Running From An Alpha by Rachel Starkie


Chapter 15

At the entrance to the Featherfly Den, Bernard looked up at the gate. He did not trust Morgan. After all, his brother had nothing good to say. Over the years, the pair exchanged letters. Not often, but mostly as a way to update on affairs. When Fin did write, it was mostly about Zoya.

Zoya. She was the only family left, now that Fin was gone. Bernard had been a part of their family pack, but as a council member, was pulled away as it dwindled. His reasons to come had nothing to do with Morgan. It was all about his niece. He hoped that Zoya would be happy to have a family.

As Morgan approached, he turned his head. How this male was an Alpha Bernard had no clue. He was not the sharpest knife in the drawer. If he had been, he might have questioned Bernard’s sudden interest.


For a moment, anger flashed in Morgan's eyes. “I am so glad you have come with me. I wish to clear this up and have my mate home before nightfall. She has been tricked and fooled. Well, what can you expect from a weak Omega? She just needs to be reminded who is her mate and Alpha, but she is a sneaky one like that asshole who was her father.” Morgan growled, and Bernard had to hold back a smirk.

Morgan had no idea who he was, and Bernard had no real intention of telling him. Had Morgan or these other lower council members cared about the standards of their seat, they would have already known. There was a time people were more informed, but standards have dropped, leaving openings for subterfuge.

Though it did work to his advantage. Morgan not knowing his lineage made gathering information easier. Fin’s death was strange. Fin may have been an asshole, but he was not reckless when it came to protecting what was his. Especially Zoya. There is little chance he would just fall off a cliff.

Then there was the burning of his body. Wolves were committed back to the earth from which they came unless disease was a concern. Fin should have been buried with the rest of his family unless there was a sudden cliff diving plague no one mentioned.

Regardless of the rift between brothers, blood was blood. Mother and father always made it clear that Fin had a right to his place in the family plot, no matter the transgressions. Bernard did not entertain Morgan’s words with an answer making the Alpha huff and walk away.

Having put space between himself and Bernard, Morgan was concerned, though he would not admit it. Having asked Jeff to bring others that would align, he had hoped for more than just one. He had hoped to already have this one wolf under his spells, but Bernard would not eat or drink from anything but his own provisions. Morgan could not gauge the level of commitment Benard had to the cause. He could only hope there was enough to get the bitch he was to deal with to see it his way.

Zoya would be his. There was no way around it. No one ran from him. Morgan pulled out his phone and smirked down at a nude photo of Zoya sunbathing after a pack run. She was well built and would make a fantastic breeder. Her healing magic was also a high commodity and could be sold off to the right people, the right being those with the deepest pockets, of course. Once he had his heirs, her body would get him a good price as well. He shook his head when one of his underlings came over.

“The dragons are coming, they said to wait here and not to move, or they will attack,” he bowed his head.

Morgan growled. Who do these overgrown lizards think they are? Keeping his property and refusing to allow him to retrieve it was more than bothersome. He was an Alpha, and they needed to learn to bow before him, or he would have to do something about them.

He smirked darkly and licked his lips. Perhaps he would take over the dragons next. It should not be hard to get a mind tea that would work for dragons. With them at his beck and call, he could remove the council and take his rightful spot as king.

The gates opened, and five dragons watched from beyond.

Morgan walked toward them to make the formal introduction. “Hello, I am—”

“We know who you are, Morgan, follow,” one of them ordered, then the group promptly turned their backs.

He smirked. What a stupid lot, he thought. He needed to show just who they were dealing with.

Pulling his gun, he aimed at the speaker's back. Pulling the trigger. His eyes went wide, seeing it bounce off their back. So fixated on the wolves, he had never taken the time to learn about any other species. His arrogance led him to believe that he could get away with these actions.

The dragon’s shoulders shook.“Do you really think we would not be ready for you? Please wolf, don’t take us for fools.”

Queen Maisy had sent these guards knowing full well of Morgan's possible aggression. They were tasked with bringing him to her, no matter the situation. Anything he did would be used as evidence and dig him deeper into the hole for his treachery.

Still allowed to follow, Morgan did so silently. He began to wonder if these dragons were, in fact, more intelligent than he had been led to believe. His overinflated sense of self came from those that aided him in his desires. Those that made his magic possible. Those that helped him rise to his position. What he wanted was given to him, and he greedily took it. Just as he would take Zoya, he would get his answers from her. She knew dragons, and through her so would he.

Having the council members behind him would get him his wants. He smirked. Soon he would have Zoya right where he wanted her, under him and learning her place. It may take a few beatings, but he was sure she would learn to follow. She was, after all, just a weak Omega.

Entering the throne room, his eyes immediately went to Zoya. His body turned for her, but the Dragon Knights blocked him, funneling him down the aisle and straight for the one sat on the throne.

The bitch in his way.

“I am Queen Maisy, leader of the Featherfly Dragon Den. Why do you come before me?” She spoke with more commanding than Morgan felt any female should.

“I have come to claim my mate and return to our home.”

Zoya’s voice rose. “Not a fucking chance. You are not my mate. Come near me, and I am cutting your balls off and shoving your dick down your throat!”

Mogan growled, “Shut up, Omega, important people talking.” He gestured toward Queen Maisy. “Lady Maisy—”

Queen Maisy to you,” she snapped.

Morgan gritted his teeth. “Sorry, Queen Maisy, I only wish to have what is mine returned.”

“Well, seeing as Zoya does not claim you, and she has no family, we, as the ones who raised her mother, take her in. So this is her home and—” she stopped when Bernard stepped forward.

“I am her uncle. I wish to speak with my niece alone to find out the truth.”

Morgan’s eyes cut toward Bernard as he roared. “You never told me that!”

Bernard raised an eyebrow. “Since when does any member of the council answer to you?”

“Zoya come here, please?” Queen Maisy ignored the fuming wolf before her. Zoya stood, her eyes sweeping from the dais to Morgan and his companions. “Do you wish to speak with your uncle alone?”

Zoya faced her uncle, and he observed how much she took after her father. Her hair, the roundness to her cheeks, the steadiness in her eyes. She may have been born an Omega, but Fin had raised her to be an Alpha. It showed in how she held her head and the way her quiet presence filled the room.

“No, she will not speak with him. She will come here to me now.” Morgan demanded.

Zoya smirked. “I think I will speak with my uncle. My dad said that he was not a fool who would just take anything handed to him by a weakling like this. So I trust he will not harm me.” She looked straight through Morgan to Bernard. “Uncle follow me,” she made a point of using the title Uncle over Councilman. His smile showed he was pleased by this. As he stepped toward her, Morgan tried to follow but was stopped. Left to simmer in his anger as he watched a Dragon knight lead them away.