Chaos by Sarah Bailey



Drake laid Scarlett down on the bed next to where West sat. He’d picked up his joint from the ashtray and lit it again, his amber eyes on our friend stroking his fingers down our woman’s chest as she stared up at him with wide eyes.

When she’d taken a kiss from me, I swear I almost died, my heart was beating so fast. It was as if she’d forgotten all the pain and heartache between us. She still wanted me… needed me. Fuck did I love this woman. Everything about her. All I did was think about her. Fixate on her. Wanted to be in her presence. I wanted to damn well worship her.

The others accused me of being self-absorbed and to an extent, it was true. I didn’t care about the effect my actions had on others. In fact, I liked to watch them in pain and suffering. I wanted to infect them so I could leave them in the dust. But with Scarlett? I wanted none of those things.

Well, I wanted to infect her so I could keep her. And I had up until the night of the killing. Then she’d seen who I really was. A man with no morals like the others. West was right. I’d shattered her illusion. I was worried I’d destroyed her feelings for me completely. Perhaps she couldn’t accept me for the way I was. For the way all of us were. But I kept reminding myself Scarlett was one of us. She was meant to be by our sides. She was ours.

Wicked men need a woman to keep them grounded. They need a guiding light. Scarlett had been that for us when we were younger. I wanted her to be that for us again. I needed it.

“She’s going to crash hard after this,” West said, pointing his joint at Scarlett.

“We’ll have to look after her,” Francis said.

He’d leant up against the headboard on the other side of Drake and Scarlett with a beer he’d brought up. West eyed him with a pensive expression on his face before taking another drag of his weed.


Drake put Scarlett’s hands above her head and held them down with one hand. His other ran up her leg, pressing it up to her chest.

“I can rig her up if you want,” Francis said to Drake.

Drake raised his head, his eyes curious.


“Nothing fancy.” He nodded above them. “Tie her hands to the ring.”

For a moment Drake said nothing then he gave Francis a sly smile.

“Go ahead.”

Francis set his beer bottle down and tugged open a drawer, pulling out a length of rope from it. Drake got off Scarlett who looked puzzled until he encouraged her to stand. She rubbed herself against him as if she was craving human contact. Unsurprising given she was high on fucking E.

“Which one? The centre of the bed or the wall?” Francis asked, nodding to the different metal rings bolted to the ceiling and walls.

“The wall, better leverage.”

Francis pried Scarlett away from Drake and made her put her wrists out for him. She let him loop the rope around them before he tugged her closer to the wall and made her put her arms up. He then tied the rope to the ring, making it impossible for her to go anywhere. It made my predatory instincts flare seeing my little lamb trapped and unable to escape.

Scarlett stared at Drake when Francis moved away. Drake approached her, his hands going to her waist as he encouraged her to turn around. There was enough slack in the rope to allow her to do so freely. He tugged her body against his, putting one hand above them and wrapping it around her bound wrists.

“Sir,” she whined. “Their cum is running down my leg.”

He nuzzled her hair, adjusting her, so she was at a better angle for him to fuck her standing up.

“I don’t care.” Drake bent at the knees and thrust up inside her, making Scarlett cry out and shift in her bonds. “I like knowing you’ve been used by them.”

None of us has ever been bothered by that shit. It was part and parcel of sharing.

West stared up at Drake as he held onto Scarlett and fucked her. The man had a perfect view of Drake sliding in and out of Scarlett’s wet little pussy. It was a view I’d normally love, but right now, I was too enraptured by watching the way her lips parted as she looked back at Drake. The way she panted and moaned. Seeing her come alive with her pleasure. She was far more important to me.

My hand went to my chest, rubbing the place where the aching organ inside lay. I wanted to be with her. To hold her close and show her how much I loved her. It’s not like I could tell her now. Not when she was high. Besides, I had to make shit up to her first. Prove I was hers and hers alone. The fact she’d even thought I would be with anyone else had cut me. Scarlett had no idea the depth of my devotion to her. How every passing day she dug her claws further into my heart without even trying.

“More,” she panted. “Please.”

Drake said nothing. He wasn’t one for talking much in general and didn’t tend to be very vocal during sex. He pressed his lips to her neck and took her harder, their skin singing the tune of their passion.

“You want to come again, Scar?” West asked, blowing out the smoke from his lungs.


West set the joint on the ashtray and shifted closer to them. Scarlett’s hips weren’t flush with the wall so he could stick his head between her and the wall. Her cry when his mouth met her clit whilst Drake continued to fuck her echoed around the room.

“Fuck,” Francis muttered.

He’d sat down next to them again, his eyes fixed on their bodies. Unsurprisingly, he was hard again, his hand wrapped around his dick and stroking slowly. How could you not be turned on by the erotic sight in front of us? It was way better than beating off to porn.

“Oh fuck,” Scarlett all but screamed. “Please, don’t bite, oh, oh fuck!”

West didn’t give a shit if he hurt her, he liked to bite. She writhed against Drake who didn’t do a damn thing about West biting her clit. He merely buried his face in her neck and let out a harsh breath.

“Make her come,” he ground out. “I want to feel her.”

West wrapped a hand around her thigh and fucking went to town on her clit, leaving Scarlett to hang there, tortured by the two of them. Tortured with pleasure and pain. And fuck, when she came, they didn’t stop. She bucked and screamed, but Drake and West didn’t give a shit. They wanted to drag it out until she was begging, outright begging them to end it.

“Please, please, I can’t. I can’t take any more,” she all but sobbed.

West finally released her, sitting back against the headboard again with a smirk. Drake had his hands full of her body as he continued to fuck her until he shuddered at her back, groaning in her ear with his climax.

When he released her, pulling out and taking a few steps back, she sagged in her ropes, her body clearly feeling the effects of the brutal poundings she’d taken.

“Let her down,” I said to Francis.

He did as I asked, letting Scarlett curl up on the bed, her body trembling. Leaning over her, he pressed a kiss to her cheek.

“It’s okay, shh,” he whispered. “I’ve got you, Scar.”

He stroked her back whilst Drake sat down on the edge of the bed and stared out over the room.

“I want Pres,” she whispered to Francis. “Please.”

I didn’t hesitate, moving towards her so she didn’t have to be without me. I lay behind her and pulled her against my chest, my hand going to her stomach. She turned her face towards mine, her hazel-green eyes full of happiness at the sight of me. Her tear-streaked face made my heart lurch. I pressed a kiss to her temple, which only made her smile.

“What do you want me to do, little lamb?” I murmured.

Usually, I would take what I wanted, but the need to keep the smile on her face drove me to ask her what she needed. She turned around in my arms and wrapped her leg around my waist, rubbing against me with her body. Her cheeks were flushed with her arousal.

“Like how you did in your room,” she whispered.

I bit my lip, relatively sure of what she was asking for.

“Your wish is my command, sweetness.” I looked over her shoulder at Francis. “Give me the lube.”

He shifted, grabbing it and slapping it in my hand. Even though Scarlett was rubbing the other guys cum all over my dick, it wouldn’t be enough. I slathered lube over my dick before notching it to her tightest entrance. Given Francis had fucked her here, there was little resistance as I pressed inside. Scarlett held onto me, her eyes fixed on mine as I took her. They betrayed her feelings. For the past week, she’d looked at me with contempt and pain, but now… now she was showing me her desire. I held onto it knowing it wouldn’t be the same come morning when she crashed down from her high. Who the fuck knew how she would feel about all of this?

Her fingers speared into my hair, tugging me closer whilst my body pressed deep into hers. There was nothing quite like her tight, hot little arse, her walls rippling around my cock with each thrust. Her lips brushed against mine, showing me she wanted kisses. I didn’t delay, my lips moulding with hers and tasting her sweet mouth. The thought of making her work for it went out the window, all I wanted was to kiss her and fuck her until we were both wrung out.

I gave it to her with short, sharp thrusts, making her moan and pant in my mouth, but I didn’t stop devouring her. Her tongue tangled with mine, her nails digging into my scalp. I liked the sharp pricks of pain, reminding me I was still alive. No part of me cared how this looked to the others. I was lost in Scarlett’s body and her need… in making love to her.

“Harder,” she breathed. “Fuck me harder.”

My hand went to her hip, holding onto her so I could give her what she asked for. My hips were practically flush with hers with her leg pinned beneath me.

I love you, little lamb, I love you so fucking much.

The words were on the tip of my tongue, wanting out of my mouth, wanting to whisper in her ear and give my devotion to this woman. I loved the girl she’d been and the woman she was, but we needed to join the two together. Give Scarlett the truth of who she’d been.

“Don’t stop, Pres, please, don’t stop, give it to me.”

Her nails dragged through my scalp, down my neck and across my back. I grunted at the sensation of her dragging them down my spine, raking across my skin and scratching me up.

“Mark me, little lamb,” I whispered. “I’m yours.”

It was the closest I could get to telling her the truth of my feelings. And to stop myself from saying any more, I released her mouth and bit down on her shoulder. She cried, her body tensing against mine. She needed claiming all over again, reminding who she belonged to. The need to see her skin painted with my marks drove through me.

“Mine,” I told her before I bit her again. “Fucking mine.”

And with that, she dug her nails into my back, shattering in my arms as I continued to pound into her tight little hole, loving the way she felt as she came. Everything about this was perfect. A moment in time where it was me and her, even though I knew we had an audience. The intensity of it had me letting go, groaning as I came inside her, emptying everything I had into the woman I loved. It was all hers anyway. All of me belonged to this small but incredibly strong and resilient woman in my arms.

The two of us held each other when we finally came down after Scarlett pressed her face into my chest. I didn’t want to let her go, but she was clearly exhausted.

“I don’t want to fight anymore,” she whispered against my skin. “I just want you, Pres. I miss you so much.”

I didn’t know what to say. How could I respond when she wouldn’t feel this way tomorrow? She’d be angry all over again when she was in her right mind. I pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

“I’m sorry, sweetness. I’m so sorry. You have me, I’m right here. I’m yours.”

I spent a few more minutes holding her until I pulled away. Scarlett’s eyes were drooping and her body was almost limp. We’d worn her out. I sat up and stroked her hair off her sweaty skin, looking around at the others.

“We should clean her up.”

The last person I expected to move was West, but he swooped in and picked up Scarlett like she was a child. She curled up against his chest, apparently not fazed by the fact it was West who had a hold of her.

“Wait,” Drake said as West moved to carry her from the room. “What are you doing with her?”

West gave Drake a wink from over his shoulder, not even bothering to stop on his way out.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got her.”

The three of us looked at each other with confusion.

“He better take care of her,” Francis said as he got up, “or I’ll deck him in the morning.”

“As if he’d let you,” I replied.

He gave me a look.

“She’s probably going to give him hell,” Drake said.

I shrugged as I got up and gathered up my clothes.

“Let her… he deserves it.”

Before they could say another word, I walked out. I wasn’t going to think about tomorrow. I was going to bed to savour the time I had with her and decide how I was going to tell the woman I loved her. It’s all I cared about. All I could care about. There was nothing left for it. I would do whatever it took for her forgiveness, because my life without Scarlett was too depressing for words. And I wasn’t prepared to live in misery any longer.

I’ll prove myself to you, little lamb, until you learn to trust me again.