Lily and the Lion by Honey Phillips

Chapter Fifteen

Lily woke up as Leo scooped her up and headed for the bedroom.

“What are you doing?” she asked, still half-asleep.

“Taking you to my bed. Where you belong,” he growled.

He sounded annoyed, and she hid a smile. “I’m just fine on the couch.”

“No, you are not. You will sleep in my—our—bed.”

“But what if I don’t want to sleep with you?” She kept her voice light, but she really wanted to know if he thought he was going to make her sleep with him.

“Why wouldn’t you? Don’t you know how many females have wanted to share my bed?”

The arrogant tone was back, and she scowled at him. “Then go find one of them.”

“I don’t want one of them. I want you.”

They stared at each other, and then he sighed. “Fine. If you do not want me in the bed with you then I will sleep on the couch. But you will sleep here.”

She was almost tempted to take him up on his offer, but it was a ridiculously large bed—and if he was on the couch, he would be at the mercy of another one of those predatory female servants.

“I guess you might as well sleep here too. But no funny business,” she added when he gave her a satisfied smile.

“Funny business?”

“You know. Sex.”

He raised an eyebrow. “I assure you, I take that very seriously.”

Her body gave an involuntary shiver as she remembered just how seriously, but she refused to acknowledge it. “I mean you stay on your side of the bed and I’ll stay on mine.”

“If that is what you wish.”

He settled her between the sheets, then turned away and began stripping off his clothes.

“What - what are you doing?”

“I am preparing for bed, of course. I do not usually wear clothing to bed.”

By the time he finished speaking and turned back to her, he was naked. Her mouth went dry at the expanse of golden fur-covered muscles and the heavy weight of his cock hanging against his thigh. It flexed under her gaze, and she hastily looked away.

“Your side of the bed,” she reminded him.

“If you insist.” He shrugged, massive shoulders rolling, then climbed into the other side of the bed.

The mattress was so large that she didn’t even feel it move under his weight. The lights slowly dimmed, leaving the room in darkness except for the faint glow of the moonlight through the uncovered windows. It felt strange seeing the shadow of the leaves moving outside, but not hearing the sounds that she had started to recognize and to smell nothing but the faint remnant of the scented bath soaps.

The bed cradled her body, incredibly soft, but also supporting her perfectly. The cool, silky sheets caressed her skin. She should have fallen asleep immediately. Instead, she started to worry. To worry about her friends, of course, but also about her future and about the male on the other side of the bed. Even though they weren’t touching, she could feel his presence.

Why did everything feel so complicated all of a sudden? When they were out in the jungle, it had seemed so much simpler. But now it was clear that he was a rich and probably powerful male. Her differences might amuse him now, but how long would that last? Back on Earth, she would already have been making plans to move on. Her legs twitched restlessly, as if she was preparing to run.

“What’s bothering you, love?” Leo’s voice was a deep rumble in the quiet room.


“I should have brought some moni sap with me. You are not being truthful.” He must have rolled over because she could suddenly feel his heat next to her, even though he still wasn’t touching her. “Of course, there are other ways to get you to tell me the truth…”

“What do you mean?”

A huge hand skated across her ass so quickly that it only left a brief impression of warmth on her suddenly over sensitive skin.

“Perhaps I should spank you for lying to me.”

Arousal washed over her so quickly that she actually felt the rush of heat between her thighs.

“You wouldn’t!”

“Wouldn’t I?” An electric tension hummed between, and then he sighed. “Perhaps not. At least not until I am sure that you trust me.”

“I don’t trust anyone.” Somehow it was easier to make the admission in the shadowy darkness.

“I know. But for tonight, pretend that you do and let me hold you.” His arm came around her, and he tucked her against his side. He purred against her ear. “You sleep well in my arms.”

He only had a loose hold on her, and she was quite sure she could pull away from him… if she wanted to move. But he was big and warm and his scent wrapped around her, already comforting and familiar. What would it hurt to sleep together?

His warmth seeped into her muscles, and the tension started to dissipate. She found herself nestling closer as sleep finally came.

Leotra smiledas Lily settled down and fell asleep. She felt so perfect in his arms. The way a mate should feel. It was an old-fashioned notion. These days most matings were arranged for political or financial advantage, but his feelings for Lily came from a deeper, more primal place.

Up until now, he had not considered the future, but Wakala’s proposal had made him realize that he couldn’t ignore it. Of course, it was always possible that he could claim an official mate and still keep Lily as his concubine. It was certainly not uncommon in Tajiri society, but every atom of his body rebelled against the idea. He refused to set her aside, even as a surface gesture.

But would she commit to him in return? He was unusually uncertain. He knew she wanted him, despite her denials, and he suspected that her feelings went even deeper, but he didn’t know if she was prepared to admit them to herself, let alone to him. Based on what she had told him, males had never treated her well. The fact that he hadn’t revealed the truth about himself to her immediately hadn’t helped.

What he needed was time to convince her—which meant she had to remain at his side. As close to his side as if they were in fact mates…

The idea sprang full-fledged into his mind. What if he could convince her to pretend to be his mate? Such an arrangement would ensure that she remained with him. He would be able to not only protect her, but to provide her with the clothing and jewelry she deserved. It would also prevent any more awkward proposals from other Houses.

She mumbled something in her sleep, and he purred softly until she relaxed again.

Yes. This would be perfect. Now all he had to do was convince her. He was still considering how to accomplish that when he fell asleep.

When he woke the next morning, he found that she had practically crawled on top of him during the night. Her head was tucked under his chin, and her lush breasts were nestled against his chest. One leg was thrown over his, and her sweet little cunt was resting against his thigh. His cock throbbed impatiently. They had woken up in a similar position yesterday and he’d had no hesitation in pleasuring her, but he was no longer as sure.

She made a soft noise and wiggled against his leg. He stroked down her back to her ass, so bare and naked without a tail to impede his touch. Her soft flesh filled his hand as he prepared to move her back to his side. Instead, she arched against him, and he instinctively squeezed. He felt the resulting dampness against his thigh as she moaned and rolled her hips. His thumb slipped into the tempting crevice between her cheeks.

“Lily,” he whispered, as he pressed lower, seeking the liquid heat slicking her thighs.


“Does your hot little cunt need me?” He teased her entrance, so small and tight it was almost impossible to believe that she had taken him.


She lifted her head, and the uncertainty of her face was like an arrow to his chest.

“Your choice,” he told her gently.

She started to sit up, and he moved his hand to her hip to help her lift herself free. Instead, she paused, still astride his thigh, her breasts quivering beneath his shirt. His cock ached, but he forced himself to wait patiently.

She rolled her hips again, and he felt another rush of heat against his thigh.

“My choice?”


She bit her lip, then slowly pulled his shirt up over her head, leaving her naked and glowing in the morning light.

“Lick,” she whispered, leaning forward so that her tempting nipples hovered just above his mouth.

He obeyed immediately, groaning with pleasure as he curled his tongue around a tight little peak. She rocked back and forth on his thigh and he started to pull the tantalizing morsel into his mouth. She immediately pulled back.

“I only said lick.”

“You are a cruel female,” he protested but he suddenly realized that she was testing him. “What would you like me to do next? Lick your delicious little clit? Bury my tongue in your hot cunt?”

More wetness flooded his thigh.

“Lick me,” she whispered.


“My—my clit.”

He promptly flipped her over on her back and buried his face between her legs. His tongue circled the swollen button, as he forced himself to simply lick the delicious nub. Her hips lifted restlessly.

“Do you want more, love? Do you want my finger filling you? Or do you want two stretching you?”

“Yes,” she gasped.

“One? Two? More?”

“Two! While you suck my clit.”

He obeyed immediately, sucking her clit into his mouth as he plunged two fingers into her tight channel. Her body bowed upwards, and she cried out his name as she clenched around him with sharp little pulses. His cock was so hard he felt as if it would drill through the mattress, but he forced himself to wait until her body softened and she gave a contented little sigh.

Lifting up over her, he smiled down at her dazed face. His cock flexed against the silky heat between her thighs, but he resisted the urge to thrust into her sweet cunt.

“Was that enough, love? Or do you want more?”