The Silent Highlander by Donna Fletcher

Chapter 9

Elysia hesitated. She hadn’t considered that he would want her completely naked, though the thought had hit her when he shed all his garments. Her previous thoughts of his considerable size swirled once again in her head.

She pressed her warm hand to his cool cheek. “I trust your word, husband, that you won’t hurt me.”

He felt an arrow to his heart. He should walk away now, not consummate their vows, free her to live a good life away from him, away from his deceit. And yet the thought of another man touching her intimately as he was about to do sent a rage through him he could barely contain.

Elysia belonged to him and after tonight she would be bound to him until death, since hell awaited him but not so his sweet wife.

He shook his head, wishing he could tell her he’d never hurt her, but that was not true. The day would come when he hurt her and her pain would be his only ten times worse. He kissed her gently.

Elysia’s worries eased with the tender kiss and the concern in his eyes. He would not hurt her. He would not force her. He was a good man and she was lucky to have him for a husband.

She eased back away from him, her hands going to remove her shift. His hands followed to help, lifting her when she tried to wiggle the garment up off her bottom. When she had it rolled up to her waist, his hands took it from there, easing her arms out of the sleeves, then over her head. He tossed it to the bottom of the bed. It lingered there only for a moment, then slipped off to fall on the chest at the foot of the bed.

That it was gone from sight gave her a strange feeling of vulnerability, of being completely exposed to her husband, but then he was the same—completely exposed to her. There was nothing between them. They would start their marriage bare in each other’s eyes and build a life together as one.

The thought had her smile.

Saber eased her back on the bed and stretched out on his side next to her. He wished his ability to speak wasn’t limited, his throat a bit sore from talking more than usual. He wanted to tell her how beautiful she was. How amazing her wee body was from her small breasts to the slight curve of her waist, the slimness of her hips, and the gentle curve of her backside. He loved every bit of her even her small feet she had tucked against him and almost had him jumping from how cold they were.

He reached down and drew the blanket up to their waists and she smiled and grabbed hold of it.

“Thank you. I’m a bit chilled,” she said, the chill more from anticipation than the cold.

He maneuvered his legs to capture her cold feet as he slipped his arm beneath her waist and eased her up along his side until her face rested close to his.

“Warm you,” he whispered close to her ear and a slight smile touched his lips when his hand caressed her arm and felt gooseflesh run along it.

He was eager to explore her more and his hand went to cup her breast, easily devouring its gentle size. Her hard, rosy nipple poked at the palm of his hand and he couldn’t resist—he lowered his head and ran his tongue over it.

Elysia shuddered, the sensation that shot through her pleasantly surprising, though a bit shocking as well since she never expected his lips to touch there. Nor did she expect his tender touch. She had thought it would be done with quick, but obviously she was wrong.

When his mouth settled over her nipple, she was struck with a sensation that grew her damp between her legs and intensified the unfamiliar, needy ache that had been growing there, and a soft moan fell unexpectedly from her.

His need grew as his hand explored, caressing along her waist, over her hip, and down her backside to squeeze it firmly and shot a tingle through her that had her arching her body, and another moan fell from her lips.

Saber kissed his way from her breasts up, lingering at her neck to finally whisper in her ear, “Beautiful.”

The way the word fell lovingly in a raspy tone had her heart soaring and her stomach fluttering. He thought her beautiful. Her husband thought her beautiful and any worry or fear she had of this moment with him faded away.

She rushed her lips to his and kissed him, not a gentle kiss but one she hoped let him know how much she loved what he’d said to her.

Various women had aroused Saber through the years, but not one of them ever aroused his heart as Elysia did. His manhood was more than ready to complete their coupling, but it was his heart that swelled with a sense of wholeness that made him realize he had found a special woman. She did what no one had been able to do. She had opened his heart to feel joy, to feel—love. It struck him at that very moment, without an ounce of doubt, that he loved his wife.

His hand eagerly continued to explore as they kissed, though she pulled her head away and gasped when his hand slipped between her legs. She turned wide eyes on him, a bit of fright in them. He kept his eyes on her as he eased his finger inside her and he stilled it when she gasped once again. He worked his thumb through her triangle of hair to graze the sweet nob hidden there.

“Oh!” Elysia said, her body arching in response.

Seeing her wonder, pleasure, and innocence of her first coupling flared his passion and he fought to keep control of it. He wanted her to linger in their shared pleasure, in this special time between them. He wanted her to know he cherished her and what they were about to share.

Elysia never, ever thought that coupling would be so magical, so pleasurable, so wonderful, and that she would enjoy it so very much. A sensation like she never ever felt hit her, rushing through her, and she moaned deep as her hand instinctively reached out and clasped onto her husband’s arm, squeezing tight, though it was a pitiful squeeze, his arm too thick with muscle.

His name rushed from her lips as the pleasurable ache hit her again. “Saber!”

He leaned down and rained kisses and nibbles along her neck and her moan grew.

Saber had hoped to wait longer, but he was close to bursting and so was Elysia. He would ease their need, though knew it would not be the only time tonight that he would do that. Now that he had shared this intimacy with her, he feared he’d never get enough of her. He feared his hands would always ache to touch her, his lips would long for hers, and his need to make love to her never-ending.

He leaned over her, his arm slipping beneath her waist to ease her to fit gently beneath him. The passion in her soft green eyes soared his own, but the trust he saw there almost stopped him dead, but only briefly. She belonged to him and he belonged to her. He’d never let her go. He couldn’t—his heart would shatter completely.

He rested his brow to hers for a moment and whispered, “Mine.”

“Aye,” she said softly. “I am yours.”

Hearing her say it, knowing she felt it herself had his passion ready to burst. He slipped over her, keeping himself hovering over her with the strength of his arms, knowing his weight would be too much for her. He eased his manhood between her legs and probed at her entrance. She was wet and ready for him and he eased himself slightly into her.

“Oh!” she gasped and her hands clamped onto his arms.

He worried he would cause her pain and he brought his lips to hers, kissing her as he slipped farther into her. Her hands continued to squeeze tight as he not only slipped farther in but out again as well, not completely leaving her but enticing her with a gentle rhythm so she grew comfortable with him.

It didn’t take long before she joined him and both their need and passion grew stronger and stronger.

“Saber!” she cried out and thrust her hips up.

He met her thrust with a deeper plunge settling fully inside her.

OH!” she cried out.

He worried that he hurt her when he promised her that he wouldn’t and was pleased when she cried out again.

“That feels so good!”

He smiled wider than he could ever remember doing and then he showed his wife how far better than good it could feel. They soon teetered on the edge of pleasure and tumbled over it together.

His name shot from her lips and his deep groan mingled with it.

He held himself just above her until he was too spent to do so, then he dropped down on her briefly, and smiled when her slim arms captured him, as best they could, in a tight hug. He would have loved to remain there in her arms but his weight was too much for her and he reluctantly rolled off her and onto his back beside her.

He was surprised when she turned to bury herself tightly against him as if she wasn’t ready to let him go and he slipped his arm beneath her, drawing her snug against him.

“That was—” Elysia scrunched her face as she searched for words.

Saber didn’t care if his throat felt raw and painful. He had to tell her. “Like nothing I’ve ever known.”

Elysia raised herself with a hand on his hard chest, her eyes wide in question. “Truly?”

He nodded and struggled to say, “Beautiful… like you.”

Elysia’s breath caught, her stomach fluttered uncontrollably, and her heart stilled a beat for a moment.

When her senses finally returned to her, she smiled. “I’m grateful you made our first time together so beautiful.” She reached down to pull the blanket up over them, then settled snugly against his side once again and rested her head on his chest. “No more talk for you tonight. I can hear how sore your throat is and I want it to heal so you can talk with me without pain. Though I’ve grown used to doing all the talking so you may not get a word in.” She laughed and she felt the rumble of laughter in his chest.

He would never tire of hearing her talk, her voice so soft and gentle like a tender breeze whispering along one’s face.

Elysia looked up at him. “I am glad you are my husband. I feel safe with you. I trust you even more so now.” She yawned as she settled her head on his chest once again.

Saber stroked his wife’s arm. He was glad as well that they had wed and that she not only made him feel safe, but she brought him a strange sense of peace, even more so when he touched her. Whether it was to hold her hand, stroke her arm as he did now, circle her waist with his arm, every touch soothed him. And trust? There were few he trusted, but none like he trusted his pint-sized wife.


Trust was the real issue. Would she ever trust him again once she learned the truth? He only hoped she would understand and not hate him for not speaking truthfully to her from the start.

He felt her body go limp with sleep against him, listened to her soft breathing, thinking sleep would elude him as it did most nights. But surprisingly, sleep claimed him quickly.

He woke a few hours later to find his wife sleeping on top of him and while he was quite content with her there, he wanted to add more logs to the fire that had burned down considerably.

With a tender arm around her, he turned to place her on her back and she woke. She smiled softly and kissed his lips. That was all either of them needed. It sparked their passion like a lick of fire to dry brush. It was a fast joining, their need soaring so quickly neither had a choice.

Elysia let out a scream when she burst with pleasure adding to Saber’s own satisfying explosion. With labored breaths that didn’t allow either of them to speak, they laid side by side, hands joined and smiles wide.

“Where are you going?” Elysia asked, her hand locking on his when he went to leave the bed.

He pointed to the dwindling fire.

“Hurry, it’s cold in bed without you,” she said.

He did as she said and as he had intended, not wanting to be away from her, not even briefly. His arms felt empty without her in them, his chest lonely for her head to rest there, and his heart aching as if he’d lost a part of himself.

Once back in bed, his wife in his arms, all felt right and once again sleep claimed him quickly.

* * *

“You are happy,”Lendra said, glad to see the generous smile on Elysia’s face.

Elysia’s smile faltered. “More than I have a right to be with my sisters facing such difficulties.”

“You faced your own difficulties and succeeded in keeping a home for Annis when she returns. And if Bliss should need you, you have a husband to see you safely to her. I am glad all is well with you. Bliss would be proud of you and be relieved you are safe.”

“Aye, she would be. I only wish I could get word to her,” Elysia said, wishing she could relieve Bliss’s worry over her, which she was certain prayed on her sister’s mind.

“That’s what I’ve come to tell you. I found out that Chieftain Emory sent word to Bliss that you wed Saber of your own choosing and that you are very happy.” Lendra laughed. “He’s taking all the praise for it, claims that he brought you two together. And with it being a week since you wed and you and Saber are always smiling and holding hands whenever anyone sees you, he boasts about his wisdom in the match.”

“He can boast as much as he wants. I have Saber and that is all that matters to me. More brew?” Elysia offered.

“I would love to sit and chat longer with you. I miss talking with Bliss. Your sister had a way of caring like no other. A short talk with her could make you feel better. I believe that’s why she is such a skillful healer. She listens to people, truly listens, and understands their needs. I hope her skill serves her well with her new husband.” Lendra stood to take her leave.

Tears threatened to rush to her eyes at the thought of what her sister might be going through, but she choked them back. There was something she wished to ask Lendra. “Has there been any word about the troubles the Clan MacBridan suffer?”

Lendra shook her head. “No word from Bram or Tavish yet and the chieftain feels that’s a good sign. He believes Bram has the clans talking and hopefully settling the issues. If you worry about Saber being forced to fight if necessary, there’s no need. The warriors don’t want a man without a voice fighting alongside them. They claim it could be the death of them.”

Elysia’s shoulders sagged with relief. Though her husband had mentioned the same, she still worried that he might be forced to go and fight. Her heart ached each time she thought about it.

Elysia barely closed the door after Lendra when her mind raced to Bliss and the endless possibilities of what might be happening to her. Then, of course, there was the worry that things could change and her husband could be sent into battle. The loss of Bliss had torn at her heart, but she feared her heart would shatter and never be whole again if Saber was taken from her.

She wiped at the tears that pooled in her eyes. She loved both her sisters without question and would do anything for them. She felt the same about Saber. She would do anything for him.


Did she love Saber? A lone tear trickled down her cheek. The thought of love felt right. It felt good in her heart. Was she lucky enough to have wed a man she loved and did she dare hope he would one day love her?

The door opened and she turned expecting to see Lendra, thinking she had forgotten something.

Her husband stood in the open doorway. She didn’t hesitate, she rushed to him, throwing her arms around his waist and hugging him tight. His arms wrapped around her and he kicked the door shut. With a gentle lift, her feet dangling just above the floor, he walked to the bed and sat, resting her in his lap. He raised her chin with a single finger, his eyes questioning.

“Thoughts of my sisters and you leaving me to go and fight,” she said, explaining her tears and sniffling them back.

He hugged her close. He wanted to vanquish her fears with promises that all would be well, but that would be a lie and he couldn’t do that.

“I tell myself that all will go well. That Annis is too obstinate to fail. She will see the curse broken and save Bliss’s life. That you will not go off to fight. That we will remain together always and have a good life. That my sisters will do well and have good lives of their own. I tell myself this time and again, trying desperately to make it so.”

He kissed her brow and held her tight, not knowing what else to do. He wished the same as she did, but he feared it would not turn out in her favor. For now, they had each other, and he would do everything in his power to see that it remained so.