Burning for Love by Evangeline Anderson


“And so, Gentle Reader, our beloved Princess Ka’rissa has returned from the dead to claim her rightful place as the Queen of both Regalia Five and of all our hearts as well!

The dastardly Duke Grabbington has been punished for his crimes—he swung from the gibbet he’d had erected for Lady Mildew before the coronation ceremony was over.

As for Lady Mildew and the old Steward, the two of them have been packed off to a convent and monastery respectively, where neither can do any harm to anyone ever again. Truly, our new Queen is very kind and forgiving, considering that it is rumored that Lady Mildew was excessively cruel to her and the old Steward is accused of deliberately withholding a suitor for her late Mama, allowing her to self-immolate rather than giving her the throne. Some are saying that he deserves the same fate as Duke Grabbington, but that is not our call to make. Only Queen Ka’rissa the Wise can decide his fate.

Before ending this missive, this Author must say one more thing about our new Queen and her handsome Kindred consort. The new couple seems so happy together it makes one’s heart glad. But not only are they happy, they are also working diligently to ensure the happiness of others. As one of her first proclamations, the Queen has declared that young women all over the planet are now allowed to choose their own suitors and husbands without any outside interference. She has also declared that women are equal to men and must be treated as such. No longer are women barred from holding jobs outside the home or attending places of higher education. They shall be free to attend universities and seek employment and marry whomever they like. It is enough to make this Author’s heart sing with joy! Why, I may even feel safe enough to reveal my identity…sometime in the future.

For now, all this good fortune is thanks to good Queen Ka’rissa the Wise, long may she live! This Author is going to go celebrate now and I suggest that you, Gentle Reader, should do the same.

Your Obedient Servant,

Lady TittleTattle

Follow my Breadcrumbs!

Rissa stopped reading and put down the scandal rag to smile at her new husband. She and James had been married in an official ceremony the day after the coronation and she was now firmly entrenched in her new role as Queen.

James, for his part, made an excellent Royal Consort. The whole planet seemed to have fallen in love with him, though they still called him “Sir Robot.” But he was so clearly devoted to her and so tall and handsome and brave that Ka’rissa wasn’t a bit surprised that they had accepted him as her husband.

“So it seems Lady TittleTattle approves of your new policies,” he said, smiling at her. Rissa loved how easy and open he was with his emotions now. Except for his ocular scope and his metal hand, he bore no resemblance to a robot now—at least, not to her.

“Indeed she does—and she even approves of you, my love.” Rissa scooted closer to him on the couch, sighing with pleasure as he draped one long, muscular arm around her shoulders and gave her a squeeze. “And the people approve, too,” she added, smiling up at him.

“Lady Mildew appears to have been wrong, then,” James remarked. “She was certain that if you married me, it would cause a ‘bloody civil war.’”

“Well, I won’t say there haven’t been some protests,” Rissa remarked soberly. “But mostly among men who dislike the idea of women being their equals. They don’t seem to mind having you as my consort nearly as much as they dislike the idea that women have minds of their own.”

“I believe the females of Regalia Five are more than happy enough to make up for a few protests by a handful of bitter males who have unjustly dominated the other sex for so many years,” James said decisively. He squeezed her again and then leaned down to kiss her. “Your Majesty,” he murmured. “Do you think you could spare some time from your Royal duties to bond with your new husband again? I fear that you are becoming overheated and it is my duty, as your Consort, to slake your Heat.”

Rissa felt a shiver of pure lust rush through her.

“Yes, James,” she whispered breathlessly. “I…I think I can spare some time.”

As the big Kindred took her in his arms, she couldn’t help reflecting how wonderful her life was now. True, she had a lot of responsibility but she had James to help her bear it. And she had more freedom now than she ever had before, with no one to dictate her actions or force her to be with a man she didn’t want. Instead, she had a husband she really loved and a bond with him that nothing but death could break.

Truly, it had been a difficult road that had brought her and James together and her Heat Cycle had very nearly killed her, but Rissa didn’t regret a moment of it. After all, she knew she and James never would have gotten together if she hadn’t been…Burning for Love.