Chaos by Sarah Bailey



The weekend had gone by with far too much drama between the five of us. I swear having Scarlett here was creating more tension between the four of us than ever. West and I were not exactly on speaking terms after he’d decided to carve a fucking brand into her skin. I knew I had to get over it, but fuck, she’d received enough scars to last a lifetime. The worst ones were invisible. They were locked within her memories. And I knew I had to stop procrastinating when it came to the issue of her amnesia.

Scarlett hadn’t spoken to me all day. She’d brought me coffee and been as silent as a damn mouse, refusing to make eye contact and looking distinctly uncomfortable in my presence. I suppose she was annoyed at my dismissal over her feelings regarding the ‘war’ issue.

When she approached me after dinner whilst I sat reading in the living room on the sofa, I narrowed my eyes at her, immediately suspicious of what she wanted. Scarlett sat down next to me, rubbed her fingers over her thighs and gave me a tentative smile. Her nervous habits had never changed. She was always worrying at something with her fingers.

“Um, so… I need to ask you something,” she ventured.

I put my tablet on the arm of the chair.

“Go on then.”

She glanced over at Prescott who was filling the dishwasher in the kitchen. West had disappeared off somewhere, probably to smoke a joint whilst Francis had decided he wanted to work out.

“Would it be possible for me to leave early on Thursday?”

I almost outright said no, but I needed to be a little less closed off with Scarlett. She told me she wanted me to talk to her like a normal human being. And she wouldn’t have asked without a reason. I intended to find out what it was.

“It entirely depends on why you’re asking for time off.”

Her eyes went to her lap. It was clear this conversation made her uncomfortable and she didn’t want to have it with me.

“My… my dad wants me to go to a game on Thursday and he wants to see me before kick-off. I don’t really care about football, but it’s my dad and I haven’t seen him since I moved.”

I desperately tried to keep myself in check knowing she’d spoken to Stuart again today. I wanted to rip that motherfucker a new one and tell her no, she couldn’t go under any circumstances. Not when he might be hurting her. Not when she was ours. And not when there was a risk he’d take her back. He’d take her from us again. I couldn’t have that. None of us could.

And why the fuck did he even want to see her? Whatever the reason was, it couldn’t be good.

“He wants you to go to a football match.”

Her eyes flicked up to mine. My tone was flat. I couldn’t afford to let on how much this angered me.

“Yeah, sounds crazy but I’ve never been before.”

It hardly surprised me Stuart had kept that part of his life from Scarlett. He’d hidden her from the world for ten years in a place we couldn’t get to her. His estate was almost impenetrable. Security everywhere monitoring everything twenty-four-seven. It was a fortress. And we’d only recently found out it was where he’d been keeping her. Before, we’d had no idea where Stuart had hidden our woman.

“Do you want to go?”

She nibbled her bottom lip.

“I guess so. It would be nice to see my parents.”

I could tell it was a lie from the way her voice shook.

I glanced at Prescott who was eyeing us with concern. He’d leant up against the counter, seemingly not wanting to interrupt my conversation with her. Who knew if she’d mentioned this to him before she came to me. I doubted it. Scarlett didn’t talk about the Carvers with us. The fact she was now meant Stuart had pushed her into this. He clearly wanted information from her. Maybe I should let her go to see what would happen. To see what he might ask her to do.

“It’ll be perfectly safe if that’s what you’re worried about. And he’s sending me two tickets. I don’t have to go alone.”

Now I really was suspicious as fuck.

“He said I should bring Mason, but as I’m not allowed to see him…”

“Francis will go with you.”

Prescott’s eyes widened and she looked at me like I’d grown two heads.


“You’ll go with Francis.”

There was no way in hell I would send West with her. It would end up in a bloodbath. Prescott would be way too protective over Scarlett. She wouldn’t want me with her so I wasn’t going to offer. The safest bet was Francis. I trusted him not to fuck anything up. He could keep a cool head. The only person who’d ever managed to rattle my best friend was West. And it was par for the fucking course. West wasn’t exactly known for keeping his mouth shut.




“This is not up for debate. If you want to go, he is coming with you.”

I could see Prescott wasn’t very happy about my decision, but he could fucking deal with it. If he went, he would act far too coupley with her and it would spell disaster for us. Stuart could not find out about their relationship under any circumstances. Not when it would likely antagonise him. Francis was the safe one. He wouldn’t act like her fucking boyfriend when they were there.

“You haven’t asked him if he wants to go.”

“He doesn’t have a choice.”

“Do you make all of his decisions for him?”

My hand snapped out and gripped her chin, tugging her closer to me. She let out a yelp, her hands landing on my chest to stop herself from toppling into me.

“Do not question me.”

Her hands pressed against my chest, trying to push me away from her.

“Let go!”


She ripped herself out of my grasp and scrambled away from me. At least, she tried. I grabbed a hold of her leg and tugged her right into my lap. I held her arms behind her back to stop her from struggling.

“Get off me!”

“Do you want me to change my mind, Scarlett? Is that it? Because this is only going to end one way if you don’t cut it out.”

The way she glared at me made my dick thicken. Fuck. Why did she do this to me? The war between us was intoxicating as fuck. I wanted to pin her down on the damn coffee table and give it to her until she was crying and begging for mercy.

“I want you to stop being such a dick to me.”

I raised an eyebrow.

“Are you sure you’re not acting out because you want my dick?”

A loud snort came from the kitchen but I ignored Prescott. He was better off staying the fuck out of this.

Scarlett’s mouth dropped open. Her eyes widened and her body stiffened in my grasp.

“What the fuck did you just say to me?”

“Isn’t this how it goes, Scarlett? You act out, I punish you for it, you get wet and I deny you pleasure, hmm?”

“Go fuck yourself, Drake. Literally, just go fuck yourself. I don’t want anything from you.”

I leant closer.


Before she could say another word, my mouth was against hers, tasting her fucking intoxicating bratty lips. The ones I couldn’t get out of my damn head. Scarlett struggled against my grip, trying to turn her face away but I held it between my fingers and kept her still. I forced her to open up to me, needing to taste every inch of her. Fuck, I’d never wanted someone more than her. Never needed a girl so damn fucking much. She tortured me with her words and constant need to disobey me.

Her tongue tangled with mine in a battle of wills as I kissed her deeper, wanting so much fucking more. Then Scarlett bit my lip so hard, she drew blood. I released her mouth, panting. The metallic taste of my own blood only made my dick throb between us. The wild look in her eyes and the heaving of her chest told me she was just as affected.

I licked the blood before spreading it across my teeth and baring them to her. Her nostrils flared then she ripped herself out of my grasp, toppling backwards on the sofa. She was up and scrambling away from me the next second.

“Fuck you!” she screamed before running towards the stairs.

I stood, watching her attempt to get away. There would be nowhere she could hide from me. Absolutely no-fucking-where.

“Well, that went well,” Prescott said.

“Stay out of this,” I growled as I strode after her.

That girl was not going to get away with this shit. No, I was going to punish her for biting me even though it had only heightened my need for her.

“Get away from me!” she screeched when she looked behind her as she ran up the stairs.

I didn’t answer her, my long legs eating up the space between us. She charged down the hallway when she reached the top of the stairs, but I wasn’t far behind her. She’d barely got to the first door when I pounced, grabbing hold of her by the waist and hauling her up against my chest. She kicked out and screamed, but I slammed a hand over her mouth.

“You are trying my patience right now, Scarlett,” I murmured in her ear. “Severely.”

I carried her down the hallway, not caring about the way she struggled against me. Nothing would stop me from having her now. My self-control was in tatters on the floor. My restraint… non-existent. At the end of the hallway, I kicked open the door to our play space. There was no fucking way I was allowing her in my bedroom when she’d misbehaved.

I dropped Scarlett down face first on the bed, my hand planted on her back to keep her in place. My hand went to my tie, tugging it until it loosened before I pulled it off. I took both her hands and coiled the tie around her wrists, knotting it to restrain them behind her back. She pulled at it, trying to get out of my makeshift restraint.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing!”

“You know your actions have consequences with me, Scarlett. Don’t act like you’re surprised this is happening right now.”

My hands went to her skirt, shoving it up until it sat on her hips. I almost fucking died when I realised she wasn’t wearing underwear.

“Was this for Pres, huh? You giving him unfettered access to this pussy now?”

She shook her head, still struggling against the bed whilst I stroked a thumb down her wet slit. This, she couldn’t hide from me. The way she wanted it even when she fought against me.

“No! It wasn’t for him.”

“Then who?”

She turned her face into the covers.

“Why would I tell you?”

I removed my thumb from her slit only to smack her pussy. She cried out from the impact, shifting on the bed.

“I will punish you if you don’t.”

“West stole them from me earlier. He said I wasn’t allowed to wear them at work,” she whispered.

I wanted to roll my eyes. What the fuck was West playing at? Didn’t matter. One less barrier for me to deal with. I smacked her pussy again for good measure, earning another yelp from her before my hands went to my own clothes. My dick was so hard, it ached and I couldn’t help rubbing the tip along her wetness.

“Just so we’re clear, this is for me, not you.”

And with that, I thrust inside her. Her cry and the way she tried to escape made me smile. I gripped the tie around her wrists and used it as an anchor. There was no build-up. No gentleness. I fucked her with long, intense thrusts, making her squirm on the bed. The only sounds in the air were the wet sucking noises of her pussy around my cock, my body smacking into hers and her cries.

“If you behaved for me, I wouldn’t have to punish you, Scarlett. I wouldn’t have to keep teaching you these lessons, but you don’t seem to want to learn.”

No matter how I tried to keep my voice calm and steady, it was strained. I was lost to her sweet pussy and the sensations of her walls clenching around my dick. She wanted to hate me for fucking her, but she couldn’t do a damn thing about the pleasure I was giving her. I knew she wouldn’t admit how good my dick was making her feel.

“Fuck you, Drake. Just fuck you,” she whimpered. “I hate you.”

“No, you hate how much you want me.”

“Go to hell!”

“Gladly. I’ll take you with me so you can burn too, burn in this with me.”

She shut up then and took what I was giving her. I leant over her, still punishing her wet pussy with my cock.

“We’re toxic for each other,” I whispered in her ear. “So fucking toxic, but it doesn’t mean I’ll let you go. I’m never fucking letting you leave us.”

All my pent up lust and rage was coming out in the way I fucked her. In the way I took from her without mercy, not caring if she wanted it or not. Scarlett was a fucking sickness inside me. She’d infected me the moment she walked through the doors of our damn building. The moment I’d laid eyes on her again after ten years. I’d searched for her for so long, built up this image of the girl we’d lost in my mind, and now she was here… I was lost in her defiance, in her fucking attitude, in her everything.

I let out a grunt as I came inside her. It had been way too fast, but I didn’t care. This wasn’t about pleasure. It was about punishment. I pressed my forehead into her back, trying to hold back from making further noise as my climax washed over me. Fuck she smelt so good. Like cinnamon.

She smiled at me as I deposited a cinnamon roll in her lap from the local shop.

“You are the absolute best, you know that?”

I shrugged, taking a seat next to her and knocked my shoulder into hers.

“I just know what you like, Little Nyx.”

Scarlett leant over and pressed her lips to my cheek.

“Don’t be modest, you’re a sweetheart… but only when no one else is looking.”

“Only for you.”

My heart fucking hurt as the memory washed over me. I wasn’t always like this. I used to be open and free with my emotions. Then, not only was Scarlett ripped away from us, but my family got torn to pieces by my cunt of a father. I hated him for it, utterly despised the man. He could quite frankly burn for all I cared. We’d all be better off he wasn’t in the fucking world any longer.

I hated how she’d reminded me of that shit. How when I’d needed her the most she wasn’t there. It wasn’t Scarlett’s fault, but it didn’t matter to my heart. Not when she was so mixed up in my pain.

I moved off her so fast, she cried out from my dick pulling from her abused pussy. Shoving it back away in my boxers, I could feel the tendrils of toxicity suffocating me. I couldn’t be near her any longer. Couldn’t face this shit between us. I didn’t stop to untie her, striding out of the room and hating myself for every moment. My feet didn’t stop until I was back downstairs. Prescott was standing by the kitchen island with a beer in his hand.

“Go see to her, she needs you,” I ground out as I walked under the stairs and tugged open the door to the stairwell.

“Where is she?” he called after me.

“In the playroom.”

I didn’t stop to hear his reply. I had to get away from everything, from everyone, before I did something I couldn’t take back. I’d already fucked up with Scarlett tonight. And I wasn’t sure she would forgive me for it, or if our relationship with each other would ever be the same again.