Running From An Alpha by Rachel Starkie


Chapter 13

Stefan could not help but watch the trio as each descended into their own thoughts as the meal continued. Though Dale seemed to be in quiet contemplation, his energies were excited and eager. Sean appeared stoic as he stole the occasional longing glance at Zoya, who had now taken it upon herself the task of clean up. Preferring to busy her hands and her thoughts to simple needed tasks.

Longing looks turned to actions as Sean stood approaching Zoya from behind. His arms wrapped around her, making her freeze momentarily as he whispered, nuzzling her neck.

“Relax,” he said softly. Though she did not pull away, she also did not lean into him. “Zoya, I want to ask you something.” Sean tried to keep his tone low, but for the size of the room, it did not much matter.

Letting his hands caress her midsection Zoya kept scrubbing a pot. “How on earth did you get away from the pack unseen?” Sean questioned, making her let out a short laugh.

“Dad had it all planned out. He always said I would either walk out with my mate or have to run when he died. So he made sure I had a safe passage with money to help me live no matter how it ended. I also had help from a well-protected source.”

“I have to ask,” Stefan interjected. There was no sense in pretending he could not hear them. “If your dad knew the pack was bad, why did you not just leave together?”

Sean sighed, “Drugged?”

Zoya shook her head. “Dad never partook of the tea. He even cautioned some against it but was always ignored. He did try after mum passed, as he knew that going it alone with me so young was not safe, but the other packs wanted no part of him because he was a bad male.”

“What do you mean?” Stefan asked, “A bad male?”

She sighed, “Father had a lot of trouble before mum. She sort of leveled him, but his reputation for a nasty temper and violent tendencies was well known. He never hurt women, children, or Omegas for that matter, but if any others pushed their luck, he did end up beating the crap out of them, or in some cases worse.” Shrugging Sean off, she passed him a towel. As Sean started to dry the dishes, she leaned against the counter. “Basically, they were scared of him. Of what he was capable of, if left unchecked, but to check him would have been worse. So we were stuck, and we stayed. A long as he was alive, I was protected. No one would dare mess with or touch me for fear he’d rip them apart.” Sean's head dipped in agreement though he kept quiet. Zoya’s shoulder lifted in short amusement. “That is why I know Morgan had him killed. He had come to dad telling him he wanted me. When dad’s response was over my dead body, it was arranged. Just weeks later, he was at the bottom of a cliff in a mangled mess.” She sighed, rubbing her head, picturing the damage, every cut, scratch, trickle of pooled blood. It would be torture to most, but for Zoya, memory was the only way she would ever prove the murder.

“You know, I can now see why you are so…not an Omega,” Stefan laughed.

Zoya proudly smirked. “Dad always raised me to win. Built me up to be strong and fierce. He taught me that just because you are born in weakness does not mean you must stay that way. He was a tough man, often hard and cold, but he always loved me. Always made sure I knew he loved me, made sure I felt safe and never alone.” Her eyes sought the window.

“I liked your, dad. He was always good to me,” Dale innocently quipped.

Sean chuckled. “Well, he was always an ass to me. I swear he almost beat my ass for staring at your ass too long.”

Zoya shook her head. “He would have let up if you had filled us in about you being my mate.” She pointed at him with her mocking tone, making Sean shrug and smirk. “He knew you took my first, then moved on. He may have been a touch pissed,” she muttered resentfully.

Sean shivered, remembering Fin’s angry looks anytime they crossed paths, though it was not often as Sean usually tracked for the pack, and Fin hated joining in. It was always just Zoya. “I did what I thought was best, stupid yes, but still….” He trailed off.

“I guess you can not be fully blamed. After all, you were drugged,” her point made. Zoya left the room, though her tone was not angry, more understanding than Sean had yet to hear, making his eyes raise with hope.

Dale patted his shoulder. “You still have a lot of work ahead of you.” He sing-songed, taking the wind out of his sails.

“I know,” Sean sighed, though a smile played at his features as he tried to work out how he would win her back. His eyes lit up as Zoya returned, headed for the connecting door with a comical look of embarrassment.

“I forgot for a second I had my own house,” she laughed, shutting and locking the door.

“She doesn’t trust you two, does she?” Stefan stood.

“More, she does not trust mister sneaky over here,” Dale jumped out the way laughing when Sean whipped the towel at him.


With Stefan gone and Dale in bed, Sean was finally alone. The television flickered as he let his mind roll over ways he could attempt to make Zoya soften toward him. Honesty was seeing to work, but it was taking too long. He wanted her, now, not months from now. Even his wolf was getting impatient. So lost in his head, he did not hear the door latch or Zoya as she came up from behind.

“What you watching?”

Though her voice was soft, the intrusion made Sean jump a mile. “I don’t know to be fair,” he shrugged as she came around the couch. Glancing at the television, he saw some sort of advertisement. The couch dipped, and his eyes shifted as Zoya pulled her knees into her chest, letting the baggy stained shirt tuck under her naked legs.

“Can not sleep?” He asked as she stared hard at the television.

Her head shook. “I had a nightmare, came down and heard your tv.” She pulls into herself more tightly.

Sean held out his arm instinctively. Zoya hesitated but slowly moved to lean into his side, so he could hold her. “Want to talk about it?”

Her whole body sighed.“It is the same one I have been having for the past year. My dad's body, Morgan watching me, but in the dreams…Morgan gets me.”

Sean could feel her shudder. “I swear on my Alpha core, he will never get you. I will kill him before he has a chance to hurt you again.”

His vow made her smile sheepishly. The Alpha core was the highest regard he could afford. It was their essence, their soul. “Can I sleep with you tonight?” Her eyes lifted, seeing the smirk form on his face. Her finger jabbed his chest. “Just sleep. I don’t want to be alone, so no hands on the goodie bits.”

He sighed, “Can not say it won’t be hard but fine.” He winked as she leaned further into him with a yawn. “Come on, let’s go up.” Standing, he hauled her into his strong arms.

“I can walk,” she protested even as her body and her head settled into his chest and shoulder. She took a deep breath. Even with the nightmare still vivid in her memory, his woody musky scent helped calm her.

“Why walk when I can carry you?” He boasted.

“Always the charmer,” she teased.

Once in his room, he placed her on the bed so he could change before joining her. On her side, Zoya took in the show with a lick of her lips as he undressed.

He really is a fine Alpha male. She thought. Just because she was angry did not mean she did not admire the view. With his back to her, he dropped his underwear, making her wolf surge with pride. Under the moonlight, as his muscles twitched, she could make out the lines of the bite mark she had left behind. Her claim to him.

Zoya’s brows knitted together, she was sure it would have been gone, as he had rejected her, but its presence reinforced his claims to want her. If he had truly rejected her, it would have been lost.

“Seems I did claim you?” There was a smugness to her statement.

He glanced back, rubbing the scar. “Could you have done it in a, I don’t know, normal place?

She smirked as he pulled on soft pants and then sat on the bed. “When I claim you, it will be right here on your neck for all to see.” He pushed her hair behind her ear. “You will then reclaim me where all can see.”

“Or perhaps I will just turn the other ass cheek.”

“Hell, claim both. I want my neck mark.” He pulled her into him, covering them with the smooth, clean sheets. Nuzzling down, it was not long before Zoya’s breathing eased, and she was asleep in his arms. Where she belonged.