Burning for Love by Evangeline Anderson

The End?

Of course not!

Dear Reader, there are always more Kindred Tales to come!

Dear Reader, there are always more Kindred Tales to come! For my next book, I am seriously contemplating some kind of mafia story. That’s the wonderful thing about writing science fiction—you can write any genre you want and make it work within the sci-fi framework. I want to thank you for coming along with me and skipping from genre to genre. It’s fun for me because it never gets boring, the way writing contemporary romance would. (For me at least.) And I love bringing you different stories from far-flung worlds and taking you someplace new every time we get together.

For those of you who haven’t read all my previous books and would like to know more about the Dark Kindred and their home world, Zeaga Four, please check out Brides of the Kindred 12, ENHANCED and the Kindred Tales book called BONDING WITH THE BEAST.

If you have enjoyed Burning for Love, please consider taking a moment to leave a review HERE. Good reviews are like gold for an author in this crazy, crowded e-book market. They let other readers know it’s okay to take a chance on a new series. Plus, they give me the warm fuzzies. : )

And if you are one of my readers who has been with me a while, you might be interested to know that I am about to put out a special 10th anniversary edition of CLAIMED, the very first Brides of the Kindred book that started it all. Can you believe I’ve been writing this series for 10 years? I know—me either! Of course, good reviews are even more important for the first book in a series. If any of you would like to leave a review for Claimed and let other readers what you thought about the very first book in the Brides of the Kindred, I would be thrilled and so very thankful. Or you can just upvote a good review that someone else has written if you want. You can leave a review for ClaimedHERE.

Hugs and thanks so much,

Evangeline, August 2021