Lily and the Lion by Honey Phillips

Chapter Seventeen

Lily peered eagerly out the window of the spaceship as the surface of Yangu came into view. She hadn’t been entirely sure what to expect after her experience on the slave ship, but the vessel that transported them from Sayari to Yangu bore a surprising resemblance to a luxury jet, at least on the inside. There was a comfortable seating area, a large bedroom, and a fully equipped bathroom. A kitchen and dining area and an area for the staff comprised the rest of the ship.

Mata smiled at her from her adjoining seat, her eyes wide with excitement. When Leo had ordered the girl to accompany them, Lily had been annoyed at his peremptory behavior. However, when she took Mata aside and asked her, the girl had been thrilled at the idea of the journey.

The morning had disappeared in a whirlwind of activity. Shona, the seamstress Leo had sent for, had been unable to produce new clothing before they left, but she had adapted a few of the outfits Leo had previously chosen. Lily still wasn’t enthusiastic about wearing someone else’s clothes, but if they didn’t belong to one of Leo’s mistresses, she could live with them. He had also promised to take her shopping, although the prospect did not thrill her.

While the alterations were in progress, Leo had met with the male he’d had dinner with the night before to apologize for his abrupt departure. As soon as her clothes were ready, he’d led her to a concealed landing area, the ultra-modern space at complete odds to the surrounding jungle. His personal guard accompanied them, huge bull-like males complete with sweeping horns. She vaguely remembered that two of them had been on the hovercraft that picked them up from the jungle, but at the time she’d been too upset by Leo’s betrayal to pay much attention.

Now she found their size and alien features more intimidating than she expected, but she did her best not to show her reaction as Leo introduced her to their leader.

“Lily, this is Captain Nargan.”

“You’re the one trying to find my friends. Thank you so much.”

The big male looked a little surprised, but he bowed politely.

“Mistress Lily is my mate. You will protect her at all costs, do you understand?”

“Yes, Master Leotra.”

This time, he didn’t look surprised and Lily wondered why not. Had Leo already spread the word about their fake relationship? She still wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about the prospect, but she couldn’t deny that she felt safer with Leo—and his guards—at her side.

A personal spaceship wasn’t bad either, she thought, as Kalima came into view. The immense capital city sprawled towards the horizon. The sun had just set, leaving a pale lavender glow that highlighted the astonishing variety of buildings rising into the air above the city. Lights had come on below to reveal an intricate network of streets and smaller buildings. In addition to the traffic at ground level, small vessels darted between the skyscrapers. Some of the towers were so tall and slender it seemed impossible that they would be able to stand, and her heart sank as they headed for one of the tallest.

“Where are we going?” she asked nervously.

“Situni Tower. It belongs to my family. Our businesses are run from there, and I have an apartment at the top.”

A few minutes later, the ship came to a halt, hovering near the top of a slender navy tower. She dutifully followed Leo to the exit, clenching her fists to hide their trembling. The doors opened to reveal a walkway leading from the ship to the building. The floor was opaque, but the curved walls were made from a clear substance, meaning she could see the city surrounding them.

Leo was a step in front of her, issuing instructions to Captain Nargan, and she forced herself to follow him. One step, then another, and then she made the fatal mistake of looking down. The ground was far, far below in a dizzying swirl of lights. Vertigo swept over her, and she swayed, unable to move.

“Lily! What’s wrong?”

She could hear Leo’s voice, but she could also feel the tunnel quivering from the wind at this altitude. Her lips felt numb.

“Talk to me, love.” Leo’s arms closed around her, warm and comforting.

“S-So high,” she managed to stutter.

She heard him give a muttered curse, and he swept her up into his arms. She buried her face in his neck, ashamed of her fear but unable to face the trip.

“We are inside now,” he said soothingly a moment later, but she still felt as if everything was swaying. Her arms tightened around his neck.

“Mata, go to the kitchen and ask the chef for a glass of Foldaran brandy. A large one,” he ordered.

“You should say please,” she muttered.

His laugh reverberated soothingly against her body.

“You must be feeling better if you’re bossing me around again.”

“You’re the bossy one.”

“Very bossy,” he agreed softly, dipping his head to growl the words into her ear. A much more pleasant shiver went through her body.

He seemed perfectly content just to stand and hold her, but a moment later she heard Mata’s voice and then Leo pressed a glass against her lips. She took a sip and almost choked at the burn of alcohol. The initial heat faded quickly, leaving a pleasant smoky aftertaste and a trickle of warmth all the way down to her stomach. She licked her lips and took another sip.

“What did you say this was?”

“Foldaran brandy.”

“It’s very good.”

“It should be. It’s older than I am.” He smiled down at her. “That’s better. The color is coming back to your cheeks.”

“I feel better,” she admitted, her cheeks heating. “I’m sorry I reacted that way.”

“Don’t be silly. Many people are not comfortable with the sky bridges. Do you want to walk, or would you like me to carry you?”

“I can walk.”

“What a shame,” he whispered as he sat her down. “I enjoy having your soft little body in my arms.”

Doing her best not to blush, she looked around instead. Everyone had disappeared except for Mata. The girl gave her a sympathetic smile, then whisked herself out of sight. The doors that must have led to the ship were thankfully closed, and they were in a wide corridor. The wall on one side was lined with a collection of large abstract paintings. On the other side, a glass wall showcased an array of sleek, expensive-looking vehicles. The white stone flooring in the corridor extended seamlessly into the huge space.

“Are those yours?”

He actually looked a little embarrassed. “I am fond of vehicles.”

“Do you actually drive them?” she asked, looking at the pristine area.

“Oh, yes. And I can’t wait to take you for a ride.”

“I think you’re already doing that,” she muttered, and he laughed as he dropped his arm around her shoulder and urged her along the hallway.

At the far end, a set of shallow stone steps led upwards. More art ornamented the staircase, this time with sculptures set on pedestals.

“Did you pick out the art pieces?” she asked, stopping to admire a sinuous metal sculpture.

“Some of it. My grandfather started the collection, and I have added to it.”

“What about your father?” She had already noticed that he never mentioned him.

He shook his head, his mouth twisting. “He tends to acquire pieces based solely on their cost. I don’t have any of them here. Do you like this one?”

“I do.”

“This is one I selected. It’s called The Lovers. You see, this is the female, with her male behind her.”

He traced the line with his finger as he spoke, and she could clearly envision their bodies pressed together the same way. A rush of heat swept over her, but she told herself that it was the lingering effects of the brandy.

“Is that why you chose it?”

“I chose it because the artist is extremely talented. But I enjoy sensual objects.” His finger traveled lightly down her back and across her ass in the exact same way it had traveled across the statue. Before she could decide how to react, he put his arm back around her shoulders and urged her onwards.

The enormous apartment occupied the top four levels of the tower. The garage and staff quarters were on the lowest level. The kitchens and more staff quarters occupied the second level, along with an enormous dining room with glass walls on three sides. She found that looking out over the city didn’t bother her as much as looking down, and fortunately, her vertigo didn’t reappear. The third level contained more entertaining spaces, along with Leo’s study and several guest bedrooms.

The top level was the most impressive. A glass-walled pavilion containing Leo’s bedroom, bath, and sitting area stood in the center of an enormous roof deck filled with lush vegetation. The air was surprisingly still, and she realized that more glass walls blocked the wind but they were almost invisible behind the assortment of plants. A swimming pool with an infinity edge was perched along one side of the deck, underwater lights turning the water dark and mysterious under the night sky.

“This is beautiful,” she breathed.

“It’s my favorite place, but it is far more beautiful with you here.”

She raised a skeptical eyebrow and turned to tease him about his corny lines, but the expression on his face took her breath away. He looked so sincere. Time hung suspended between them, the noise of the city muted and far away, and then he cleared his throat and looked away.

“I thought perhaps we would have dinner at Hawa Pendez. It is the most exclusive restaurant in Kalima.”

The prospect did not appeal to her in the least, and she sighed. “Do we have to?”

“You don’t wish to accompany me?”

“It’s been a long day. Several long days. Couldn’t we just stay here? Maybe go for a swim?”

He frowned, and she wondered if she had offended him.

“You would rather stay here with me than have dinner at the finest restaurant in the city?”

“Isn’t that what I just said?” Why does he look so surprised?

“Are all human females like you?” he asked slowly.

“Of course not. Are all Tajiri males like you?”

He looked offended, then laughed. “An excellent point. I would be quite happy to remain here with you. Although…”

His eyes traveled down her body with the heat that sent a corresponding response through her.


“I don’t have any swimming apparel.” His voice had turned low and rough.

“I imagine we can work something out.” She gave him a teasing smile and let her fingers brush very lightly across his erect shaft as she headed back to the pavilion.

Leo went off to order dinner and check on some business matters, and Mata came to join her. She hovered uncertainly at the entrance to the bedroom as Lily explored. Another enormous bed, this one draped in white, but there was very little other furniture to detract from the stunning surroundings and she liked the simplicity of the space.

“Are you going out tonight, Mistress?”

“No, thank goodness.” Something that looked like disappointment flickered across Mata’s face, and Lily gave her a thoughtful look. “Why do you ask?”

Mata’s tail twitched nervously. “I just wanted to know if I should be ready to serve you.”

Which meant that she would need to stay in the apartment in case Lily wanted her. The light dawned as she remembered the girl’s excitement about the trip.

“I get it. You want to go and explore, and you can’t if you’re hanging around here waiting on me.”

“Oh, no, Mistress. I’m happy to stay here.”

“Don’t be silly.” In her first years of traveling with the band, she’d always enjoyed exploring new cities. But Mata seemed very innocent. She hesitated for a minute, then picked up the datapad and pressed the button Leo had shown her.

“Yes, Mistress Lily?” Nargan’s deep voice answered immediately.

“Captain Nargan, Mata wishes to see some of the city.” She ignored the girl’s gasp.

“Mata?” he repeated.

“Yes, my… maid.”

“I know who she is, Mistress.”

“She’s never been to Kalima before. Do you have a guard who could accompany her?”

“You want a guard to accompany a maid?”

“Yes. Is that a problem?”

“Not at all. You just surprised me.” But he sounded contemplative rather than disapproving. “I will send someone up immediately.”

“Someone trustworthy.”

“All of my males are trustworthy,” he replied coldly.

“Yes, of course. I didn’t mean to suggest otherwise. It’s just that she’s very young.”

“Don’t worry. I have the perfect male.”

Mata’s eyes were as big as saucers as she ended the call. “Why did you do that?”

“Because I want you to go out and have fun and see the sights. But I don’t want you to be in any danger.”

“You are sure you don’t need me?”

“Nope.” She winked at the girl. “I have Leo to wait on me.”

“Do you indeed?”

The deep voice made both of them jump, and she turned around to glare at him. “Quit sneaking up on me. And quit eavesdropping!”

“It’s hardly my fault that I have excellent hearing.” He prowled towards her, his tail lashing. “And just how do you propose I serve you?”