Running From An Alpha by Rachel Starkie


Chapter 20

“News?” Zoya looked to Queen Maisy. In the month that they had been with the dragons, much had already begun to change. She was feeling more confident but still cautious as Morgan had yet to be found. The Queen had brought the wolves ideas before the other dragon dens, and Zoya waited to hear what was decided.

The Queen nodded with a small smile walking as they talked. “Neill loved the idea. He even has a few water folk that are eager to become a part of this. To be content in knowing they are not alone. Your plans and ideas have been taken into consideration, and if the dens work together, it won’t take long at all.”

Zoya let out a relieved sigh. “We will have to watch for Morgan, but if we can get the sanctuary up and running…we can open it to all who need it. Protect those that need it.”

“And how is your system to vet coming along? You will need it soon. If word spreads as it usually does, you will have many that need you.”

“Dale is working hard with some dragon hackers to build a strong firewalled security system to start. He says we will be crossing over with the human records to leave no stone unturned. With the promises from the council to help us, flag lawbreakers, we will have a good start.” She stopped looking thoughtfully out a large window. Her mind was so far away that she nearly jumped out of her skin when arms wrapped around her and a face nuzzled her neck

Queen Maisy laughed, which made Zoya roll her eyes. “What can you do? An Alpha does like their mate's scent,” She teased, watching as Zoya placed her hands over Sean’s.

Even after a month of being mated, sleeping together, and far more sex than she ever thought possible in so little time, Sean reveled in hanging onto her. If they stood still for any length of time, he was usually wrapped around her. She made as though it bothered her, but truly she loved it, and he knew it. He could feel it, like everything else, since their claiming.

“I spoke with the council today.” He kissed her neck, making her scrunch up her shoulders. “The vetted enforcers will be arriving soon. I hear they are also to be joined by your uncle. They have deemed that having a council member on sight at all times will help solidify our holdings. Though I suspect he is just finding a reason to hang around you, so when you have my baby, he can be here.” Sean teased.

Squeezing Sean’s hands, Zoya began to squirm. “Seeing as I am yet with child, you all can bugger off me,” she pushed Sean off, smirking. Zoya knew that a child was as far off as she decided it should be. Her father gave her a birth control spell as soon as she was old enough. It was his precaution for her, should anything unwanted happen. It was easy to reinforce with simple ingredients, and while Sean knew, he respected her choices. There was too much going on to worry about children. Perhaps once the sanctuary was ready, she would entertain the idea.

“Okay, I have plans to make,” she announced, dancing away from a still reaching Sean. She smirked as he growled and huffed at her, “Bye, Maisy,” she finger waved, heading for the sitting room where she had her first conversations with her uncle. They converted it to a planning and discussion space.

Zoya looked over the maps of the area they would build upon. Trees, mountains, rivers. They needed to build but wanted to do as little damage to the natural atmosphere as possible. A smile crossed her lips. She knew the dragons would do their best, but if they wanted even more anonymity, and protection it was the Fae that needed to be looped in. She knew just the Fae to call. On her travels, she had met a diminutive Fae called Maximillian, or Maxy for short. He was terrific, and she trusted him, especially since he helped a few times when she ran from Sean.

Everything was, coming together. They would get the Kasa Sanctuary up and ready for all who needed it. Kasa. She liked the word. It meant safe. While others batted other names, she was fixed on this one. Sean was the last hold-out. Zoya smirked. He may be stubborn, but she was sure she could think of a thing or two the sway him. She took a sip of tea, thinking of her father. “To new beginnings.” She whispered.


“Silence.” A voice boomed from the darkness that surrounded Morgan. The portal he had escaped through only took him far enough to evade detection. He could not risk putting out a call to his benefactors. Thus it had taken him weeks to arrive at his current destination. A transdimensional space that allowed him to communicate with them. Them, the ones he never saw. Those that gave him the materials to take control.

“She did this to me.” He growled, ignoring their demand. In the years that he had worked toward his goals to be king, he had gained a rather inflated sense of self. Though that was in part due to his contact in the realm. The one that pulled him to them groomed him and placed him on this path.

“Morgan, you must break this fixation, set yourself back on course.” The cacophony of voices ticked and licked at his ears. He never could tell if he spoke with a male or female, but it did not matter so long as his ego was stroked. He could feel the disembodied touch that so often relaxed him.

“But she-’

“She will be aligned when it is time. You must rest, rebuild and take on new roles. Imagine it, take it.”

Images filled Morgan’s mind. He stood surrounded by figures, all lowered before him. Worshipping at his feet. Opulence and affections were thrust upon him. He could see legions at the ready.

“Listen to us.” The voices bade him. “Trust in us, and you will have all that you see.”

Morgan smiled. “What I deserve?”

“And more.” Laughter rose in Morgan’s ears as the space shifted to release him. Their hold was tightly wound in his ego, his blindness toward his own goals made for excellent sport…


~More to come~