Running From An Alpha by Rachel Starkie


Chapter 19

Ejected from the dragon den, Morgan took little time in returning to the pack. The pack he had been molding to his desires for too long to lose now. His mind twisted and turned. There had to be a way, a way to regain control. The dragons had taken her and his councilmembers. Two things he needed to complete his goals. If they figured out how to break the spells, he would lose every bit of power he had scraped for. He took stock. If they couldn't break it but had to wait it out, then perhaps he had a bit of time. After all, they had just been dosed that morning.

Time. He thought. That’s all I need, just a little time to make my play.

As Morgan approached the entrance to the pack compound, he was forced to slam the breaks as leaning against the entrance wall was a tall figure. Morgan, annoyed enough at his treatment over the past few hours, jumped from the car, not caring who he planned to address. As he approached the figure, they raised their head. It was the current head of the council. The demon Fenrir.

Morgan tried to back up, but there were now figures behind him. He looked back at Fenrir, a swell of panic in his chest.

“I have been informed of what you have been playing with, Morgan. Pity, it may have worked.” The demon pushed his hair back behind his ear, revealing the rounded horns that appeared to be sanded down for easier blending in more human circles. “You may have won had you not fixated on the little female. It is sad, really, to think you put in so much effort, and one little Omega shattered it to pieces. If only you had paid closer attention to your plans instead of following your cock. Alas, it is now over.” He took a step toward Morgan with a satisfied smile. “Bernard has informed us of the tea, and we have already started clearing it from this pack.” Fenrir gave a dismissive wave. “I will need to make arrangements to meet this female. She is clearly powerful and something to worship.” Fenrir could see the anger rising in Morgan, hear him release a growl. “Tsk, tsk.” Fenrir waved a finger back and forth. “You have been a naughty boy. I-we don’t like people who try to use my people, who abuse power or steal from us. You have done all this and more. I do hope you are ready for your punishment.” He cleared his throat then bellowed. “Morgan of Brynnmore.” The demon paused, seeing the look of shock upon hearing his family name. “Yes, we now know of your Beta origin,” Fenrir smirked. “You are hereby stripped of your unearned rank, reduced to nothing more than a Gamma. Based on the things we have found in your home, we had thought, perhaps Omega, but then decided that workhorse was a better source for your talents.” Fenrir purred, his smirk never fading.

Morgan growled. His mind doing somersaults. That bitch had cost him everything, and he would make her pay if it were the last thing he did. As those with Fenrir tried to converge on him, a smile spread across his lips as he reached into his breast pocket, pulling forth a small thin rod.

“Sorry to disappoint, but I have no plans on being held or punished or whatever you have a mind to try. I will be leaving now.” Morgan smirked, and throwing the rod to the ground, released a portal through which he quickly disappeared.

Fenrir raised an eyebrow, “Well, that was wildly pedestrian.” He muttered, glancing to the top of the wall. “Though also a bit troubling, don’t you feel?”

A whooshing was followed by the flap of wings as Litton lowered himself to the ground. Fenrir had to admit that he was impressive, even by angel standards.

His ethereal glow seemed to shimmer with unease as he spoke. “It worries me he was able to get away with a portal. He must have betters working with him, more so than we presumed. His mind will be fixed on that child. We will need to ensure she is safe. I heard from Bernard. She plans to make a sanctuary. I am sure we can put our own people in place to ensure she and her dreams come to light and stays safe.” As the leader of the angels, Litton would be best to round up protection that could be trusted.

“It is a good dream, and with the dragons and the council behind her, she will go far. Let us make sure we bring in those who can help without taking over. I am curious to see how far she may go.” He turned his attention back to his followers. “Get this pack cleaned up, find any evidence we can pull together to ensure when Morgon is found, he will be put to death for his crimes.”