The Silent Highlander by Donna Fletcher

Chapter 13

Elysia’s body jolted, her teeth slamming together, as his arm hooked her around the waist and she was swung up onto the horse and dropped down sideways in front of him. He let out another tremendous roar that rattled her down to her bones. The next thing she knew she was headed into battle with him and—once again whether instinct or wisdom—her arms shot up to clamp around his neck. She buried her face against his chest, having no desire to see what was coming.


She winced and shivered at his vicious roar, his powerfully fierce voice cutting sharper than any sword.

His stallion suddenly began to slow and she turned her head enough to take a peek. Weapons were being dropped one after the other and men fell to their knees in surrender. His men and the village men were quick to gather weapons and began to force the men into a tight circle.

He directed his horse away from the group. She hoped he would release her quickly, simply lower her off his horse, then she could hurry off without a glance or word to him.

When the horse finally slowed to a stop, she slowly let her arms drift down from around his neck and waited, trying not to focus on his large size. An impossible task since his body seemed to consume her pint size and her heart slammed against her chest in fear.


The familiarity of the tender way her name was spoken sent a shock to her senses and her head shot up to meet his eyes—bold, intimidating green eyes she would know anywhere.


“Aye,” he said, the depth of his voice shivering her.

She scrunched her brow and shook her head confused.

“Lord Odran, the enemy has completely surrendered.”

Elysia looked to the man on a horse who had ridden up to them.

“You know what to do, Finch. See it done.”

“Aye, my lord,” Finch said, “but the news can’t wait.”

“I’ll be there shortly.”

Finch bobbed his head and rode off.

Elysia turned her eyes on… “Who are you?”

His response was quick and firm. “Your husband.”

She shook her head. “Saber is my husband.”

He removed his helmet to confirm his claim. “A name I used to conceal my true identity. But as you can see, I am your husband.”

She stared at the familiar face of the man she loved and continued to shake her head. He looked like her husband, but he was nothing like Saber, not his voice, not his gentleness. They were nothing alike. “No. It cannot be.”

“It is so, Elysia. I am your husband and the only thing that has changed between us is a name.”

Elysia was at a loss for words as she tried to comprehend it all. He couldn’t truly believe that was all that had changed between them. A name? That was the only difference between them?

“There are things that need my immediate attention. You will remain by my side until we can talk and I can better explain.”

Sharp words flew from her lips. “Explain your lies?”

His mouth tightened for a moment before he spoke. “We will talk later.”

She was ready to argue when she noticed people were staring their way, whispering and pointing. She didn’t want to imagine what they were thinking. She had enough shocking thoughts to cloud her mind.

She held her tongue with difficulty as he directed his stallion to the keep and stopped once he reached it. He lowered her with ease to the ground before he dismounted. He reached out to take her hand and she backed away from him.

He stepped toward her, keeping his voice low but with an abrupt command to it. “This is not the time nor place to discuss this. You have my word we will talk later.”

“Your word?” She shook her head, far too dazed from all that had happened to make sense of anything. “You are not my husband.” She turned to run but not fast enough. He grabbed her arm, stopping her. She glared at him. “The wounded need me more than you do.”

He glared at her a moment. “I think not, but I will allow you to go to them.” He released her arm and she ran off. He looked to Finch who approached. “See she is watched.”

The man nodded and went to do as ordered.

Odran watched his wife run away from him and it tore at his heart. This day was inevitable, but that didn’t make it less painful. He couldn’t blame Elysia for feeling as she did. He would be furious himself if he learned she was not who he thought she was. But that wouldn’t happen. Elysia was honest to a fault and far too kind to think otherwise of her.

He hadn’t wanted to let her go. Seeing she wore no cloak, her garment torn, and that she was thinner than last he saw her, worried him. He had wanted to take her in his arms, hold her tight, kiss her, tell her how he had barely survived without her, then take her to the croft and make love to her. But that would not happen. They would never make love in the croft again. He would never make love to her as Saber again, and the thought pained his heart.

He had wanted to tell her the truth, but he hadn’t known how and now… it didn’t matter. He didn’t intend to lose his wife. Damn the damnable curse. He would not be robbed of her love. If anything, her love might just save him.

* * *

When Elysia entered the cottage,Kevin was sitting at the table with Brit and their daughter was sound asleep in a cradle beside the bed, the bairn having survived a battle she would know only through tales.

“How are you feeling?” Elysia asked Kevin.

“A pain is all that lingers,” Kevin said and stood, a bit unsteady, to offer his chair.

“Stay as you are. You need the rest,” Elysia insisted and Kevin sat, grabbing onto the table as he did. “I’ve come to apply some salve and a clean strip of cloth to your wound.”

Brit rested a hand on Elysia’s shoulder. “We heard. Is it true? Are you Lord Odran’s, one of the cursed ones, wife?”

Elysia shook her head as she had been doing to all who had asked her that question and answered honestly. “I don’t know.”

“Everyone prays for you, Elysia,” Brit said.

“You were beyond brave today,” Kevin said. “We are all proud of you.”

“And grateful. You saved Kevin’s life and others as well,” Brit said.

Elysia wasn’t comfortable with praise. She had done what was necessary. She quickly took her leave once she knew Kevin was good. She had no wont to discuss her situation. The village had been cleared of the remnants of battle more quickly than she had expected, Lord Odran’s men and villagers alike seeing to the task. The enemy, even the wounded ones, had been collected and cordoned off in an area that was heavily guarded. Lord Odran’s men had treated many of the wounded, though they had sought her help for more serious wounds and for those people who had insisted she heal them, no other.

More enemy lives were lost than villagers, thankfully, and after administering to the many wounded, Elysia realized that most of the village was glad that Lord Odran was here. He might be a vicious warrior, but he was not their enemy. They had seen for themselves how he had protected them, and they were glad for his presence.

Lendra was waiting for Elysia when she stepped outside Clyde’s cottage. He had suffered another wound that would keep him abed for a few days, but otherwise he was relieved to learn he would live. She had also been pleased to learn for Lendra’s sake that Bram had survived the battle.

Lendra fell in step with Elysia and whispered, “You do realize you are being followed, don’t you?”

Elysia’s steps faltered briefly at the news.

“The two are good at concealing themselves, but I heard the one called Finch, who seems to be Lord Odran’s right-hand man, say that two warriors had been assigned the task of seeing you kept safe,” Lendra explained, keeping her voice low.

Elysia sighed. “This is a nightmare and I fear I will never wake from it.”

“Lord Odran saved us. More would have died and the clan could have been lost if it wasn’t for him. The people are grateful.”

Lendra grew silent and Elysia knew there was more she wished to say and waited.

“Lord Odran will make an announcement soon and all believe it will be to inform the clan that Chieftain Emory is dead. That gives Lord Odran the right to decide who will become chieftain. After it is done, the new chieftain declared, Lord Odran will take his leave.”


She turned to see Dana, the servant lass, waving frantically to her.

“I have to go,” Lendra said. “Bless you, Elysia, for all you have done.”

Elysia stood staring after her. She felt as if Lendra had bid her farewell. She didn’t want to leave her home. She needed to be here when Annis returned or if Bliss reached out to her. This truly was a nightmare and yet who did she want to turn to for comfort more than ever?


But there was no Saber. The man she had wed, had fallen in love with, did not exist. It had all been a lie.

She had purposely lost herself the last few hours healing the many wounded so she did not have to think about Saber—Lord Odran—whoever he was. She did not know how to comprehend or cope with this news. She hurt and was frightened more than she wanted to acknowledge, or dare let anyone see. How did she talk with a man she did not know? How did she face the chore of being a wife to one of the cursed lords? Her eyes went wide. How did she ever make love with him?

Her hand went to her stomach. How did she give birth to a child that was cursed before he took his first breath?

The thought sent a shudder through her and she jumped when a voice shouted, “ALL WHO ARE CAPABLE MUST COME TO THE KEEP. LORD ODRAN MAKES AN ANNOUNCEMENT.”

Elysia had no desire to join the others, but she needed to hear what Lord Odran had to say. She kept to the back of the crowd, tucked out of sight the best she could. More villagers gathered than Elysia expected, the wounded leaning on their women, on sturdy staffs, and on other men. Bairns slept cradled in their mother’s arms and young children clung to either their mum or da’s legs, still frightened by the day’s attack. And yet, Elysia saw hope in their eyes as they looked upon Lord Odran.

Lord Odran stood at the top step of the keep. He held himself erect, shoulders drawn back, his chin a slight tilt to it, and his green eyes scanning the sea of faces with an intensity that had some people turning away.

His strong, commanding voice rang out over the crowd. “All of you know me as Saber… I am Odran of the Clan MacBridan. I will not explain why I disguised myself with a false name. That does not concern you. What does concern you is that I am here to see you kept safe.”

A cheer went up in the crowd.

Elysia watched the way her husband’s eyes darted repeatedly over the crowd, searching. He looked for her and she made sure to keep herself tucked where she could not be seen.

“Today the Clan Loudon celebrates a victorious battle fought bravely by all. Unfortunately, it is followed by sorrowful news. Chieftain Emory was injured in battle the other day and has succumbed to his wound.”

Gasps rushed through the crowd, as well as whispers, and tears were shed.

“I am appointing a new chieftain to lead your clan. He is a good and fair man, I learned that for myself while I was here. Neil—Chieftain Emory’s brother will lead the Clan Loudon.”

A loud cheer rang out. Lord Odran was right, Chieftain Emory’s brother Neil was a good and fair man. He would serve the clan well.

Elysia shook her head. The man who spoke was a stranger to her, his voice strong and commanding. She knew nothing about him. How then did she call him husband?

“I will depart as soon as I see things settled here, but fear not, you will be left well-protected. There is food and drink aplenty in the keep for anyone who wants it,” Lord Odran called out.

No one moved since Lord Odran remained standing at the top of the keep steps, his eyes looking out over the crowd. Everyone waited, silence hanging heavy as dusk drew near.

Annoyed Odran did not see his wife, he shouted out, “ELYSIA!”

She jumped, her name sounding like a strike of thunder hitting the land. She tried to stay tucked away, but people around her parted, clearing a path for her to go to her husband.

Elysia wanted to run and hide, but that would do her no good. She had to face this and see it made right. She approached the keep steps and as she reached the top step she took a wide berth around her husband and entered the keep.