startle me, and I focus on the brothers filtering out into the bar in high spirits.

My dad walks out with a huge smile on his face. The twins walk out behind him, together, both clutching their patches, smiling ear to ear. We were right. Today is the day they get what they’ve always wanted.

Maybe one day, I’ll figure out what it is that I want, and I’ll be lucky enough to have it all.

As I make my way over to them, they hold their patches up for me to see.

“Congratulations! The world should truly be afraid of you now.”

“You’re damn right!” Myles hollers.

Mason slings his arm around me and murmurs, “Thank you.”

My brothers’ attention soon turns to Grandpa as he makes his way over.

“I’m damn fuckin’ proud, boys. A day I’ve been waiting for since you were born.”

Slapping their backs, he adds, “Celebrate tonight, and come find me in the morning. I’ll teach you what’s what.”

The three of them share another look, and this time, I don’t bother trying to decipher it.

Grandpa kisses me on the forehead and walks off, heading up to his room. He rarely stays at home these days. Since Grandma passed away, he prefers to be at the club, surrounded by his brothers. One might think it’s a lonely life, but it’s a life he would live forever given the chance.

The music is cranked up, and within minutes, everyone has a drink in their hands. I love being at the club when it’s like this. The feeling of being able to let go and not be judged is wondrous. I can be anyone I wish to be, and tonight, I choose to be a stupid girl.

Making my way over to Luca’s table, I take the seat next to him. Like a magnet drawn to disaster, I’m leaning toward him, bumping him with my shoulder. Pulling one of his earbuds out, he raises his brows, waiting to hear what I have to say.

A little part of me is happy he hasn’t told me to fuck off yet.

Smiling at the lively atmosphere, I say to Luca, “That’ll be you one day.”

For a moment, he’s confused by my words. “Getting your patch?” I explain.

“No, it won’t.”

Frowning, I ask, “What are you talking about? You don’t plan on patching in?”

He shakes his head. “Not a chance. I won’t ever be bound to this club.”

I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Luca Jackson isn’t going to patch in and be a part of the club his family built?

“What does your dad think about that?”

Hell, what does Aunt Alannah think about it? Her love and loyalty to this club is no secret.

“He doesn’t think anything about it. He doesn’t know yet. He’s always said it’s our decision if we want to follow in his footsteps or choose a different path. Leo chose the club, but I won’t.”

“Why don’t you want to join?”

“The world’s a big place, Tor. You can’t tell me you don’t think about leaving one day?”

I frown. I haven’t thought about leaving, ever. I love this town: it’s my home. It’s where my family is and will always be.

“What’s your plan, then? What is it you want to do with your life instead?”

He remains quiet, and it’s then I know I won’t get the full truth from him, if any at all. He’s no doubt going to track down Sara fucking Lancaster, the girl who got away. For someone who’s a closed book, he’s not all that hard to read sometimes.

Pushing the thought out of my mind, I smile.

“What?” he drawls.

Leaning a little closer to him, I say, “We just had a conversation like normal people… like friends.”

His eyes widen. Composing himself quickly, he stands. I should’ve kept my mouth shut and saw how far this conversation could’ve gone.

“You wanna fuck as friends?” he asks instead.

Deciding to just go with it, I get to my feet and stand close to him, not bothering to think of all the people in the room. I’m not worried about them seeing what Luca makes clear isn’t there. Besides, they’re too busy celebrating.

One thing that’s been made obvious to me is that the bricks he’s built around himself can be chipped away, and I reckon I have the stamina to succeed in knocking them all down.

Once we’re inside his room, he spins me around and slams me up against the door. I barely have time to blink when he’s lifting my dress up to my hips and grabbing my hand to hold it there. Dragging my panties down my thighs, he works his belt and shoves his jeans and boxes down his legs.

“Open your mouth.”

I do as he orders.

Stuffing two fingers inside, he says, “Suck.”

Coating his fingers with my saliva, he pulls them out and rubs them over my entrance. The heat from his touch, and the aggressiveness he’s showing has me wet already.

Closing the space between us, I shudder as his tip rubs over me. I’m about to beg him to fuck me when he moves back and rips my dress up and over my head. I’m completely naked before him, while he remains fully dressed, bar his jeans that are resting around his knees.

“That’s better,” he says approvingly while staring at my tits.

Collecting both my hands in one of his, he holds them above my head and resumes his position against me.

With one flex of his hips, he’s inside, and proceeds to relentlessly pound into me. My back hits the door with every thrust, and the banging echoes around the room.

“Fuck, Tor,” he grunts so quietly, I barely hear him.

The door continues to bang behind me, and I point out, “Someone will hear if they’re passing by,” I pant.

“Right now, I don’t care.”

And to prove it, he drops my arms and lifts me around his waist, pushing his chest against mine to keep me in place. With every stroke, I come closer to finding my release.

“Your pussy was made just for my dick,” he growls.

I love when he talks during sex. It drives me crazy. “Did you ever consider your dick was made for me?” I manage to get out. “It’s not always about you.”

His pace quickens, and I can’t help but crave every savage thrust. “It’s always about me… only us when I’m inside you.”

If I weren’t so worked up, I’d laugh.

“If you don’t come soon, you’re gonna miss out. I’m ready to fucking blow.”

He’s not getting one over on me again. “If you come before me, I’ll bite your fucking dick off, and you’ll never come again.”

“I love it when you threaten me while you’re clenching around me.”

My back is going to be bruised, no doubt. But like Luca, right now, I don’t care. That’s a later-on problem.

“Carry me over to the bed so I can ride you.”

Before I’ve finished, we’re crossing the room, and he’s falling back onto the mattress.

He’ll not last long with me on top, that’s a sure fucking bet. I roll my hips every time I go down, over and over. Mimicking his earlier action, I shove my fingers into his mouth.

When they’re nice and wet, I withdraw them and circle my clit while quickening my movements.

Feeling an intense euphoria flooding through me, I rub my clit harder, bringing myself to climax. When my hips start to slow, I lean over him, bracing my hands on either side of his head to keep myself up while riding the waves of my release. Taking over, Luca grabs my hips, digging his fingers into my skin as he thrusts up and into me. I feel like a rag doll made of jello by the time he finds his own release.

As soon as he’s done, I collapse beside him, swearing I can see stars. While trying to catch my breath, I feel satisfied in knowing he’s not thinking of anyone but me. He hasn’t got the energy to catch his breath at this point, let alone dwell on Sara. My newfound jealousy takes it as a small victory, and I’m glad my brain looks out for me, making sure nothing stupid comes out of my mouth.

“You can go now.”

Opening my eyes, I roll my head to the side and meet his eyes.

“Excuse me?”

“Don’t look at me like that. You’re not my girlfriend. You’re not even my friend.”

A gasp of shock gets stuck in my throat. I’m crashing fast, and I know it’s going to hurt when I land. The high I was just riding has vanished completely.

Jumping out of the bed, I pick up one of his T-shirts to clean myself with before grabbing my dress.

Dragging it over my head, I spit out, “If I were Sara, you wouldn’t act like this.”

My brain has officially left, and my jealousy is rearing its ugly green head.

Shuffling up the bed, he sits back against the headboard, lights a cigarette, and exhales the smoke, blowing it straight at me.

“You’re right, you’re not Sara. You’re nowhere near her level.”

Tears spring to my eyes, and I swallow the lump in my throat. There’s only so many times I can call him an asshole and it mean something, so instead, I release the bitterness taking root in my heart.

“At least when I lay on my back for you, it’s not because I’m using you to protect me from my daddy.”

“Watch your fucking mouth, Victoria.”

“Why? Will it upset you some more?”

Sliding my feet into my tennis shoes, I add, “You know she used you, right? Why else would she run off when your dad helped her? Once she didn’t need you, she ran, leaving you behind without a second thought.”

Stubbing the cigarette out on the nightstand like it’s not a piece of furniture, all while keeping his menacing gaze on me, he climbs off the bed and strolls toward me, but I’m not intimidated by him in the least. Remaining in place, I hold my head up high.

“You don’t know a thing about her, so keep her name out of your fucking mouth.”

“So I can’t have her name in my mouth, but your dick is okay?” I snort, folding my arms across my chest. “It’s about time you got over her, Luca. And just so you know for future reference, I say what I like, when I like, and not even you could shut me up.”

Shoving him in the chest to move him out of my way, I swing open his door and slam it shut behind me. Fucking asshole!

By the time I hit the bottom step, I barrel through the side door and let the tears fall freely.

I knew where I stood with Luca from the beginning, but why can’t he see I’m worth spending time with beyond the bed?