Trained By Daddy by Ava Sinclair

Chapter Fourteen


I’ve spankedwomen in other relationships. It was always during sex, and always greeted with moans and giggles. For my previous partners, spanking was a novelty, a spice.

I’ve never delivered a spanking like the one I gave Lila at the gym, or like the one I’m about to give her. I’ve thought about it, though. I’ve thought about what it would be like to have a baby girl of my own who would submit to very real, very painful punishment.

After Lila goes down the hall to her room I wait before joining her. A discipline spanking is different from one meant to put a woman into a pleasurable state of submission. It’s different from a spanking intended for arousal or emotional release. A discipline spanking is for correction. It’s supposed to hurt. I’m fortunate that Lila already knows the difference. She’s written about them but writing about a real punishment spanking and receiving one are two different things.

I walk down the hall and open the door to her room. It’s a little girl’s room, with a canopy bed, a white bookshelf, and lacy curtains. Lila is obediently bent over as I instructed. I stare at her ass. Under any other circumstances, I’d tease her until she begged and then fuck her until she screamed. Not today, though, not today.

I move to the edge of the bed and sit down beside her, putting my hand on her back. She turns her head and looks up at me. Her eyes are already wet with tears.

“I’m sorry I ran from you, Daddy.”

I smile down at her. She’s so sweet and my heart constricts a little at the contrite expression on her face.

“I know, baby. But being sorry isn’t enough. You need to learn not to run from your problems. You’re going to be punished, but first we’re going to have a little talk.”

Lila nods.

“I want to help you. I want to make you feel safe. But I don’t want to trigger you in the process. I’m not the first man to punish you. The way I see it, if they’d deserved you, if they’d been worthy of the responsibility you gave them, then you wouldn’t be filled with such doubt. No man should ever correct a woman in a way that doesn’t make her feel cherished and affirmed. Even when she’s kicking and crying and begging for him to stop, a little voice inside of her should whisper that each mark he leaves is from love, that the pain is with a purpose. That’s what I want you to feel today, Lila.”

She takes a deep breath and covers her face with her hands. Her shoulders heave with silent sobs, but I don’t sense sadness, just relief.

“I’ve never…” she begins, and the words end with soft sobs.

“Talk to me, baby. Tell me why you’re crying.”

“Because I wish I’d met you first, before the others. I’ve never had anyone say this to me. Whenever they punished me, I always felt like it was because I wasn’t good enough. I felt I deserved it for being such a disappointment.”

“Now you listen to me, baby girl. You’re not a disappointment. They were. Unfortunately, you’re still listening to them, and until you can tell yourself you’re wonderful and believe it, you’re going to have to listen to me reminding you of that. If you ignore me, what’s going to happen?”

“You’ll spank me?”

“That’s right. I hard, long, bare-bottomed spanking. And it won’t be because you’re bad, but because you’re good and nobody – not even you – is allowed to make you believe otherwise, understand?”

She nods, smiling through her tears. “Yes.”

“Yes what?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“I’m going to spank you now, Lila,” I say, standing and undoing my belt. The buckle clinks, followed by the hiss of leather as the strap exits the loops of my jeans. “I’m going to spank you as a reminder that you are not allowed to run from me. You’re only allowed to run to me. I want you to feel each lick of my belt as a reminder that I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you on the right path. Daddy will always come looking for you if you stray, but he shouldn’t have to.”

I pause and wait for her answer. When it comes, my cock twitches. “Yes, Daddy.”

I stand and rub my hand down one smooth cheek, then the other. I know she’s scared. Part of me is, too. Yes, Daddies can be scared. Correcting Lila is a huge responsibility. She needs to know that I mean what I say. She needs to know that I’m consistent and dependable.

I raise the belt and bring it down, the crack of it resounding through the room. She screams, not expecting the force of the blow. As her cry melts into a sob, a welt blooms across the crest of her white, upturned cheeks.

“Hands at your sides,” I say. My tone is stern. I’ve banished the compassionate Daddy to the background for now. I have a job to do, and I can’t be moved by tears.

“Please,” she cries. “It hurts.”

“It’s supposed to. Hands back or it starts over.”

Lila obeys, clenching her small white fists up by her head as she makes a valiant effort to hold still. I aim the next blow lower, catching the undercurve of her bottom. This descent of the belt forces her forward and she attempts to roll over on her back. I’m faster, though, and stop her. With my hand pressed against the small of her back, I land the third strike of the belt. Thwack! The welt blooms immediately just below the first, lighting up the lower half of her bottom. Lila is sobbing pitifully now, but I’m only beginning. The next three fall in rapid succession as she kicks her legs and wags her hips from side to side as if to evade the scorching pain.

I’m giving her a dozen. I am not gentle. Halfway through I put the belt down and take the back of her hair, holding her head steady as I speak into her ear so she can hear me over the sounds of her own sobs.

“Lila,” I say. “Lila, listen to me. You’re getting six more. They’re going to be hard. They’re going to hurt like hell, but I want you to feel this spanking for a while. I want you to feel it and remember you have a Daddy ready and able to blister your pretty ass when you disobey. You’re going to take these six like a good girl. I’m not going to hold you. You’re going to hold still. You’re going to use the strength you don’t know you have to obey me. Got it?”

“I can’t take any more!” she sobs.

“You can. And you will. You’re strong. You’re going to do this.” I pause. “And you’re going to spread your legs.”

“M-m-my legs? Please don’t make me!”

“Are you arguing with Daddy, baby girl? Do we need to start over?”

“No!” She shakes her head and inches her legs apart. My gaze falls between them and am pleased to see the downy curls coated with a tell-tale sheen of arousal. Even during a serious spanking, her body is responding. Mine is, too. My cock has grown rock hard, but for both of us, release will have to wait.

“Are you ready?” I ask.

“Yes, Daddy.” Her voice is small and shaking.

I raise the belt. The last six blows are unmercifully hard, but mercifully quick. Lila holds still as fresh welts overlay earlier ones. Her bottom is crisscrossed with inflamed rectangular marks. Her hands are twisted into the blanket she’s gripped in a valiant effort to hold position. In the future, I’ll make her stand in a corner after her spanking to reflect on what she’s done. That’s not what she needs now, though. What Lila needs now is the love and reassurance of her Daddy.

I sit on the edge of the bed and pull her into my lap, loving the feel of her soft weight on my thighs, the warmth of her. I’m a big man, and she fills my arms just right. She fills my heart, too. It swells with love for how softly vulnerable she’s made herself just for me. When I think of the men who made her feel anything less than perfect, I want to punch them in the face.

“It’s over, baby girl. It’s over.”

“It hurt so bad.”

“I know. I know. But you were very brave. Daddy is so proud of you.” I begin to rock her gently in my arms. She’s crying into my chest, her tears soaking my shirt. “Let it out, I tell her. Let it out, baby girl. Let all that ugly pain out. I’m going to replace all that hurt with love.”

“What did I do to deserve you?” she asks through hitches of breath.

“You were Lila,” I say. “That’s what you did. You were yourself.”

“Oh, Gabe…” She winds her arms around my neck, relating to me now not as a little, but as a woman grateful for a man who’s finally validating her worth. It shouldn’t take this, though. It shouldn’t take any man to remind a woman she’s worthy of happiness.

I lose track of how long I sit and hold her. Lila shifts on my lap from time to time. We just sit in silence with her curled against me, the only sound the sobs that slow and then stop when she gives into her emotional exhaustion. She’s cried herself to sleep in my arms. I rise, turning to tenderly lay her on the bed. She mumbles something and moves onto her side. I look at her bottom, marked with the stripes I laid across the tender skin. I feel a rush of love and protectiveness. I walk quietly from the room and turn off the light so my little girl can sleep.