Chaos by Sarah Bailey



My brain hurt. Someone had taken a tiny hammer to it and was knocking on my skull. It wasn’t the only pain I registered in my body as I regained consciousness. Everything ached. What the fuck had I done last night to cause this? Why was I feeling so… shit? Like I wanted to bawl my eyes out. Nothing made sense. I didn’t want to move. I wanted to curl up in a ball and disappear.

My fingers twitched. The pads of them brushed over skin that wasn’t my own. Cracking my eyes open, I found myself encircled in the embrace of two tattooed arms. My face was pressed into a solid, muscular chest and I was naked. Completely and utterly bare. My eyes followed the line of his chest up to his chin and found the slumbering form of the one person who terrified the shit out of me.

What the fuck am I doing with West?

I let out a squeak of shock, then pressed my hand over my mouth, trying to shove it back in. No way in hell I wanted to wake the psychopath up. Not when I had no idea what I was doing here. My brain went into overdrive, trying to remember what happened last night and why on earth I would have willingly got into bed with West of all people.

“I want to fuck all of you.”

My words rang in my ears. The ones I’d said to him when they’d taken me to what I gathered was the room they fucked women together in. And holy crap, had I really had sex with all four of them again? I’d asked for it, rubbing myself all over West and demanding he give me his dick. What the hell had got into me?

Then I remembered they’d given me a pill after telling me I wasn’t allowed to do drugs with them. I’d taken Ecstasy. I’d been fascinated with the Horsemen after it kicked in. Their touch had me craving more, made me horny and want to fuck them. All of them. I’d needed it so badly, I hadn’t even cared about the way they’d used me. I’d begged for it.

This was hell. Absolute hell, because now all I could think about was the way West had carried me out of the room and taken me into his own. I remembered asking him to kiss me again and him refusing, telling me it wasn’t something he did. Then he took me into his bathroom and washed me in the shower. It hadn’t occurred to me it was weird for him to treat me with care. He’d kept my hair out of the spray so it didn’t get wet as he cleaned me. Then he dried me, got me another glass of water and insisted I drank the whole thing before he put me to bed. I’d fallen asleep immediately, having been completely worn out from the night’s activities.

West took care of me. What do I even do with that?

What did I do with any of what happened last night? I should never have taken the damn pill. All it had done was made me let all my inhibitions fall to the wayside and fuck the men I was mad at. Now I was pissed with all four of them because none of them had stopped it. They’d all participated like it was normal to have a girl begging for them after she’d taken drugs.

Well, fuck them.

I had to get out of this room and as far away from West as possible before he woke up.

Extracting myself from his embrace was accomplished with some difficulty. I moved slowly, wriggling out from his arms and slipping out of his bed.

When I stood, my eyes roamed around the room. One wall was a massive glass window, like the other two had in their bedrooms. West’s bed was sat right in the middle of the room with black sheets and red pillowcases. He had a huge painting on one wall. My feet carried me closer to it without thinking about the fact I needed to escape. The colours matched his sheets. A rider carrying a huge sword on top of a horse set on a dark red background. It reminded me of Prescott’s horsemen figurines in his room. Did West have a weird fascination with the mythology of the horsemen too?

I thought the painting was apt for West. It reminded me of violence. He was a rather violent and unforgiving person from what I knew of him.

“Prescott got me that… he thinks I’m War.”

I almost jumped out of my skin. Turning on my heel, I found West on his side propped up on his elbow staring at me with a damn smirk on his face. The sheets were pooled at his waist, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he tossed them off to let me see him in his naked glory.

I couldn’t deny the fact West was hot as hell in the worst way possible. A deadly predator wrapped up in the most glorious bad boy package with those damn tattoos. But this man wasn’t a bad boy. No, West was a villain through and through. Stupid me happened to like that about him. I hated the fact I got wet from him telling me he would burn down the world if I asked him to. Who got turned on by the idea of a man destroying shit for you? Me… apparently.

Why had I not run away the moment I got out of his bed? Here I was, staring at this painting of his in the nude rather than escaping the crazy man’s bedroom. A part of me was fascinated with West’s personal space. I wanted to explore it even though I knew I shouldn’t. I hated the fact I was intrigued by him.

His eyes roamed over me, making me incredibly self-conscious and unsure of what to do.

“What are you doing out of bed, Scar?”

I crossed my arms over my chest, covering my breasts.

“Getting away from you.”

He licked his lip.

“Are you now? That’s not what you said last night.”

God. Damn. This. Man.

My cheeks heated. All I could think about was how I’d begged, actually begged him. This was so wrong, but it felt so right. Being with him and the others had made me feel complete.

“I was literally on drugs. What makes you think anything I said wasn’t tainted by that?”

He laughed. Fucking laughed. And I got distracted by him running his hand down his bare chest. Why was I thinking about trailing my tongue down those grooves, and lower?

Stop. It.

“So… you didn’t mean it when you said ‘Please fuck me, West. I want it. Please give me your dick’? Because from what I remember, you were pretty eager to sit on it.”

I almost fucking died on the spot, especially since he’d decided to mimic me in this high pitched needy, desperate tone that did actually sound a lot like I had done last night.

“You… you… you… just shut up!”

I hated the way he grinned in a super boyish way, softening his features and making him ten times more attractive.

“Come on, Scar, you can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy yourself.”

“As if I’m ever going to admit that to you.”

Hell, did I want to be away from this man. I was feeling like absolute crap and here he was taunting me.

“You look upset.” He patted the sheets next to him. “Come here and let me make it better.”

“How the fuck would you make anything better? All you do is torture me for your own amusement.”

He didn’t even flinch when I said it, just kept rubbing the sheets with his hand as if to order me over to him. Screw him. I was done, but I also remembered I was naked and going out into the penthouse like this when I was feeling so unnerved didn’t feel right.

Instead of going over to him, I stomped over to where I could see his wardrobe doors and ripped one of them open. I could feel him watching me. My eyes roamed over his clothes before I snatched out a black shirt and put it on, buttoning it up to cover myself. When I turned around again, West was smirking.

“Do you think I won’t take that off you?”

“You’ll have to catch me first.”

I sprinted across his room, ignoring the way my muscles screamed. When I got to the door, I fumbled with it and let out a panicked squeak when I found it locked.

How the hell do I unlock this fucking door?

A hand slammed down on the wood above me. I froze, terrified of moving and looking up at him. My skin prickled when I felt his hot breath against the side of my neck. I’d made a grave error of judgement. And now I was in trouble. Big fucking trouble. I’d provoked the crazy man who’d locked me in his room with him. The big bad fucking wolf.

“Going somewhere, Scar?” he murmured.

I didn’t answer him. Not sure I could. My body was in flight or fight mode. It couldn’t decide which way to go.

My breath whooshed out of me when he nuzzled my neck. And I panted when he wrapped his other hand around my throat, pressing me against his body.

“You can run all you want, but you’ll never be able to hide from me. I’ll track you down and drag you back here. You know why that is?”

I shook my head.

“You belong to me. I don’t like my possessions to go wandering off on their own. They could hurt themselves and we wouldn’t want that, now would we?”

I shuddered, feeling all of his hard muscle at my back, caging me in and stealing the breath from my lungs. His fingers squeezed, reminding me to answer him.

“No,” I whispered.

“Do you know what I’ll do if you get hurt, Scar?”


He pressed his lips to my cheek.

“I would tear apart the person who has the audacity to lay a fucking hand on you limb from limb and give you their still-beating heart as a trophy. After that, I’d hold you down and fuck you until you’re crying as punishment for leaving and getting yourself hurt. I wouldn’t even stop to clean up the fucking blood, do you hear me? I’ll fuck you in it until you’re a panting, whimpering mess and then I’d give you to Drake because he gets off on that shit, and no doubt he’ll fuck you so good, you won’t know your own name. So don’t go wandering off unless you want me to tear apart the fucking world to find you.”

Jesus Christ.

What could a girl say to that? What could anyone say to it?

“Now, are you going to be a good girl for me?”

I nodded. There was no other answer I could give. West had never pretended he was anything else. The man was violent and possessive. I shouldn’t be turned on by those things, but I was. If he put his hand between my legs, he’d find me wet and wanting despite the fact I’d been thoroughly fucked by the four of them last night. I’d let him pin me against the door and fuck me until I cried if he wanted to.

“Let’s go get you something to eat then, hmm? You burnt through a lot of energy last night and I wouldn’t want you passing out on me again.”

He stroked his thumb down my neck before he released me. I stayed by the door, waiting for him whilst he put something on before he came back over to me. He put his hand on my shoulder, tugging me away so he could unlock it. I let him take my hand and pull me out of his room. The man had outright terrified the shit out of me and turned me on at the same time.

Maybe West had been right the first time he’d fucked me on his desk. Maybe fear turned me on. And maybe it’s why I found this man so attractive when I really, really shouldn’t.

Well, fuck.