Chaos by Sarah Bailey

Thirty Nine


Despite the fact I’d had a text from Drake telling me we needed a meeting this evening, it didn’t stop me whisking Scarlett upstairs to change after work before anyone else came up to our penthouse. They could fucking wait. My plans couldn’t. And so what if I’d turned off my phone so they couldn’t give me any shit? Not like they weren’t used to me disappearing off for hours on end. Though, I suppose this time was different as I had our girl with me, but whatever. Those three could just deal.

I’d bought Scarlett new clothes specifically for this evening. She’d raised an eyebrow when I’d presented them to her but put them on without complaint. When she stood there in the black ripped skinny jeans, trainers, a black t-shirt with a red skull on the front of it and a little black and red cropped jacket, it was all I could do to not pin her down on my bed and ravage her little body until she screamed for me. It didn’t stop me from running my fingers over the scar I’d given her. It made my fucking heart swell every time I saw it. My brand on her perfect skin.

My little Scar belongs to me. She’s my little warrior. She’ll go to war with me.

I’d taken her hand and dragged her to the lift, hitting the button for the ground floor. It was a miracle we hadn’t been caught by Francis, Drake or Prescott. No doubt I would get an earful over not responding to their demand, but I really didn’t give a shit. Tonight wasn’t about them. It was about me and Scarlett.

She looked up at me with those beautiful hazel-green eyes but didn’t say a thing as we rode down. She was nervous. Her fingers trembled in mine and she kept worrying at the zip of her jacket with her other hand. Some things never changed. Her nervous habits had always made me smile. And I’d soothed her nerves every single time when we’d been teenagers.

Now, things were different. We were different. I couldn’t be the boy she’d been close to all those years ago. I wasn’t him any longer. Ten years had twisted me into someone the old Scarlett wouldn’t recognise. And there was no way of bringing him back. Not after what happened. We’d forge a new path together. We were meant to fucking well be, and I wouldn’t accept any other answer. Scarlett wasn’t going to leave me again. I wouldn’t allow it to happen under any circumstances.

“Do you like what I bought you?” I asked as we walked out into the lobby and along to the front doors.

Scarlett looked down at herself. Her hand brushed over her t-shirt, her fingers lingering on the skull.

“I do,” she whispered, almost as if she was afraid to admit it. “Thank you, West.”

I squeezed her hand, trying not to allow emotion to clog my throat. She sounded like my Scarlett. My girl. The one who appreciated everything I did for her.

I miss you, Scar. I miss everything about the girl you were. Fuck. I want you back. Every part of you. Especially your heart.

I pushed open the front doors, guiding her out into the cool early evening air. She followed me along to the tube station. I could have driven, but I wanted her to experience the city the way we used to when we were younger, when none of us had driving licences.

“You still not telling me where we’re going?” she asked when we stood together in the packed carriage.

I rested my hand on her lower back, pulling her closer. I wanted her near. Needed her like fucking air. This woman was my entire life. She always had been. Always would be. I could never let Scarlett go, no matter how many years had gone by. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for her, even if she was shit scared of me now. My girl had always been fearless. She kept standing up to me no matter how much I pushed her. No matter how many times I made her tremble. She tried to hide it, but she liked it. She liked when I made her scared. It got her wet and ready for me.

“No. You’ll have to be patient.”

The pout she gave me was adorable as fuck. Tonight, I wasn’t in the mood to argue or get up in her damn face. This was my way of taking her out on a date. Most people would probably say it was fucked up. I didn’t want to think about what Drake would say to me right now. What all of them would. If they knew where I was taking her, they would probably have lost their shit.

It was the first time since she’d returned to us I had a hard time not wanting to kiss her. For all the times I’d told her I didn’t kiss, it was a lie. The only woman I wanted to kiss was her. I wanted to ravage that mouth of hers until she bled for me. Until she cried and begged for more. I would never be done with her. Never.

The tube lurched, forcing me to hold Scarlett closer as I clutched the bar above us. She gripped my coat in her tiny fists to stay upright. Fuck me, she was the cutest damn thing I’d ever seen in my life. Even when she was giving me attitude. If only she knew how much I adored her tenacious little soul. But the last ten years without her held me back. The secrets between us. The lies. And most of all, my guilt.

The night of her accident tortured me because of what happened. How it happened. And how nothing was ever the same again. It’s why I didn’t think about it. Only seeing her made it play out in my mind over and over on fucking repeat. I couldn’t escape it nor her.

“Are we going to eat first?” she murmured, releasing my coat to wrap her hands around my waist.

“Is my little Scar hungry?”

She nodded. I gave her a smile, my fingers stroking lower down her back, across her perfect little pert arse. Her eyes widened at my touch but she didn’t tell me to stop.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re well-fed.”

I watched her brow furrow slightly as if she was trying to work out whether I was telling her I’d take her out to eat or intending to feed her my cock. Maybe I’d do both. She’d just have to wait and see. I did want her mouth wrapped around it all over again. Her hot, wet little mouth I couldn’t stop staring at. The one I craved with every fucking inch of my being.

We got off at the next stop. I gripped Scarlett’s hand tight to make sure she didn’t escape me or get lost in the crowd of people. When we were out in the open again, I led her towards a gourmet burger place I liked to frequent. Scarlett seemed rather happy with my choice and wolfed down her fully loaded burger with sweet potato fries. They were all the fucking rage these days. She gave me a sheepish look when she was done, as if the way she’d devoured her burger was completely unladylike. I smirked. She had no idea how much watching her eat with such gusto turned me on. Everything she did had an effect on me. It made me want to keep her forever. And I fucking well would.

“Did that satisfy you enough, little Scar, or did you want something else?” I asked, leaning closer to her. I’d finished my food minutes before she did.

Her cheeks flamed. My hand clamped down around her leg and I ran my fingers along her inner thigh. Fuck, I wanted her little pussy wrapped around my dick after she’d been face fucked so hard, she cried. It was all I could think about. Having her. Especially in that outfit. It was the exact style Scarlett used to have when she was younger. Ripped jeans were her favourites and she was always in a pair of beat-up Converse. I’d loved the way she was so unashamedly herself, refusing to go with the crowd or bow to societal pressure to dress a certain way. Scarlett didn’t care. She had us and we always lifted her up. Always encouraged her to be herself just as she did us.

“You’re asking me? I thought you took what you wanted.”

“Tonight is about you.”

Scarlett bit her lip whilst I ran my fingers higher.

“Take what you want, West.”

I pressed my fingers into the seam of her jeans, pushing the fabric against her pussy. She let out a little pant.

“What I want, little Scar, is for you to worship me on your fucking knees,” I whispered, my mouth close to hers. “And I want you to do it with this defiant mouth of yours.”

I raised my other hand and brushed her lips with my fingertips. Then I shoved two of them in her mouth. Her eyes went wide but her tongue curled around them as if showing me exactly how she would pleasure my dick with it.

“Are you going to be my good girl or my bad one?”

Her tongue swirled around the tips of my fingers. I smiled wider, my fingers digging harder into her jeans, stroking her through the fabric and making her hips jerk under my touch.

“You want to be both, don’t you. You want me so fucking bad, you can’t stand it. You’d let me fuck you right here.”

She let out a little whimper around my fingers, too quiet for anyone else to hear. My eyes darted around the room, taking in the rather shocked faces of the people next to us. The couple nearest to us was giving me a disgusted look.

“You like what you see, huh?” I said to them. “You going to get up and leave if I make her get on her knees under the table for me?”

The woman spluttered and the guy she was with looked as though he was torn between being horrified and wanting me to go ahead with it. If I did, I would likely get us kicked out of the place. Didn’t matter since we’d finished our meals. However, it wasn’t part of my plans to get arrested for public indecency.

I looked over the couple again.

“Too bad for you, me and my little pet have places to be. And yes, she will be getting her throat battered later in case you were wondering.”

I pulled my fingers from Scarlett’s mouth, gave the couple a wink and got up from the table, pulling her with me. As I took her hand and walked her over to the counter to pay, I could hear the woman muttering behind us, “What a disgusting man.”

I laughed, not giving two shits about her opinion. Scarlett’s face was bright red, but I could see the little smirk playing on her lips as if she’d found it amusing too. We’d always shared the same sense of humour and had never given a shit about what other people thought.

After I’d paid, Scarlett and I walked out into the twilight and back towards the tube.

“You’re shameless,” she murmured, pressing herself into my side. I let go of her hand to wrap my arm around her.

“Those stuck-up fucks deserved it. Her husband clearly wanted us to give them a little show. He was trying to hide his dick getting hard over the thought of it, whilst she was sat there looking at us like we were the fucking antichrist or something.”

She snorted and gave me a bright smile.

“Probably the most action she’s got in a long while.”

That made me laugh out loud and Scarlett joined in. Fuck this felt good. Being with her like this. As if we were normal again. As if the last ten years hadn’t fucking existed. Just me and my girl, doing whatever the fuck we wanted.

In those moments, I forgot to be worried about where I was taking her. About her potential reaction to it. All I could see and feel was Scarlett, my fucking girl. My whole damn world. My life. She was my home. My family. The only person who had ever given me peace, hope and tranquillity.

I love you, Scarlett Nyx. You’re my soulmate. My one and only. Now and forever.