Lily and the Lion by Honey Phillips

Chapter Twenty-One

Lily clung to Leo’s hand as he helped her out of the car and she got her first look around. She had expected it to be grand. The tower was impressive enough, and he had said they were going to a mansion. She hadn’t expected something that looked like a more overwrought version of Versailles.

The building—buildings—were huge, the walls encrusted with ornamental stonework between a multitude of windows in every shape and size. It was enormous, elaborate—and just the tiniest bit tacky. At least the gardens surrounding the façade were nice.

“Your grandfather built this?”

“No, he bought it once he made his fortune.” Leo winced. “My father has added to it.”

As they followed a long torchlit path to the door, she saw the enormous gold statues between the torches. Unlike Leo’s sensuous sculptures, these were somehow crude, despite their size and obvious expense.

“Let me guess. He picked out the statues?”

He laughed and dropped her hand to put his arm around her shoulders instead. “Exactly. And this is just the family entrance.”

“Is that why you don’t live here?”

He shrugged, but she had the impression he was concealing something. “My father and I get along better when we do not live under the same roof.”

“What about your grandfather? Did he live here too?”

A shadow crossed his face. “He did, but then he went to a place in the country.”

She wanted to press him for more details, but by that time they had arrived at the door and an elaborately dressed male was coming towards them.

“Finally. Really, Leotra, you are most inconsiderate.”

“Hello, Father.”

Lily took an immediate dislike to Leo’s father. Although she could see a certain resemblance between the two, the older male was far more ostentatious. His mane was curled and teased to an astonishing size, while jewels glittered on his hands and at his throat. He cast her a glance that was at once lecherous and dismissive. No, she didn’t like him at all.

“And who is this? This is not the occasion for one of your… playthings.”

“I think you are confusing my proclivities with yours,” Leo growled. “I do not have playthings.”

His father shrugged an impatient shoulder. “You may choose whatever term you like. However, I arranged this dinner in order for you to make the acquaintance of—”

“I don’t think you understand. Lily, this is my father, Chinit. Father, this is Lily. My mate.”

The warmth and pride in his voice almost brought tears to her eyes, and she pressed closer to his side.

“What? You cannot be serious.” The older male actually seemed to stagger, his tail whipping out behind him.

“I’m quite serious.” Leo unfastened her cloak, revealing her mating collar.

“No,” his father whispered, his eyes fixed on the band of gold.

She’d had mixed feelings about the collar. The obvious symbolism bothered her, but when he had placed it around her neck, it had felt as if he was placing a ring on her finger. In the face of his father’s shock, she lifted her chin proudly.

“But she’s human,” Chinit protested. “Humans are for fucking, not for mating.”

Leo growled and seized his father by the neck of his elaborate robe. “I never want to hear you say anything like that again.”

“Leo!” She tugged urgently on his arm as his father choked. “He’s your father. It’s not worth it.”

Her words seemed to penetrate, and he finally released his grip. His father straightened his robe, his face furious as he glared at her.

“His name is Leotra va Situni, not Leo.”

Really?That was what he wanted to be a dick about? Leo growled again, but she put a restraining hand on his arm as she gave his father a sweet smile.

“And my name is Lily va Situni and I can call him whatever I like. Now, let’s go inside, Leo.”

Leo smiled down at her as he escorted her through the massive doors.


“Lily va Situni.”

She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks.

“Was it wrong of me to say that?”

“On the contrary. I enjoyed hearing it very much. I can’t wait to hear it again when you’re naked in my arms.”

She didn’t need to look down to know her nipples were pressing against her dress. “Maybe we’d better get out of here first.”

“I’m afraid you’re right. Come, let me introduce you to a few people.”

The party was an odd combination of elegance and depravity. In some rooms people sprawled in drunken abandon, while in others they danced to what sounded like classical music. On one of the terraces a group was playing something that reminded her of cornhole, but beyond them she could also see half-naked people chasing each other through a maze.

“And I thought rock bands threw wild parties,” she murmured.

“Does it bother you?” he asked. “We can leave.”

“It’s fine. As long as no one is being forced to do something they don’t want to do, I don’t care how people choose to enjoy themselves.”

Fortunately, the people he wanted her to meet were in some of the more restrained rooms. All of them were remarkably gracious, even though she could see the surprise on their faces.

“A most charming mate,” an older male said, bowing over her hand. “And very fashionable.”

“That’s not why I chose her,” Leo growled and the male ducked his head apologetically.

“No, of course not.”

“What was that about?” Lily asked as they walked away.

“The new Emperor’s mate is human—” He stopped and looked around. “Damn, the Mafanan ambassador just went into the pet room.”

“There are animals here?”

“Not those kinds of pets,” he said, and she blushed. “Don’t worry, I have no intention of taking you in there. But I would like to talk to him and make sure he understands the importance of trying to find your friends. There won’t be anyone in the library. Would you mind waiting there for me?”

“As long as you don’t start looking for a pet of your own.”

“You’re the only female I want, love.”

The look in his eyes made her heart pound. She couldn’t think of anything to say, but he didn’t seem to expect a response. Instead, he led her into a massive library. Two stories of shelves filled three of the walls, while the other consisted of tall windows overlooking the gardens.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he promised.

She wandered along the bookcases, wishing she could read the Tajiri language. She decided she would ask Leo to teach her, but for now, she found a book filled with pictures of gardens and she carried it over to a window seat. Long curtains framed each of the windows and when she heard someone enter the room, she instinctively drew back behind the curtain.

“You were supposed to distract him,” a voice hissed, and she realized with a start that it was Leo’s father.

“He wasn’t interested.” The other voice was low and sultry, female.

“I should have sent someone younger. You’re losing your appeal.”

“You bastard. You weren’t so rude when you were trying to get me in your bed.”

“I didn’t have to try very hard,” Chinit said coldly. “You’re a slut, Jinga.”

Lily couldn’t help a sympathetic wince.

“Maybe so,” Jinga hissed. “At least I had enough experience to know that your tiny little cock would never please me.”

Chinit snarled and for a moment Lily wondered if she would have to intervene, but then she heard the door slam and realized that the female had left. A moment later, the door opened again, and when she peeped cautiously around the edge of the curtain, the library was empty once more.

She was still thinking about the conversation when Leo reappeared. He looked tired and annoyed, and she put her arms around him.

“No luck?” she asked softly.

“No, I found him. He promised me he would look into it.”

“Then what’s wrong?”

“We’ve always had parties here, and the entertainment has always… varied. But this just feels sleazy. My grandfather would never have allowed it to get this far.”

“You said he left the mansion? Why?”

“There was an argument,” he said shortly, and she decided not to pursue the matter.

“Can we go home now?”

“Home. Yes, I like the sound of that.” He ran his finger along her collar as he used his communicator to send for Nargan.

The trip home was as silent as their journey to the mansion, but as soon as they arrived back at the apartment, he carried her up to their bedroom. He stripped off everything except her collar and made love to her with such slow, passionate intensity that silent tears dripped down her cheeks. Her heart ached as he drew her into his arms afterwards, and she suddenly realized how much she wished that they were truly mated.