Trained By Daddy by Ava Sinclair

Chapter Six


What the hell just happened?Lila was close to tears and backed away from me with an expression that made me feel like I was the cause of it.

Was she mad with me for keeping her waiting? I don’t believe that. I’ve gotten behind schedule before and she’s never gotten upset. Maybe something else is bothering her, but if that’s the case then the exercise would have done her good.

She was my last training session of the day and I head to the office to do some paperwork. As I do, I pass the seating alcove and notice a bag on one of the chairs. I pick it up. It’s a laptop bag. I could take it to the desk and ask if someone has called, but Melanie has already gone for the day. I take the bag to my office and check for identification so I can call the owner. There’s nothing there, though. I pull the laptop out and sit it on my desk. Maybe the username will show up if I open it, although it’s probably password protected.

To my surprise, it’s not. The background is a shot from The Little Mermaid. There are several documents on the desktop and one immediately catches my eye. I stare at it, wondering if I read the file name right. Yes, I did. Gym Daddy. What the hell. I hover the cursor over it. I shouldn’t open it, but curiosity gets the better of me and I double click. My eyes scan a few words and I remember then that Lila is a writer. This is her laptop, and while I know I should stop, I keep reading.

“I know what you need. I knew it the moment I met you, Delia.” Gabriel rubbed her ass through the spandex fabric of pants that weren’t as tight as they were when he started training her. “You know it, too, don’t you? So, tell your Daddy what you need. I want to hear it from you.”

“Don’t make me say it.” She looked straight ahead, not wanting to meet his eyes. “Don’t make me ask for it.”

“You know the rules. Whenever you are negative about yourself, I spank you. Hard. But you must ask me, Delia. That way I know you understand and accept my training.”

She whimpered softly. “I can’t.”

His hand fell hard and heavy on her right cheek. “Does Daddy need to make his little girl scream? Do you need the rubber exercise band across your ass?”

“No, Daddy.”

“Then tell me what you need, and I’ll only spank your bare ass enough to remind you to be a good little girl.”

“I need to be punished, Daddy.”

“Good girl,” he said. “That’s exactly what you’re going to get.”

My god. I scroll through the book. It’s easy to see what she’s done here. The characters are based on me. And her.

Lila is good. Her descriptions are accurate, right down to the little scar above my eye that most people don’t even notice. She describes herself accurately, too, although her character embodies the same insecurities I sense in her. She feels unworthy of the love my character gives, of his dominance. Her character wants a daddy, and the character based on me gives her what she wants.

The sex is just as detailed, so graphic in fact that I find myself getting aroused as I imagine the two of us doing the things she’s written.

“Lila Corbett,” I say to quietly. “You’ve been keeping some very naughty secrets.”

In the book, it’s trust that leads to Delia giving Gabriel control over her body. “I’ll do anything for Daddy,” her character says. My cock gets hard as I read.

I keep reading, pausing over some passages, re-reading others. What would she say if she knew I was glimpsing her innermost fantasies? What would she say if she knew they were mine, too?

The phone on my desk rings. I reflexively hit the speaker button and answer.

“Gabe?” It’s Lila.

I bring the receiver to my ear. “Lila.” It’s all I can say as I shut the laptop.

“I didn’t think you’d still be there.” She pauses. When she speaks again, her voice is shaky. “I, um…when I rushed out, I left something. Something I need. A bag?” I can hear the hope in her tone. She’s afraid that someone has picked it up.

“Was it in the alcove?”

“Yes,” she says hopefully. “Someone found it?”

“I did.”

“Oh.” She’s quiet. “Can I come back and get it? There’s something in it I need. A book.”

Bad little girl. She’s lying.

“Sure,” I say. “The gym is closed so just come around to the back entrance.”

“Great.” I can almost feel her relief through the phone. “I won’t take up your time. If you can just bring it to the door…”

“I’ll be right there,” I tell her.

I stand and reach for the laptop so I can put it back in the bag. Then I pause. Lila was already upset when she left. The only reason she’s coming back is for her computer. She’s made it clear that she wants to take it and go. I get a sudden premonition that if I give it to her, I may never see her again.

No. I’m not going to make it that easy. I put the laptop and bag in my desk drawer and wait for her to call and let me know she’s here. When the phone rings I don’t answer it. Instead, I walk to the back entrance. Through the frosted glass panes on either side of the door, I can see her pacing back and forth. As soon as I open the door she turns, relief flooding her pretty face. Her expression changes when she notices that I’m empty handed.

“My bag…”

“It’s in my office. Come on in.” I hold the door open. Lila looks hesitant, but I’m not budging. I just stand there, waiting. She faces me, her arms crossed over her chest.

“I don’t really have time.”

“Sure you do.”

“Really, I just need my book bag.”

“Then you’ll come inside.”


“I need to have a word with you.”

“About what?”

“Lila…” I speak her name in a warning tone and step to the side. I’m still holding the door. She looks at me, her gaze falling on the words on my shirt. Gym Daddy. Her face flushes. I know what she’s thinking. She’s thinking about what’s on the computer. She wants to keep her secret safe, even if it means putting up with me a few minutes longer. She walks past me into the building.

The door closes with a click behind us. The silence of the usually noisy gym emphasizes our solitude. I head towards the office with Lila at my side. I can feel her tension, her anxiety. As we reach the end of the hall, she breaks her silence.

“It’s not like me to be so scatterbrained,” she says with nervous haste. “I really appreciate your keeping my bag here. I wouldn’t rush over like this, but I really need that book for work.”

I open the office door and step aside so she can go in first. Her eyes scan the room, looking for her bag. I shut the door.

“For work? You’re a writer, right?”

She won’t look at me. I see her soft white throat restrict as she swallows nervously. “Yeah.”

“Yeah.” I repeat her answer, fixing her with a stern look as I lean back against the desk, crossing my arms over my chest. The only sound now is the ticking of the wall clock. I stare at her. I can’t help it. She’s changed out of her gym clothes and is wearing a pretty flowing sundress. It’s sapphire blue, the color contrasting with her pale skin and auburn hair. The bodice hugs her breasts. She’s so pretty, and so much prettier than she realizes.

“Look,” she says. “Can I just get my bag? I need to get back home and get some work done.”

“On a Friday night? You should be having fun.”

“I don’t have much of a social life. Can I please just get my bag?” Her words are edged with irritation.

“Lila, why did you rush out so suddenly today?” I ask, ignoring the request.

“I told you. I just wasn’t feeling it.”

“Usually people don’t come at all if they’re not feeling it.”

“Look, Gabe.” She sighs. “I’m sorry I didn’t cancel before the workout. I can understand why you’re irritated. If I had, you could have had an extra hour with the woman you were with when I came in.”

“Is that why you left, Lila? Because I made you wait when her appointment ran long?”

“Does it really matter?” she asks. “I just need to get my computer…”

“I thought you said it was a book in that bag.”

“I meant book.” She puts her hands over her face for a second then pulls them away. “It doesn’t matter anyway, does it? It doesn’t matter what’s in the bag. It doesn’t matter why I left.”

“Are you coming back? I want an honest answer.”

I can tell she doesn’t want to reply.

“Answer me, Lila.”

“No,” she finally says. “I don’t think this is for me.”

“The gym? Or are you talking about something else?” I take a step towards her. Her eyes widen, like a rabbit cornered by a wolf that wants to eat her. And I do. The things I want to do to this woman, to that body. I want to do what she wrote about in that book. But first I want answers. I plan to get them.

“What else would I be talking about?” she asks. There’s a quaver to her voice now.

I move around my desk and take her bag from the drawer. She stares at it, then looks into my eyes with trepidation.

“This isn’t a bookbag,” I say. “There aren’t any books in here, just a computer. Why would you lie about something like that?”

“I need to be going. Give me my bag.”

“Oh, no. Not yet, little girl.”

She flushes. “Oh god,” she says under her breath. “Don’t call me that. I need to go.” She desperately tries to inject some force into the statement, but her voice is as shaky as the hand reaching for the bag.

“Why did you rush out today?” I ask again.

She puts her hand down.

“Because I felt awkward.”

“Awkward, Lila? Why?”

Because I felt like I was intruding on you and the woman you were with. The two of you are obviously…friendly.”

“Friendly?” I put the bag down but walk around so that now I’m standing between Lila and my desk. I’m just a few inches from her, close enough that she has to look up at me, which she does reluctantly. Her eyes are filled with hurt, and now I understand. She overheard my conversation from the alcove and had made all the wrong assumptions.

I shake my head and sigh. “Okay. I think I know what happened. You heard us talking and thought she was my girlfriend.”

“What?” Lila tries to affect an air of aloofness. “Why…why would you think that? Why should I care?”

“She’s not,” I say, ignoring her questions. “That woman? Her name is Sandra. And you’re more her type than I am.” I wait for Lila to process what I’m saying before continuing. “She’s a lesbian. Sandra and her girlfriend have been friends of mine for years. She’s also one of the most badass athletes I know. We’ve competed in the Warrior challenge several times. I’ve been busy and have missed the last two. Today I promised her we’d train together for the next one.”

“Oh.” Lila looks away. “Oh…”

Silence hangs between us. I know the next question I ask may trigger her flight response. But she can’t leave without her computer, and I’m still strategically between her and the desk where it’s laying.

“Did it make you upset, thinking I had a girlfriend?” I ask.

Lila stares at the floor. “No. Of course not.” Her words sound hollow.

It’s another lie, but I let it go.

“I would like to share something with you, though. I do have my eye on someone.” I say. “Someone at the gym.”

“Um…” She visibly winces. “Okay, but it’s not really any of my business.”

“Actually, it is.” I close the small distance between us. I reach down, take her hand. “It’s you.”

“Me?” She sounds genuinely shocked.

“You’re surprised?”

It takes her a moment to answer. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

I can’t help but laugh. “Because I’ve dropped so many obvious hints, I was worried I’d scare you off. Lila, do you know how many times a day I have to remind myself that you’re a client? Do you know how many times I’ve started to ask you out? Do you know how many times I’ve had to stop myself from…from touching you?”

She looks doubtful, then defensive. “Are you teasing me? Are you making fun of me?”

I think about the words she’s written. She still doesn’t know I’ve read them. “Lila, I find you extremely attractive. I also think we may have a lot in common.”

“Based on what?”

She’s still so guarded and I start to tell her it’s a feeling, that it’s instinct. But that wouldn’t be true.

“I know what we have in common because I’ve seen it in black and white, Lila. When I found your computer, I didn’t know who it belonged to, so I opened it.”

The guarded expression changes to one of horror. “You opened it? Did you…?”

“It was pretty hard to ignore a document called Gym Daddy…”

“Oh my god!” She turns away, covering her face with her hands. Her shoulders begin to heave. She’s crying and I should regret telling her, but I don’t.

“Lila.” I turn her around and pull her hands away from her face. Tears pulse between her closed lids to run down her beet-red cheeks. She won’t look at me. She’s mortified.

“No. She shakes her head vehemently. “No. No. No. I can’t do this. I need to leave. Oh, fuck. I can’t believe you read…” She looks up at me. Her lip is trembling. “How much did you read?”

“All of it,” I say.

“I’m leaving.” She moves to push past me, but I don’t let go.

“Look at me,” I say. When she doesn’t comply, I give her a little shake. “Look at me.”

She does, although it seems to take all her will.

“I could have kept this from you. I could have just taken what I learned from that story you wrote and used it to push all your buttons. But I didn’t want to manipulate you like that. What you wrote? That kind of relationship…that kind of sex? You may think what you want is something to be ashamed of. It’s not.”

“The things I wrote.” She begins to cry. “The scenes. I even used your name. God, how could I have been so stupid? You don’t have to pretend with me Gabe. You don’t have to pretend to like me just to make me feel less awkward.”

“You weren’t stupid, Lila, and I’m not pretending.” I take hold of her chin and tip it up. “As for your scenes, they were well-written and hot, okay? I liked them, and if I wasn’t already half crazy about you when you walked in, your dirty little mind would have sold me all by itself.”

She takes a deep shuddering breath. “Still…god…I just wish you’d not seen. Or maybe had just not told me.”

“Why, Lila? If I’m going to have a relationship with you, we aren’t going to start it with a lie.”

“You want a relationship…with me?”

I let go of her hands, step back and cross my arms. “That depends on two things. A. Are you interested in having something real with me. And B. Are you able to follow a basic rule?”

Lila worries her lower lip with her teeth as I wait patiently for her answer.

“Yeah,” she finally says. “Of course, I’m interested. But what’s the rule?”

“Stop being so hard on yourself. The first time you walked in, I couldn’t stop staring at you.”

“Don’t say that, okay? We both know it’s not true.”

“Lila, are you calling me a liar?”


“Well, I think you are, little girl. Do you know what happens to little girls who lie?” When she doesn’t answer, I answer for her. “They get spanked.”