The Boys Down South by Abbi Glines



The walk from Dixie’s house to mine didn’t give me the time I needed to get over that shit. The party was starting up in my front yard. A band was already playing and the tent in our yard was filling up. I’d stood up there and had to endure the entire thing while watching Scarlet. That’s all I could manage for Asher.

Instead of going toward the house, I tuned toward my barn. Dallas’s punching bag no longer seemed stupid. I needed to hit something. The frustration was turning into rage the farther away I got from Scarlet.

I hadn’t expected her to run back into my arms, but damned if I’d expected that cold shut down. The regret in her eyes fucking killed me. That’s not how I felt. I had thought she felt the same as I did. Hell, I had thought she felt more than I did. Apparently eight months was enough time to forget and move on for her.

“Bray Sutton!” Momma’s loud stern voice called out over the yard before I reached the barn. For one second, I considered ignoring her. But that was only for a brief second. I wasn’t insane. Close but not entirely. “You keep walking, boy, and you’ll wish you hadn’t!” she warned.

“Shit,” I muttered, before stopping and turning toward my angry mother. “What?” I replied unable to keep my own emotions in check.

“Don’t even think about taking yourself into that barn. I told you at the wedding the girl was here and for you to keep your head about you. There’s pictures going on up there,” she pointed at Dixie’s, “that’s where you belong.”

When I had walked down the aisle, Momma had whispered, “She’s here. Don’t you dare ruin your brother’s wedding. Keep your head.”

I wasn’t a kid who needed warning. But then again, I was doing exactly what she said not to do. This keeping my head for Asher’s sake was getting old.

“You’re asking too much of me,” I told her.

She closed the distance between us and shoved her finger into my chest as she looked up at me. “No! I am not. You did this, boy. You made this bed and now lying in it ain’t no fun. What good did you ever think would come of it? Sleeping with your brother’s girlfriend? I ain’t saying it was all you. She did it too. But you were his brother. His twin. Taking what ain’t yours was wrong. Now today is about Asher and Dixie and you will not make it about you. You’ll march yourself right into that reception, smile, and be a good brother.”

Scarlet had only started dating Brent to get to me. I’d had her first. I wouldn’t be exclusive. I didn’t want one woman. The idea suffocated me. But then she’d gone and tried to force my hand, using not only my brother, but my twin. It had worked. She’d made me fucking crazy with jealousy. But I wasn’t going to tell Momma that because I didn’t like how it made Scarlet look. And motherfucker, if I didn’t still want to protect her.

“Okay,” was all I could say.

The old Bray would walk into the reception, find a single girl and seduce her right there in front of Scarlet. But getting up the desire to even try was too damn draining.

“Good. They’re headed this way now. You missed pictures. I ain’t forgetting that!” she snapped then stormed off back toward the house.

I had been in plenty damn photos before the wedding with Asher and the others. I didn’t see why there had to be more anyway. Fuck the pictures.

With one last glance at the barn and the punching bag I’d been about to go release some aggression on, I followed Momma back to the house to meet the others as they arrived. If I was lucky, Scarlet would have left.

Just as I thought it, the pain in my chest squeezed at the idea of her being gone again. Away from me. Away from here. She was done with us. I had to do the same. Once she’d wanted me so badly to force me to want her by using jealousy. I’d messed up. It was over.

Time to move the fuck on with my life. Stop thinking of her. Let it go. Brent sure had easily enough.

I reached the tent about the time the others were parked and headed toward us. Brent, Dallas, and Steel were all shooting daggers my way. My absence during pictures was a bigger deal than I thought it would be. Dixie must have been upset. Shit. Now I’d have to deal with Asher.

“You’re a complete dick,” Steel said angrily.

“Selfish motherfucker,” Dallas added.

Brent just studied me before finally saying, “It’s over. Move on.”

I was too raw from the confrontation with Scarlet, being forced to be here by Momma, and my own all-consuming pain, I didn’t fucking want to be threatened by Brent. I took three steps toward him until I was in his face. Before I could say anything, hands were on both my arms and I was being pulled back.

“Jesus, Bray! It’s Asher’s wedding reception,” Steel said, pulling me back.

The glint of red hair in the corner of my eye caught my attention and my eyes shifted over Brent’s shoulder. Beside Dixie was Scarlet. Both of them were paused, watching me. Us. Waiting. Dixie looked angry. Scarlet looked terrified. She hadn’t left. Her eyes almost appeared to be begging me to stop. She’d told me it was over.

I jerked my arms loose from Steel’s grasp. “Let me go. I’m not going to do anything,” I said then glancing at Brent. “But you need to keep your mouth shut. You moved the fuck on. She’s not yours anymore.”

Brent scowled at me. “No, she’s not. But she’s not yours either. She’s here for Dixie. Let her be. Leave it alone.”

He was right. She hadn’t come back for me. She’d come back for Dixie. I turned then and stalked to the far-right corner to where the bar was set up to get a beer. I’d stand back here. Watch her because I was fucking weak. And keep to myself.

I picked up a beer and downed it, not caring if anyone had a problem with fact I was underage. This was private property. They could suck my dick. I needed a damn beer. I needed a case of fucking beer.

“She was going to leave. Dixie begged her not to,” Dallas said from behind me. “She wants to be here with Dixie. But she doesn’t want to cause any drama.”

I took another long drink. I knew why she was here. Why did everyone think I needed to keep being reminded? I wasn’t hitting anyone. Brent’s ass was still standing. They all could calm the fuck down.

“I know that,” I replied when I finally turned to face him. “You went and talked her into coming. Congratufuckinlations. But back off, baby brother. I ain’t in the mood to listen to anymore warnings.”

Dallas frowned at me. “I’m not scared of you, Bray. If I have to, I will stop you.” His tone seemed more nervous than threatening.

I laughed. Loudly. Because that was the funniest shit I’d heard all day. Pointing my beer at him, I grinned. “You may be large but don’t think you can take me. It takes more than size, baby brother. It takes truly not giving a fuck mixed with crazy. And I got both.”

Dallas looked concerned. “Then control your crazy. For Asher.”

“Back off my ass. For Asher,” I shot back.

Dallas sighed then shook his head as he finally left me the hell alone.

Brent’s gaze was locked on me. Watching me. I downed my beer and held his gaze. When he didn’t stop staring at me, I did the mature thing and gave the fucker my middle finger before getting another beer.