Lily and the Lion by Honey Phillips

Chapter Twenty-Three

Leotra’s head still reeled as he escorted Lily back to their vehicle. She seemed to understand, not asking him any questions as they returned home. They made it as far as his rooftop sitting area before she gave him a sympathetic smile.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“I don’t know what to say,” he admitted.

She came and curled up next to him. “You really didn’t know about the mating clause?”

“No, but now that I do, some things make a lot more sense.” Like the number of unsuitable females who chased after me. Not that he was about to discuss that with Lily.

“I can’t believe he sent someone to seduce you,” she muttered, obviously following the same train of thought.

“Someone he knew would never arouse more than a passing interest.”

Her brows drew together. “But you thought I was like her.”

“No, I didn’t. But despite what my instincts were telling me, I couldn’t help but be suspicious.”

“What were your instincts telling you?”

“That you were perfect for me.”

The soft pink washed over her cheeks, but somewhat to his surprise, she changed the subject.

“What happened between you and your grandfather?”

“We had a huge fight—over my father, of all things. Grandfather told me that he was sleeping with the female I was seeing, but I didn’t believe him. Of course, it turned out that he was right.”

“But you believed your father when he told you your grandfather didn’t want to see you?”

He shrugged uncomfortably. “I couldn’t blame him for being angry. But I think that it was more than that. I was ashamed.”

“Why were you ashamed?”

“I told you he built an entire empire by the time he was my age. And all I was doing was chasing worthless females and wasting time.”

“You said you didn’t have any authority in the company.”

“I know, but I think I should have done more. Or maybe I should have just left and started my own company.”

“It’s never too late,” she said softly.

“You really mean that, don’t you? You would come with me and leave all of this behind?”

“Of course I would.” She looked down at her hands. “I’ve moved on so many times. I always thought I was just trying to find the right place. But now I realize the place doesn’t matter at all.” Her eyes lifted to his. “Only the person you’re with matters. And as long as we’re together, I don’t care where we are or what we’re doing.”

An enormous weight lifted off his shoulders. “I love you, Lily. I should have told you a long time ago.”

Her eyes sparkled with tears, but she smiled at him. “I love you too.”

Thank the gods.

He ran his finger along her mating collar. “And you should know that this was never a fake mating for me. I meant what I said the very first time. You’re mine.”

“I-I think I felt the same way, but I was too scared to admit it. To trust you.”

“I didn’t exactly make it easy,” he admitted.

“No, but now I understand why you were so suspicious.” She buried her fingers in his mane, tugging his head down so that she could kiss him.

It was a sweet kiss, but he could feel the urgency beginning to build in his body. When he finally raised his head, she gave him a speculative look.

“I discovered this morning that I can’t take off the mating collar.”

“No. It’s keyed to my thumbprint.”

“I suspected something like that. Please take it off.”

Panic raced through his system. “No! You said you loved me. You said you were my mate.”

“I do love you, and I do want to be your mate,” she said patiently. “That’s why I want you to take off the collar.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I want to do this the old-fashioned way. I want you to use your mouth on me.”

Lily feltLeo’s muscles freeze, and then he was fumbling impatiently at her neck. It took him three times before he managed to release the catch, and then he flung the expensive necklace aside, burying his face in her neck. For a second, she thought he meant to bite her immediately, but he only licked the spot, sending pleasurable shivers down her spine.

“We are going to do this properly,” he mumbled, rising up with her in his arms and striding off to the bedroom.

He stripped off her clothes eagerly, then laid her down on the bed. For a long moment, he did nothing but look at her, which shouldn’t have been erotic, but she could feel her nipples harden and her pussy dampen just from the intensity in her gaze.

“You are so beautiful.”

“You’re pretty beautiful yourself. But you would be more so with fewer clothes.”

He laughed and tugged off his clothing before he joined her on the bed.

“You know, traditionally, I would mount you from behind.”

Mmm. She had no objection—she loved the feel of his big body pressing against her.

“But I don’t want to this time. I want to see you come. I want to know that you see me.”

“Okay,” she whispered, and he smiled.

“But first, I’m going to worship you.”

And he did. He feasted on her breasts until her nipples throbbed in tune with her heartbeat. He spent just as long on her pussy, but he never pushed her over into a climax, easing off each time she got close.

“I think you’re ready,” he said at last.

Her entire body was alive with sensation, even the brush of air against her skin an exquisite torture.

“I’ve been ready,” she gasped.

“Slowly,” he said, but she thought he was talking to himself rather than to her as she finally felt his cock at the entrance to her pussy.

He entered her with agonizing slowness, his thick cock easing into the slick, swollen passage an inch at a time until he filled her completely. His barbs stirred, stroking the sensitive areas inside her channel and she could feel her climax hovering just out of reach.

Blue eyes blazed down at her. “I love you, Lily.”

“I love you too.”

She tipped her head to one side, baring her neck in silent invitation, and he groaned. His mouth closed down over the tender flesh, sucking it into his mouth. She could feel the prick of his fangs, but she wasn’t afraid.

“Claim me,” she whispered.

His mouth clamped down, his fangs sinking into her flesh. She had expected it to hurt, but instead it sent her flying into an overwhelming climax. She was lost in an explosion of pleasure so intense that the world sheeted white and she was only vaguely aware of his answering growl, of his cock swelling inside her as his barbs locked them together.

He was still shuddering against her when her senses returned, and she combed her fingers through his mane until his body finally relaxed. He lifted his head and smiled down at her.


Her eyes widened as she realized that his cock was still rigid inside her. He flexed his hips, not enough to disturb the barbs, but enough to make her channel flutter around him. Her neck throbbed in a pleasurable, erotic way.

“But we’re still locked together,” she protested weakly.

“Don’t worry, love. I won’t let that stop me.”

And he didn’t.