The Boys Down South by Abbi Glines



Eight minutes and fifteen seconds. That’s how long Scarlet had been talking to Brent. I shouldn’t have been timing them. I shouldn’t have fucking cared. But I did.

Scarlet came back from behind the house first. Her chin, once again, lifted up a notch, and her shoulders straight. She looked determined. I watched her as she scanned the crowd then walked toward the drinks. Her eyes had skipped right past me. She’d known I was here and it had been a deliberate move. One that made me smile despite myself.

There had always been a fire about Scarlet that drew me in. She threw caution to the wind and did exactly what she wanted. Went after the thrill and excitement in life. I appreciated it. Wanted to get a taste of it. Tame her.

She was different now. That fire had been replaced with something else. She wasn’t out for her own pleasure anymore. There was a look in her eyes that was harder than before. Scarlet had always been tough, but this was not the same. It intrigued me.

Brent’s reappearance caught my attention and I saw Sadie, whatever her last name was, run toward him with a bright smile. His serious expression turned softer. She made him happy. Sadie was the kind of girl Brent belonged with. They fit. Scarlet was too much for Brent… too much passion, too much wildness.

I shifted my gaze back to Scarlet to see if she was watching Brent and Sadie. She wasn’t. She was getting punch, oblivious to her surroundings. Dallas walked up to her, yet again, and it fucking annoyed me. Who did he think he was? Her damn guardian. Jesus the kid needed to back the fuck off.

Scarlet looked up at him with relief in her eyes. There wasn’t attraction or interest. She was just thankful to have a friend. I shouldn’t give a shit. But I felt myself relax when I saw her visibly ease up on all that tension that had, had her so stiff.

He said something and she laughed. Dallas was good with women. He had been since birth. I forced myself to look away from the two of them and reached for another beer before going to find myself a distraction. Anything to keep me from watching her every damn move.

Dallas and Dixie would watch over her. She wasn’t here alone. It wasn’t my job to care if she had someone with her or not. She was a big girl. One who regretted me. I was sure a lot of females regretted me. But Scarlet had owned me in ways no one else had. Her regret struck deep. Simply put—I gave a fuck.

Moving from my spot by the bar, I made my way toward Dixie’s cousin. I’d caught her eyes on me enough times to know she was inviting me over. It had started at the rehearsal last night. She had watched me more than the wedding director. I had other plans last night though. She wasn’t in them. But tonight, she may be.

Dixie had introduced her, but I had no idea what her name was. I hadn’t been paying attention. But the dark brown curls and big blue eyes were a good combination. She had nice curves too. I could get distracted enough to make it through this evening.

Her eyes lit up as I locked mine on hers and made my way in her direction. I watched as she tried to subtly shift her stance into a more attractive one. The kind where her tits were on display and her legs were in better view.

I didn’t know the other girls she was standing with. They weren’t from here. Had to be out of town family or friends. I did a quick glance to see if one of them was more appealing, but decided I would stick with her. The others looked slightly frightened of me.

“Hello, Bray,” the girl said with a drawl that was southern but not from Alabama. Even better. She wasn’t even from the state.

I nodded. “Hello, ladies,” I replied, giving the others a quick glance, then locked back on her. “We haven’t officially met,” I then told her, hoping I’d get a name then.

She blushed and her eyes sparkled with excitement. Normally that was all it took for me, but with Scarlet in the vicinity, it was hard to concentrate on this attempt at a distraction.

She tilted her head and let her curls fall over her left shoulder. “I’m Meg,” she replied. “Dixie’s cousin.”

Meg. Easy to remember. Nothing like Scarlet. I had to stay away from any name remotely close to Scarlet’s. I’d hooked up with a Samantha and the S was too much on me, apparently, because in the middle of sex, I’d called her Scarlet… twice.

“You’re not from around here,” I said, trying to get the exact distance she was from me before pursuing this any further. The farther the better. No clingy stuff.

“I’m from Savannah,” she said, making her drawl even thicker as she said it. That must work for her with other men.

“Bray, I need to talk to you a moment,” Asher interrupted me. “Hello ladies. I hope you’re enjoying yourself,” he then said to the females.

Meg didn’t look pleased about his sudden appearance. But she managed a tight smile for him. “It’s beautiful. All of it!” the blonde beside Meg said with too much enthusiasm.

Asher nodded. “Good. Please help yourself to the refreshments. The meal will begin soon. If you’ll excuse us, I need my brother for a moment.”

The other girls thanked him and said their silly responses. Meg, however, was frustrated.

I winked at her before following my brother away from the tent and toward the hill that led to Dixie’s house. Once we were safely out of earshot to the other guests, he stopped and turned to me.

“She’s Dixie’s cousin. Don’t go there,” Asher said.

“She wants it. She’s been eye-fucking me since last night.”

Asher sighed. “Meg is just getting over a broken engagement. She’s not emotionally ready for you to take her in the barn and use her to forget Scarlet is here. Don’t do this.”

“Sounds to me like she needs a good, hot fuck. Not being ignored by the guy she’s been checking out since she got here,” I stated.

“Jesus, Bray. Don’t be so damn insensitive. The girl is hurting.”

I smirked. “No, she needs someone to show her she’s sexy and to reassure her that the sex with her ex wasn’t that good. I figure I can conquer both those in about twenty minutes.”

Asher scowled at me. “I’m asking you not to go there. Can’t you leave the guests alone and go out tonight and find someone to make you forget Scarlet?”

Forgetting Scarlet wasn’t happening. Not when she was here. Not when all I had to do was scan the crowd to find her. Whoever I fucked would have her face in my head. It would be Scarlet I was fucking.

“Fine. It’s your wedding day. I’ll back off if that’s what you want. But I think she’s going to be disappointed. Her ego needed a boost. I was willing to boost it.”

Asher frowned and looked back at the tent. “It’ll upset Dixie. Meg may want your attention and gladly go to the barn with you. But Dixie will worry.”

That I understood. I didn’t like it or agree, but I got what he was saying.

“I’ll go back to the bar then. Keep to myself.”

“I’d say go mingle with the others, but that’s not you. Don’t drink too much though. Momma will chew your ass.”

“Too late. She’s already got after me for missing the pictures.”

Asher grinned then. “You fucking deserved it.”

Possibly. But I still didn’t give a fuck.